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Chapter 282 The Birth of the Sword

Chapter 282 The Birth of the Sword
The people in the carriage obviously heard her words first, but a maid in a pink dress flew out of the carriage and landed in front of Lou Qi.

This effort is beautiful.

But now who cares if her qinggong is beautiful or not, in the eyes of Lou Qi and the others, only buns and boiled eggs are left in their minds.

"What are you so dumbfounded, little girl? Quickly pack all these things, I want to take them away." The maid raised her voice, then took off a purse from her waist, and took out a small dime of silver from the purse , very casually threw it at the girl, "You don't need to change this, the rest will be rewarded to you."

The girl with the silver horn frantically tried to catch it, but she still couldn't catch it and fell to the ground.

When she bent down to pick it up, Lou Qi snorted and called out, "Lou Xin! Go and see how many buns there are, we've packed them!"

"Yes, girl!"

Lou Xin immediately stepped forward, looked at the steamer with his head, and immediately called out: "Girl, there are only twelve buns in this steamer!"

Moreover, a steamed stuffed bun is not too big, and a young and strong guy like them can stuff one in one bite.

"Anyway, I'll fill my belly first, and then have a big meal when I get to the city, go in and sit and eat, and walk around." Lou Qi said, dragging Shen Sha into the tea shed.At this time, there were only two guests in the tea shed, and there were empty plates in front of them, drinking tea, and it seemed that the buns had already been eaten.

"You people are still unreasonable? Are you trying to grab something now?" The maid didn't look at them at all when she came over. Anyway, out of the corner of her eye, she only saw a group of people in ragged clothes, with disheveled hair and dirty faces. , just like the beggar, she felt that if she looked at her more, she would stain her eyes, so she didn't even bother to go to see Lou Qi and the others.

Speaking of which, Lou Qi hasn't bathed and changed clothes for a few days. The clothes on his body have been fought and killed, drilled through holes, rolled in soil and water, and now he can't see the original color, and it's wrinkled. Like sauerkraut leaves, the hair is indeed very messy. It is estimated that the beggars in the city look neater than them.

Even Shen Sha is no exception.

Lou Xin turned his head and glanced at her, showing his white teeth: "This girl's words are really funny. We were the ones who came first. If you want to grab something, it's you who are grabbing it."

The girl had already picked up the coin and came up, looked at this and that, walked over and handed the coin: "Girl, return the coin to you, it is true that they came first—"

"What did you say?!" The maid's complexion suddenly changed, "Are you an idiot? Will these people give you money? A bunch of dirty beggars!"

Lou Qi had already found a table inside and sat down, hehehe, "We really don't have any money. Lou Xin, pay gold!"

"Yes." Lou Xin immediately turned up his sleeve pocket, took out a piece of gold leaf, and stuffed it into the hand of the old man who got up and walked over. "Old man, serve us steamed buns and eggs, and a bowl of tea for each of us!"

Unexpectedly, these beggars could actually take out the gold leaves. The maid's face darkened a little, and she said sharply: "It turns out that they are not only beggars, but also thieves! I don't know where I stole the gold leaves from! It's not me!" Are you spending your belongings vigorously? Get out of here quickly, or—"

Before she could finish her words, a palm wind swept over her violently, throwing her to the ground and rolling two meters away.

Shen Sha withdrew his hand and said to the moon, "Take the food."

"Yes." Yue and the others are also starving, who can bear this blind maid showing off her power here?A few people immediately did it themselves, and put tea on the two steamed buns, and then took a bowl and scooped up a dozen boiled eggs.

Lou Qi didn't care about holding the chopsticks or how dirty his hands were, so he reached out and grabbed a bun and took a big bite.Shen Sha glanced at her, shook his head and was speechless.He took the chopsticks slowly, picked up a bun, and took a bite slowly.

"Tch." Lou Qi felt very ashamed of his behavior of clearly despising her with his actions.

The maid was so dizzy from the fall that she managed to get up. Seeing that she was so skillful, the two steamed buns had already entered the stomachs of those people, and some people had already started to eat eggs. Her breath was held in her chest and she almost suffocated to death. .

But she didn't see who made the move just now, and the strong internal force made her very jealous. She was gritting her teeth and thinking about whether to say a few more cruel words, when an impatient voice came from the carriage: "Okay!" Come back, shame on me!"


The maid glared fiercely at the people in the tea shed, turned around and jumped into the carriage, got into the carriage, and soon, the carriage raised a cloud of dust and sped towards Nora City.

During this short period of time, Lou Qi and the others have seen several carriages speeding past, and they all looked like very luxurious carriages.

After eating two steamed buns and two eggs, although Lou Qi still felt very hungry, the green light in her eyes faded. She had just taken a sip of tea when a pair of chopsticks brought a steamed stuffed bun to her mouth, " Open your mouth."

These steamed stuffed buns, they each divided three, he ate two, and left one for her.Lou Qi was not polite at all, and took a big bite with an ahhh.

Turning to the others, he said, "Don't eat eggs too fast. If you are hungry for a long time, eat eggs immediately and drink tea, and your stomach will be burdened."

Everyone absolutely listened to her, and the speed of peeling the eggs slowed down.

Boiled eggs in clear water, Lou Qi didn't like to eat egg yolks, so he only peeled one and ate the egg whites.Shen Sha ate her remaining egg yolk, causing Yue's jaw to drop.The master has a natural nobleness, like someone from a big family, it is impossible to share food with others, but now he feeds Lou Qi, eats the egg yolk that she peeled off with dirty hands, without frowning, it is very natural look.

After Lou Qi ate egg whites, seeing the grandpa and grandson standing aside watching them hesitating to speak, he couldn't help asking: "Do you have something to say?"

The grandfather and grandson have opened a tea shed here for several years, and they see a lot of people of all kinds every day. At the beginning, they also thought that these people were really like beggars, but after hearing what they said, they knew that these people were definitely not beggars. , not to mention they brought out the gold leaf.

It seemed that she was hesitating about what to call her, now Lou Qi could tell she was a woman, but she was wearing men's clothing, and the clothes and face were so dirty that she couldn't see her original appearance. "Master, son," the old man held the gold leaf in his hand, "these buns and eggs don't need so much money—"

Lou Qi thought they were trying to say something, waved his hands when he heard this, blinked his eyes and said: "Then, with the rest of the money, I can buy some information from the old man."

Both the grandpa and grandson were taken aback: "Information?" What information can they buy?
"I see a lot of big carriages driving towards the city. Has anything happened in Nora recently?"

When he heard that she was asking about this, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't you know, my lord? Two days ago, the Xiao family released another magic weapon!"

Hearing these words, Lou Qi's eyes widened all of a sudden, and it occurred to him that the sword made of thousand-year-old ice black iron and purple cloud fox blood had been forged!

But before she could figure it out, another question made her jump up. "Ruined!"

Shen Sha also thought of this, "Little fox."

That's right, it's not, it's Ziyunhu Wuwu!

God, she forgot about it!

Lou Qi was overwhelmed by guilt all of a sudden, "What should I do, it won't stay by the Wangyou Lake?"

Chen Shi and the others also felt bad all of a sudden.Wangyou Lake, piranhas, that was definitely an experience that made them shudder when they thought about it.

Yue stood up, "It's not necessary to go back the same way we came out, don't forget, Du Wenhui and the others came out from another exit by the Wangyou Lake, we went into the city to find them, and after we found them, we belonged Let them lead the way, and then go back to Wangyou Lake to look for it... woo woo."

Lou Qi glanced at him.Although it is possible to go back by that road, thinking about such a place always gives people goosebumps. If you can get out of such a weird and gloomy place, no one will want to go there again.And if it was in the past, Yuewei must have put Shen Sha first in everything, he wanted to follow Shen Sha, and would never take the initiative to do anything for her.

But now he turned out to be the first to volunteer.

Upon receiving her gaze, Yue Zheng's expression changed, and he met her scrutiny without hesitation.

Lou Qi suddenly smiled, "Okay."

Moon secretly breathed a sigh of relief.After the matter of the whirlpool in the lake, he could see that Lou Qi had accepted the status of imperial concubine, and from now on he could no longer regard her as the maid Lou Qi whose status was lower than his.The emperor was able to jump off the vortex without hesitation, and the status of the two of them was equal from then on.

Furthermore, he was already convinced by her in his heart.

He was even more worried that Lou Qi would have a grudge against him, but now that Lou Qi is willing to let him do things, that's good, that's good.

"Old man, what is that magical weapon?"

"It's a precious sword. I heard that on the day the magic weapon was released, the eldest princess happened to come to Nora City, so she made the decision to let the magic weapon appear."

The girl went on to say: "The eldest princess is really a good person. She didn't take the magic soldiers back to the capital directly because of her status as a royal princess. Moreover, because the princess spread the news, there are more people going to Nora City in the past two days. We have many more customers."

For this reason, the grandfather and grandson are very grateful to Bei Furong.

"I heard that Prince Jade of the Eastern Qing Dynasty is also on his way to Nora City." The girl blushed a little when she mentioned Prince Jade.

It seems that Dong Shiyu's charm is still great.

The man at the next table heard this and couldn't help saying: "Let's not talk about Young Master and Prince Yu, you don't know, there are two other incredible people who are also going to Nora City."

"That's right, it's really exciting." Another man also said excitedly.

It seems that the sword is extraordinary!Otherwise, so many people would not have made a special trip to come to Nora City.Seeing that Lou Qi seemed to be in deep thought, Lou Xin couldn't help but take up the conversation and asked, "Who are those two incredible people you're talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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