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Chapter 269 Let's talk about life

Chapter 269 Let's talk about life

Lou Qi drew out the soul-killing whip, flew towards it, and shouted, "I'm here to meet you water ghosts!"

If the water is fine, then so many people must have been killed by these potential "water ghosts" in the water!Who they are, what purpose they have, and what is the reason for killing so many people, it is worth pondering!

The soul-killing whip in his hand pierced through the air with a hiss, like a black spirit snake, with silver light flowing all over his body in the dark night, it quickly rolled towards one of them.

The figures of these people are extremely slender and soft, and they are still very flexible. They are still in the air, and they can twist their waists to avoid her whip.

Lou Qi said loudly: "Don't run away, let's talk about life!"

With a hand forward, the whip suddenly lengthened and wrapped around the man's waist.

Once the soul-killing whip is wrapped around, unless Lou Qi relaxes himself, no one can break free.The more the man struggled, the tighter it wound up, until it almost strangled the man's waist.

"Chen Shi, Lou Xin, greet the guests!" Lou Qi chuckled, and threw the man towards Chen Shi and the others.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin responded loudly: "No problem! Young Master, leave it to us!"

The man was slammed down on the grass, and he was about to get up enduring the severe pain. Chen Shi and Lou Xin had already stepped on him with one foot, and then Lou Xin bent down and took the other party's tights with one hand. The black hood that tightly covered the head was torn off.

A pretty white face imprinted in their eyes.

Lou Xin yelled loudly: "Master, this is a woman!"

Several figures have sprung out of the water. They are standing on the drifting corpses. They are all dressed in tight-fitting black clothes. Their heads and faces are tightly wrapped together. The cloth looks very smooth and wet. The water just dripped, and it turned out to be a very suitable diving suit-like material.

Hearing Lou Xin's words, Lou Qi glanced over those people with a flash of eyes, and immediately smiled. "Not only is that female, but these are also female! You two, don't be sympathetic, if she refuses to tell, I will give you a slap in the face!"


Yue also joined the battle group, and was speechless when he heard the conversation between the master and servant.He deeply felt that both Chen Shi and Lou Xin had been taught badly by Lou Qi, but Lou Xin could say that it was Chen Shi who seemed to be more and more like Lou Qi in character.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
"Hey, Lord Yuewei, looking at the graceful figures of these women, is your nose bleeding?" Lou Qi suddenly jumped to his side, the whip in his hand turned into a hard whip, and stabbed at his back. past.

Yue turned her head and saw a woman in black clutching her chest and groaning and taking a few steps back, holding a small thin-bladed dagger in her hand.

He suddenly felt a little nervous, if it wasn't for Lou Qi, he would have been stabbed in the back by that dagger now!
How did she do it?He was already so close to him, and he didn't even notice it at all!
Lou Qi swung his whip at the woman again, and said with a smile: "Master Yuewei, let the emperor reward you with some beautiful concubines after I go back. It's been a long time since a man who has eaten pork has seen you." Wild boars can drool, so it's not good, it's not good, it will damage your image as Lord Moon Guard."

Yue choked in his throat, unable to go up or down.It's hard for him to say, did he really not notice that woman approaching just now?

It seems embarrassing to say that!
"Be careful, they all have extraordinary talents in holding their breath and hiding!" Shen Sha slapped a woman who took the initiative to stab him with a knife.

But the woman puffed out her chest, and her tall breasts wrapped in a tight black fish suit met his palm. If he patted down with this palm, he would have to touch her breasts.

Shen Sha's already dark face suddenly turned cold, and he hastily withdrew his hand, but this time it just exposed the flaws and chest. The woman saw the opportunity, and the knife in her hand was aimed at He was stabbed in the chest.But the knife was less than an inch away from Shen Sha's chest, but it couldn't move forward any more.

She was stunned for a moment, and her figure was suddenly pulled into a sharp turn. She slammed towards the shore and was quickly restrained.

This process was just a blink of an eye. Before she could react, a long sword was already attached to her neck. As long as she moved again, her throat would probably be cut open.

Lou Qi's voice came over: "This guest likes to show her breasts, so I will cut off the cloth on her chest and let her show her breasts properly!"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were worried immediately, "My lord, can a man and a woman kiss each other!"

Lou Qi glared at Shen Sha fiercely, and while waving the Soul Slaughter Whip to continue beating people, he also answered their words in a serious manner: "Then please Miss Xiao Wu to do it!"

Yue sighed: "Emperor Concubine, can you meet the enemy carefully?" Her multitasking made him a little frightened. These murloc women are really as slippery as fish. Sometimes his Her hands had already clasped the other's shoulders, but her clothes were not slippery, and she could escape from his hands with a twist of her shoulders.

And their aura is really very faint, even when they are behind him, they are often hard to detect, and the dark knife stabs out from nowhere suddenly.

Lou Qi is still smiling like this, what if he gets tricked by accident?He is still really afraid that something will happen to Lou Qi.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Lou Qi turned around and gave him a bright smile, then winked and said: "I'm not interested in wild boars, I won't be as dumbfounded as Yue Wei."

Yue's face couldn't help turning dark.Seeing a murloc quietly approaching Lou Qi's back, he was startled, and immediately called out: "Be careful—"

Before he finished speaking, Lou Qi slammed back hard, and with a bang, the back of his head hit the nose of the murloc behind him heavily.With a snap, the bridge of the nose broke.

As soon as Lou Qi turned around, he didn't know when the other hand was holding Posha, and he raised his hand and cut towards the opponent's throat.

"Playing with me? Diving and holding your breath to hide. This girl has been tired of playing since she was ten years old, okay?" She whispered this sentence to the murderous murloc, so that the other party would know. It's not wrong to die at your own hands, don't put on such a damn expression.

Shen Sha broke a murloc's neck with one hand, and glanced at Lou Qi, what did he hear just now?It seems that this woman has a lot of skills in hiding things from him!
Of the eighteen murlocs, except for the three murlocs who were caught by Lou Qi's soul-killing whip from time to time and thrown towards Chen Shi, the rest were all wiped out.After all, it was Shen Sha, Lou Qi, and Yue Wei who did the fighting. No matter how good the opponent's invisibility and breath-holding skills are, it can't compare to the real strength of the three of them, especially Lou Qi and Shen Sha.

In the face of powerful internal force, no matter how flexible the figure is, it will be scum.Shen Sha followed this creed. He could even slap someone to death with one palm, and break a person's neck with one claw.

Lou Qi's soul-killing whip terrified those murlocs at the end. The whip had too many tricks, too many tricks, and it was terribly cold and tough. It was impossible to defend against, and there was no way to restrain it!

After the battle was over, Shen Sha first looked Lou Qi up and down, with a look of pride in his eyes. "Yes, you are very strong."

"No, no, it's just that the weapon is strong." Lou Qi smiled. She remembered that she had to pretend to be stupid and cute in front of Shen Sha at first, and wanted to pretend to be useless, but people are not as good as God, but instead Bit by bit, he dug out his abilities.

In the future, she still has to be more careful, and hide what should be hidden, so that whenever she wants to sneak away, he will be on his guard.

"This emperor's woman should be the strongest in the world." Shen Sha looked arrogant.

Lou Qimo.

She turned her head and saw that Xiao Rong was really squatting in front of a murloc, struggling to pull the fabric on her chest, trying to expose her breasts, so she couldn't help but "poof".

"What are you doing?"

Lou Dao said: "Follow your master's order, please ask Miss Xiao Wu to tear off the clothes on her chest."

Lou Qi walked over and slapped him on the head, "You pervert!"

Lou Xin rubbed the back of his head, wanting to cry but without tears, "So the young master was joking?"

There was a fire by the lake, although it might still be dangerous, but after killing all the black-clothed murlocs pretending to be water ghosts, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense hearts were relieved.

After working hard and worrying all day, everyone feels extremely tired after relaxing.Sitting around the fire, they watched the three women who had been captured alive were placed on three sides. They could look at each other, but they couldn't get close.

Their hoods had been ripped off, revealing pale faces.The three of them all have ordinary looks, the kind of ordinary faces that you can't remember at a glance, but their bodies are all graceful, with long hands and legs, and soft lines. Lou Qi knows that this is the result of long-term swimming.

Swimming is actually good for shaping your body.

The three of them looked very tired, and they were only wrapped in a thin layer of tight-fitting clothes made of unknown material. When the night wind blew, all three of them shivered, and they looked a little pitiful, especially the ten Ming Yicheng and the three men who followed Xiao Rong.

"When you feel sorry for them, you have to think about those corpses floating in the lake." Lou Qi said lightly, and immediately made those men's heart shudder, and quickly looked away.

The woman whose breasts were supposed to be exposed raised her head and glanced at Lou Qi, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes.

Lou Qi didn't miss her look, and immediately looked at her with some interest, "Girl, why don't we chat about life first?"

"I have nothing to talk to you about." The woman's voice was slightly rusty, but unexpectedly charming.Because of this voice, several people who had looked away turned back.

Lou Qi leaned into Shen Sha's arms, stroked his chin and said, "This is not difficult, I will ask you to answer, and we will definitely be able to chat."

"Don't waste your time, I won't tell you anything!"

"That's it, how about this? I'll ask you a question, it's a multiple-choice question." Qingli paused, and then asked: "Although you three can only live one, who do you want to live?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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