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Chapter 288 Who Are You

Chapter 288 Who Are You

Hearing Lou Qi's words, Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment.

"Did Ziyun Fox cause trouble?"

That purple cloud fox is really amazing in spirit, so Zhao Yun is not worried about it going out, because with its speed, few people in the world can catch it.And the reason why he brought it this time was because it jumped into his carriage by itself, and even pointed the way with the horse, but he found that the way it pointed was the direction to Nora City.

At that time, Zhao Yun was very pleasantly surprised. He guessed that she should be in Nora City, but he didn't know why she got separated from Ziyunhu. As long as he took Ziyunhu with him, he might be able to be with her in the next few days .

Unexpectedly, he was there.

Unexpectedly, Ziyunhu caused trouble.

Zhao Yun suddenly had a bad premonition. The things he had imagined and the plans he had made were going to be changed beyond recognition by these accidents one after another.

"It's probably not a small matter." Lou Qi scolded several times in his heart, and wanted to greet God very much.She turned around and asked the maid in blue: "Which room did the letter come from?"

The maid in Tsing Yi said: "If you go back to Madam, it's an invitation from a guest from Jinzijian."

Red is the lowest, gold is the respect.

The person who can enter the golden room does not know the identity of the person!
What's more, what Lou Qi couldn't figure out was that the Zizi Room should be booked by Zhao Yun, and Ziyunhu also came with him. If Ziyunhu caused trouble, shouldn't he go to Zhao Yun?
She is just Zhao Yun's guest, and she is not the Seventh Young Master now. Even if someone knows that Ziyunhu is the Seventh Young Master's pet, they should look for the Seventh Young Master.

Now she is dressed as a woman, or a half-covered woman, even her husband has brought her, who can connect her with the seventh son?
Ziyunhu caused trouble, how could she find her so accurately!
Evil, too evil!She is so evil that she also wants to meet each other!

Zhao Yun was also a little surprised. Even if Ziyunhu went to the Jinzi Room, the maids there could at least protect the guests in the Jinzi Room, because the martial arts strength of the waiters and maids in each private room is also ranked according to the seven-color characters of.

For example, the maids in their room are not weak in skill.If someone wants to offend them or force their way in, we have to see if they can beat these maids.

The waiters and maids in Jinzijian are extremely skilled.Also, those who can enter the golden room are not ordinary people, and their own guards and dark guards are not weak, right?

With so many people, how much trouble can Ziyunhu cause?

Zhao Yun stood up, "You wait here, I'll go and have a look, and bring Ziyunhu back by the way."

When his words fell, Shen Sha had already arrived at the door, "My wife's affairs don't require outsiders to intervene." He stretched out his hand to Lou Qi, his eyes were burning, "Ma'am, I will accompany you there for my husband."

Lou Qi stretched out her hand and put it in his palm, Shen Sha clenched it tightly, and led her out the door.Lou Qi turned around and said to Du Wenhui and Xiaosi: "You guys wait here with Mr. Zhao, don't be polite to Mr. Zhao, eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, Mr. Zhao has money, if you can eat him poorly, he will I think you are amazing."

"Yes, ma'am."

Zhao Yun: "."

Is this revenge for him bringing Ziyunhu here, or revenge for not taking Ziyunhu seriously?

Outside the door, there are two other white-clothed waiters waiting, "The villain is the waiter of Jinzijian, come to pick up Madam."

Pomp!Talk about pomp everywhere!

There has been a period of isolation between the gold-character room and the purple-character room.This building has a circular structure. There are seven rooms on the third floor. The sizes are different. On the four sides, there are three rooms in red, orange and blue, and blue and purple in the other side. There is only one room in each of the other two sides, and the red letter room in one side. , one side is between the golden characters.

Led by Shen Sha, Lou Qi lowered her head and thought about the fragrance on that letter.There has never been a fragrance that can make her dizzy instantly!
Although she was only a little dizzy for a moment, she immediately reacted, biting the tip of her tongue lightly and fully awake, but this was enough to shock her.What's more, she still couldn't tell what the composition of that fragrance was, and what kind of medicinal effect it had. She always felt that it was more than just making her dizzy.

None of them thought that the person they met this time would be a person who surprised both her and Shen Sha.

Arriving outside the door of the Golden Character Room, Lou Qi heard Shen Sha's voice transmission, "There are no less than ten masters hidden here." His voice was condensed, "If something happens, you have to be obedient when the emperor asks you to leave, understand?"

Lou Qi was slightly startled, even he was so serious?This has never happened before—

She can also feel the aura of a master. These people may not necessarily lose, but what she feels now is another kind of danger, a kind of danger that she can't explain clearly.It was just an intuition, but she had always believed in her intuition.

"Two guests, please wait a moment." The waiter in Tsing Yi stopped.

Shen Sha said coldly: "We don't have the habit of waiting outside the door."

Lou Qi immediately gave him a thumbs up, handsome!

One of the reasons she likes Shen Sha is that he will maintain his original behavior habits and heart even when he is in a dangerous or uncertain situation.

Such a person, to put it nicely, is strong-minded, and to put it badly, he is as stubborn as a donkey!
The waiter in blue froze, as if he had never met anyone who dared not take the guests inside so seriously at the door of the Jinzijian.They will have strict review and reservation conditions for Hualou. The scarlet letter room and gold letter room are the most stringent. Among them, there are three review conditions. One is financial resources, which is the most common. Many people can hand over the gold. Of course, it's not just 5000 taels of gold, it's just the basic cost, and the things stored in it are a big expense when consumed.But this is not a big deal, the second condition is the strength value, the guests can be their own martial arts is extremely high, or they can bring many friends or guards with high martial arts.The third condition is to hand in an ancient treasure, and when it is time to leave, Huihualou will return the ancient treasure in its original form.

It's not an ordinary family background, and it really can't bring out ancient treasures.

Knowing these conditions, people who come to Huihualou often know that the guests of Jinzijian are rich, powerful and well-established.

There has never been anyone like Shen Sha, who is not even willing to wait.

"Just a moment please--"

With a palm, Shen Sha slapped towards the door between the golden characters.

All the waiters and maids were shocked, it was their duty to protect the guests, and the two maids by the door immediately moved to block them.The palm wind is invisible, and when they meet them, you will know how deep and terrifying it is!
Their complexions changed, and they pulled back at the same time, a trace of blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.


The door was slapped open by Shen Sha's palm, but the moment the door just opened, a gust of wind suddenly seemed to gently avoid his palm force, and blew towards them lightly.

Lou Qi smelled that kind of fragrance all of a sudden, and her expression changed immediately, she didn't know what this kind of fragrance could be, although Shen Sha is now invulnerable to all poisons, but she is the same, she will also be dizzy!

She was about to step forward to block him, but Shen Sha stretched out his hand and pulled her behind him.At that moment, Lou Qi couldn't help but be surprised when he saw his face suddenly changed.

Shen Sha didn't retreat or evade, he let the wind rush to his face.Standing behind him, Lou Qi could feel his instantly tense muscles, as well as that overwhelming killing intent.


Just as she put her hand on his shoulder, a chuckle suddenly sounded in the room. "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. I don't know if it's a surprise or a shock. Let them in."

The maids retreated immediately.

Lou Qi patted Shen Sha's arm, she couldn't tell, there was something wrong with him, and what made him feel wrong was that scent.

Shen Sha held her hand instead, his palm was slightly moist, but he didn't hesitate, and strode in.


No sooner had they entered than the door slammed shut behind them.

The golden letter room is so big that they can't see the wall at a glance.

There are layers of light golden veils, and people are dancing on the other side, sword dancing, using bamboo swords, without cold sharp blades, but it also makes people feel a sense of chilling.

Those who were dancing swords were five young men in pink costumes. The sound of the piano came from the other side, but they couldn't see each other through a screen.

This may be to create a sense of uneasiness and weirdness for them.

Lou Qi raised his eyebrows suddenly, and said in disgust: "A group of men who are big and thick, actually wear pink like little girls! I said, do you have a pink girl's heart? Or are you all rabbit masters?"

As soon as these words came out, the movements of the men who danced swords and rushed towards them with the intent to kill them suddenly became chaotic.

"Tsk tsk, you're too restless and unprofessional, but if you say you are a rabbit, your actions will be messed up! Fortunately, we didn't spend money on tickets, otherwise we would throw a mineral water bottle on your head and call for a refund."

Mineral water bottle, what?
Refund, what do you mean?
If they don't understand these two points, it doesn't prevent them from understanding what she means.

The sound of the piano behind the screen stopped immediately.The previous voice sounded again: "Interesting. I heard that there is an interesting little girl in this world, so I wanted to come and have a look, but I didn't expect it to be interesting."


Lou Qi couldn't help thinking in his heart, could this be an old monster from somewhere?
After the man finished speaking, he seemed to be expecting Lou Qi to answer his words, but Lou Qi didn't seem to hear his voice, and started looking for Ziyunhu.


"Presumptuous!" A man in pink who danced the sword shouted, "How can you tolerate you in front of the Venerable—"

Lou Qi looked at him in embarrassment and said, "Hey, I don't talk to Lord Rabbit, don't force me."

The man almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "Who is Master Rabbit?!"

Lou Qi's eyeballs moved around all five of them nimbly, expressing the meaning quite clearly.


"Who are you?" Shen Sha suddenly asked heavily.Lou Qi glanced at him and held his hand tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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