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Chapter 284 This Is a Date

Chapter 284 This Is a Date

Everyone was so hungry that the food they ate in the tea shed outside the city was not enough at all. Fortunately, after Lou Qi came back, the couple had started to prepare hot water for cooking, and they took new clothes from Xiaosi Afterwards, each of them went to wash up, and when they came out, the hall was already full of a large table of food.

Lou Qi was about to sit down, but Yue invited her to the flower hall.

There is another table in the flower hall, with only two sets of bowls and chopsticks.Yuedao: "The imperial concubine is easy-going and his subordinates know, but if it is to establish a country, there must be rules. It is not necessary for the imperial concubine to change much, but to share the table with the subordinates like these, and some of them should be done by the subordinates. Don't do it yourself, for issues like this, can the imperial concubine do her best?"

Lou Qi was helpless, looked at him and smiled weakly.In fact, she can understand that like the state-owned state-law family has family rules, she can play with the closest guards and subordinates around her, but only Chen Shi and Lou Xin, they are always different to her, and she may not be able to treat others. got so close.

In the future, there would be so many soldiers and generals in a country, she could mingle with them occasionally, but it would be impossible to get close to them all the time. After a long time like this, someone would always have other thoughts.

Those in positions of authority must always have a suitable majesty and a deterrent effect on their subordinates, because what they are facing is not a small number of people, but a vast country.

"I see."

Yue smiled slightly, saluted and withdrew.

After a while, Shen Sha stepped forward, saw her sitting alone at the table, the corners of her lips slightly curled up, walked over and sat down opposite her.

In fact, Lou Qi was already looking at him when he came in, his eyes were full of surprise, yes, surprise.Shen Sha always only wears a black brocade robe, sometimes black as night, black black really suits him, because he is ruthless and has a solemn demeanor, which fits perfectly with black black.

Lou Qi always thought that it was the color that suited him best, but she never thought that even such a bright red color could be easily controlled by him!

That's right, she asked Xiaosi to pick out the clothes, and she was afraid that the general clothing stores would not find them, so she spent a lot of money to let Xiaosi find out about the largest and most famous Jinxiu clothing store in Nora City, and told Xiaosi that Yes, I want the most stylish men's clothing, as dazzling as possible, as attractive as possible, no matter the price.

As a result, Xiaosi brought back the red dress.

Pure red to the extreme, arrogantly declaring its brilliance, a black belt around the waist, on the belt is only a few leaves of bamboo embroidered with gold silk thread, and then lined with black boots, because the long hair is still very wet, like this Shen Sha unexpectedly lost a bit of sternness, and became a bit more monstrous!

The eyes reflected in the red clothes, the deep eye waves flowed, so beautiful that she was about to drool——

She was infatuated when she heard Shen Sha's slightly smiling voice: "Is this emperor so good-looking? It makes Aifei salivate."

Lou Qi wiped his mouth subconsciously, and actually drooled a little! ! !
Emma!What a shame to throw it at grandma's house!
Lou Qi covered her face with her hands, "...I have no face to face people."


Shen Sha couldn't help laughing, her voice was magnetic and pleasant, Lou Qi only felt that her heart had turned into a fine string, and his laughter was like his hands, which kept playing, making her heart so soft that it was unreasonable.

It was rare for Shen Sha to see Lou Qi so shy, and she smiled happily.His women are obsessed with the way he looks, as they should, as they should.

In the hall outside, everyone was wolfing down their food, but their jaws almost dropped when they heard Dijun's unbridled and cheerful laughter.

I have followed Dijun for so many years, but I have never heard his laughter!At most, there is a little smile on the corner of his lips, and it is fleeting. He has never laughed out loud like now!
Yue suddenly felt a little sore nose.Even if Lou Qi is not the Dijun's Yao Yin, even if Lou Qi is not that powerful, it is enough for the Dijun to start like this, enough!

"Eat quickly, eat quickly, let's see who is willing to go to Wangyou Lake with Benwei after eating, the little fox of the imperial concubine hasn't come back yet!"

"Master Yuewei, this subordinate will take you there!"

"No, Lord Yuewei, I will take you there, I remember the way."

In fact, they had escaped death when they came out. How could there be a completely safe exit after hiding in such a secret place?

Fortunately, that was indeed the path with the lowest risk. Although they escaped death, none of them, including Xiaosi and the others, turned there.

However, before Yuewei could act, a postman who was inquiring about news in the city brought news that surprised them.

"Emperor Concubine, I found Ziyun Fox on a carriage that just entered the city!"

Lou Qi, who was tying Shen Sha's hair with her own hands, paused when she heard this, "What?"

"We'll talk after we tie our hair." Shen Sha reminded her lightly.It's just a little fox with spirituality, and her position in her heart can't be the same or close to his. Well, it's important to tie his hair first.

This is the first time Lou Qi has tied his hair, and he likes the feeling of her slender fingers running through his black hair.

Following the actions of his subordinates, Lou Qi gave Du Wenhui a wink.

Du Wenhui continued: "The subordinates have already sent someone to find out the whereabouts and identity of the person in the carriage, but the people below reported that Ziyunhu seems to be following that person docilely."

"Can you see clearly it's woo woo?"

"At that time, the car curtain was lifted by the wind and I saw it. It should be woo."

How can there be so many purple cloud foxes in the world?

Yue was going to take people back to Wangyou Lake, and he didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or worry when he heard the news.At least Ziyun Fox is fine, but the people in the carriage don't know who is sacred, where did they get Ziyun Fox?Ziyun Fox followed meekly?

However, Lou Qi thought of a possibility, it might be an acquaintance, only if he recognized the other party and was sure that the other party was not malicious, Ziyunhu could possibly follow him.

After waiting for a while, the person who went out to inquire came back. "Emperor Concubine, subordinates are useless, this is the letter that person asked his subordinates to deliver to Concubine Di."

The postman lowered his head guiltily.If you are not as good at work as others, you will be discovered by others, and you will become a courier.

Lou Qi was about to take the letter, when Shen Sha grabbed it, the letter flew directly into his hands, she rushed over, he held the letter high, and watched her throw it straight into his arms.

He raised his eyebrows, glanced at her, and said in a dangerous tone: "So nervous?"

Lou Qi's hand that wanted to snatch the letter changed to pawing at the clothes on his chest, and lightly patted Quan Dang, who was tidying his clothes for him, while raising his small face and hehe said: "I'm nervous, take a look!" What do people write."

Shen Sha opened the letter and saw that there was only one line written on it.

"Farewell to Luoyang, I miss you very much. I will see you in Hualou Zijian at night." He read it slowly, speaking very slowly, and at the end of the sentence, his dark eyes narrowed slightly and looked at her.

The handwriting is clear and elegant, the strokes are strong, and the movement is like a dragon. It is clearly a man's handwriting.

When Lou Qi heard this, he knew who it was, the young owner of Shengyao Shop, Zhao Yun!But why did he come here?Could it be for that sword too?
It seems that this time, Nora City is really lively.

But what the hell is that Hualou Zijian?

Lou Qi wondered, but didn't see someone's face that was so dark that it was about to drip ink.By the time she realized that she was shivering suddenly, the others had already slipped out.

With a heavy tone, Shen Sha pinched her chin, "Is there anything the imperial concubine wants to say?"

He didn't know what happened in Luoyang City. At that time, the three hundred post officials hadn't arrived yet.Later, he heard about the deeds of the seventh young master, and he guessed immediately that this is Lou Qi.But the rumors did not mention what kind of man appeared beside the seventh son.But now, that person had delivered the letter of invitation to his eyes.

A killing intent flashed in Shen Sha's eyes.

It was only at this moment that Lou Qi came to his senses, with a black line on his face, he felt that it was wrong to answer any words, so he snatched the letter while he was not paying attention, then quickly backed out, and quickly threw a sentence, "I'm going to ask where this flower building is!"

Huihualou is quite a famous place in Nora City.

Its fame lies first in its specialness. Huihualou does not open every day. Its opening time is almost equal to the barometer of major events in Nora City. What grand event will be held in Nora City soon, or will there be any distinguished guests coming? , then, Huihualou will open for business two days in advance.

Every time the flower building opens, there is no need to worry about no business, customers will flock to it. Although the consumption of the flower building is ridiculously high, it will still be full every time.

Another point is that every time Hualou opens for business, there will be a gorgeous beauty appearing. It may be different every time, but everyone must be so beautiful that people will never forget it for a lifetime. Moreover, this beauty will Ask questions to the guests, as long as they answer correctly, they can get corresponding prizes. No one knows what those prizes are at the beginning. They may be just a joke to make you laugh, or they may be martial arts secrets that can make martial arts people crazy.This seems to be the mood of that beauty.

Although beauties do not attract guests, they will still attract countless men to flock to Huihualou with a lot of silver and gold.

This time, Huihualou opened for business yesterday.Most of the guests who came from other places and came in luxurious carriages went straight to Huihualou.

"Then is Hualou an inn?" Listening to Du Wenhui's inquiring news, Lou Qi was very curious about the people behind this Hualou.

"Huihualou is not an inn." Du Wenhui glanced at their emperor secretly, hesitated for a moment before gritted his teeth and continued: "Speaking of which, the decoration of Huihualou is more like a brothel."

Shen Sha showed a cold smile when he heard the words.Very good, about this kind of place!
They were sitting in the carriage at this time, Lou Qi and Shen Sha were not taken by others, a postman was the coachman, and Du Wenhui was brought as a guard, Xiao Si went to disguise and turned into a maid.

The goals of Chen Shi and others might be too big, so Lou Qi didn't bring them out.

The carriage was driving steadily towards Huihualou. After passing the alley in front, Huihualou was located.But at this moment, a carriage drove up in a hurry and almost collided with their carriage.

"Hey, hurry up and get out of the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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