Chapter 272
Wangyou Lake must be in danger, just look at the faces of the three fish girls.But with Lou Qi's gag, the uneasy and dignified atmosphere disappeared instantly.

Except for Yue Wei's helpless expression, everyone's mouths were smiling when they entered the water, including Shen Sha.

Everyone forgot about the hundred or so corpses, and they didn't know where they had drifted anyway. Instead, they had to be on guard against the three fish girls who were leading the way.

When they got out of the water, they were like flexible fish. When they swam, their limbs swayed gracefully, and their movements were small and fast, which was amazing.And when they thought that 18 of them killed nearly a hundred people in the water, they felt a little numb again.The water is their territory, and this is a place they are familiar with, so they have to be careful, and be careful.

The lake water was much clearer than they imagined, and the visibility was high. After entering the water, the three fish girls swam in front. After swimming for a while, they made gestures with each other, but they didn't avoid them.

Lou Qi swam to Chen Shi's side, grabbed his hand, and wrote a few words in the palm of his hand while swimming. Chen Shi nodded to express her understanding. After writing a few words, Lou Xin also nodded.

There were only six of them in the water, Chen Shi and Lou Xin separated and swam to Yuewei and another guard respectively.The guards, Chen Shi and Lou Xin, naturally knew each other. They used to get along day and night, and they were the most elite guards in the Nine Heavens Palace.As soon as Lou Qi swam back to Shen Sha's side, he immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed it hard.Lou Qiming knew what he meant and pretended not to understand.

Isn't it because she was upset with her hand that grabbed Chen Shilouxin just now?But she can't do anything in the water, and she can't speak.

There is indeed a different world under this Wangyou Lake. The bottom of the lake is uneven, and there are even some underwater reefs, and occasionally you have to swim sideways through the cracks in the rocks.

In places where the water is shallow, they will surface in time to take a breath.After swimming like this for nearly half an hour, everyone felt a little tired.Swimming is a very energy-intensive sport, and prolonged immersion in water can be uncomfortable.It's a pity that there is no boat here, so you can only swim all the way from the shore to the destination.

There are not many fish at the bottom of the lake, and there are some silver seabass that Lou Qi caught in the Valley of Mystery when he first came to this world. Moreover, the silver seabass here is much bigger than the silver seabass on the other side of the Valley of Mystery. many.

After swimming for a while, the fish girl in front pointed her hand up, indicating that she could go up to take a breath, and everyone immediately stepped on the water and drilled to the surface.

After coming out of the water, several people were panting, feeling a little tired.Yue wiped the water off her face and asked the fish girl, "How far is it?"

The fish girl said: "It's not very far away, but it depends on your speed, do you want to speed up?"

"Can you still speed up?" Everyone was taken aback when they heard this.Their speed just now is not too slow, and they have been swimming for more than half an hour, and their physical strength is exhausted. Now they actually say that they can speed up?

The fish girl said: "We can, it just depends on whether you want to speed up. If you speed up, you will almost arrive in another quarter of an hour."

The worst swimmers here are Lou Xin and the guard Wei Shan, Lou Xin is with Yue, Wei Shan is with Chen Shishi.

Yue looked at Shen Sha, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Speed ​​up." Shen Sha said.They had been delayed for a whole night last night, Xiao Wang and those people didn't know if they found the place or got the Cunyou Fruit, if they got it, they had to chase after it quickly, even if they couldn't get the Cunyou Fruit, they still had to go He hurried out before his whereabouts were leaked.

"Yes." The fish girl replied, and plunged into the water together with the other two fish girls.

"Follow up, be careful." After Shen Sha finished speaking, she brought Lou Qi into the water again.

This time, the three fish girls really swam very fast ahead, and after a while, they could hardly see the two of them.

At the beginning, Lou Qi guessed that the three of them were going to escape, and now they were acting as if they were going to escape, but when she gestured for Chen Shi and Lou Xin to swim away and prepare to encircle them When the three were there, a group of gray-green fish suddenly came out of nowhere, and a large group of densely packed fish surrounded them.

Yue seemed to recognize this kind of fish, and suddenly opened his eyes wide, forgetting that he was in the water, and wanted to remind everyone to run.


Bubbles came out of his mouth, although he didn't speak completely, and his voice was so quiet in the water that he couldn't hear anything at all, but Lou Qi already understood what he said.

Depend on!Such a large group of piranhas!
She has also seen piranhas in the tropical rainforest, but only a few, which did not pose any threat to her, but she knows the power of piranhas. One of her partners once encountered them on a mission. When he got to the piranhas, he described the tragedy to Lou Qi. He ran away desperately, but a teammate who was traveling with him couldn't escape, and was eaten by a large group of piranhas in an instant, leaving only a skeleton.

When you encounter a small piranha, you will be bitten a few times at most, and you can’t die if you run away, but what about when a large group of piranhas besiege you?As long as a fish bites you, you are left with only a skeleton!
The large group of piranhas swimming in front of them is so densely packed that it is impossible to calculate how many there are, but it will definitely not be less than five hundred!

How sour it would be to be besieged by five hundred piranhas——

It is estimated that there is no time left for you to be sour, and you can be eaten up in an instant!



She didn't care about anything else, and made a gesture to swim quickly, and immediately turned a corner and swam quickly, hurry up, hurry up, otherwise they will all have to explain here today!In the water, many people's kung fu will be cut in half. Lou Xin and Chen Shi's water skills are not very good. If they can't hold their breath at the same time when they are besieged, they will die in a few minutes.

Fortunately, they are all small piranhas. They said happily that piranhas are a kind of piranhas. These are small, but there are also some species that are huge piranhas, which are really ferocious and cruel. This kind of fish has 32 sharp teeth. A fish may grow to several hundred kilograms. It is so ferocious that it can bite a crocodile, and a human leg can be torn off in one bite!
Overlord crocodile students in the water have to bow their heads if they encounter piranhas, and try to face these underwater wolves with the hardest skin on their backs, but if they encounter giant piranhas, the hardest skin on the crocodile is useless .

If there is another giant piranha like that here, it will really kill them!

While struggling to swim, Lou Qi turned her head and gestured for them to hurry up, hurry up!
Suddenly, her eyes opened extremely wide, and she looked in horror at the huge figure behind the group of little piranhas that were chasing after her.

She couldn't help but utter foul words in her heart!What about Fuxing?What about the protagonist's halo?She is a crow mouth! ! !
A huge piranha ah ah ah! ! !

God are you kidding me?Didn't it mean that piranhas mostly live in large rivers with fast currents?It's a lake, it's a lake!There is such a large piranha in such a calm lake on the surface, are you sure you are not joking? !
Death, this is death!

When they saw her horrified expression, they couldn't help turning their heads to look.Seeing this, everyone's expression changed.


They were so shocked that they forgot to hold their breath, and immediately a string of blisters appeared around everyone's mouth, and their expressions became even uglier.

Heaven!Swim, swim!One more slow step, and they all have to feed the fish!Still feed in pieces!This would definitely be a death without a whole body——

The speed of the six people immediately doubled!At the critical moment of life and death, human potential is infinite!

But what good is that?In the water, how could their speed compare to these piranhas?

Shen Sha's complexion could be seen turning black in the water. Turning around, he saw Lou Xin who was following behind but couldn't go any faster. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the clothes on his back, like pushing him, and pushed him violently. Throw it parallel to the front!
The resistance in the water was great, but Lou Xin was thrown forward by Shen Sha, and he slid forward like a water arrow, rushing to the front all at once.

But because of the reaction force, Shen Sha's own body obviously moved back a little.

He stretched out his hand again, grabbed Wei Shan with five fingers, and threw him out as well, and retreated a little.

Seeing that he was about to grab him, Chen Shi shook his head violently.No, no, Dijun, you can't save him anymore, or he will slow down himself!

He wanted to refuse, but Shen Sha had already grabbed him and threw him out as well.Chen Shi felt the water passing by him quickly, and he had already distanced himself from the piranha.

But when he turned around, Shen Sha was almost overtaken by that group of piranhas.

"Emperor—" Gulululu.

The distance was widened, but they were almost suffocating their breath, and if they didn't go up to take a breath, they would drown in the water.But if they run up now, they will be quickly chased by the piranhas.

It's not that you can go ashore just out of the water, they are in the middle of the lake!

Shen Sha threw the moon forward in the same way, but turned around.

Seeing this, Lou Qi immediately understood what he was going to do!Seeing that the others kept turning their heads, she furiously slapped her palms towards the water behind them, and the impact of the water sent them out for a while at the same time. Step back there.

Walk!What to do back!
Yue turned her head and saw Lou Qi's furious face, her heart was shocked.

Lou Qi!Lou Qi!In the past two days, he always felt that Lou Qi was taking revenge on him for letting her go to the Valley of the Gods and Devils before, and he was very helpless, but now thinking about it, what she did could not be called revenge, it was clearly just teasing!
At the moment of life and death, she will still save him!At the moment of life and death, her choices and actions are the same as their emperors!Give them a way out, and stand in front of the danger yourself!At the moment of life and death, she will stand by the emperor's side!
This is Lou Qi, this is the only woman their emperor wants!At this moment, Yue seemed to understand and understand in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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