Chapter 279
Lou Qi had been paying attention to her expression, and just as she finished speaking, she whipped out her whip like lightning, and slammed it towards one side of the wall fiercely.

Yu Nu No. [-] looked shocked, but soon relieved, showing the despair of mortal danger, gloating and laughing: "Just use a whip, trying to break this stone gate? There is no way to break this door open!"

"Really?" After the whip went down, the wall did not move, but Lou Qi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Shen Sha glanced at her, with a smile in his eyes, and let her toss about.

Lou Qi withdrew his whip and signaled Yue to let her go, since she couldn't run away anyway.Yu Nu No. [-] stood up straight, when Lou Qi said with certainty: "The three of them are inside, right?"

"How do you know?" she asked again.

Lou Qi laughed: "Guess."

"Even if you can guess it, you can't open this door." Yu Nu No. [-] looked at the water outlet where they fell just now, Chen Shi followed her to look over, and suddenly said in surprise: "The water flow is too strong!"

Originally, the water wasn't that big when they were washed down just now, but now the water flow is at least twice as strong!As soon as his words fell, Yue subconsciously looked at the water outlet, only to find that the water outlet was blocked!

"Did you find it? This place can be sealed. When the water is full, you will all drown here." Fish Girl No. [-] didn't expect them to find out so quickly, and she didn't expect the sisters inside to be so ruthless. If you find them hiding behind that stone wall, you must activate this mechanism to kill them here!At least give her some more time, let the water fill up before they have time to kill her, relying on the effort of standing in the water and holding your breath, maybe she still has a chance of life!
Now she can only talk as much as possible so as not to provoke the other party, so that they don't want to kill so quickly.

But before she finished her plan, Lou Qi slammed a whip towards her, and she felt that her waist was about to be cut in half by the whip, and then her figure flew into the air. Before he could react, he was thrown out violently.

No, it can't be said to be dumped, it should be said to be smashed!Lou Qi rolled her up, treated her like a human hammer, and slammed her heavily on the wall.


Such a heavy blow, such a shock, how could Yuv No. [-] bear it, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"You said I couldn't pull down the wall, so I asked you to do me a favor. You don't mind, do you?"

Fish girl No. [-] spit out another mouthful of blood from this shock, she was thrown to the side of the wall after hitting a wall like a hammer, her chest rose and fell rapidly, and she could feel her internal organs shifted , at least two ribs were broken, and the pain that caused her the most pain was her back.

With such an injury, he couldn't live at all.

Beating her to death, and flirtatiously saying that it was just a favor, she shouldn't mind!

Moon also stood aside.She didn't even think about it, they tricked them into the waters of the piranhas, how could Lou Qi let them go, the three fish girls would all die.

Fish Girl No. [-] was left with one breath, and now she would rather die immediately, because it was too painful, too painful.

"Want to die? You can't do it now, how about I let your sisters come out to accompany you?" Lou Qi really didn't think about saving their lives at the moment. It is not a gentleman to take revenge. They almost died in the mouth of piranhas. How could it be possible? And let them live?

Yu Nu No. [-] showed a mocking look.Let them out?can you do it

She saw Lou Qi yank the whip towards the wall beside her again.

Shen Sha was surprised to see that her soul-killing whip unexpectedly popped out more than a dozen sharp short needles, and when it was drawn against the wall, those needles penetrated into the wall and escaped from the whip body.

Is this a broken needle?

But the scene that followed shocked them so much that their eyeballs almost fell out.

After those needles stuck into the wall, there were dozens of popping sounds suddenly, and a dozen cracks appeared in that wall in an instant!Lou Qi whipped the whip again, and the seemingly incomparably solid stone wall shattered into several pieces and collapsed!

Fish Girl No. [-] stared in horror, and was buried by the heavy rubble.

"Heaven—" Yue didn't pay much attention to Lou Qi's whip, but now this whip gave him a scene that was too shocking!
"Girl, this whip still has such power!" Chen Shi and Lou Xin almost jumped up.Too strong, too powerful!

Lou Qi swept his whip across, and at the same time knocked down the No. [-] and No. [-] fish girls who were trying to run away inside. Seeing them screaming and falling to the ground, he retracted his whip and made a gesture.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin understood what she meant, rushed in first, and picked them up one by one.

Shen Sha came to Lou Qi's side, "You have a lot of tricks with this whip."

"The bursting needle is a one-time consumable. After using it up this time, I have to go out and refill it."

Lou Qi's tone was quite regrettable, everyone was about to vomit blood after hearing this.Without such irritating ones, such disposable consumables are already too scary, if you use them endlessly, then it’s okay?You can't be such a greedy girl!
Yue looked at her whip, her eyes were about to glow green.

Now his family's emperor is displeased, where to look?
The whip is wrapped around Lou Qi's waist!

Yue felt a burst of cold air, and suddenly realized what mistake he had made, and immediately dodged aside.Cold sweat drenched, it was the imperial concubine's whip that made people jealous!

Lou Qi didn't want to spare the lives of the two fish girls, so he attacked extremely ruthlessly. If Chen Shi and Lou Xin hadn't held the two of them by the back collars, they wouldn't have been able to stand up at all.They may have also fled in a hurry, so they didn't change their clothes. They were still in the murloc suits that were easy to enter the water and outlined their curves. When they came out, they even felt that their legs were almost numb.

It turned out that they thought that Lou Qi was just a playful girl dressed as a man, and they had teased that handsome guard in white before. At that time, they were still so amused by her that they couldn't hold back their laughter. They were most jealous of the man in black.

But now they realize that they were wrong, wrong too much!This laughing and funny girl can be so ruthless when she is ruthless!
Lou Qi didn't bother with them, but started looking around.Yue Zi went to interrogate them, but they knew they couldn't live anymore, so naturally they wouldn't say anything, even if they said something, it might not be true.

Lou Qi's first whip against the wall before was just to confirm his suspicion, because the stone room outside could not have a secret door mechanism, only the moss on that wall had some traces of rubbing, naturally it started from that wall.

As a result, both she and Shen Sha could hear that there was a space on the wall over there, and there was a slight echo, but after that whip, the sound of the whip made the people over there startled and their breathing became heavy. .She and Shen Sha heard three auras here, one was heavier and the other two were weaker, so they guessed whether it was Xiao Wang and the other two fish girls in black.

How they came together, though, is an interesting question.It's just that Xiao Wang ran very fast, but these two may have some sisterhood because they have been together for three years, so they still want to hear how the first fish girl is doing.

What Yue wanted to ask was about Cunyouguo, but the two of them didn't know where Cunyouguo was. They only knew that there was such a place and they had been there before, but they still couldn't figure out the doorway inside.

This time so many people entered this underground secret realm, they were afraid that someone here would also sneak in, so they decided to come and have a look, but when they met Xiao Wang, Lou Qi and the others also came.

But they didn't want to protect Xiao Wang, they pointed out the direction of Xiao Wang's departure for them.

Lou Qi happened to have found the secret passage, before they pointed the way, she had already opened the mechanism on the wall by herself.But when she opened up the opportunity, Shen Sha's eyes flickered slightly.

Yue asked Chen Shi and the others to get rid of the two of them, and they immediately entered the secret passage.

There is no more water in here, and there is a long-standing decayed smell in the air. Although there is no water, it still feels very damp.The secret passage is not long, and they suspect that this is the last building, so it is estimated that it is just for refinement, not for bigness.

Just as he was about to turn a corner, Shen Sha suddenly grabbed Lou Qi who had been rushing forward, and said helplessly, "Is it locked?"

Lou Qi grabbed him straight away: "I just want to see if you say it or not."

"What can't I say? Shen Yunshan's organ technique." Shen Sha glanced at her, "I want to know, what is going on in your head?"

"Master Yuewei," Lou Qi suddenly turned his head and asked Yue behind, "Isn't Fairy Shen Yunshan Liuyun one of your candidates for empress?"

Moon broke out in cold sweat.Now who dares to talk about empresses and concubines?There is only one concubine in Jiuxiao Temple, and there is only one empress in Jianguo!
"Fairy Liuyun hasn't had any contact with Dijun for a long time," Yue said.

Lou Qi didn't mean to be jealous with Shen Sha at this time, but she caught the light in Shen Sha's eyes when she touched the mechanism just now, guessing where he recognized the handwriting of this mechanism, Thinking about Shen Yunshan's organ technique he mentioned last time, he was curious about why he thought of Shen Yunshan but didn't know why he didn't say it.

But Yue's words obviously aroused her interest, "So, what kind of relationship did Fairy Liuyun have with your emperor before?"

As she said that, she raised her eyebrows and squinted at Shen Sha, the meaning in her eyes was, you better not let me catch you doing something with someone else, otherwise I won't care if you are in the past tense or not, I will still dump you.

Shen Sha's face darkened.

"Speak well!" He said this sentence to Yue, it was nothing at all, how ambiguous he said it!

"Don't threaten Yuewei." Lou Qi reached out and pinched his waist.

They stopped here, Xiao Wang, who was waiting for them to come forward, was anxious like a cat scratching.He couldn't hear what they were talking about, he just slandered, why don't you leave now, what is there to talk about? !
Yue reluctantly told Lou Qi about Fairy Liuyun, but Shen Sha took a step forward, gesturing carefully on the ground with his feet.

Lou Qi was actually very puzzled, why did Shen Sha only know how to break Shen Yunshan's organ technique.

(End of this chapter)

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