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Chapter 283 The Gathering of Enemies

Chapter 283 The Gathering of Enemies
The man seemed to look down on them that they hadn't heard the news. He glanced at them and said, "I'm afraid you'll all be shocked if I tell you."

There are two black lines on Lou Xin's forehead.Dude, then you're going to scare us by saying it!

The man smiled and said, "The two fairies have already confirmed that they will come!"

Two fairies?

Lou Xin and the others were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.The two famous people who are called fairies in this world are definitely not them.

"I didn't expect them to come to join in the fun." After Yue finished speaking, she couldn't help but glance at Shen Sha and Lou Qi.

Lou Qi was a bit overwhelmed, and turned to Chen Shi with puzzled eyes.Chen Shi immediately explained her doubts, "Bixian Gate, Shen Yunshan."

Jing Meng, head of the Bixian Sect, is known as Fairy Mengbi.

But obviously these two men are not drooling at Fairy Mengbi, because Fairy Mengbi is beautiful, but she should be over thirty years old anyway.

What Lou Qi didn't expect at all was that they were talking about Fairy Liuyun in the mountain, and when they encountered Shen Yunshan's organ technique, they heard the news about Fairy Liuyun Su Liuyun as soon as they came out.

Lou Qi gave Shen Sha a sideways look with a half-smile.Could it be that the news that he was here leaked out, and then he came after her?

What about the other one?The other one was looking forward to her coming. "Then, why don't the saints of Tianshan come?"

Only Chen Shi, Lou Xin and the others could tell that the cold murderous intent flashed in the calm and even smiling eyes of their girl when she asked this sentence.

They had no doubt that if Nalan Huaxin came to Nola City this time, their girls would definitely kill him.

The two men glanced at her and shook their heads. "I haven't heard that the saint is coming."

Yes, that's a pity.

Lou Qi was a little disappointed.Could it be because Nalan Huaxin knew she was here and thought she would die at the hands of the ghost people, or be tortured by them in various ways, and he wanted to avoid suspicion and clean himself up?
However, let alone Nalan Huaxin, even these two fairies probably wouldn't have any kindness towards her.Bixian Gate is one of Lou Qi's "Great Achievements" that has already caused enmity. He had already become enmity with Fairy Mengbi's niece Jing Yao when he was in the ice field. There is another one, Fairy Mengbi's apprentice, who was very likely Married to Shen Mengjun of Dongshiwen, the prince of the Eastern Qing Dynasty.

In Shen Mengjun's heart, he probably wanted to peel her skin and drink her blood from time to time.I'm just afraid that Shen Mengjun won't be able to get over the waves, and besides, I don't know if she's dead or not.One ear was cut off, one arm was cut off, even if he was not dead, he probably wouldn't dare to come out and walk around casually.

Jing Yao is definitely one of the ones who can really convince Fairy Mengbi to take revenge.It is said that Fairy Mengbi treats her like her own daughter, and her daughter is being bullied, so the parents are not allowed to come forward?

As for Su Liuyun, although he had never seen it before, Lou Qi really didn't expect it.According to her physique of attracting enemies, and this person who many people in the Nine Heavens Palace believed to be qualified to compete with Nalan Huaxin for the second place, she and Fairy Liuyun are probably torn apart.

This is definitely a gathering of enemies!Thinking of this, Lou Qi couldn't help sighing, before he could speak, he received the warning gaze from the emperor.

"Qiqi, it's best to control your messy thoughts."

Shen Sha decided to "warn" her first.If she wants to question his mind next, he really doesn't mind swallowing her in one gulp.

Being stared at by his deep and dangerous eyes, Lou Qi smiled and promised: "What nonsense, I will never have any messy thoughts, really."

Since she couldn't get rid of his domineering and burning feelings, she wasn't really afraid to try.Not giving him the determination to prove that he can have only one person is really unfair to him.

Shen Sha glanced at her, and snorted almost inaudibly.

Anyway, this time, Nora City must be very lively.

"Let's hurry into town."

This time they didn't understand Bei Furong's purpose.If this magical sword is really shocking, what is Bei Furong doing to attract so many people instead of helping the royal family put it away?Let them snatch it?

Another Nora city has come to this multi-party force, and it is certainly not without pressure.

After coming out of the tea shed, the crowd rushed towards the city without a cart or horse, and could only rely on two legs.Coupled with their image, when people saw them from a distance, they really thought they were a bunch of beggars and homeless men who wanted to go to the city to beg for this busy time.

Along the way, many luxurious carriages or horses passed by them, heading towards Nora City.

When he saw two lines lined up at the gate of the city, wearing armor and majestic, obviously different from the loose guards in the past, Lou Qi frowned slightly, "Will our image be stopped?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Lou Qi rolled his eyes, "You guys wait here, I'll go in first, and someone will bring you clothes and a carriage later."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shen Sha's objection, she performed lightness kung fu and chased after a large carriage that had just passed by them.

When Yue and the others saw that her figure was like a light and fluffy leaf, she floated under the car all of a sudden, they couldn't help sweating.

Can you be careful?In case of rubbing somewhere, who will stop the emperor from getting angry?
"Master, the imperial concubine is—" Yue felt that it was unlikely that Lou Qi just slipped in first to find clothes for them in a carriage, the light in her eyes just now thought he was blind.

Shen Sha said lightly: "She just likes to toss."

That being said, he still took the lead to walk under a tree by the side of the road and waited.

Yue is a little speechless, if you really think that Lou Qi likes to make troubles, then you should stop pampering her.

When approaching the gate of the city, Lou Qi found out that these soldiers would block what they thought were idlers from the gate. It is said that they would gather together and interrogate them one by one when they had free time. If they were lucky, they might be released. If you are unlucky, just stay outside the city.

And those luxurious carriages or those riding horses let pass after a general glance.

Lou Qi also entered the city very smoothly, got out of the carriage almost before it reached the inn, rolled on the spot, and rolled out from under the carriage.

She stood up, patted the dust off her body, and after a couple of pats, she realized that she couldn't clean her whole body.Just as she was about to go to the inn where they lived, she saw Xiaosi standing at the door of the inn looking around.At this moment, her heart was officially let go.It seems that they did come out safely.

She approached, but saw Xiao Qing coming from the other side, walking straight towards Xiaosi.Xiaosi was not surprised to see him, the two exchanged a few words, Xiao Qing left disappointed and anxious.

Lou Qi thought about it, the Xiao family should be protected by the Beicang royal family as a national treasure protected animal, and it was also a moment when their reputation was raised to the highest level, why did Xiao Qing look worried?

She waited for Xiao Qing to leave before walking to Xiaosi's side. Before she could speak, Xiaosi suddenly turned her head to look at her. "Little master!"

"Your nose is really good." Lou Qi laughed.

"You can be regarded as coming back, if you don't come back, we will all go crazy." Xiaosi's eyes turned red.

Lou Qi said helplessly: "It's okay, people in their thirties are crying to me—"

Xiao Si burst into tears and laughed: "Little master, you are really unkind, calling me old."

In fact, Xiaosi is really not old. At 35 years old, she looks like she is only in her twenties, and she is so beautiful.But now she still wears the mask given by Zhongzhou.

Xiaosi didn't take her into the inn, but took her around the inn, walked through two alleys, and came to the door of a house.

The house looked quite old, with mottled door panels and a plaque on the door with the word Zou Mansion written on it.

Zou is Xiaosi's surname.Lou Qi glanced at her, Xiaosi hurriedly said: "Captain Du did this, but he said I was the young master's maid, so he used my surname to deceive others."

At the beginning when she was chasing someone, she asked Du Wenhui to go back to the city to put the things she had left in the inn first, as well as a few horses and carriages such as Taxue, but she did not expect Du Wenhui to rent such a house very quickly and take care of the carriages and horses. well placed.

While speaking, the door opened, and it was Lu Dali who opened the door.As soon as he saw Lou Qi, Lu Dali froze for a moment.

"Big man, you have to step aside in a daze. How can the little master get in while blocking the door?" Xiao Si pushed him with a raised eyebrow.

"Young Master is back!" Lu Dali only came to his senses at this moment.His voice was so loud that it pulled everyone out.

Of the ten post officials, three are here, and the others are not here.

"Oh, they have all gone out." Xiaosi said, "Someone is going to wait for you, and someone is going to inquire about various news in the city. They should be back later."

"Go and get Du Wenhui back." Naturally, Lou Qi couldn't wait, so he said to the remaining three postmen, "Hurry up."

Then she asked Xiaosi to take Lu Dali to go shopping.The clothes of Shen Sha and the others are gone, and they don't know where to throw them after entering the ruins, including hers.So I have to buy ready-made clothes for the time being.

Du Wenhui came back soon, Lou Qi immediately told him the plan and told him to do it quickly.

Du Wenhui and the others hurriedly went to do what she had told her. Xiaosi had already bought new clothes for Lou Qi, and a middle-aged couple was hired in the house to boil water and cook for them. Lou Qi changed after taking a bath. Xinyi, listening to Xiaosi explain in detail what happened in the city in the past two days.When the woman who cooked came over to say that the meal was ready, Du Wenhui and the others happened to bring Shen Sha and the others back.

It was she who asked Du Wenhui to hire a chariot dealer to redecorate the two luxurious carriages, the two carriages she bought before.Even the horses of Taxue and Chen Shilouxin were brushed with the herbal juice she gave, changing the color of their coats, and even dyed a ray of red on the horse's head, making it difficult to recognize its true colors.

Shen Sha and the others, who hadn't had time to wash up, put on a mask and covered the dirty clothes with a light cloak. When they got out of the car, they really shocked Xiaosi and Lu Dali. However, the cloak was untied and the mask was taken off. It was even more shocking.What about grace?What about handsome?

"Go and wash up first, I'll put on your make-up after dinner." Lou Qi stroked his chin and began to look at them.Chen Shi and the others only felt that their hearts were fluttering, and they didn't know what she was going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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