Chapter 289
"Who is this deity, you are not qualified to know." The voice of that person came from behind the screen.His voice was a bit feminine, but not feminine, and his age could not be heard.

It's just that Lou Qi was upset when she heard his words, and was about to stop her when Shen Sha shook her hand.She frowned and swallowed the words back.

Shen Sha continued: "Ten years ago, you dug the graves of the Shen family and his wife on Jiuxiao Mountain in the wasteland of the broken domain?"

Dig a grave?

Lou Qi was startled.The Shen family couple, this is talking about his parents.She didn't know that Shen Sha's parents were buried on Jiuxiao Mountain.When she was in Jiuxiao Temple, she rarely went out, and she never went to the area behind the mountain.

She also didn't know that the graves of Shen's parents had been dug ten years ago.

There was silence behind the screen.

Shen Sha confirmed his guess in this silence.As soon as he breathed out, his killing intent exploded unreservedly this time, and the expressions of the five men in pink all changed.

Lou Qi had never seen Shen Sha like this.Shen Sha let go of her hand, shot towards the screen, and at the same time shouted angrily: "I don't need to know who you are, I just want to kill you!"

"This deity thought that no one could respond to Wu Xiang at all, so you are their evil seed!"

Wu Xiang?

Lou Qi was secretly startled, could it be the legendary Wu Clan?
Shen Sha swung his arm violently, rushing out with a turbulent inner force, the screen standing in front of him suddenly shattered, and flew out in all directions, scraping down several veils.

A plum red figure flew up.

"It turned out to be an old rabbit!" Lou Qi snorted.

"Escort!" The five men in pink saw that Shen Sha was darting towards that person at an extremely fast speed, and immediately rushed towards Shen Sha with their bamboo swords in hand.

Lou Qi snorted, and took two steps forward to stand in front of them, "Escort? Do you think that old rabbit is the emperor? My girl's man wants to kill that old rabbit, you dare to go over there and try to make trouble."

She opened her mouth and kept her mouth shut, the old rabbit, making the man ignore it even if he wanted to. He was smiling all the time, but now his face turned dark, but at this moment, he didn't know how to deal with Lou Qi, and Shen Sha's fist was already in front of him. It surprised him too.

"I didn't expect that your evil kung fu is so high! It seems that I can't keep you!"

"This emperor never thought of keeping you! Go to hell!" Shen Sha shouted coldly, and swung a heavy fist towards his temple with endless murderous intent.

Shen Sha has always used heavy palms and heavy punches, winning with weight and internal strength. He is as fierce and domineering as his character, and he has a deep-seated hatred for this person, so every time he punches, he uses ten of his strength!If this punch is hit by him, death is probably light, and the head will not be intact.

The man was shocked, and he also had a powerless murderous intent on Shen Sha.

Such a person cannot be kept, cannot be kept.

This kind of thought came up again, and he took out a pen from his arms, a weird-looking writing brush. The barrel of the writing brush was black, and densely packed characters were engraved on it. It is not as soft as ordinary brushes, and the tip of the brush is carved with a skull.

As soon as Lou Qi saw this pen, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately called out: "He is Wu Zun! Be careful with his necromancy pen!" The portrait is just drawn with a pen, a pen called Necromancer.

He said that the person with this sum was Wu Zun, and he had never met him, but, "If you meet this person, remember to run away." At that time, the old man said so.

In fact, when the old man told her about these characters, although she listened to them, she always felt disapproving. At that time, she thought they were plots and characters that the old man saw in some ancient novel, and then regarded them as Tell her the same story.

"I didn't expect that you even knew about my Necromancer's pen! It seems that you can't keep this evil creature after death!" Wu Zun's face was dark, and after he finished speaking sinisterly, the pen in his hand pointed towards it. Shen Sha went up to meet him.


One punch and one stroke doesn't really match up.It was like a huge ball that was punctured all of a sudden, and a huge gas burst out.

The powerful fist immediately swept away the objects around Shen Sha and Wu Zun.The rest of the broken part of the screen flew towards him, even Lou Qi couldn't help but change his face slightly, and his body jumped up to avoid it.

This is Shen Sha's true strength!When he goes all out!If others would have been blasted into rotten persimmons long ago, Wu Zun was able to break the power of his heavy punch with that one stroke.

Wu Zun, it really is unfathomable.

"Not bad, very good, give you another two years, maybe you can really kill this deity."

Wu Zun's words shocked his subordinates.This should be the most powerful evaluation Wu Zun said!But, is it possible for a man who just looks so young?
"You talk too much." Shen Sha's voice was as cold as ice.His expression didn't even change a single bit after the punch was broken, and the hatred and killing intent in his eyes never diminished.

Wu Zun smiled angrily and waved his hand: "Kill him."

After speaking, he even stepped back.But as soon as his voice fell, several black smoke suddenly appeared, and in the black smoke, five men in pink clothes appeared with bamboo swords in their hands. Together with the previous five people, they surrounded Shen Sha and Lou Qi at the four corners of the room. in it.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows: "Old rabbit, isn't it very powerful? Want to run away?"

Wu Zun's gaze swept over like a snake, "I will kill you first, you ignorant wild girl." As he spoke, he was about to fly towards Lou Qi as soon as he moved.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air from behind, it was so soft that others should not be able to hear it, but he could hear it very clearly.

How could Shen Sha let him go to Lou Qi's side, with a flick of his finger, he shot towards Bu's back with vigor like an arrow.

Wu Zun was forced to give up on Lou Qi, and as soon as he turned around, Shen Sha's heavy punch hit him again.

Damn, damn, is this kid really not afraid of death with his style of play?To rush forward with bare hands like this regardless of deceit, is it really possible to kill him?

"This deity killed you." A bloody look flashed in his eyes, and he touched the pen with his left and right index and middle fingers, and the pen immediately exuded a chilling aura.

Shen Sha's eyebrows twitched, this pen did not give off the feeling of a sharp weapon, but a very evil feeling.


The complexions of the ten wooden sword men changed slightly, their wrists twisted together, and the wooden swords in their hands cracked, and the bamboo piece on the outside split instantly and fell to the ground, revealing the thin, cold skin inside. blade.

The ten swords whined softly, and Qi Qi stabbed at Shen Sha.

Lou Qi instantly understood something, "The old rabbit can't use witchcraft when he's injured! You can just block his move!" That's why he was afraid, and he stepped back and let his subordinates attack together, even though he was not weak. , it turned out that he was injured!He was going to risk his life to use witchcraft, the power of this move would not be small, but after this move, he would definitely lose his vitality and become a half-dead old rabbit! "then!"

She threw Po Sha towards him, and Shen Sha grabbed Po Sha with a sweep of his hand.

"Hold on, support him with one move, and then just kill him!" Lou Qi's eyes were filled with excitement.

After Lou Qi saw through the fact that she was injured, Wu Zun was so angry that he wished he could immediately tear her into pieces!He said gloomyly: "This deity is injured, and I can kill both of you with one move!" As he spoke, the movements of his hands became quicker, and each stroke was full of vigor.

"Then try it!" Shen Sha snorted coldly, not seeing what gorgeous tricks he used, and pierced straight forward, seemingly without any waves, only the target Wu Zun could feel the infinite sharpness of this stab .

Such fierceness and killing intent actually affected his speed of drawing the Soul Curse.Vein veins exploded on the back of his right hand holding the pen, and he pushed out his left hand slowly, the inner force formed an invisible barrier in his palm, blocking the smashing.

The smashing sharp edge was about to pierce his palm, but it couldn't move forward any more.

Beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of both of them.

At the same time, Lou Qi pulled out the soul-killing whip, and slammed it behind the ten people, "I told you not to disturb this girl's man, you are deaf!"

First there was a whistling sound, followed by a hot snapping sound, the whip hit the backs of the two men fiercely, tore their clothes instantly, and left a deep welt on their backs.

Although Wu Zun was injured, he was still so strong that he could form a stalemate with Shen Sha with a single palm, which made Lou Qi secretly shocked.At this time, she must not let those people pass by, and she must not let them affect Shen Sha.

"Get back to this girl!" She yelled, and the soul-killing whip rolled towards the person closest to Shen Sha. The whip wrapped around the other's neck, and he was pulled out violently, and was caught in mid-air. She flung herself at the other two.


The three of them fell heavily, smashing a tea table in the room and smashing the teacups all over the floor.

With such a big commotion, no one outside came in.Is the sound insulation really that strong?Or is it that Huihualou believes that the guests of Jinzijian can definitely kill Zizijian in an instant, so they are not worried at all?

The owner of Hualou is definitely a rare person who makes Lou Qi very interested!

"Originally, I heard that someone could get close to Ziyunhu, and I just wanted her to do something for me. You, an evil bastard, followed me, so it's easy." Wu Zun said solemnly, struggling to block the killing. Difficult, but still drawing weird talismans bit by bit.

"Whispering." There were fine beads of sweat on Shen Sha's forehead, both hands were holding on to Po Sha, and with a sudden force, Po Sha moved forward by a point.

"Honorable One—" There was a great shock at the side, holding the sword and stabbing towards Shen Sha's back vigorously.

Seeing that someone was going to attack Shen Sha, Lou Qi became angry immediately, and just as she was about to step forward, two other people raised their hands at the same time, one left and one right, and threw a small black cloth bag at her. come over.

Subconsciously, she felt that the contents of the little black cloth bag must be not simple. She wanted to sweep it away with a whip, but she didn't retract the whip at the last second, and when she got short, the two little black cloth bags flew over her head. It hit a wooden post behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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