Chapter 277

The weight of the belt is really heavy, it was very heavy before, but now with the Soul Slaying Whip, it is even heavier.Her belt is specially made, he knows this, he has never looked at it carefully, he only knows that there are many hidden pockets and compartments sewn inside, full of things.

After taking off the belt, her waist immediately lost a lot of weight.His palm unconsciously caressed her waist, slender and firm, barely half of his, and could be covered with one arm.

For this belt of hers, Shen Sha was quite satisfied, because when she wore the belt, other men would not be able to see that she had such a slender and enchanting waist.

"This emperor will teach you how to use your inner strength to dry the clothes on your body."

He whispered in her ear, and the scorching breath behind her ear made her feel numb and weak, and she couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.

A pair of big hands slowly shifted from her waist, touching almost every corner of her body, with a somewhat hot temperature, Lou Qi felt that she was going to be roasted, but the feeling was not pain, it was a kind of pain that she was very unfamiliar with. a feeling of.

"Control the internal force well. The internal force will turn into wind. It should be long and meticulous. In fact, it is a method of instant dispersal. The internal force will instantly penetrate every fine point of the fabric and take away the moisture, so it will be dry——"

Shen Sha's lips were pressed against her earlobe while speaking, and he found that her face was unusually beautiful, and the body under his palm was also warm, soft and hot, so he couldn't help but exert a little force with his palm, and pressed her whole body tightly into his arms.

That guy Hua Yucun interrogated all the male prisoners in the prison area and collected the secrets of coaxing wives, which seems to be somewhat useful at present.

A certain person hugged Wenxiang and nephrite in his arms, and was in a good mood. He decided to reward Hua Yucun with a hundred taels of gold after returning home.

The first secret of coaxing a wife: Don't be afraid of losing face, tell the truth.

So he admitted that he still doesn't know what a woman is like.

The second secret of coaxing a wife: Seize the opportunity and be a proper hooligan.

Uh huh, this emperor is teaching Aifei how to dry clothes with internal force, how could she be a hooligan?

Looking down, his face suddenly darkened.

He caressed her and his blood boiled, wishing he could devour her on the spot, but she fell asleep?Fell asleep?Fell asleep!
Dijun, the prisoner who was lurking in our broken brothel city said, if the other party does not refuse or resist, it means there is something wrong, if you work harder, the woman will definitely not be able to stand it and will take the initiative to ask you for sex.After cooking raw rice and cooked rice, why don't you obediently follow you home?
Go back and deduct Hua Yucun's salary for three months! ! !

What nonsense!It was he who couldn't stand it—

Shen Sha gritted his teeth, hugged a certain woman tightly, and tasted the bitter fruit of setting himself on fire with a dark face.

When Lou Qi woke up, she was a little confused, she couldn't realize where she was for a while, but when she realized that she was nestled in someone's arms, and there was a devil's claw on her chest, her face turned black immediately.

If she was a woman in this world, and her whole body was touched through her clothes, she would probably have to cry and call for the other party to be responsible, otherwise she would have to die.

Seeing that the cotton cloth she used to pad her chest was now used as a quilt to cover the two of them, her face darkened again.

When meeting this time, she always felt that Shen Sha was a little weird.She gritted her teeth, and if he dared to go any further, she would reward him with a whip.

In fact, it wasn't that she was too nervous to fall asleep in that situation. She was really too tired and sleepy. Think about it, since she tracked down the missing Chen Shi and others to the ruins of King Yi's palace a few days ago, what did she do these days? Time to sleep and rest?Instead, it's fighting, killing, killing, running, running, wandering!Not being exhausted to death is considered to be her physical condition is super strong.

However, his palms used internal force, Nuan Nuan walked on her body, causing her fatigue to recede a bit, and as soon as her body and mind relaxed, she just fell asleep like that.

Lou Qi was also a little startled when she came to her senses. In the past, she would never really fall asleep in the wild, not to mention that Xiao Wang is still missing, and the three cunning and forbearing fish girls in black are hiding somewhere. In such a strange mountain suburb again, how could she fall asleep so soundly?
Is it because of being in his arms?

Fortunately, no matter how soundly she slept, she wouldn't sleep for more than half an hour if she wasn't on a bed she was familiar with.Looking at the sun above her head, she estimated that she had only slept for four or five ten minutes.But with these four to five 10-minute breaks, she felt like she could be alive again.

Lou Qi didn't struggle to get up immediately, but just moved his hand away and looked up at his face which was pressed against her eyes.This man was already good-looking, but the way he was sleeping peacefully like this made his heart soften even more.

"Is this emperor good-looking?"

His lips parted slightly, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"It looks great." She raised her eyebrows and said frankly and generously.

Shen Sha laughed softly, and the laughter was very pleasant.

The smell of barbecue wafted over with the wind, Lou Qi patted his chest: "They are grilling meat, hurry up and eat, I'm going to starve to death."

He let go of her, watched her arrange her clothes, and buttoned the heavy belt again.

He stood up, patted the clothes, stretched out his hand to smooth her hair, "Go."

When they walked over there, they found that all the fish they grilled were fish, and those fish were pitifully small, only two fingers thick and one finger long. nine.It’s not enough for one person to eat, right?

Lou Qi suddenly felt sad, "Do you want to play exquisite food?"

Lou Xin turned around and said with a sullen face: "Girl, there is not a single hare on this hillside, and the lake is extremely deep. We only caught small fry in the shallows for a few days, and there was no shadow of any big ones. "

But there was such a big whirlpool in the lake that they didn't dare to go into the water casually.

"The water in this lake is not clear and not suitable for drinking."

That is to say, now they only have these eight or nine small fish sticks to eat, and then they don't even have to drink water.

At this moment, everyone's expressions were a little dignified, and no one knew what they would encounter next, unless they returned the same way and crawled out of the hole over there.

But the situation here is like this, what is going out from that hole, they are not too optimistic for a while.

Shen Sha frowned, looked at the sky suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "This place is very strange, have you found any traces of birds?"

When he said this, everyone suddenly realized that what was wrong just now was that this place was a wilderness forest, but they had never heard a bird song!
It was dusk now, and it was supposed to be the time when the birds were returning to the forest, but the forest was so silent that only their voices were there!
"It's so weird—" Lou Xin also murmured.

"Don't worry about it for now, this little fry is not poisonous. Although it is small, it is better than nothing. After dividing it, eat it first." Lou Qi heard their stomachs growling all the time.

Nine small fish fry, six people, two for one person and three left, everyone "forced" Lou Qi to eat, Lou Qi ate one, and the other two, one for Wei Shan and one for Lou Xin.

The two were about to refuse, when Lou Qi said calmly, "The weakest eats."

"." Calculate the psychological shadow area!
Wei Shan and Lou Xin shed two lasagna tears, silently stuffed the fry into their mouths, and chewed hard.In the future, they must practice more diligently and strive to get rid of the weakest shadow!

"Let's go." Shen Sha pulled Lou Qi up, and looked towards a dense forest under the hillside.That piece of forest grows in a mountain depression, and there is only one area where there is a way to go, the rest are towering peaks.

Lou Qi looked back, looking at the vortex in the lake, "I want to go and see—"

"I don't allow it." Before she finished speaking, Shen Sha interrupted her in a deep voice, holding her hand and pulling her into his arms, "Whirlpool, what's there to see?"

Lou Qi didn't know what to see in the whirlpool.The second time I went back to Yunfeng Mountain Villa, there was also a whirlpool on the river, but she didn't have such a weird feeling at that time, and now seeing this whirlpool, she couldn't help but want to look at it.

"I always feel a little weird, what if the center of the vortex happens to have a way out?" Lou Qi didn't give up.

She has weird feelings, and Shen Sha also has them, but this feeling is for her. He always feels that her emotions are a bit wrong when he sees the vortex, and he is very uneasy in his heart. She sucks it off.He panicked at the feeling.

So, no matter what, he would not agree with her to explore the vortex.

"Go over there." Shen Sha insisted on walking through the dense forest.

"Really, there is a vortex in the lake, why is it a bit weird, I will dive into the nearby water to have a look, I will not enter the vortex." The problem was before her, if she really had the chance to go back, she replied, Still not coming back?

Lou Qi gritted her teeth. In fact, she knew that no normal person would think of exploring the whirlpool, but what if she could really be brought back to modern times?What if she could be brought back to Old Daoist again?After all, she grew up and lived in the modern age. Although she may not have a bad life here, the modern world is the world she is really used to. Airplanes, cruise ships, cars, pistols and ammunition, gourmet food, her partners, and her dog.

Shen Sha saw the struggle in her eyes and was shocked.

"If you want to go, you can. I will accompany you." He pulled her to go back.Lou Qi was startled, and subconsciously grabbed him.

"You don't have to go, I'll go!"

Seeing that they seemed to have made great progress in their relationship, Yueyue suddenly had a disagreement again, fearing that the two of them would quarrel again, she said, "Why don't you go and find out."

Lou Qi objected immediately: "No, I'll go."

Yue was stunned, Shen Sha looked at Lou Qi, could there really be something wrong with this vortex, could it really take her away?
In this regard, Shen Sha almost had a god-like intuition. He narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned close to her, put his lips close to her ear, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Do you think you can still fall this time?" In another man's arms?"

"How could it be like that every time—" Coincidentally
Lou Qi felt bad all of a sudden.

How could she be so easily tricked by him——

The breath of Shen Sha's whole body soared to the coldest in an instant, Chen Shisan and the others uncontrollably backed away a few steps, even Yue couldn't help backing away, looking at them in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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