Your heart is free

Chapter 285 Am I Bullying?

Chapter 285 Am I Bullying?

As soon as Lou Qi heard this voice, a word came to mind.


Could this voice be the maid who wanted to grab buns from them in the tea shed outside the city today?

It's just that she recognized her, but the maid definitely couldn't recognize her.At this time, she was thinking of going to meet Hualou as soon as possible, and bringing Ziyun Fox back as soon as possible. She didn't want to waste time with them here, so she called out the carriage to back up and let the other party pass first.Lou Qi felt that he was very kind, you see, how modest he was.

However, some people may have become a habit of dying. When the carriage drove into the alley, the maid snorted arrogantly and said: "Sometimes, a little silver rides in a beautiful carriage to pretend to be a grandson! Fortunately, some Know yourself, otherwise you will cut this unsightly carriage and let you roll down and play as a ball for our horses."

It is really inexplicable to say this.Lou Qi originally thought that this maid just looked down on poor people, but she didn't expect that now that she was dressed up and sitting in a BMW, she would still attract people's ridicule and insults.

Lou Qi stroked his chin, and asked Xiao Si who was sitting in the car together: "Does your little master look particularly easy to bully?"

Xiaosi covered her mouth and said happily, "If you don't know her, it looks like she is." Because usually she even smiles a lot, and sometimes she looks a little cute, but who would expect such an expression to be a super tough girl? soul.

After Shen Sha got into the car, he closed his eyes and meditated. Hearing this, he didn't open his eyes, but just said: "It's very good at pretending."

During the time she was away, he slowly recalled the things between the two of them from the beginning, only to suddenly realize that she had been acting since the first time she fell into his arms on a barren mountain night and saw him.

Maybe she was really afraid of those fake zombies trained with drugs, and it was true that she had never encountered such killings, but her fear and screams at that time must have been deliberately enlarged and exaggerated.Because later he found out that she was actually very courageous, and she was afraid of returning home, and she would kill her if her life was threatened.

Later, she pretended not to understand anything, pretended to be timid, as if she was extremely resistant to stepping into his life, wishing she could stay far away.

But precisely because of this, he felt that he had never met such a woman before, and he was attracted by her step by step.

Lou Qi gave him a sideways glance speechlessly.From the very beginning, she knew that if she let them know how much she knew, she would definitely be more tired. If she didn't pretend, would she just go up and work hard?
The carriage in front entered the alley without being in a hurry, and actually slowed down and walked slowly, which seemed to be on purpose.

"I'll bear it." Lou Qi raised half of the car curtain, and just as the word "I endured" was said, her wrist was full, and a thin silver light pierced into the gap between the front wheel joints.

"Emperor Concubine, why don't you shoot their horses?" Du Wenhui was a little puzzled, what effect would a little silver shot between the wheels have?

"What do you shoot the horse for? The horse didn't offend me." Lou Qi looked at him with wide eyes, "Also, come out and call my wife, remember."

"Yes, ma'am."

As for the effect of those few needles, they will know soon.

After leaving this section of the alley, the front suddenly becomes clear, and next to a clearing that is evenly paved with bluestone slabs, there is actually a big artificial lake!There is a bridge corridor on the lake, the bridge corridor is extremely wide, but there are people guarding it, and no carriages are allowed to pass through.There is a gate building between the bank and the bridge corridor, and the words Huihua Building are written on this gate building.There are countless lanterns hanging on the bridge corridor, so looking at a row of colorful dragons, it looks luxurious.The light was reflected on the water, and the breeze blew up the waves, shattering the shadow of the light, making people a little stunned.

If it is in modern times, no matter how luxurious the man-made shadows are, Lou Qi would not be so impressed, but this is an ancient time in another world, and this is not the beautiful south of the Yangtze River. Lou Qi was really dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of such beautiful scenery.

Two rows of carriages have been neatly parked beside the river bank, and they are basically high-end and luxury cars.The carriage in front of them happened to see an empty seat, and the maid yelled, "Stop quickly, don't wait to be robbed of the seat!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there were three consecutive clicks, and the wheels of the carriage fell apart in an instant!
Because the wheels were completely scattered, it was impossible for the carriage to be intact, and it fell to the ground with a bang.The horse pulling the cart suddenly lost its load, so it galloped out suddenly, kicking the driver away.

There was a scream from inside the carriage, and soon two figures rushed out.

Lou Qi has been waiting for this moment.

She didn't pay attention to the other figure, she just stared at the maid.Seeing her figure flying out, she immediately shot another needle towards her.

The maid's kung fu is actually very good, she can detect the danger in time before the flash, the angle of the attack must be tricky, a large area of ​​flying needles, it is impossible to avoid them all at once by avoiding to both sides, but she can rush forward Rush out, because those needles will always come weak and fall.

This thought just flashed like lightning. In fact, how can a person have so much time for you to think carefully in mid-air?
The maid chose to make another effort and rushed forward.But she didn't notice at all that there was already a lake in front of her.

With a "plop", the maid fell into the water.

Water splashed everywhere, and someone screamed. "Someone fell into the water!"

"That girl is really strange, she has already flown out of the car to avoid a fall, why did she rush into the lake by herself?"

"I didn't see what happened. Tsk tsk, it's cold in spring, falling into the lake is no joke."

Xiaosi and Du Wenhui in the carriage were stunned by this series of changes, and they didn't recover for a long time.Lou Qi's attack seemed to be very understatement, and he didn't do any special damage. It was just a needle as thin as a cow's hair, which might not be seen when it fell on the ground, and then let the carriage disintegrate, forcing Watching the maid foolishly fall into the lake.

"Little master, is this what you said to be easy to bully?" Xiaosi was speechless.

Lou Qi clapped her hands and leaned on Shen Sha, "I'm venting my anger for our master."

"Oh?" Shen Sha is actually very satisfied with her temperament of vengeance, he just likes to watch her bully others, and he doesn't want to see her being bullied.If Lou Qi hadn't held down his hand to prevent him from taking action, he would have slapped the carriage to death, including the horse and the people.However, if she wants to play, let her play.

"Master was also in the carriage just now, and she scolded everyone in the carriage. I must know that I can still bear people scolding me, but if I scold you, I won't be willing!" Lou Qi was in his arms. Li raised his face, his eyes sparkled brightly: "Did you feel very moved?"

Shen Sha looked at her calmly, for a moment, then nodded, "I am very touched, but this is different from that letter of invitation."

Lou Qi lowered his face.

Earlier, after he read the letter, his face was dark for a long time. In the end, she offered to take him to Huihualou and decided not to care about it after seeing her performance. Now she feels that she is a dog, and he actually Not sold yet.

Another figure landed on the bank of the river in embarrassment, and shouted at the maid in the lake: "Come up quickly!"

The voice was full of exasperation, it should be that the maid made her look so ugly and humiliated, at this moment she just wanted to disappear in front of people as soon as possible.

It was a young girl in a gorgeous blue dress, she had bright eyes and white teeth, and she was beautiful, but her delicate and impatient face made her beauty lower by three points.

The master and servant seem to have been spoiled by the big family, and they don't have much knowledge, they don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, their eyes still grow on the top of their heads, and they don't know how they came to this Nora city safely, and there is no accident on the way.

The maid climbed ashore, trembling all over, her lips turned white.

At this time, a jade-faced gentleman next to him took off his cloak and handed it over: "Girl, put it on quickly, and hurry up to drink a bowl of hot ginger soup in Huihualou, so as to save yourself from the wind and cold."

There was a look of contempt in the maid's eyes, but she seemed to have to endure it, she hummed, and subconsciously wrapped her cloak tightly.Not only was it cold, she was wet all over after falling into the lake, sticking to her body, showing her curves, making her almost breathe fire.

"Miss, someone must have plotted against us just now!"

The girl in the bi skirt glared at her: "Do you think I'm an idiot? I don't know that someone is plotting, but before we find my sister, we must know how to endure, do you understand?"

These words happened to be heard by Shen Sha, Lou Qi and the others who couldn't get out of the car.


With that maid's insolent appearance, what point does she seem to be holding back?Are you sure you're not joking?
"Is it the nobleman from Jinzijian?" At this time, a handsome man came over and asked the girl warmly.

The person who was still talking about forbearance raised his chin proudly, "But my sister saw me? Did you come out to pick me up?"

The man nodded, "Please come this way, distinguished guest."

The girl and the maid were delighted again, followed the man into the gatehouse, and walked up the lantern corridor bridge.

"It seems that the sister of that little beauty is a famous person." Lou Qi smiled slightly.

When they got out of the carriage, those who hadn't boarded the covered bridge, those who were watching the door, or those who were getting off the carriage, all looked at the couple in amazement.

"Who are this pair? Oh my god, I've never seen such a graceful appearance before."

"Could it be someone from a great family?"

"He's looking at me, he's looking at me." A girl murmured so excited that she was about to faint.

Lou Qi was very satisfied with the effect her masterpiece brought.

Shen Sha, who is dressed in red, is indeed half fire and half ice, and his temperament makes people unable to think of good adjectives to describe and praise him.Even the golden mask he is wearing at this time is fascinating.

They walked slowly to the gate, and were about to go in, but the gatekeeper stopped them, "Everyone needs to pay a hundred taels of gold to pass."

A hundred taels of gold per person is really not cheap.

But Lou Qi had nothing else but a lot of money.A bank note was handed over to the man without frowning.

Walking through the lantern covered bridge, you can see that Huihualou is really showing its beauty in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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