Chapter 278
If it were someone else, Lou Qi would never be so careless.

At this moment, she was shocked and annoyed and didn't know what to do. At the same time, she also faced Shen Sha's position and weight in her heart for the first time.

She had never been so careless.This kind of topic, she should be able to insist on it when she is drunk.

Maybe it was because he already knew that her appearance was very strange and unexplainable.

"Shen Sha, I—"

Shen Sha's face seemed to be covered with a layer of ice for ten thousand years.

His whole heart seemed to be frozen, numb with pain.

He also thought that they had taken a big step forward this day, and he was even sure that after the matter here was over, she would follow him back to Poyu to be his concubine.

But unexpectedly, she still wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, the first time they met, she fell from the sky because she entered a vortex.So, she wants to try again?Try entering the vortex, can you go back?What if it really falls to another place again?What if she really fell into another man's arms again?
Can she freely put all the things and people here, forget about him, and start her new life?

How cruel!

Shen Sha used to think that he was ruthless, but now he feels that the most ruthless person is her.

He waved his hand and smiled miserably. "You really want to see it?"

Lou Qi's lips moved, but he was unable to speak.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Shen Sha suddenly threw her away forcefully, then pointed her toes, and the whole person flew towards the vortex like an arrow off the string.

His voice was as cold as ice: "So, this emperor will go to investigate for you!"

Lou Qi was thrown away by him without warning, and she staggered a few steps. Thanks to Chen Shi who supported her, just as she turned her head, she saw Shen Sha's figure shot above the lake, just above the whirlpool.

"Shen Sha! Come back! You crazy!!!"

Lou Qi yelled in horror, but Shen Sha didn't seem to hear it, the castration was just at the end, and his figure fell straight towards the whirlpool, with a bang, splashed into a splash of water, and he was swallowed by the whirlpool all at once.



"Madman!" Lou Qi bit her lower lip fiercely, and her body also shot out quickly, and then jumped into the whirlpool.

The huge vortex is like a terrifying mouth, swallowing two people at once, but it has no effect on it at all.

The remaining few people were cold all over and could not speak.

As soon as Lou Qi fell into the water, she was hugged tightly by an iron arm, and her nose hit a hard chest heavily, crying in pain.

But at this moment, she suddenly opened her arms around his waist and pressed against him tightly.

Shen Sha fell into the water, but he was still able to struggle against the swirling water. Against the whirlpool, he leaned half of his body out of the water, stared upwards, and sure enough, he saw her following him.

He hugged her tightly, raised her a little higher, and bit her red lips hard.

The vortex turned sharply, but the two kissed passionately.

"You lunatic, lunatic!" Being swirled by the current and quickly sucked into the center of the vortex, Lou Qi bit his lip and yelled angrily.

He clearly knew that she fell into his arms from the vortex in the water. There was a vortex on her side, but in his eyes there was only a starry sky. Isn't he afraid of such a weird situation?Not afraid of this jump, he himself was sent to another place, without the half of the country he conquered now, without his loyal subordinates, it might even be a fatal danger?
In the rapidly turning tide, he could still smile at her, "Bet this time, bet on whether you can let me go."

In the end, she jumped down without even thinking about it.

The extreme pain was healed in an instant, Shen Sha knew that he had finally been hit by a Gu called Lou Qi blindly, she was more powerful than the Gu in his body, a word could make him live, a word could make him live die.

Lou Qi really wanted to push him into the water, "Don't you think it's because I wanted to enter the whirlpool that I jumped down? You try jumping off the cliff and see if I follow!"

Shen Sha hugged her with one arm, paddled vigorously with the other arm and continued to fight against the current. Hearing this, she immediately continued, "You will definitely follow."

Lou Qi's face turned dark.

She should have known earlier, this man has the blood of a moody lunatic, just like they just met, she just said that he walked his way, she crossed hers, and he threw her out regardless , she was almost slashed by that perverted man.

Shen Sha hugged her tightly, "Do you really want to go down? Really want to go, this emperor will accompany you."

"Accompany me?" Lou Qi's heart was shocked, "Aren't you afraid that you will have nothing and follow me to a world completely unfamiliar to you? Are you not afraid that this might be a dead end?"

"As long as I have you."

He said with a normal face.

It is enough to have her.Even if it's Huangquan Road, it's good to have company with her.

In an instant, Lou Qi burst into tears.Woohoo, don't be so nasty, her little heart can't bear it, can't bear it.

"Master! Imperial concubine!"


The hissing and shouting of a dozen people from Yue and Chen came to my ears, and immediately after that, the four of them were sucked in like dumplings without landing, and they were sucked in the center one by one.

Lou Qi really wanted to scold, everyone was crazy, but what he said was: "Master Yuewei, don't turn it on me!"

Plop plop plop.

Lou Qi had the most self-deprecating feeling in his life, feeling that he had become a lump in the toilet and was flushed out.

No, there are several piles here.


What about the style?

The moment she landed on the ground, she went crazy with anxiety.Although there was still water rushing down them, unlike the time when she went from the sea to the sky here strangely, but the current was so small that it didn't seem like they had sunk to the bottom at all.

If she brought Shen Sha and so many people through time.
"How long are you going to lie in this emperor's arms?" A funny voice sounded above his head, and Lou Qi was startled for a moment, only then did he realize that he had become his own meat pad.

"Girl." Chen Shi helped her up, Yue was going to help Shen Sha, he shook his head, sat up by himself before getting up.

"Is everyone there?"

With a glance in his eyes, Shen Sha couldn't help but smile wryly, there were six of them, none of them were quite a few, he didn't look at anything else, he looked at Lou Qi first, "If it's in your territory, you will be in charge of us."

Lou Qi, who was originally extremely nervous, jumped up when he heard his words: "Hey, you five big men don't have the nerve to ask me to raise them alone, do you?"

Yue and the others laughed.

A shocked voice suddenly sounded, "I didn't expect that you would find this place!"

The complexions of several people turned pale at the same time, and Yue and Chen Shi immediately shot towards the place where the sound was made.Yue took a step faster and grabbed the woman with one hand.

The woman who appeared was exactly one of the three black-clothed fish girls who had escaped. Let's call her No. [-] fish girl.

Fish Girl No. [-] bit her lower lip, she was so shocked that she blurted out, now that she fell into their hands again, she immediately turned pale, knowing that it would not be so easy to run this time.

Upon seeing her, Lou Qi breathed a sigh of relief.This shows that there is only a mystery under the vortex, not that they have crossed.She was really worried that she would take so many of them through time travel, and if the time travel to a world that wasn't her original world, that would be a real shame.

Fish girl No. [-] was caught, and they then looked at the environment where they were. Everyone was a little stunned.

They turned out to be in an underground stone room!What rushed them out just now was a water channel in the corner of the right wall, and a stream of water was still flowing down, flowing into the channel dug below, and the channel led to the outlet under the other wall and flowed out.

And the four walls of this underground stone room are engraved with large stone paintings, but it may be that the time at the bottom of the lake is too long, there is some pressure, and the humidity is too high, so there are many cracks in those stone walls, and there are many cracks growing in the cracks. Moss, so it looks gray, gray and green, and it has a bit of a gloomy feeling.

Several people began to be curious about the identity of the builder of this underground palace. Such a large area, from the ruins outside the city of Nora, is the entrance. There is a lake, who found such a place, who built these palaces?

"The weirdness of these terrains may also have something to do with the legendary earthquake." Yue said.

Lou Qi nodded, it was indeed related to the earthquake, but she thought that the person who chose the site and built it was unpredictable, maybe those strange flowers with poison were also cultivated by that person, the piranhas in the lake before He was also found to raise them in the lake.And the vortex in this lake is probably also artificially created.Because the water flow is changed, it is possible to create the direction of the water flow.

They didn't pay attention just now, and they couldn't see where the fish girl No. [-] came out from. There was only this stone room here. Except for a water outlet channel and the water channel that washed them down, there were no other doors or passages. Discover others.Yue asked in a deep voice, "Where are the other people?"

"I don't know." The fish girl No. [-] gritted her teeth, and couldn't help asking: "Why can you escape those piranhas?" She really couldn't figure this out, how could it be possible?They never dared to go to that area of ​​water, they all thought that these people must be buried in the fish's mouth, how did they know that they not only escaped danger, but even found here!

Lou Qi walked over, looked her up and down, "Are you disappointed?"

Fish Girl No. [-] kept a pale face and said nothing.

"The sixth prince of Beicang must be a sinister and cunning person, so as his subordinates, you are also insidious and cunning. Maybe you don't know, we originally planned to save your lives, well, of course we are not so kind , I just leave it to you to take it back to Poyu and dig out some inside stories about the Sixth Prince and the Beicang royal family. However, I don’t think you are willing to live anymore.”

She smiled and talked about whether she was alive or not, but Yuv No. [-] felt the killing intent, her face turned pale again, and her lips moved.

"I'll give you a chance. I won't talk about your two sisters. Where is Xiao Wang?"

"I really don't know! We heard movement inside and thought it was their group, so I came out to check!"

(End of this chapter)

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