Chapter 270
"If only one of the three of you can live, who do you want to live?"

No one could have guessed that what Lou Qi asked with such a smile was such a question.

Although the three women are not stunning, they are all young, about eighteen or nineteen years old. They may have been trained to kill, dive, and be "water ghosts" since childhood, but it is not that they are not afraid of death.

In fact, no one is not afraid of death. If they are really not afraid, it is because they have accepted their fate, knowing that they cannot escape death, and they are convincing themselves to accept it.

Anyone will be afraid.Otherwise, do you want to say that Qin Shihuang had no guts?That was a generation of emperors, and he could be said to be a hero, but he was also afraid of death, otherwise he would not go around seeking the elixir of life.

Almost instantly, the atmosphere between the three women who seemed to be huddled together became a little weird.

Yue had to admit that Hua Yucun would worship Lou Qi, and after she left for the Valley of the Gods and Demons, that guy still had trouble with them, there was some reason for that.

The three women kept their mouths tightly shut and closed their eyes.

"Well, don't you want to choose?" Lou Qi snapped his fingers, and said cheerfully: "Then let's change the game, don't you guys don't want to speak now? That's good, let's play a little game and see who will call out first." , Whoever calls out first will die first, okay?"

Now, not only these three women, everyone looked at her, wondering what the little game she was talking about was.

Lu Dali raised his hand and said honestly: "I know! Throw the handkerchief! Whoever throws it behind will call first!"

Xiaosi rolled her eyes at him, "Big man, if you don't understand, don't keep fighting to speak up, okay? I think it should be let them beat. See who beats harder. If it hurts, they will definitely cry out." .”

A Yi Cheng couldn't help but also joined in, "Pretend to be ghosts and scare each other!"

Shen Sha: "."


Concubine Di, is it really okay for you to make all your subordinates such funny people?
Yue swallowed silently.

In the past, everyone followed the emperor, which was ruthless, strict and solemn, and very majestic.Now--

Listen, all the ghosts have been said.

He wanted to see which plan Lou Qi chose.The three women remained motionless with their eyes closed, looking very calm.

Lou Qi shook her head and said: "What you said is not fun, just follow my method. Hey, those three," she looked at the three men following Xiao Rong, motioning for them to come over. "One for each person, pick one for yourself."

The three men are a bit inexplicable, what to choose one for?But they didn't dare to refuse, and immediately picked one, and stood beside the woman they picked.

Lou Qi nodded and said: "Well, it's time to start, you start to undress and tickle them! You can try the soles of the feet, armpits, neck, chest, back buttocks, if they still don't bark, you Just go directly to the scene of the Spring Palace—hey, what are you doing? Let it go, let me go, I haven’t finished talking yet!!!”

It is true that she hadn't finished her sentence yet, she had already been picked up by Shen Sha, and strode away, his order was heard in the wind: "Interrogation by the moon."


Everyone was in a mess, looking at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe what they heard for a long time.

The girl (son) is too tough
After dawn, Lou Qi was carried back by Shen Sha, Xiao Si glanced at her and found that her lips were obviously red and swollen, she couldn't help but wondered, was this little master eaten by the emperor?
In fact, this question has also floated in the minds of other people, but they are not desperate, who dares to ask.

"Master." Yue walked over and saw Lou Qi's eyelashes trembling slightly, and then his master glanced at him angrily.

"I woke up Qiqi."

Yue: "." He found himself speechless more and more.

Lou Qi opened his eyes and said maliciously: "That's right, I wasn't hungry at first, but when I woke up I was suddenly very hungry. Shen Sha, I want to eat the fish caught by Mr. Yuewei himself! The roe he caught yesterday tasted very special. good."

Shen Sha looked at the moon again.

Pointing at the lake, Yue asked in disbelief, "Do you really dare to eat the fish in this lake?"

Although the body doesn't know where it has drifted to now, there are literally hundreds of people dead here!
Lou Qi jumped down from Shen Sha's embrace, yawned, and lazily said: "I don't know, Mr. Yuewei catches a few first and comes up to try."

Soaking in the lake with hundreds of corpses, letting him go fishing early in the morning, Yue smiled wryly, isn't she really taking revenge on him?
He really saw the stinginess of women.

"This subordinate will first talk about the results of the interrogation of the three women last night—"

Shen Sha waved his hand to signal him not to speak for now, Lou Qi took out the needle and shot it into the lake closest to them.

The water was quickly dyed with a trace of bright red flowers.

Yue's complexion changed slightly, and she immediately swept over, quickly plunged into the water with one hand, grabbed a person suddenly, and fell wet on the grass.

Lou Qi recognized that person at a glance, this is one of the eight guards who followed Xiao Wang yesterday.And Shen Sha and Yue also noticed them yesterday, and naturally recognized them.

"Those people really aren't dead yet."

Yuedao: "Those black-clothed fish girls are under the six princes of Beicang, but they said that they were not ordered to come here temporarily, but instead said that this place has always been their training place, and they have already stayed here It has been three years. The sixth prince gave them the order to guard the lake and not allow anyone to dive into the bottom of the lake, but because too many people wanted to go to the lake yesterday, they were worried that they would not be able to accomplish anything, so they simply killed everyone. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen people escaped."

Shen Sha and Lou Qi glanced at each other, and Lou Qi immediately pulled out a stupid smile: "This involves the royal family, I don't quite understand, I'll go find something to eat first—"

"Stop." Shen Sha said slowly: "As the concubine of the Poyu Emperor, do you know what your duty is?"

Lou Qi was really curious, so he asked, "What is the duty of the Empress Poyu?"

Shen Sha looked at her deeply, and said word by word: "Stay shoulder to shoulder with me."

Be with him, not walk away, or hide behind him, and not just wait for coquettish servants at night.It is to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, advance and retreat together, and share the wind and rain.

He hadn't thought about this at first. He used to think that his future women would be like every royal family. He would find the most useful power to be his queen, and pull all the powers together to make him a concubine. The woman who was sent in just found an identity and stayed in the palace.

This is a small part of his plan. He has never even imagined that after these women really marry in, he will get along with them. He has never thought about it, let alone favoring things. He didn't even think about it. What he thought about most was the little girl who often fell into his dreams. He often felt that if he was intimate with other women, he would be sorry for her.Later, someone brought the boat, and he also thought about that person, but he didn't know who it was or where it was.

If others knew that in his heart, the concubine was originally married in and thrown into the harem as a decoration, they would definitely be shocked.

But only after meeting Lou Qi did he realize that it turned out to be such a woman capable of standing by his side, it's so good, so good.

Lou Qi and Yue Wei were startled at the same time.

Shen Sha continued: "Where is the emperor, you will be there, and you will be where the emperor stands. Now that the domain is about to fight in all directions, you are also the commander. You once asked, is the emperor Won't you stand up?"

Lou Qi's eyes sparkled and she looked at him. "Yes, didn't you always intend to make Nalan Huaxin your queen?"

"No. Even without you, this emperor would not make her queen."

Lou Qi was taken aback, and Yue was also taken aback, they never knew their plan. "Why?"

Shen Sha frowned slightly, and she was also a little puzzled: "I don't know why, I can't remember her appearance, and I feel very irritable when I hear her voice."

"Pfft!" Yue sputtered, this is really a truth that surprised him!

The corner of Lou Qi's mouth twitched: "You mean, you can't imagine what Nalan Huaxin looks like right now?"

Shen Sha nodded. "right."

"Then why does her voice feel noisy?" Excluding personal subjective factors, Nalan Huaxin's voice is definitely not unpleasant.

Shen Sha looked at Yue, "Do you remember the time when the emperor strayed into a swamp, and the toad next to him?"

"Wait, what is it?" Lou Qi hurriedly asked.

"Remember. Once, the master strayed into the swamp, and the swamp sank to his chest. As a result, there was a red-skinned toad beside him screaming non-stop. The master couldn't bear it, so he slapped the red-skinned toad. Pilai Toad died, and after that Lai Toad died, the master immediately thought of a way to escape the danger."

Therefore, later on, anyone who has real ability but does not know how to croak, or who makes the emperor's heart irritated, or who is useless and drags his feet, he attributes it to that kind of toad.

"Hahaha!" I have to say, Lou Qi was in a particularly good mood after hearing this.Does Nalan Huaxin know?Her Sha actually can't even remember what she looks like!Think of her as a rambunctious Chipilai toad!The best one is the one that slaps you to death!
"Irrelevant people, next time you try to make her the emperor's queen." Shen Sha snorted.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows: "Then there is another candidate for your queen?"

He stretched out his hand, pinched her chin with his thumb and forefinger, moved closer to her, and said angrily, "Uh huh, that's all." Seeing her puzzled, he explained in a rare way: "Break the domain before establishing the country, first book Concubine, wait until the day of the founding of the country before sealing her as a queen. I didn't expect that you can't wait so much."

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment.

The sixth prince raised these eighteen black-clothed fish girls just to guard the lake, and he didn't need to think about it to know that the lake was weird.They killed eighteen black-clothed fish girls. If they go out, the six princes of Beicang will be blamed for any mishaps or missing things in the lake in the future.

"The fish girl in black said that more than a dozen people left, except for Xiao Rong and the others, the rest must be Xiao Wang and the others." Lou Qi analyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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