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Chapter 274 Who Is Not Despicable?

Chapter 274 Who Is Not Despicable?

Xiao Wang did not expect to see these people here.

Yue and the others did not expect that it was not the emperor and concubine who came out of the water, but Xiao Wang and the few guards he brought.

For a while, neither side spoke, but they both secretly raised their guard.No one counted Xiao Wang, and one could tell at a glance that his martial arts cultivation was only at the middle or lower level, and to them, he was not a threat at all.

In Yue's eyes, the kung fu of these eight guards was on par with Chen Shi, Lou Xin and Wei Shan, and he himself was slightly better.But even if he was one against two, and Chen Shi and the others were three against each other, the opponent would still have three more against them, not including Xiao Wang.

It's not that easy to win.

At this time, the other party had already assessed the strength of both sides and the possible results, and it was obvious that their expressions relaxed a lot.

The leading guard said something to Xiao Wang in a low voice, Xiao Wang's expression also relaxed, and he took the initiative to wave hello to them first.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go out with other people and go back to Nora City?"

He pretended not to know what happened to the others, as if he thought everyone had left safely.

"Why didn't Mr. Xiao leave?" Yue naturally followed suit.

At this time, appearing here, everyone is soaking in the lake, and saying anything is an obvious excuse.Xiao Wang wiped the water from his face, and said: "Actually, I just heard that there is a kind of mud in this lake, which can be added to the forging of ordinary knives to make the knives sharper and more durable."

What a good excuse.

Lou Xin said solemnly: "Really? We heard that there are piranhas in this lake. We have never seen them before. We want to come and see them."

"Piranhas?" Xiao Wang was taken aback for a moment, "Is there really a piranha?"

During the conversation, both sides were thinking in their hearts, should they kill people to silence them?Both parties have reasons for not wanting people to know that they are in this lake, and if it spreads out, it may cause bad things.

"Yes, indeed." Lou Xin said.

Xiao Wang shook his head: "It seems that we are lucky, but we have never met before. By the way, where is the seventh son and that master?"

He had only heard Yue refer to Shen Sha as his master, so he didn't know how to address him.But that person gave him the most dangerous feeling. The head of the guards around him also told him that they might not be the opponent of that person, because he couldn't tell the level of that person's kung fu.

Under normal circumstances, only when the opponent's kung fu is higher than your own, you can't tell it.

And Lou Qi's kung fu is higher than theirs, but because she always behaves a little frivolously, they may attribute her to a level similar to or slightly inferior to theirs.

So even if they wanted to kill people to silence them, they had to make sure that that guy and the seventh son were nearby.

Lou Xin laughed: "The two masters are catching piranhas in the water to play, maybe they will come up later, maybe they can catch two to open your eyes."

Yue heard Lou Xin say such a sentence with a hippie smile, and once again felt that these two former subordinates were indeed influenced too much by Lou Qi. This tone and words are really a bit choking, and it is a bit incomprehensible True and false.

The strings in his heart are actually tense, he has never worried about Lou Qi like this before, in the past, he must have been most worried about the emperor, and at most he was worried about Lou Qi by the way, but now, he is almost equally worried about the two of them. of.

Just like Yue and the others didn't believe Xiao Wang's words, Xiao Wang also didn't believe their words.But for a while, he couldn't figure out whether Lou Qi and Shen Sha were really nearby, so he hesitated for a while.

Both Yue and Chen Shi could see that the other party had made up their minds to silence them. In fact, if they were in good shape, they might not be unable to fight. It's just that they had already spent their energy after swimming for so long and meeting piranhas. It's all gone, and now the whole body is soft, but the opponent doesn't look tired, so they definitely have no chance of winning in a fight.

So he thought that he could delay as long as possible, at least he could wait for them to recover a little bit of strength, and they would not lose face to the master and the imperial concubine even if they could not defeat each other, it would not be impossible to die together.

It's just that the other party is not a fool, and the four of them all look exhausted, which can be seen at a glance.

"Young Master Xiao, those two are definitely not here. This is the best time. If you delay for a long time, you are afraid of accidents." The man on the other side, who was obviously the head of several guards, whispered in Xiao Wang's ear.

Killing intent also flashed in Xiao Wang's heart.He wants to be successful, to stand out, to make Xiao Huo kneel in front of him and admit that he is not as good as him, and to make Xiao Rong cry and beg him to marry him. The eldest princess has given him the opportunity now. I am afraid that I will never have another chance in this life!
"Do it."

Two words escaped from his lips in a low voice, he drew out the soft sword wrapped around his waist, and sank into the water by himself.

Xiao Wang's water quality is very good, he sometimes thinks, he doesn't know whether the eldest princess hired him to do this job because he found out that his water quality is excellent, or did she find him and found out that he has such a good water quality?
As soon as Xiao Wang sank into the water, Yue knew that they were going to make a move, and immediately made a concise gesture. Chen Shilouxin and the others were all his subordinates, and these internal gestures were naturally understandable, so he did it immediately. Take a stance against the enemy.

"Chen Shi went into the water." Yue said in a deep voice.

Xiao Wang also got into the water, he would definitely sneak up and attack him, he is now the main force against the enemy, he can't go down, Chen Shi has the best water skills among the other three, so he can only go down.

A fierce battle is inevitable.

"Chen Shi be careful." Lou Xin said quickly.

Chen Shi nodded, took a deep breath, sank into the water, and swam forward.Sure enough, Xiao Wang was swimming towards this side with a soft sword in his hand. Seeing his speed, Chen Shi felt a chill in his heart. Xiao Wang's water skills were almost as good as those black-clothed fish girls!

Moreover, the sword in his hand seemed to be a high-grade sword, and he was caught by the demon clan before, the saber was confiscated, and he was not found.Exhausted, lack of weapons, and inferior water skills, only better in kung fu, the two people's current conditions can be said to be similar, and even Chen Shi is even worse.

Gritting his teeth, he took the initiative to attack, his arm turned into a snake, and slid towards Xiao Wang's sword-holding hand.

However, Xiao Wang's figure twisted to the side like a fish, and he avoided it all at once. With a flick of his wrist, the sword in his hand was slashed towards Chen Shi's shoulder.

Chen Shi wanted to dodge, but he was too tired, and the speed of his movements could not keep up with the speed in his mind. The sword sliced ​​across his shoulder, peeling off a piece of clothing and a small layer of flesh, and the blood was gone all at once. Scatter into the water.

In his mansion before, how mighty the Seventh Young Master brought the guards, abused the house slaves in his courtyard, and crippled one of their feet. At that time, he knew that his kung fu would never It was Chen Shi's opponent.Unexpectedly, the feng shui turns, he is at the right time, place and people, full of energy, good weapons, and strong water skills, but the opponent has no strength!It actually gave him a chance to win!
There was murderous intent in Xiao Wang's eyes.He's going to kill the guard!
The soft sword in his hand trembled, like a silver-white water eel, stabbing towards Chen Shi's injured place.Although his kung fu is not very good, but his mind is flexible, he knows that although Chen Shi is tired, his kung fu is good after all. If he wants to win, he has to use some bad moves. The opponent's wound was beaten away.

Chen Shi gritted his teeth. He didn't believe that he would be inferior to such a contemptible guy. He forced himself to raise his internal strength and swept his foot towards the opponent's waist.

There was no sound in the water, Xiao Wang was swept away by this foot and almost couldn't hold his breath, a string of air bubbles came out of his mouth.Chen Shi followed immediately and swung his fist towards his head.

There is fighting underwater, and it is also a fierce battle above the water.

As soon as the other party made a move, Yue frowned. They guessed correctly, these few were the guards of the Beicang royal family, they could not be people from the world, they could not be ordinary guards.

They cooperated well, and every attack had a plan, and they had a tacit understanding before.This is absolutely impossible to make up casually, but can only be trained together for a long time.

"Beicang royal family, no matter which prince or princess you belong to, I will remember you."

The leader raised his head and smiled, then said in a deep voice, "Then you have to live alive!"

"Try to see if I can live!" Yue slapped her palms on the water surface, using this force to jump out of the water, avoiding the other party, and instead slapped at the other two people who were about to besiege Lou Xin .

No one expected that he would change the target of the attack midway, and the two guards were hit by him, one of them vomited blood, and the other fell into the water. The back was stabbed down, and it was pierced all at once.

"Despicable!" The head of the guard's eyes were tearing apart.

Lou Xin withdrew his sword, gasping for breath from exhaustion, but still laughed loudly and replied, "Bah! It's as if you're not despicable!"

The head of the guard originally thought that his side had a sure chance of winning, but he didn't expect to be killed and injured in the blink of an eye, so he was naturally frightened and angry.They thought that no matter how strong these guards were, they were just the attendants of the rich sons, and their identities from the royal family were incomparable. How could they expect that the other party was so powerful!

"Who the hell are you?"

Yue couldn't help laughing, "I just thought of asking this now, don't you think it's too late?"

The head guard gritted his teeth: "No matter who you are, you must die in this Wangyou Lake today!"

As soon as his words fell, two figures suddenly jumped out of the water like a dragon coming out of the sea, one of them fell in the air, and slapped him on the top of his head fiercely, and slapped him heavily into the water all at once.The black long whip in the other person's hand whizzed towards the other person, and it was on the shoulder of that person. The clothes on the shoulder immediately tore apart, and a deep wound burst out.

A deep voice sounded, "I want to see who will die in this Wangyou Lake."

Yue and the others raised their heads in ecstasy, and when they saw Shen Sha and Lou Qicai falling from mid-air, they immediately cried out.

"Dijun, Difei!"


Lou Qi fell back into the water and smiled brightly: "Are you all alright?"

"Chen Shi hasn't come up yet!" Lou Xin's face suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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