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Chapter 293 Come to Taoyuan to be sworn brothers

Chapter 293 Come to Taoyuan to be sworn brothers
The line on the letter paper seemed to be written very casually, but it seemed to be really a little confused.

Maybe the wind chimes heard in the womb?
The maids were sifting out the answers for him.There were at least [-] female guests tonight, young and old, and with such an opportunity, almost no one would miss it, so they all handed over letterheads.Naturally, it was impossible for the young master to read all of these by himself.

The guests who came to Huihualou basically knew their identities.Pick some people that the young master doesn't like and screen them directly, and as the young master said, the older ones are screened.It looks ugly.

There are only ten sheets left, which can be seen by the young master himself.

The man reached out and picked up the top letter paper that was being sifted out, controlled the panic in his heart, and asked, "Why did you throw this one away?"

One of the maids who handled it lowered her head anxiously, and hurriedly said: "My lord, please forgive me!"

The man narrowed his eyes dangerously, his voice sounded mild, but in essence cold, "Oh? What's your crime?"

The maid bit her lower lip, "This time Fairy Liuyun booked the Scarlet Letter Room, the young master said to hang a string of white feather wind chimes on her window, this servant thinks, thinks."

"You think this young master is really interested in Fairy Liuyun and wants to marry her?" The young master's voice was low, but his eyes still fell on the letter. "That's it, what does it have to do with this?"

The maid raised her head quietly, and seeing that his expression hadn't changed, she plucked up her courage and said, "Fairy Liuyun doesn't like the girl who wrote this letter, so this servant thinks..."

The young master continued her words, "You want to please Fairy Liuyun?"

The maid bowed her head and dared not speak any more.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

"Drag down."

The maid raised her head in shock, her eyes full of panic, "Young master! Please spare me, my servant, I will never dare again!"

"You should be honest, this young master might spare you." The young master gave her a cold look, and then said: "If a person who knows how to spend money can be bought by the guests, then one day he can too." Betrayed my young master. Procrastinate."


Two black figures suddenly appeared, grabbed the maid who had already collapsed on the ground, left and right, and quickly retreated.

The other three maids fell down on the ground and put their foreheads on the backs of their hands.

The young master hates betrayal the most, and he told them this very early on.The four of them were not fools to be able to follow him, but Xiaodie even knowingly committed a crime, listening to Fairy Liuyun, and directly sifted out the letter paper written by the girl she didn't like. Fairy Yun's scheming is terrifying!
The young master's hand caressed the words on the letter paper, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips, "Hehe, what a fool, how could I still have an impression of the voice I heard in my mother's womb?"

The flower owner was no longer seen on the flower table, and a beautiful girl came out and announced the owner of the previous question.

"Tonight's subject is a girl from Jinzijian. Don't be disappointed. Huihualou will share another news this time with the top ten guests who spent the most money in the building in three days. This news is definitely worthy of your attention. For the price you paid, please eat and have fun.”

At this time, Lou Qi and Shen Sha had arrived at the Jinzijian.

The work efficiency of Huihualou is really amazing.But in less than half an hour, the golden characters have taken on a new look, and it is completely impossible to see that the place was a mess before and that there were traces of dead people.

The ground was re-covered with white carpets, the broken curtains were removed, and all were replaced with colorful glazed bead curtains, which was beautiful and beautiful.

As soon as they entered, eight maids in beautiful light gold clothes came in with a tray of gold lettering, and said in unison: "Please clean your face and hands."

Lou Qi looked at it, darling, wash your face and hands, there are eight routines for one person, and apart from two basins of clean water, she can't see anything at all.

She was curious to let them wash her face and hands while leaning on the soft couch. As soon as she came up, a maid soaked her hands in a smoking basin, and then stroked them with soft and warm hands. Pressing her face lightly with his fingertips.

Then she watched another beautiful maid walk towards Shen Sha with soaked hands, "Master, please let Zhu'er cleanse your face."

Shen Sha's eyes turned cold, "No need."

Lou Qi burst out laughing, and asked the frozen maid, Zhu'er, "Besides cleaning face and hands, what kind of service do you have?"

Why did she feel as if she had entered a massage parlor in her previous life?It's just that the specifications here are higher, and all the waiters are top-notch, tsk tsk, Zhu'er is too beautiful!
Zhu'er lowered her head, "Guests with family members are the most welcome guests in Huihua Building, and there will be no other services."

Lou Qi was startled when he heard that.So, is this flower house still encouraging guests to bring their families?It's a pity, throughout the ages, how many men are willing to take their wives or girlfriends to such a place where there is so much money and sensuality?This meeting flower landlord is really a special character.

"Our patriarch doesn't like other people approaching, so you don't have to worry about it. I'll record this money for you." Lou Qi was in a good mood and very generous.The consumption of Jinzijian is not low, and these services are naturally charged, but she doesn't mind.

Only then did Zhu'er smile happily, and thanked her for blessing her body.

After everyone had retreated, Lou Qi turned around and saw that Lord Dijun had already fallen asleep on the soft couch.She froze for a moment, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

I have never seen him sleeping peacefully in these places outside before, and he is always very vigilant.

Just as he was about to walk over, Zhu Er and other maids shouted respectfully outside the door: "I have seen the landlord."

Then someone asked softly: "Ma'am, our landlord is asking to see you."

With a flash in his eyes, Lou Qi sat down beside Shen Sha, "Please."

The bead curtain trembled slightly, a tall and tall figure appeared in Lou Qi's eyes, when she saw his face clearly, Lou Qi's heart skipped a beat, she naturally recognized that this magnificent man was the flower master just now.But for some reason, she didn't feel anything when he was dressed as a woman, but now when she saw him dressed as a man, she felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if——

I think he is very kind.

This feeling made Lou Qi feel a little uncomfortable.

She is not a person who is easy to trust others, especially the feeling of being kind and wanting to be close.

"Your name is Lou Qi?"

Lou Qi tried her best to suppress the feeling that might make her judge wrong, and slightly lowered her eyes, not looking at him.

"The owner of the Hualou building? I never expected to be so young."

"My surname is Lou."

Lou Qi suddenly raised her head and looked at him in surprise.Lou?Surname Lou!

After hearing about the Lou family for so long, finally a real Lou family appeared in front of her?Moreover, why is this person looking at her so brightly?
"My surname is Lou, Lou Huantian."

Lou Huantian's heart was pounding, how long had he not felt this way?When he came here, he even made some mental presuppositions, even if this person might be the person he was looking for, he should calm down, so as not to get dizzy and affect his judgment.

But as soon as he saw her and met her bright eyes, the string in his mind snapped, and he couldn't control his excitement and eagerness.

He just wanted to report his name immediately and see her reaction.But after saying his name, he reacted instantly.

Unexpectedly, she was still dizzy. If she was really her, how could she have an impression of his name when she was only a little old?

"The Lou family." Lou Qi looked at him calmly, "I didn't expect Hua Lou to be the property of the Lou family."

Perhaps infected by her calmness, Lou Huantian also calmed down a little, shook his head and said: "No, Huihualou is my own and has nothing to do with the Lou family."

"Could it be that you have severed ties with the Lou family?"

Lou Huantian was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "No, in fact, I am still the young master of the Lou family."

"The young master of the Lou family?" Lou Qi was surprised, "That said, I'm quite honored. I just heard from Fairy Liuyun that she was fortunate to be favored by the old lady of the Lou family, and she also had a relationship with the master of Huihualou. The fate between the two sides, the scarlet letter room was carefully arranged by the landlord for her—"

Lou Huantian frowned more and more, and finally said with disgust: "Why did the old matriarch favor her? It's just that she followed her master to meet the old matriarch, and the old matriarch said something, this girl It looks pretty good! No matter who comes to the seven-character room on the third floor, no matter which room, I will instruct the people in the building to decorate it carefully according to the preferences of this guest, and treat everyone the same. That disgusting Su Liuyun A woman, obviously a bitch, insisting on pretending to be a fairy is really disgusting."

"Pfft! Hahahaha." Lou Qi couldn't help laughing, "I admire you so much! Brother, are you interested in becoming a sworn brother in Taoyuan?" She thought that everyone thought that Fairy Liuyun was poorer than Yaoyao. The little white flowers in grandma's works are all beautiful, but I didn't expect there to be one with clear eyesight.

Yes, yes, she appreciates it too much.

Lou Huantian was stunned, "Taoyuan knot?" After being stunned for a moment, he immediately said: "How can we break up without a peach garden? Well, it's okay, my young master will let someone dig a few peach trees and come back to decorate it!"

Lou Qi laughed out loud.

Lou Huantian looked at her laughing wantonly, his eyes were slightly wet.In order to cover up, he looked at Shen Sha who had his eyes closed, and said, "Tell me, you are with the Emperor of Poyu, is he coercing you? If so, I will help you leave him tonight! Take care of him!" I can't find you forever!"

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment. "You played tricks on him?"

"Otherwise? I'm not sure about your relationship with him. I have to ask your opinion first. Don't worry, it's the Lou family's half-day sleep. You wake up after sleeping for half a day, and you won't remember anything after waking up. "

"Really?" A deep voice sounded, and the air pressure in the room suddenly dropped a few degrees.

Lou Huan stood up abruptly, looked at Shen Sha who was slowly sitting up in surprise, "Why are you alright?"

"If something happens to the emperor, the young master Lou will plan to take the concubine's concubine away, right?" Shen Sha's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

One or two will come to snatch his imperial concubine!
(End of this chapter)

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