Chapter 275
Lou Qi was about to dive into the water as soon as he heard it, Yue hurriedly said: "Concubine, please rest, my subordinates will definitely bring Chen Shi back!" After speaking, he immediately dived into the water.

"Do you think Lord Yuewei seems a little weird?" Lou Qi looked at Shen Sha.

Shen Sha stretched out his hand to brush away the wet hair on her forehead, smiled softly, his eyes sparkled, making Lou Qi dizzy for a while.God, this man seduced her again——

Every time his rare smile is like the colorful rays of light after frost and snow, it is dazzling and fascinating.

Lou Qi was so shocked by him that he didn't hear what he said.But Lou Xin and Wei Shan, who were wiping out the remaining enemies, heard it.The emperor said, from now on, he will treat you like me.

After a while, Yue helped Chen Shi emerge from the water.

When Lou Qi saw the wound on Chen Shi's shoulder, his expression froze, and Chen Shi hurriedly said: "Girl, this is a minor injury, it's fine."

Yuedao: "Chen Shiyou found out."

Everyone looked at Chen Shi, but Chen Shi bowed his head guiltily: "This subordinate let Xiao Wang run away. There is a reef formation in the water, Xiao Wang entered the reef formation, and soon disappeared. The subordinate chased for a while and found that It is an artificial reef, and there is a big cave in front of it."

Yue went on to say: "Xiao Wang should have entered that cave."

"Then did you see the vortex underwater?" Lou Qi asked anxiously.

Both Yue and Chen Shi shook their heads.

Lou Qi gritted her teeth, did the three black-clothed fish girls lie to them, or did the vortex really exist, but they didn't take them there?
"Qiqi seems to be very interested in the vortex." Shen Sha narrowed her eyes and looked at her.

Lou Qi was startled, if he knew what she was looking for for the whirlpool, he wondered if he would break her neck in rage.

She burst into a smile, "Just curious, just curious, the lake is so calm, I don't know what kind of strange phenomenon it would be if there were vortices at the bottom, so I just wanted to see it."

He looked at her for a while, "Really?"

"Yeah, yeah, otherwise what do you think it is?" Lou Qi felt nervous, always feeling that his deep eyes seemed to see everything.But thinking about it, it should be impossible, and he didn't know the situation of his time travel, how could he guess that she wanted to find the underwater vortex, and wanted to see if she could go back to modern times?

Shen Sha didn't say anything more, and held her hand, "Go down and have a look." If Cun Youguo is in the water, no matter what, he has to go down to have a look.In the past, he felt that it didn't matter if he was poisoned by a poisonous Gu. If he could live for a day, he would work hard for a day, and try his best to find medicine to induce him, do his best, and obey the destiny.But now, he doesn't want to die.

If he died, what would his woman do?
He would never tolerate her standing next to other men, leaning in other men's arms, being arrogant to other men, and being pampered by others.

She is his, and he wants to spoil her.She can only be his.

So he can't die.

After diving to the bottom of the lake, they saw those rock formations. They followed Chen Shi to swim to the end, and saw a huge stone cave.

Rather than saying it is a stone cave, it is more accurate to say it is a stone gate. It is a huge door opening.

They hesitated for a moment between entering or not, because there is a ceiling after the entrance, and no one knows how long this section will be. If it is very long, there is no way to come out of the water to take a breath.It is very likely that they will all drown in it.

But after hesitating for a moment, Lou Qi made a forward gesture.Come in, come here, how can you give up without taking a risk?

Just no matter how tired you are, you must speed up and swim forward desperately.

The underwater passage is very dark, and the light cannot come in. You can only swim forward according to your feeling, and several people should get as close as possible, otherwise, if one person has something to do, the others will not know.

Lou Qi knew that Shen Sha was always by his side.

She was roughly counting the time while swimming, and it had been more than four minutes. She was okay, but she didn't know if Lou Xin and the others were okay.

It was only when she got here that she felt a little regretful, she should have let them swim ashore and wait.But it is impossible to quit now.

Fortunately, their luck was not bad. Just when Lou Xin and the others were about to suffocate, there was a sudden light in front of them. This was the light shining into the water, and they had already exited the closed stone passage above their heads.

Everyone rushed out of the water.

This day really used up all the swimming time of the first half of my life. Everyone's skin was wrinkled and white from soaking in water, but the worst thing was that both arms didn't feel like their own, and they were so sore.

"Huh? Dijun, Difei, look quickly!"

Wei Shan cried out in surprise.

After they came out of the water, they all focused on breathing first, but the water level where Wei Shan came up was much shallower. He was so tired that he sat directly in the shallow water, but a leaf fell from above his head. When he subconsciously raised his head, he immediately opened his eyes. Big eyes.

Everyone looked up, and their eyes widened in surprise.

The moss-covered mountain wall is unattainable, and a small circular sky is seen above their heads. They are like six frogs sitting in a deep well, looking at the sky.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, at least one can be used as an exit, although the exit is very high, but with their kung fu, it is not difficult to climb out.

They also found that they had reached the shore here, and when they climbed up from the water, they felt that their legs were not their own, and they were shaking with soreness.

"It's like a small tributary here." Lou Qi retracted his upward gaze, and then began to look at the environment where he was.The light came from the hole above the head, but in fact, it looked like a tunnel in the middle of the mountain that had been hollowed out. The water level was already very shallow, and it was only up to the ankles when standing up.The top is very high, but because the light is too dark, only a little light from the entrance of the cave can't penetrate into it. Standing here, you can't see what's going on inside.

Lou Qi reached out and pinched a hair on the stone wall beside her.

"Xiao Wang has indeed been here before, he should have already gone in."

Yue asked in surprise: "Isn't the imperial concubine meaning to say that this is his hair?"

Lou Qi nodded, "That's right."

"A single piece of hair, can you tell whose it is?" Yue and Wei Shan both looked incredible, Chen Shi and Lou Xin were very calm, because they were used to it and believed that their girl was the most powerful Yes, what she knows and how much she knows is normal.

All are normal.

Lou Qi sighed, it's not that she is so powerful, it's just that she observes very carefully, especially the people she has had contact with, she observes the most carefully, one is her own people, the other is enemies or possible sexual enemy.To sum it up is just a cliché, that is, know yourself and know your enemy.

"Xiao Wang is in the prime of life, and he lives a good life, so his hair is still very healthy. It can be identified that his hair is thicker than ordinary people, and it is very dark." She put the hair on in the hands of the month.He saw that it was indeed the case.

Shen Sha suddenly said, "Wash your hands."


He simply did it himself, took her hand aside and rubbed it. "In the future, you are not allowed to pick up other people's hair casually, it's dirty."

Lou Qi: "."

Although I was a little anxious in my heart, I was really exhausted, so I took a rest, and only waded in after recovering some strength.

The barbecue they ate in the morning had already been digested by this meeting. During the nearly two hours of fighting and swimming in the water, several people's skin was wrinkled and bleached, and their clothes were sticking to their bodies dripping wet.Shen Sha did something that made Lou Qi feel a little obscene and she couldn't condemn him. She felt that there might be no one else who could do this kind of thing again.

Walking into the waterway, the light was very dim, he let people go first, pulled her aside, reached into her skirt, and fumbled to tie the cloth strips around her chest!She was originally dressed in men's clothes. Although she felt that corsets were not good for her health, but given her size, she couldn't do without them at all, so she found a piece of thick cotton cloth and folded several layers to make it look hard. Four strips of cloth can be pulled to the back and tied tightly.In this way, there is no need to tighten the chest tightly, and the front can also show a flat river, and the figure will not look so slender.

Usually nothing went wrong, but today the tossing in the water was too intense, and the cloth strip tied behind my back loosened a knot.She didn't even notice it herself. She didn't know how this man saw it. If he saw it, he could see it. He told her directly to let her tidy it up. Fortunately, he didn't tell her, and directly helped her tie it up.

After hearing his slightly heavy breathing, Lou Qi realized that her heart was also pounding.

Damn, Dijun, are you playing a hooligan?
But let's say he was playing a hooligan, he really just helped her fasten the belt, and didn't take the opportunity to attack her chest
The breathing of both of them was a little messy.

At this moment, Shen Sha wanted to get closer to her, so she motioned for her to lie on his back, but Lou Qi didn't refuse, she jumped on his back, and was carried away by him again.As she walked, Shen Sha suddenly remembered the words she had said, and felt a little stuffy in her chest, so she sent her a voice transmission.

"This emperor has never had a maidservant, nor a concubine, nor has he slept in Liu Mianhua at night, and had fun with singers and dancers."

Lou Qi heard him say such a sentence inexplicably through voice transmission, she didn't react at first, but when she understood what he said, she was stunned for a while, then couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing so her shoulders kept trembling, and she was afraid of being caught. Yue and the others felt extremely painful when they heard her laugh.

Shen Sha was annoyed, "What's so ridiculous?"

"Don't laugh, don't laugh," Lou Qi tried hard to hold back, "I find it a bit unbelievable, you are in your twenties, why—"

"do not like."

He doesn't like to get too close to those women, and he doesn't even want to be intimate. If his bed smells like women's powder, he will feel very uncomfortable and can't sleep well. The bed of a brothel woman is even more dirty.And when he should have been curious about love affairs, he was focused on revenge.

Lou Qi had to admit that she was happy to hear what he said.

In the dark waterway, only the sound of their wading was heard, and the four people in front occasionally spoke a few words.

With her on his back, Shen Sha suddenly felt very satisfied.

But this was not a warm place in the first place, and before he had enjoyed enough of this kind of warmth, there was a sudden sharp turn ahead, and another lake appeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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