Your heart is free

Chapter 296 Phoenix Stone

Chapter 296 Phoenix Stone

The maid lowered her head and said, "The landlord's maid said so."

"You said, at that time, he was still in the golden room?"

"Back to the princess, yes."

Bei Furong was annoyed, "What's the matter, is the guest from Jinzijian more important than this princess? Let's go, this princess is going to meet the guest from Jinzijian!"

And between the orange words, Jing Yao gritted his teeth, the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Seeing Fairy Mengbi sitting on the couch, she stretched out her slender hand, and the maid sitting on the ground wiped Kodan for her.

"Auntie, why didn't you help me teach that bitch a lesson? You forgot that Senior Sister Mengjun was killed by her, and she is still missing!"

Fairy Mengbi gave her a slight sideways glance and said: "She is in Zizijian now. According to the rules of Huihualou, if Chengzijian wants to trouble the guests of Zizijian, it is like dying. Yao'er, aunt this time The main purpose of coming to Nora City is the divine weapon, so you can’t bear it this time? Waiting for Auntie to get the divine weapon and raise Bixian Mountain’s status, are you afraid that you won’t have the chance to avenge you and Mengjun in the future?”

Jing Yao held his breath in his chest and couldn't get it out, but he also knew that Fairy Mengbi was right.Now among the three mountains and three sects, Bixian Sect is already ranked third. If there is no further development, Bixian Sect may not have the chance to be as famous as the other two mountains and two sects.

"Okay, okay, I'll just bear it. Auntie, I'm going out for a walk."

"Go, every time Huihualou opens, there will be Jubao Night Market outside, which is also the highlight of Huihualou. Go and have a look, buy it when you have time, and Auntie will give it to you."

"Thank you Auntie."

Only then did Jing Yao become happy, and took his maid and went out of the room to prepare to come down.

At the corner of the second floor, she was almost bumped into by Su Yunxin who rushed up just now.

"How did you walk?" Suyun glared at her angrily, "If you take care of me, my sister will never forgive you!"

Jing Yao was somewhat scheming, and when she heard her talking about her sister, she remembered that Su Liuyun had a cousin, because her parents were injured in order to save Su Liuyun when she was a child, and Su Liuyun took this cousin in later. When he arrived at Shen Yunshan, he asked her to worship under his uncle's sect, and also protected her everywhere.

Because of this, those people in Jianghu who heard about this incident said that Fairy Liuyun is a good person who knows how to repay her kindness.She heard that Fairy Liuyun also intends to form an alliance with Shen Sha, if she finds Fairy Liuyun and stands on the same side with her, won't it be good for Bi Xianmen, and then there will be more to deal with Lou Qi allies?
Thinking of this, Jing Yao put away his anger, and said in a good voice: "So it's Miss Su, I'm sorry, it's Jing Yao's fault."

"Jingyao? From the Bixian Sect?" Su Yun's anger suddenly subsided. After all, the Bixian Sect and their sect have never had any feuds, and most of the time they are still allies, so I know it is after Jing Yao. She also calmed down, "I met a few years ago, but I haven't seen it for many years, so I don't recognize it."

"Me too, I almost didn't know you. What are you going to do in such a hurry? But something happened?"

"No, no, there are good things in the Jubao Night Market outside. I want to ask my sister to see them. If I go late, I'm afraid they will be bought by others. I'll tell you next time." Su Yunxin said and ran upstairs.

Jing Yao's eyes lit up, is there something good?Then she can't miss it!She immediately hurried out the door with the maid.

This is Lou Qi followed Lou Huantian to meet the deputy owner of Huihualou and several main managers, received the token from the chief owner, listened to his introduction of the situation of Huihualou, and was digesting what he had heard. Then I heard a waiter in Tsing Yi from Huihualou rush to report.

"Lord, tonight's Jubao Night Market has a treasure!"

"Oh? What baby?" Lou Huantian was thinking when he heard this, he hasn't given Xiaoqi any greeting gift yet, if he really has a baby, he can buy it as a gift for her.

Lou Huantian had already forgotten that he had handed over both the Thirteenth Meeting Flower Building and the Law Enforcement Hall, so how could there be such a heavy meeting ceremony?
The waiter said: "Phoenix Stone!"

Lou Huantian stood up suddenly, very surprised: "Really? Phoenix Stone?"

"The stall owner set up five checkpoints, and the Phoenix Stone can only be obtained after passing the checkpoint. No one has yet obtained it, so it is not sure whether it is the real Phoenix Stone, but no one can break through the five checkpoints."

This shows that the stall owner is not an ordinary person. If no one can break through the five barriers, if his things are not good things, then everyone will be angry.Even if it wasn't the Phoenix Stone, it would be other good things.

"Xiaoqi, it's inconvenient for me to show up to see it. You take someone there. This is at the gate of Huihualou, if anyone provokes you, you don't need to save face! Do you understand?" Lou Huantian said.

Shen Sha sneered outside the door, "Is this emperor just for display?"

Every time Huihualou opens, people all over the world know that those who come will be rich, powerful, talented or martial arts. Huihualou has been open for five years and has formed an accompanying night market, which is called Jubao Night Market by the world.When the weather is good, it is on the bridge corridor outside the Huihua Building. The stall owner who wants to enter has to pay a certain amount of money to the Huihua Building. When the weather is bad, he has to borrow the space inside the Huihua Building and pay more money.

And these people who come to sell things usually go through disguises and don't use their real identities.So you don't know who you are facing, maybe it is a royal prince from Dongqing or Beicang, or it may be just an old farmer in a mountain village who accidentally dug up a treasure.

Therefore, ordinary people would not dare to cause trouble in this Jubao night market, who knows what kind of person they will be?What's more, there is Huahualou watching it.

But at this moment, in front of a stall, the atmosphere is about to become arrogance, and the noise is about to overturn the night.

In terms of the number of people, it wasn't particularly many. The guests who came were basically the guests who were already in the flower building, and the total number of people surrounding the entire flower area in front of the building would not exceed a hundred people.These people are out of control, one can imagine how amazing the things in this place are.

"We ask for verification treasure!"

"Yes, treasure inspection! Otherwise, after paying so much money, who knows if your things are real?"

"I've never seen a person who buys a treasure belt to break through the level and his life is in danger. Is it reasonable to let people look at things first if there is danger?"

Emotions surged.

Lou Qi has never heard of Phoenix Stone, it makes people so crazy, it must not be an ordinary stone.She put on the golden bead curtain again, with Shen Sha on the left, Du Wenhui and Xiaosi on the right, and Ziyunhu stayed with Lou Huantian for the time being, fearing that her other identity would be revealed once she was carried out.

"What's so special about this Phoenix Stone?"

Before Shen Sha opened his mouth, Zhao Yun, who had squeezed over at some point, had rushed over and said, "Phoenix Stone, the nemesis of magic weapons, haven't you heard of it?"

"What?" Lou Qi was stunned.As soon as the Xiao family released the magic weapon, there was a magic weapon nemesis here. If it was not intentional, who would believe it?
But if it was intentional, what was the other party's purpose?
"Actually, it is a guarantee for life-saving. If you encounter a magic weapon and cannot use a killer move, the Phoenix Stone can at least block one move, which means you have an extra life." Shen Sha said slowly, "But Zhao Shaodong's family is not I know another use of the Phoenix Stone."

"Oh, I would like to hear about it."

"Avoid Gu." Shen Sha spat out these two words heavily.Lou Qi glanced at him.If the Phoenix Stone has this effect, has he ever thought about wanting this thing before?
I heard Shen Sha's sound transmission in my ear, "At first we thought it could cure the Gu, and we asked people to look for it, but later we realized that this thing can only be used before the Gu is hit, and the effect of avoiding the Gu can last for three days. .For me, it's useless."

Lou Qi nodded.

Zhao Yun asked again: "If this thing can avoid Gu, the people of Nanjiang should also want it very much." The people of Nanjiang have been playing Gu, but they are also afraid that if something goes wrong, they will fall into the Gu instead.There are actually many such things when you first learn Gu.

"That's right, the people of Southern Border will want it very much, but it's not for avoiding Gu, but because the Phoenix Stone can drive Gu insects and make Gu insects more obedient."

Zhao Yun smiled suddenly: "The emperor really knows everything about Gu worms."

Shen Sha was not angry when she heard some schadenfreude in these words, she just twitched her lips slightly: "If Zhao Shaodong's family also wants to know, this emperor can help."

Their voices were kept very low, and others thought they had a very good relationship, but they didn't know that these two were about to start exchanging feelings.

They had squeezed to the front of the extremely hot stall tonight.Speaking of stalls, this one is amazing.

On the lake next to it, nearly fifty large painting boats were tied together with thick hemp ropes. Looking at a large area of ​​painting boats, I don’t know where they were found and how they were transported to the city of Nora. Come.

The stall owner is sitting on the stone railing by the lake, holding a jug of wine, a large wooden box on his lap, and a bamboo basket on the ground, with a wooden board on it that reads, 50 taels of gold per person for each pass, If you pass the customs, you will get the Phoenix Stone, and if you fail, the fee will not be refunded.

50 taels of gold at a time, it would be a heartache for ordinary people, even ordinary families, to spend 50 taels of gold, but for those who come here tonight, it is a drop in the bucket.So half a basket of gold has already been thrown into the bamboo basket half a person's height.

"If you really can't get through this, you can earn a lot by sitting here for one night." Lou Qi glanced at the basket, admiring it.

"Actually, no one has passed the level yet." Someone next to him answered.

"Sister, this is the place. Go and try it, you will definitely pass!" An eager voice came over.

Lou Qi turned her head and saw that Su Yunxin was bringing Su Liuyun over.And out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jing Yao again, and on the other side, Bei Furong was also walking over with the guard and maid.

Yo, it's lively and lively.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, Zhao Yun asked her: "What the hell idea are you thinking?"

Lou Qi glanced at him: "What's a ghost idea? I mean, if they all go to break through, then let's go up and try it too, and make it more lively with companions."

Shen Sha saw the light in her eyes, but he understood it very well in his heart.Those people have offended her to some extent, this time it is rare to get together, she is probably shouting in her heart, come on, let me hit you face to face!

(End of this chapter)

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