Your heart is free

Chapter 280 The seventh son is a woman

Chapter 280 The seventh son is a woman
Xiao Wang didn't wait until Shen Sha and the others hit the mechanism by mistake.

Instead, they watched them come over without a hair, and the place where the agency was located was completely silent.He recalled the map of the mechanism given to him by Princess Bei Furong in disbelief, and made sure that he remembered correctly, there was indeed a mechanism there!He should remember correctly.

It's a pity that the mechanism map was dropped when he was escaping, and he didn't know where it fell.

It's because that damn picture didn't know where it fell!It made him hide here to avoid them now!Xiao Wang's heart was pounding, the eight masters given to him by the eldest princess were all dead, if he didn't get the things, he didn't know what would happen when he went back.So he must be calm and calm so that he can have the last laugh.

His body tried to shrink again, shrinking himself into the corner.This small dark room is also a trap. In fact, it may be designed for an ambush, but now there are no arrows or other weapons in it. Even if there were, he would never dare to make a move by himself.

So many masters have died, it is probably not enough for him to go out alone.

Xiao Wang didn't dare to vent his anger, but suddenly there was a grinding sound from the wall, and the wall in front of him moved away abruptly!
He stuck there tightly, watching Shen Sha and the others appear in front of him, looking at him with half-smiles.

Xiao Wang has never been so desperate as he is now.

Lou Qi actually didn't expect that Shen Sha would be so familiar with these organs, if she knew this, she wouldn't have to work so hard.

However, she didn't know that it was because she broke the wall and found a mechanism to enter the secret passage that Shen Sha discovered that it was Shen Yunshan's handwriting.

After knowing that it was Shen Yunshan's handwriting, he was able to break the mechanism according to their habits.

Wei Shan stepped forward and pulled Xiao Wang out.

"Everyone had no grudges and no grudges. You also killed all my guards, and you are all fine now. Why don't you let me live?"

Xiao Wang gritted his teeth and looked at Shen Sha.

"We're fine, that's our ability, but it's not because you didn't do anything to us." Yue Liang smiled, "Why don't you say something valuable, and we can consider not killing you."

Xiao Wang was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I don't have anything of value." Seeing their eyes turn cold, Xiao Wang hurriedly shouted: "But I'm useful, I'm useful! The seventh son knows that I'm a A foundry master, my master is Xiao Huo. Are you a woman?!"

Only now did he see Lou Qi clearly, Yue Wei and Wei Shan were standing in front, blocking half of her body, at this moment she and Shen Sha came forward from behind, he saw Shen Sha hugging her waist, but different from before, now she clearly has a feminine posture and figure.

His eyes fell on Lou Qi's chest.


Before he could finish his words, a force struck him suddenly and pierced his right eye. He seemed to be able to hear the sound of the eyeball bursting, and he immediately covered his eyes and screamed in pain.

"If you look around indiscriminately, don't want the other one."

The cold voice came into Xiao Wang's ears.He suddenly realized that the seventh son, female, Qi, and Lou Qi, such a brutal man with strong martial arts and good appearance, only one person fits the rumors!
Adding these factors together, the identities of the couple in front of him are already clear.

Shen Sha, the emperor who broke the realm, and the only imperial concubine in the Nine Heavens Palace who he just announced to the world!
God, God!He is too wronged, too wronged!What the eldest princess meant was originally to get the Cunyou fruit to curry favor with the Emperor of Breaking the Territory, and she wanted to make friends with him, why did it happen now?If he had known earlier, how could he let those eight guards kill them?

They can go together and cooperate completely!
Xiao Wang was hit hard for a moment, the blow was so big that he almost forgot the pain in his eyes.

But at the same time, he also hated those guards, weren't they the ones around the eldest princess?Didn't the eldest princess go to the Nine Heavens Palace before?Why can't they recognize the Emperor Breaking the Domain, why can't they recognize Lou Qi!
But he didn't know that when Bei Furong went to break the domain, it brought another group of guards!And that group of guards is more comfortable for her to use. The eight guards sent to him this time are usually sent out when there are some tasks that need to be done.

Therefore, those eight people had never seen Shen Sha and Lou Qi at all.

But because they have been following the royal princess, they will naturally feel a little arrogant and superior, so Lou Qi has already noticed it.

He covered his right eye with one hand, and knelt down in front of the two of them with a plop, "Dijun, spare your life! Difei, spare your life! It's the villain who has no eyes, so he couldn't recognize the two of you. It's too cheap for the emperor to ruin one of the villain's eyes." I am a villain! I beg you two to spare your lives, this is all a misunderstanding, it is all a misunderstanding!"

Xiao Wang, who was originally a good-looking person who still looked like a human being, was crying and howling at this moment, so he dared not climb up to hug Shen Sha's leg, but for Lou Qi, this time he looked at Shen Sha again and again. Not even a glance.

How can this man who can make the Emperor Break the Territory issue such a contract be easy to provoke?

But he didn't dare to look at Lou Qi, it doesn't mean Lou Qi didn't speak.Seeing him like this, Lou Qi felt that Xiao Huo was really blind.And this Xiao Wang has really refreshed her three views. Before seeing him, she thought he looked like a city man, but she didn't expect that now when life and death were at stake, she would look like this grandson.

"Tell me, what kind of misunderstanding is it?"

At this moment, Lou Qi's voice didn't change deliberately, it was no longer a neutral voice, but her original clear voice.

"The villain came to look for Cun Youguo at the order of the princess of Beicang. I heard that the emperor and the princess knew each other, so how could the villain be disrespectful to the emperor? It's all because I didn't know the emperor before. This is all a misunderstanding."

It really is North Hibiscus.

"What is Princess Furong doing? My own people don't need it, so I ran to Nora City to ask you for help?"

Xiao Wang trembled like autumn leaves falling in front of Shen Sha, he was afraid that if he gave a bad answer, this one would kill him, so when he heard Lou Qi's words, he didn't dare to hide anymore, what he knew, What Bei Furong told him, he said it all in one go.

What Xiao Wang said was similar to what Lou Qi had guessed before, she really hoped to cooperate with Shen Sha with the Cun Youguo, but Xiao Wang didn't know exactly what she wanted to cooperate with.But he did know why Bei Furong came to him, because the emperor of the Bei Cang royal family was seriously ill, and several princes were about to move, Bei Furong had to choose the brothers he supported.

The Xiao family has always been conservative. They will be loyal to whoever becomes the emperor in the end. They will not start to stand in line now, but Bei Furong has already set her sights on weapons. She wants to win over Xiao Huo, but Xiao Huo didn't express his position. Bei Furong offended Bei Furong, so Bei Furong wanted to transfer Xiao Wang out of the Xiao family and train him to be his own person. If Xiao Wang really learned [-]% of Xiao Huo's skills, that would be pretty good.

"The eldest princess wants the villain to defeat the Xiao family, and then teach more apprentices, teach the Xiao family's craftsmanship, and then create a batch of better weapons than those currently used in the army." Xiao Wang said.

Yuewei's face changed slightly when he saw him.

Conscription is the most important thing now in Breaking the Territory. Apart from people, weapons are also very important. They also found a secret valley and are trying to find a foundry to make weapons.Just imagine, if there are a batch of sophisticated weapons and a batch of war horses——

"Xiao Wang, tell the truth, you have learned most of Xiao Huo's skills?" Lou Qi didn't quite believe Xiao Wang's words. He spent a lot of time trying to please Xiao Huo, and then spent a lot of time on his own drilling. He probably got a lot of things secretly from the Xiao family.

It is impossible for such a person to devote all his time and energy to studying art.

Sure enough, upon hearing her question, Xiao Wang froze for a moment. Just as he was about to tell a lie, Shen Sha snorted coldly, scaring him half to death.

"No, no, that's all my bragging. I have learned [-]% at most. The Xiao family has learned the best craftsmanship. Except for Xiao Qing, it is an apprentice that Xiao Huo later accepted, named Daniu. He probably has already learned it. [-]% to [-]% of Xiao Huo's craftsmanship. However, he is honest, stutters, and his family background is not good. He always thinks that others will look down on him, so I treat him well, and I pretend to claim credit for many things he created. I won't say it, and he is still staying in Xiao's house, if there is anything in Xiao's house, I will ask him, maybe he will tell."

big cow?

Lou Qi always felt a little familiar when he heard this name.Xiao Huo brought people to forge a sword and a soul-killing whip, and there seemed to be one of the apprentices there named Niu, and she only overheard Xiao Qing yelling at that time.However, these things have to wait until they return to Nora City.

She felt that Xiao Wang could be killed, but Yue really hoped to bring him back to the broken domain. Although his character is not good, but at that time, he will only be locked up at the weapon making side, and he can't do anything. What kind of tricks are coming.

Now that he is thirsty for talent, Lou Qi doesn't have much to say.Yuewei tapped his dumb acupoint, Lou Qi made some medicine for Wei Shan to sprinkle on his eyes, and he pulled some cloth strips to tie up his eyes. Lou Qi always felt that if he could endure this without resentment, then this person would be quite scary.

Xiao Wang probably knew where Cun Youguo might be, and he also found it from the map of the underground secret realm that Bei Furong gave him, but now the map is gone, and he doesn't know where the mechanism is, so he can only say something. Probably followed behind them.

Fortunately, Shen Sha is strangely familiar with the mechanism here.Walking all the way and tearing it down, they finally reached the secret room where the Cun Youguo might be placed.

(End of this chapter)

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