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Chapter 287 Whose Mask Looks Good?

Chapter 287 Whose Mask Looks Good?
During the whole process, the waiter who led the way didn't make a sound or stop him. Lou Qi glanced at him indiscriminately. From the expression on the other side, he could see that he was also extremely surprised by Shen Sha's kung fu, but he didn't show any panic or fear. color.In this flower building, even a waiter who leads the way is not easy.

Although Jingyao was slapped to the ground by Fairy Mengbi to save herself, it was a shame for her to fall to the ground in such a posture of a dog gnawing on the ground!

She got up, gritted her teeth and looked like a ghost.Fairy Mengbi is her aunt, she is here to save her, she can't blame her, that mysterious man in red, with such a ruthless attack, almost killed her, no, she already had a secret guard Doomed!But she still couldn't resent him and hate him!

She hated that woman!The woman by his side!

Why can she be the wife of such a man?Can I still be pampered by him?


Concealing the ruthlessness on his face, Jing Yao raised his head, his face was already stained with tears.Lou Qi is a little curious, is it true that the bigger the sect, the more evil-minded the women it raises?Nalan Huaxin is one of them, as are Bixianmen, Shen Mengjun, and Jingyao. One or two feel that what they fancy should be theirs, whether it's people or things.

You have to have a first come, first served in everything, right?
It doesn't matter if you come late, you have to see clearly whether this thing is yours, and whether this person wants you, right?
It seems that the backing is too big, and it is easy for him to develop a sense of dependence, and it is easy to make people go too crazy.

"Auntie, you have to make the decision for Yao'er—" Jing Yao's tearful eyes turned to look at Shen Sha, the grievance in those eyes was so strong that one would almost—

Squirt out laughing.

Fairy Mengbi only heard his voice but could not see his shadow.

"Your Excellency is very skilled, but it's just a little girl's family joke, and you start killing people. Isn't your Excellency too cruel? Besides, this is Huihualou. If you do this, where will you put Huihualou? "

Lou Qi was a little surprised, why didn't Fairy Mengbi show up?

She was still wondering, but Shen Sha had already said coldly: "Fairy Mengbi, before teaching others, it is best to review the tutoring of her disciples first."


Her disciples are generally recruited up the mountain since they were young, and their tutors are not good, so isn't that just scolding her as the master and master of the sect?
Lou Qi suppressed a smile, thinking that their emperor is not very dull.

"You!" Fairy Mengbi was so angry that she choked, and then she yelled, "Close the door!"

This sentence was obviously not meant for them, the door was closed quickly, and Fairy Mengbi swallowed the grievance this time?

This was really beyond Lou Qi's expectation.

"Several distinguished guests, please." The waiter in Tsing Yi waited and watched, as if they were just chatting.

To say that others may wish that the other party pretended not to see, after all, this was killing someone on their territory, maybe it was causing trouble for them, and there would be losses if they fought.So now the host is pretending he didn't see anything, logically speaking Lou Qi should pretend he didn't see anything.

But she just wondered.

Lou Qi is a person who has doubts and is willing to answer them on the spot, otherwise he would suffocate himself to death.

So when the green-clothed waiter led them to the purple room, he asked, "Our master killed a hidden guard of Bixian Mountain with you, did you see it?"

Three black lines of different lengths hung from Shen Sha's forehead.Why do you hear her words as if she wants to say, our master killed someone here and caused a catastrophe, hurry up and call someone to arrest him!

The guard in Tsing Yi didn't expect her to ask such a question, he was stunned for a moment and then smiled wryly, "I saw it."

"Then you didn't do anything?"

The waiter in Tsing Yi opened his mouth and said honestly: "The seven rooms on the third floor are also ranked in order. Red, orange, blue, purple, red and gold, red is the beginning, and gold is the respect. The rule of Huihua Building is not to join the guests. If there are disputes and fights among the guests, or even casualties, I hope the guests can resolve it by themselves. If there is any damage, the compensation will be based on the price. But if you have to support the support of the people in the building, it will be ranked according to the seven characters guidelines."

Lou Qi was delighted when he heard the words: "We are the guests of Zizijian, Bixianmen are the guests of Orange, red orange, blue, purple, red and gold, we are three levels higher than her, so, since we occupied just now If you have the upper hand, you don’t need to show up, do you?”

The waiter in Tsing Yi said: "Exactly."

"This is really interesting." Lou Qi felt that the owner of Hualou had enough personality, and she even felt that his ideas were extremely advanced.

However, in this way, it is quite remarkable that Zhao Yun was able to book Zizijian.

"The scarlet letter room and the gold letter room were booked by who?" Lou Qi couldn't help asking again.

"Please forgive me, the distinguished guests in the purple letter room, the red letter room and the gold letter room, unless we want to, we must not reveal the identity of the guest."

In other words, these three VIP rooms are protected.

As soon as the words fell, several beautiful maids came over holding up the staff like a curtain, and walked beside them. The curtain blocked the sight of the guests in the opposite corridor and downstairs hall.

That's enough gimmicks.

When we arrived at the Zizi Room, there were two maids in green clothes standing on the left and right outside the door, one of them raised his hand and kowtowed softly, saying softly, "A guest has arrived."

The other greeted them and saluted.

The door opened, and a man stood tall and tall, wearing a crescent white robe, as handsome as a floating cloud in March.

He wore a silver mask on his face, and a snow-colored white fox was engraved on the mask. His exposed lips were moist and sexy, and there was a slight smile on his lips.

All the waiters and maids, including Du Wenhui and Xiaosi, were all stunned.

Two men wearing masks, one silver and one silver, one white and one red, can't see their real faces, but they can't take their eyes off.

Lou Qi squinted his eyes, it was indeed Zhao Yun.

She didn't realize that the smile on Zhao Yun's lips was lost for a moment, but Shen Sha noticed it.With a flash in his eyes, a sneer flashed in his heart.

Disappointed because Qiqi didn't come alone?
Think this is enough?

"Come in first." Zhao Yun turned slightly and let them in.

After the door was closed, Lou Qi heard the sound of the piano flowing lightly like water.The sound insulation effect of this room is so good!And when they took a closer look, they couldn't help sighing, this high-standard VIP room is different.

The room is ridiculously large, and there is also a flower table in front of it. Two girls are sitting on it, bowing their heads and playing the guqin lightly.

There are luminous pearls hanging from the four corners of the room, and there are several glazed lamps. The light alone makes people feel wonderful.Layers of curtains create a quiet and warm atmosphere.

On the opposite side of the flower terrace was a soft couch with a tea table covered with thick carpets. On one of the soft couch was an open book. It seemed that before they arrived, Zhao Yun had been half-leaning on that couch, reading and listening to the piano .

Kneeling by the tea table, a young girl in white is making tea with beautiful movements.The fragrance of tea permeated the room, and there was no other miscellaneous smell to confuse it.

There is also a long table on the side, with six exquisite plates on it, and the plates are filled with snacks that make people want to eat.

Lou Qi was still admiring the thoughts in this elegant room, but the complexion under Shen Sha's mask became as dark as ink.In such a private room, in such an atmosphere, if he hadn't come, would it be too ambiguous if Zhao Yun dispatched these serving girls?

This Zhao Yun's purpose is so clear, Qi Qi don't tell him, she can't see it.

Stretching out his arm, he brought Lou Qi who was going to sit on the other side into his arms, and they sat together.

The long soft couch can originally be used for people to rest on their backs, and the two of them are not crowded when they sit down, but shouldn't this be the intimacy of the two in private?In front of outsiders, what does this mean?

Lou Qi deeply felt that the emperor was childish.

Sitting across from them, Zhao Yun smiled and said, "I thought it would be the Seventh Young Master who came to the appointment."

If it is the Seventh Young Master, then she is alone, dressed in men's clothing, alone.But she resumed her women's clothes and snuggled up beside him like this, then, it was——

The emperor and concubine who broke the domain.

Zhao Yun felt that he didn't like it, very much.

"Where's my Purple Cloud Fox?" Lou Qi felt the man around him was cold, but actually didn't dare to stay longer, fearing that the two would fight later.

"What should I call you now?" Zhao Yun didn't answer her question.

As soon as Lou Qi paused, her hands were pinched hard, she rolled her eyes, and said, "This is my husband, why don't you call me Madam Shen?" In fact, since Zhao Yun knew her identity, he knew that he was by her side Shen Sha is the one who loves him, but Zhao Yun has his cleverness. If he doesn't expose it, he can still ignore Shen Sha.

Zhao Yun continued to smile, and shook his head: "No, no, you are young, and calling you madam really makes you old-fashioned. Besides, are you paying homage? Are you married?"

These words are naked-naked and somewhat provocative.

Shen Sha said lightly: "We share the same bed, do you have any objections?"


Lou Qi almost choked to death on his saliva.

Childish, both of them are childish!

She simply ignored the two childish men, stood up and looked around for Ziyunhu.If Wuwu was here, he should have jumped out by now, right?Or, that little fox is angry with her and doesn't want to see her anymore?

Lou Qi was about to turn around and ask Zhao Yun again, but the maid's soft voice came from outside the door, "My lord, there is a guest asking to see you."

Then, the maid came in with a silver plate, on which was a letter with Mo Lan painted on a white background.However, the maid put the silver plate in front of Lou Qi.

"Ma'am, the guest's invitation to see me."

Ask for an invitation?Because it is in the purple letter room, so if you want to meet the people inside, do you have to send such a letter first?

Lou Qi was about to reach out to take it, but suddenly smelled a very faint fragrance. Since the letter was uploaded, her expression changed slightly.

He picked up the letterhead and opened it, glanced at the line of words, then folded the letterhead and stuffed it into his sleeve pocket.She turned to Zhao Yun and said, "Why do you look at Ziyun Fox? You don't even know it's causing trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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