Chapter 271

"The three black-clothed fish girls said that this lake is called Wangyou Lake. The surface of the lake looks calm, but in fact the bottom of the lake twists and turns like a labyrinth, and some underwater deep holes are difficult even for them who have stayed here for three years. I didn’t dare to go in.” Yue said, “But the outsiders definitely don’t know about the situation of Wangyou Lake, and it’s only recorded in the imperial scrolls. They don’t know what is recorded, but one thing is certain. Yes, if someone came here specially for this lake, then Yuding is also someone related to the Beicang royal family."

Lou Qi thought of the woman Xiao Rong mentioned.

"I thought, I know who it is."

Shen Sha glanced over and said, "Let's talk about it, let's try with this emperor."

Lou Qi rolled her eyes, "Don't talk about you, he is going to marry Dong Shiyu, so what are you doing?"

Yue Yi was taken aback: "The imperial concubine is talking about Princess Beicang?"

"That's right, Bei Furong is also a woman who is restless. She doesn't know what to exchange with Shen Sha if she wants to get Cun Youguo. Marriage should be impossible. Then there is only one point, which is cooperation."

"Emperor Beicang's health is not very good now." Shen Sha said lightly.

That's it, Bei Furong should be regarded as a relatively affordable one. Seeing that it was impossible to marry Shen Sha, she immediately transferred her marriage partner to Dong Shiyu, and then decided to have another kind of relationship with Shen Sha. cooperate.

"No matter what the relationship between the Sixth Prince and Bei Furong is, and what they will do, I only know that it is safest to hold things in my own hands."

There is no need to seek favor with others or be forced to cooperate.Just like Nalan Huaxin wanted San Han Qiujiao in the first place, they all had their impure purpose.

There is also Shen Yunshan and Bixianshan. Lou Qi has already offended Shen Mengjun and Jingyao of Bixianshan, but I don't know why the other party hasn't come to trouble her, maybe Jingyao last time The fake thousand-year-old chalcedony brought back gave the question?
There is another Shen Yunshan, who somehow sent someone to set up traps against her last time to kill her, so he probably can only become an enemy and not a friend.

Then there is the Duanchen Sect, maybe there will be some Lou family and Xuanyuan family coming out then, Lou Qi sighed, and felt that it was really impossible for him to indulge in the mountains and rivers and not care about the affairs of the world.

She now has a feeling that the old man has taught her so many things since she was a child, made her the hundred medicines, and let her learn everything, just to send her to this world one day.

And those dreams she had, she seemed to feel that she had a heavy burden on her shoulders, and it was clear that she would have a responsibility that she could not shirk. She was just able to relax day by day when things had not been revealed to her.

But if she has to face those ups and downs in the future, then it's no good for her to always pursue freedom and leisure, why not——

Just fight!

Whoever offends her will be beaten back severely!Hit the opponent until they lie down and can't move!

If she wants to fight, she can even be an ally with Shen Sha!Because this one seems to be the one who is clearly restless!

Shen Sha glanced at Lou Qi, he knew that she was distracted again, but this time her eyes were lit with fighting intent, he likes this, he likes it.

Always thinking of avoiding, always thinking of being relaxed, that is not suitable for her at all, she should be like this, burning with flames of war, like a phoenix in flames.

It is impossible for the Sixth Prince and the others to get on good terms, and they may not be able to make good friends with Bei Furong. Don't forget, when they came out of the ice field, Dong Shiyu and Bei Furong issued secret orders to arrest them.

"So, this Wangyou Lake, we have to explore it!" Lou Qi looked at Shen Sha firmly: "Cun Youguo may not be at the lakeside, it may be at the bottom of the lake! Otherwise, where would Xiao Wang take those people? gone?"

Shen Sha nodded.

"Let's all go down together, be careful when the time comes, if you can't do it, remember to come up quickly." Lou Qi glanced at the people who stayed behind, and asked the three black-clothed fish girls that they already knew where the way out, so Du Wenhui took ten Name Yi Cheng, protect the three brothers Tu Ben and Xiao Si Xiao Rong and others to leave here first. Not only can they not help here, but they may also encounter danger.It's just that the three men who followed Xiao Rong were secretly confessed by Yuewei, and they were dealt with on the way.

None of them are good people. This place has already been related to the royal family. They know the identities of Shen Sha and Lou Qi. If they go out, they will expose the news that they are here now. They are not many people now. If the Bei Cang royal family or It was Dong Shiyu who wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of them secretly, it would be a good opportunity!

Xiao Rong was drugged by Lou Qi, for Xiao Huo's sake, she spared Xiao Rong's life, but let her be stunned first, and then decide how to deal with the situation after she goes out.

"Girl, what should I do?" Chen Shiyi turned his head, and Ziyunhu's tail swept across his face.

Lou Qi originally wanted Ziyunhu to leave first with Xiaosi, but Ziyunhu was unwilling to leave, and kept pulling at the hem of her robe, so he had no choice but to let her stay.

"Woooo." Ziyunhu looked at Lou Qi.

Lou Qi shook her head: "Woooo, let's go into the water, if we didn't go ashore here, would you have found me?" She gestured while talking.

Ziyunhu whined twice, and jumped out of Chen Shi's arms, like a flash of purple lightning, went far away, went to the edge of the lake, sniffed in, then raised her head to look at her.

"The little fox Difei is really full of spirituality." Yue was also very surprised.Wuwu This is clearly telling them that no matter where they come up, it can smell their scent.

Lou Qi beckoned, and Ziyunhu ran back, but he only dared to jump onto Lou Qi's shoulder, not daring to lie down in her arms.

Shen Sha glanced at it, and it shrank back, trying to minimize its presence.

"Master, where are these three?"

Yue pointed to the three black-clothed fish girls, seeing the fearful eyes they looked at Lou Qi, she couldn't help touching her nose.The reason why he was able to ask these questions from their mouths last night was actually because of Lou Qi's method in the end.These three people are very tight-lipped, they are not afraid of torture, they don't say anything, but they can't accept what Lou Qi said.

Lou Qi looked at him with a half-smile, but didn't expose it.

She knows that she is quite despicable. Eighteen fish girls have been training here, and they may be used to the pain. Of course they are not afraid of torture, but they have not been in contact with men for a long time, and they must have an unknown fear of men. Except for the woman who stood up to attack Shen Sha and was finally killed by her, the others actually looked a little timid when they saw so many men, so the method she said was not a casual joke.

"Take them down, and you don't need to go to the places they have explored before." Shen Sha said.

Lou Qi was thoughtful, and asked them: "Take us to the places you are most afraid of exploring."

Those three fish girls all showed terrified expressions at the same time: "My lord, there is an underwater vortex!"

"Underwater vortex?" Lou Qi was taken aback, she thought of the time she crossed over, wasn't it also a vortex?Is it possible that this vortex can make her go back?

This idea came to my mind, and it immediately spread out like a wild wind.

If she can go back, at least she can find the old man to ask the ins and outs of the matter clearly before talking about it!Also, she never forgot to go back and beat up those guys who repaired the helicopter for her back then!

Shen Sha didn't like Lou Qi's excited expression at this moment, didn't like it, didn't like it very much.

He always felt that what she was thinking at this moment must be something that would make him angry.He reached out and grabbed her arm, and asked dangerously: "What is Aifei thinking?"


Khan, can she say that she is not used to it?
"I didn't think about anything, so we went there. The lake is so calm, and there are whirlpools under the water. There must be something abnormal."

Shen Sha took a deep look at her, "Okay."

"My lord, it's really dangerous there—" The fish girl in black wanted to dissuade her, but Lou Qi was determined to go there.

Because they had to go into the water, they had to save enough energy and calories first, so they hunted some rabbits and roasted them, and everyone ate their fill.

"I haven't seen Xiao Wang and others in this area." Chen Shi and Lou Xin searched for those people while they were hunting rabbits, but found nothing.

"They must have entered the water." Lou Qi said.

In this way, they were even more sure that the Inch Fruit was in the water.

This place is strange in the first place, King Yi's palace caught fire for no reason, the ground trembled, there was an underground palace that was occupied by ghosts like a ghost palace, and there were giant poisonous flowers, so there is another mystery under this Wangyou Lake It is not impossible.

Before going into the water, Lou Qi insisted on taking them to do a set of warm-up exercises.

"Girl, this set of moves is so weird, is it good for getting into the water?" Lou Xin shook his hands and feet, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He felt that such moves were not handsome at all.

Lou Qi reached out and tapped Yue who was standing, "Yes, it's good. Master Yuewei, hurry up and twist your waist and stretch your legs, this is to prevent cramps."

Yue looked at Shen Sha helplessly, "Master didn't do it either."

"Can you compare with him?" Lou Qi squinted at him.

Yue thought that what she was going to talk about was Dijun's kung fu, but she didn't expect her to say: "He has me watching."

Yue: "." Are you sure this is not taking the opportunity to retaliate and boasting yourself in disguise?

"Why do my subordinates do different movements from Chen Shi and the others?" Yue was puzzled again as he was doing it.

Lou Qi was very calm, "They have already gone hunting just now, so you do another one."

Yue nodded and continued to do the routine she taught.I didn't see the expressions of the three black-clothed fish girls who were holding back their laughter so much that they were about to lose their breath.

Lou Qi walked up to Shen Sha's side, turned his face to face Yuewei, and said with a smile: "Shen Sha, may I sing you a song? Look, Lord Yuewei is dancing with you."

Shen Sha looked at Yue in bewilderment, backup dancer?
Lou Qi coughed and cleared his throat, "Three circles to the left, three circles to the right, neck twist, butt twist—"

Yue suddenly froze when she twisted her butt——

Lou Xin couldn't help laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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