Chapter 294
Lou Huantian restrained his smile, and met Shen Sha's dark eyes.

"The emperor who broke the domain is really infected with the absolute Gu and the strange poison, right? Otherwise, the Lou family's half-day sleep will never be invalid."

"So what?" Shen Sha said coldly.

"Not much, but, if Lou Qi is really coerced by you, this young master will definitely help her leave."

"Just you?"



Shen Sha stood up slowly, facing Lou Huantian.The heights of the two men are about the same, both are taller than ordinary men, but Shen Sha has broad shoulders and a broad back, making him appear taller, while Lou Huantian is more handsome.But in terms of momentum, it is not inferior to Shen Sha.

The air seemed to be sucked away by the two of them at the same time, and the room began to feel a little breathless. Shen Sha's body was full of killing intent, while Lou Huantian's body was full of flames of war.

Even the few maids waiting outside the door could feel that something was wrong. They wanted to enter the door but dared not. Everyone's expressions were quite conflicted.

Lou Qi didn't react at first because she really didn't expect that the young master of the Lou family would really fight against Shen Sha for her sake, and when she reacted, the two of them would start fighting.

"Wait, wait." She immediately jumped between the two of them, opened her arms and said speechlessly, "Are you planning to destroy this room again?"

Jinzijian, it's too sad.

"Lou Qi, you don't have to be afraid." Lou Huantian looked at her, and the more he looked at her, the more he felt that those eyes made him feel very kind and familiar. He couldn't help wanting to protect her. This feeling was the same as when he couldn't control It's like wanting to pinch the doll's pink face.

Shen Sha's voice was heavy, "Qiqi, after this emperor has dealt with this person, please explain to me what it means to be sworn in Taoyuan."

Lou Qi suddenly turned black, "Stop, stop! I don't have any interest in inexplicable fights. Young master Lou, the person who can really force me to marry has not yet been born. If I don't want to, I will be tied to the wedding room. This girl can still cut him."

Shen Sha suddenly felt cold somewhere.

Lou Huantian was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.Interesting, is this her explanation?Explain that she was not coerced to stay with Shen Sha?But the style of this explanation is too aggressive, so aggressive that he——

I really like it!

Women in this world must be so daring to love and hate, and must be so fierce, so as not to end up like his mother.

Lou Qi's heart suffocated suddenly, and he raised his eyes, not missing the sudden flash of pain in Lou Huantian's eyes.She frowned, she didn't know why the mood of the young master of the Lou family could affect her, making her feel very depressed and uncomfortable.

"Sit down and talk." She turned around and took Shen Sha's arm, and glanced at him.

Shen Sha naturally heard their conversation just now, could the young master of the Lou family be related to Qiqi's life experience?If he hadn't thought about this, he would have slapped him long ago, and there would be no chance for him to speak.

"Young Master Lou, what's the matter with the wind chimes?" Lou Qi is not someone who avoids problems. Although she doesn't actively seek the mystery of her life experience, and sometimes even ignores certain information, when she If she really meets the key person who solves the problem, she will never avoid it.

"That's the White Feather Wind Chime." Lou Huantian looked into her eyes and suddenly lost consciousness. "The white feather wind chime was made by my mother for my younger sister."

"Is this not an ordinary wind chime?" Lou Qi was taken aback.

Lou Huantian said: "Of course not." He looked at her and said, "My mother is from the witch clan."

As soon as these words came out, not only Lou Qi, but even Shen Sha tensed up instantly, his sharp eyes were like arrows, and he shot towards him again.

A hundred thousand divine beasts roared past Lou Qi's heart.

She had a premonition that Lou Huantian might be related to her by blood. After all, when she used the blood curse of life in the Valley of Gods and Demons, Elder Jin once said that if she practiced the blood curse of life, it must be the Lou family. The person is not wrong.She always thought that the Lou family would be far away from her. After all, it seemed to be a big family that had nothing to do with her.But who would have thought that the young master of the Lou family would appear in front of her right now.

However, if she recognizes her family feud with Shen Sha and turns them into opposites, then she is definitely unwilling.She hates this kind of vulgar plot the most.

She hadn't forgotten that the Witch Venerable he was going to kill here before was a member of the Witch Clan.

Just turning his head to look at Shen Sha, he bumped into Shen Sha's deep eyes.

"Did the emperor ever say that you are not allowed to think wildly?" He sent her a voice transmission, with a bit of anger in his tone, "Even if you are Wu Zun's biological daughter, you are not the one who dug my parents' grave! Remember that , if my parents are also the enemies of your biological parents, if you dare to choose them and give up on me, hum."

Damn, the overbearing is dead.

But why does she like it so much?

Don't say that the grievances and grievances of the previous generation have nothing to do with them, just say that they didn't grow up at home since they were young, and it is impossible for them to force their emotions and hatred into their hearts for no reason.

Seeing that she seemed to be a little absent-minded, Lou Huantian finally reacted and added: "But my mother has already left the Wu clan."

Lou Qi immediately rolled his eyes at him, "Young master, can we not breathe heavily when we speak?"

Lou Huantian froze.

"Continue talking." Shen Sha said.

"White Feather Wind Chime, my mother added a little white witchcraft when she made it." He looked at Lou Qi, as if he was a little afraid that Lou Qi would misunderstand that the people of the Wu Clan are evil, and explained: "The Witch Clan was created a hundred years ago. It has been split into two factions, the black witch and the white witch, and the black witch is the venerable witch you met here before, and he is the venerable of the black witch clan." Speaking of this, he was very annoyed, if he had known earlier, he would have How could it be possible to watch her fight with that old Wu Zun?
Thinking about how he even pulled out a few hidden guards to bet on the outcome of the golden character, and won more than a dozen taels of gold, Lou Huantian's face suddenly turned a little red.

Lou Qi squinted his eyes: "Young Master Lou, why is it like doing something wrong?"

"Nothing!" Lou Huantian was in a cold sweat for a moment, quickly suppressed those thoughts, and continued: "Mother is from the Baiwu clan, and the witchcraft of the Baiwu clan is mostly for spiritual comfort, healing and soothe the nerves, so it has always been Weaker than the Black Witch Clan. At that time, there was a cowardly venerable from the White Witch Clan. When there was a conflict with the Black Witch Clan, he thought of dedicating the most beautiful girl of the White Witch Clan to the sage of the Black Witch Clan. method, in exchange for temporary peace and tranquility. My mother is a chosen white witch girl."

Lou Qi obviously felt that Shen Sha's tense body was also slightly relaxed, and laughed in his heart.Although I don't care, if there is an irreconcilable hatred between the two parents, it will affect the mood to some extent.

Although she felt that Lou Huantian had said too much about his mother, she didn't know why, but she was willing to listen to the story of that girl from the White Witch Clan.

The continuation of the story is actually quite ordinary.

Of course, the one-in-a-million girl from the White Witch Clan is very beautiful. She didn't want to be offered as a sacrifice to the Black Witch Venerable, so she escaped.After escaping, she met the young master of Lou's family at that time, and the two fell in love, and she followed him back to Lou's house and became Mrs. Lou's young lady.

Of course, it is definitely not that simple for a runaway girl from the White Witch clan to become the wife of the young master of the Lou family. Although she succeeded in the end, it does not mean the end.Some of the Lou family are people who want to break them up, and some are women who want to climb into her husband's bed on their own initiative.

"The sky was auspicious when my mother gave birth to my younger sister. The old lady said that my younger sister will be a very powerful girl when she grows up, and she can even shine in the Lou family." Lou Huantian suddenly smiled slightly when he said this.

Looking at his smile, Lou Qi felt a slight sore nose for some reason, and couldn't help being a little bit harsh in his tone, "Isn't the Lou family already shining brightly? We still need a little girl to honor our ancestors?"

Lou Huantian shook his head and said: "No, in fact, the Lou family has already been on the verge of collapse. Compared to the common people here, they are naturally very powerful hidden masters, but you must know that in this world, as long as there are people, There is nothing that can truly hide from the world. There is another world over there, and it is very hard for the Lou family to maintain a tall and prosperous image there."

"But no matter what, my mother is very happy that my sister is favored by the family. She doesn't think about relying on her sister to live well in the Lou family, but thinks that the family favors her sister, so she can learn from the family in the future. Passing on Kung Fu, you can get the best resources, and when you grow up and get married in the future, the family will choose a well-matched family for her, and will not make her suffer."

"I also like my younger sister very much. I think she is very beautiful, with a pink and tender face. I pinch her little cheeks every day. After she learns to walk, I take her to play every day."

The corner of Lou Qi's mouth twitched.Young master, do you express your love for your sister by pinching her face?

"However, my sister couldn't sleep well for some reason, so my mother personally made a white feather wind chime for her and hung it in her room. The wind chime added witch power, which has the effect of strengthening the soul and calming the nerves. It works very well. Who Knowing that when my sister was one and a half years old, there was a sudden change in the family, many people died in the clan, my mother was locked up, my sister disappeared, and I can never be found again."

Lou Huantian finally reached a point, and turned to Lou Qi with a little bewildered gaze, "I swore, I will definitely find my sister, no matter how many years it takes, no matter how much it costs. The white feather wind chime is special, my sister listened to it once One and a half years, even if I was young at that time, I would instinctively feel familiar." He laughed suddenly, his eyes gradually turned red, he looked at Lou Qi fixedly, and his voice sounded like a sigh: "But it must not be heard in the womb. "

What was written on her little letterhead was, perhaps she had heard it in the womb.

Shen Sha glanced at it at the time, and naturally knew what she was writing.

Lou Huantian's meaning is already very clear, he thinks that Lou Qi is his younger sister, the younger sister who disappeared when she was one and a half years old.

Before they came to Huihualou, they never expected such a thing to happen.

Lou Qi subconsciously clenched Shen Sha's hand, her voice was a little rough: "Your sister disappeared only when she was one and a half years old, so she must have a name?"

(End of this chapter)

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