Your heart is free

Chapter 273 Cannibalism

Chapter 273 Cannibalism
Lou Qi wants them to swim fast, swim fast, don't look back frequently, just go forward as hard as they can, and run away as hard as they can!
Only by going forward desperately can they buy time to go up to take a breath, otherwise, no one will survive!
Their water skills are not as good as her and Dijun's, if they are in danger, Dijun will save them, and Lou Qi will save them too!This slows them down and wastes their time!

Gritting her teeth, Yue struggled to swim forward, grabbing them hard as she passed them, motioning for them to follow.

He felt that his eyes were hot and his nasal cavity was sore. He didn't know if he was crying.Yue didn't know, but he finally understood the question that he had been puzzled these days, that is why Chen Shi and Lou Xin would follow Lou Qi steadfastly, and in just a few months, their personalities would change with her, and they would be so trusting she.

This is the charm of Lou Qi, the charm that belongs to Lou Qi alone.She lived a very calm, comfortable, and real life!She can be cruel and vengeful to her enemies, and she can also be extremely generous, selfless and tolerant to those around her.

Those who follow Lou Qi are happy!Even if it is death!
Lou Qi can't see that the people around her are indecisive. Her subordinates don't need to stand in front of them at any time. Her subordinates don't have to sacrifice for her!What she wants is to make the most reasonable choice in each different situation and in each different dangerous situation. Whether it is her or them, it is enough to minimize the casualties!
If the four of Yue and the others stood in front of these piranhas now, she and Shen Sha would have a greater chance of escaping, but the four of them would definitely die!Four for two, this is not a good deal at all!
But she and Shen Sha stayed behind, the four of them had a great chance to survive!And even if the two of them died, wouldn't it be worth it if they exchanged two for four?

Lou Qi's thinking has always been like this!Because she regards these people as her own, and her own life is no different from hers.If it was an outsider, then she would definitely rush forward, and then kick the opponent into the mouth of the killer fish!

Shen Sha didn't need to look back to know that Lou Qi was coming to him right now.

At such a juncture of life and death, his heart was still full of pride and satisfaction.He just knew she would be by his side, he just knew it.This not only requires ability and courage, but also a heart, and what he wants is her heart!
But even though he is satisfied with her behavior, even though he likes it, he likes it very much, but he still hopes that she will go with them, and go quickly.

Reaching out to grab her, Lou Qi glared at her.It's easier for two people to block than one person, although it's really impossible.

The huge piranha was very fast, catching up from behind, and had passed the group of small fish and swam towards them.

Lou Qi could see its gray-green back, red eyes, and reddish-gray abdomen.It opened its mouth, and its upper and lower teeth were like beasts, each looking sharp and strong.

Damn, this one bite would probably break her waist!It is said that this powerful piranha can bite through even iron plates.

Lou Qi pulled out the Soul Slaying Whip, pressed her finger, and the whip turned into a hard whip. She pointed at the big guy, and pressed another hidden button, only to see three long needles burst out from the end of the whip. The needle was shot at the big guy, Lou Qi didn't care to see if he hit it, and signaled Shen Sha to go, go.

The two turned around at the same time and swam forward at the fastest swimming speed of their lives.

In the end, she couldn't help turning her head back, but two of the three long needles missed, and one hit its head, but what made Lou Qi vomit blood was the head of the giant piranha. The head was harder than she expected, and there was resistance in the water, so the needle seemed a little light in the water, so the long shot hit its head, but only a small part, which probably pierced it. It won't do any harm to it at all!
Damn, if you try her desert eagle that has been transformed by an expert!Even in the water, you can still bang it!
But thinking about it now doesn't work at all.

I can only continue to run wildly for my life!

Shen Sha suddenly grabbed her waist, and pushed her forward forcefully, Lou Qi turned around, just in time to see the piranha took a bite, only a short distance away from her feet!If it weren't for Shen Sha's push just now, her right foot would have been bitten off from the ankle.

It's come so close!There was no time for them to escape.

But at this time, the chest has started to hurt, and I have reached the limit of holding my breath!Lou Qi's eyes were reddish, but one of her lips was pressed against hers suddenly, and she let it go into her mouth in one breath, and she relaxed slightly.

Shen Sha put one arm around her waist, and put his lips against hers. While giving her another breath, he pulled out Po Sha from her waist. The piranha gaped wide and was about to slash at their approaching teeth.

He used ten successes of power, coupled with the smashing iron-cutting technique, this move cut off half of the entire row of teeth on the piranha!

Lou Qi saw it as soon as she turned her head, and almost opened her mouth to applaud him.The power of Shen Da's killing weapon and smashing is really extraordinary!
In this way, the threat of this big man is at least half weaker!But this kind of tiger fish has a super strong bite force. Even if it only has half a tooth, if it is bitten, coupled with the force of its body twisting and tearing, it still makes people dare to take it lightly!
And there is a large group of small piranhas chasing after them.

At this time, Lou Qi saw that Shen Sha's face was distorted, he was clenching his teeth tightly, the veins on his forehead burst out, it could be seen that he had stretched to the limit!
Just now, he gave her two sighs of relief!

Their breath-holding skills are actually almost the same, if he gave it to her, he would have already reached the end of it.

No, no, they must immediately float to the surface to breathe!

Be sure to get rid of these piranhas within two seconds!However, this is almost impossible!
Lou Qi felt that her chest was about to explode, she kept her mouth tightly shut, and the sharp knife at the end of the soul-killing whip popped out, and she rushed straight towards the big guy with both the whip and the person.Fight, fight!

Shen Sha didn't have time to look at her, he also thought of the same method as her at this moment, he clenched his hands tightly, shot almost at the same time as her, and rushed towards the big man's lower abdomen.

Not to kill it, just to hurt it, to let it see blood!

Maybe it is the overlord in this water area now, and the large group of little piranhas dare not attack it, but if it sees blood, it is by nature, will those little piranhas who will become manic and excited when they see blood let it go?

It's huge, but there are a lot of them!Let them kill each other in the same kind.

There was a roaring sound in the ears, which was the reaction of holding your breath to the limit.Lou Qi's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth, and with all his strength, stabbed the sharp knife into the belly of the big piranha!
At the same time, the Shasha in Shen Sha's hand also made a big hole in its abdomen!

The blood simmered in the water, and the smell of blood diffused.

The large group of little piranhas arrived just in time.Lou Qi could see their excitement, hundreds of fish mouths with thick teeth opened, that scene was really unforgettable in her life.

A large hand grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

Lou Qi turned around and saw the frantic fight, hundreds of little piranhas bit the big guy, and the big guy writhed violently.The water waves rolled, and the blood color became darker and darker, like a cruel battlefield.


The two finally broke out of the water.

Air poured into his mouth and nasal cavity, Lou Qi gasped and sucked greedily, and really felt that he had escaped from death.

"Is it okay?" A deep and hoarse voice rang in his ears, Lou Qi turned his head, held his face and bit his lips forcefully, escaped from death, once again lived and died together, at this moment, How she thinks he is handsome.

"Are you okay?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

Shen Sha's eyes dimmed, and she felt that her provocative little appearance was too right, so right, no matter how you looked at it, you liked it!But now they are not allowed to relax, they have not yet escaped the danger.Looking around, they were far away from the middle of the lake, and the shore could already be seen, but there was no sign of Yue and them on the water.

"Okay, you'll know when you look at it."

"A game!"

The two took a deep breath of air at the same time and dived into the water again.

The blood below was getting thicker and thicker, and the water was still churning, they didn't dare to look any more, and quickly swam towards the direction where Yue and the others left.

If you don't go, are you waiting for those little piranhas to kill the big fish and then come after them?

But in this short period of time, the huge piranha has lost most of its flesh, leaving only a skeleton.

Yue, Chen Shi and the others broke out of the water again, and the four of them turned pale with exhaustion. This was the fourth time they rushed up to take a breath, and this time they discovered something.

"Look, it's not very far from the shore." Lou Xin pointed to the front and shouted.

The three black-clothed fish girls were really lying to them. If they rushed here on land and then went into the water, they would not have to encounter those piranhas at all, and they would not have to swim such a long distance.Because they passed an underwater iron net just now, it seemed that they wanted to lock those piranhas in a fixed water area.

They just want to lead them to the area of ​​piranhas and let them die in the mouth of piranhas.

"The reef forest below us now looks like there are complicated passages. Could it be the entrance to the underground palace?" Chen Shi looked at Yue.

Yue was silent for a while, looked at him, then looked at Lou Xin: "Aren't you worried about the imperial concubine?"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin's eyes darkened, but they shook their heads at the same time, and they said in unison: "The girl will be fine."

"So trust her?"

Chen Shi and Lou Xin nodded. "Besides, isn't there still a Dijun?" The girl and the Dijun joined hands, who else could they trust if they didn't believe it.

"Then we'll wait for them here," Yue said.Now he is very afraid that something will happen to Lou Qi and he won't be able to come back.

Suddenly there was the sound of splashing water in front of him.

They suddenly raised their hearts and turned their heads quickly, just in time to see someone emerging from the water.

(End of this chapter)

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