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Chapter 295 She Has Backers

Chapter 295 She Has Backers
Lou Huantian shook his head and said, "The old matriarch said that my sister's horoscope is too big and heavy, and she won't be given a nickname until she is five years old, so at home we only call her rank, and my sister is at home," he said after a pause. : "It's Xiao Qi."

Lou Qi wanted to touch his forehead.

She doesn't want to say anything else, she just wants to despise the old man, how lazy is it to choose a name?ah?If she ranks seventh, she is called Lou Qi. If she ranks third, then she is called Lou Third?Little three?
Lou Qi didn't doubt Lou Huantian, even in the modern age shrouded in the light of science, the connection between blood is still amazing.

She has a feeling of closeness to Lou Huantian, there is no doubt about it.

Coupled with the lazy name given to her by the old man, there is a high probability that she is really Lou Huantian's unlucky younger sister.

But if only relying on these points, she threw herself into Lou Huantian's arms passionately or crying bitterly, crying and calling her brother, that would be too cold.Besides, hearing him talk about the Lou family, there are probably a lot of people and things that have committed suicide. She always feels that it is stupid to admit that she is from the Lou family.

Before she could speak, a smile flashed in the eyes of the emperor who probably guessed what she was thinking by glancing at her expression, and said slowly, "What do young master Lou think Qiqi is now?"

To say that the emperor was able to guess Lou Qi's thoughts, it was because he had the experience of "death".It wasn't the contract he thought he would announce to the world before, and the nearly ten-page letter that was delivered urgently by the three hundred postmasters would move her back, but she still left Dongqing for Beicang.

At that time, the emperor was so sore, he had no choice but to throw everything away to chase his wife.

He is now very glad that he came in person, for such a period of time, there was Yun Feng, Zhao Yun, and a brother-in-law who appeared out of nowhere.

If he's not here, what if she is really abducted?
Now he is also thinking viciously, he has chased her so hard, the Lou family has lost her for so many years, and brought her back just by telling a story with a few words, so what is it like to be his concubine?
The depressed man in Lou Huantian's heart glared at Shen Sha, "What does the emperor mean by that?"

"Although the broken domain has not yet been established, the five cities and one realm are currently under rapid construction. The broken domain and the wilderness will surely be unified by this emperor." Shen Sha suddenly burst out with a kingly air, and looked at him disdainfully. "Qiqi is not helpless."

Lou Qi looked at him blankly.

Lou Huantian has already confirmed in his heart that Lou Qi is his Xiaoqi, because her eyebrows and eyes are so similar to their mother's!He looks more like his father, but Lou Qi looks more like his mother.

After entering the golden room, Lou Qi had already taken off the golden bead curtain, and when he came in and saw her, he already felt that she looked very familiar, that's what their mother looked like when she was young.However, Lou Qi's eyes are different from their mother's, they are brighter and more dazzling!
Hearing what Shen Sha said, Lou Huantian immediately felt upset: "Our Xiaoqi doesn't have to rely on you."

"Otherwise, rely on your Lou family? Even if she is really Lou's Xiaoqi, how did she disappear back then, who took her away, you have found out all of these? Are you sure, after Qiqi returns, the Lou family will treat her very well?" Is it welcome and love?"


he can not.Today's Loujia is more chaotic and precarious than it was 20 years ago.In that house, there are some rotten things, even if he has seen them for more than twenty years, he still can't get used to them, let alone Xiao Qi who doesn't know anything?

Lou Huantian suddenly caught a dark light in Shen Sha's eyes, and immediately became angry.

"I didn't expect the broken domain emperor to be so insidious! Don't think that I don't know. You just want to impress Xiao Qi and let her rely on you by saying this? It's a good idea!" He waved his sleeves and put his hands empty, " Even if there is no Lou family, I am still Xiaoqi's support, Xiaoqi has me enough! Long Lin, come out!"

Following his order, a man in a dark green outfit flashed out. "Immediately pass on the order of the main building, the main building of the thirteenth floor of Huihua will be replaced immediately! The seventh building of the main building is holding the order of the main building. There are more than [-] people on the thirteenth floor. They must obey the new main building order unconditionally. Violators, beheaded!"

"Yes, young master!"

Long Lin gave the order and retreated immediately.


Another man in the same attire flashed out.

"The law enforcement hall, 120 people in the law enforcement hall, from now on, leave Lou's family, and swear to protect the main building of the new hall, Seventh, will spend the thirteenth floor.


Lou Huantian was stimulated by Shen Sha, and issued two secret orders in a row, so fast that Lou Qi couldn't react, his jaw fell to the ground and he didn't bother to pick it up for a long time.

Such Huihualou is not only in Nola City, but there are thirteen buildings in the world?There are more than [-] handsome and good-looking subordinates who have obviously received strong training?

And law enforcement hall?
Her heaven.

"Wait, wait." After finally finding his voice, Lou Qi felt like his heart would jump out, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I will never mistake my own sister, Xiaoqi, don't worry, you suffered hardships before, and in the future, the eldest brother will protect you. The thirteenth floor of Huihua was brought down by myself. The split was just to deceive some people who have been hanging in the Lou family, and now the timing is right, leaving the Lou family is just your subordinate!" Lou Huantian glanced at Shen Sha sideways, snorted and said: "If someone Some people treat you badly, so you just pull them all over to fuck him! Don’t worry about the strength of us people, ordinary shrimp soldiers and crab generals, one person can pick ten of them! We don’t care about five cities and one world, let’s take a Jiuxiao Temple It's not difficult to make a mess!"

Shen Sha: "."

Lou Qi: "."

Du Wenhui and Xiao Si, who had been holding Ziyun Fox as a decoration in the corner all the time: "."

Ziyun Fox: "Wooooooh."

"Then" even the girl Lou Qi, who has seen countless turbulent waves, couldn't help swallowing at this time, and asked cautiously: "You gave me all your power, what about you?"

He is only in his twenties, and it is not easy to bring out these forces. I don’t know how hard he worked to build the thirteenth floor of Huihua, and how difficult it was to turn the Law Enforcement Hall into his own private execution hall. To her, what about himself?
Lou Huantian waved his hand and said: "Brother, continue to fight for you, Xiaoqi, you still lack a hidden guard, we don't need it for ordinary people, brother, go and collect it for you!"

Lou Qi's throat choked up, watching him startled and unable to speak.

"Xiaoqi." Lou Huantian looked at her fixedly: "Brother has only one request. When you disappeared, mother almost collapsed. Fortunately, she picked up a few hairs that you had just fallen out at that time, and proposed you with witchcraft. A trace of your soul breath is kept in a special bell. She is also relying on the soul bell, she has been convinced that you are still alive for so many years. Now I just need to take a few hairs of yours back. If the bell can make the bell ring without wind, then It proves that you are Xiao Qi, there is no doubt about it. In that way, mother will be so happy!"

"Soul breath bell?" Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, there is such a thing?

"Yes. Also, what Dijun said is correct. You are now the Empress Dowager. Brother can't just quietly recognize you without doing anything. Even if we don't want to go back to Lou's house, at least let those who hide in the dark The ghosts and monsters know that they want to kill Xiao Qi, and it will never be possible! Xiao Qi is still alive! I want my mother to watch your soul bell ring in front of all Lou family members!"

At the end of Lou Huantian's words, he choked up slightly.

Lou Qi knew that there must be something else he didn't tell her, such as the truth about her disappearance back then, why no one in Lou's family was looking for her these years, and he was the only one looking for her, and he didn't mention his father either. .

However, she recognizes such a big brother!She admits it!

"Okay, I promise." It's just her hair!She also wanted such a definite conclusion, and she needed it too!
Lou Huantian was overjoyed.

"Shen Sha, come here." She turned to look at Shen Sha.Killing is in his hands.

Then Dijun made a move that Lou Qi and Lou Huantian will never forget for the rest of their lives.

He put his hands in his arms, and—

He took out a delicate red silk bag and handed it to Lou Huantian.

Lou Huantian almost fainted, "Hey, hey! I don't like this!"

Not good for this one?which one?
Shen Sha, who had reacted, almost slapped him to death with a single palm.He said in a cold voice: "You can be more shameless, this emperor tied up Qiqi to prevent her from recognizing you. This is Qiqi's hair."

At this moment, even Lou Qi was stunned: "Why do you have my hair?" She took the purse, opened it, and there was indeed a small strand of hair in it. Given how familiar she was with her hair texture, it was her own. Hair is right.There are about a dozen of them, tied with thin gold wires, and twisted into a ball.

Does he want to say frankly that after she left, he went to the side hall bed where she had slept alone, on his own couch, and found her hair everywhere on the bed, just because Hua Yucun said unreliably that he hid the woman's hair so close , so that she will never forget you for the rest of her life?
Facts have already proved that the secret books that Hua Yu stored in the interrogation of the prisoners in the prison area are all unreliable!

"Cough cough." Shen Sha bent his index finger under his nose, coughed twice, and mumbled something unknown.But Lou Qi noticed with sharp eyes that the tips of his ears turned slightly red.

Confused, she handed her hair to Lou Huantian.

Lou Huantian lowered his head slightly, covering his red eyes.

"Did Xiaoqi come to Nora City to want the Xiao family's sword?" Lou Huantian calmed down, looked at her and asked. "I'll go get it for you."

"No, I have magic weapons." Lou Qi patted the whip on his waist.

She wants Shen Sha to have a look at the sword, and if it suits them, then ask for it, and if it doesn't suit them, just watch the excitement.

"Excuse me, is your landlord here? Our princess is here."

A timid voice came from outside.

"The maid of Bei Furong." Lou Huantian heard it all at once, "She originally had an idea to cooperate with Huihualou."

"Bei Furong and I are enemies." Lou Qi blinked and said.

Lou Huantian immediately said: "This Bei Furong has bullied you too? Well, I won't go, I won't go."

When Bei Furong heard the maid's reply, she frowned immediately: "He said he didn't have time to meet the guests?"

(End of this chapter)

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