Your heart is free

Chapter 297 To fight or not to fight

Chapter 297 To fight or not to fight
Su Liuyun saw Shen Sha and Lou Qi, his eyes were clear and he smiled.It turned out that she really hoped that Shen Sha and Lou Qi would continue to stay with her in the scarlet letter room, but she didn't expect Hua Lou to clean up the room so quickly, before she had a good talk with Shen Sha, they had already returned to the golden letter room.

Now Bei Furong, Jing Yao and the others have not recognized Shen Sha, so naturally she will not take the initiative to reveal his identity.Bei Furong is a woman who is good at calculating, if she is allowed to entangle Shen Sha at this time, in Bei Cang's territory, that would not be a good idea.

As for Jing Yao, she never paid attention to it, but she was willing to have fewer flies around Shen Sha.

Lou Qi looked away from Bei Furong, and saw Su Liuyun smiling and nodding at her.She also nodded as a greeting.

"Xiaolou, some people are too attractive, haven't you considered changing to a low-key one?" Lou Qi suddenly heard Zhao Yun's voice.

She raised her eyebrows: "Low-key? Mr. Zhao, are you talking about yourself? Also, what's the name of Xiaolou?"

"I'm a little embarrassed to put it so clearly. It's inappropriate to call you Seventh Young Master now, and it's not right to call you by your nickname. I have to think of a new name." Zhao Yun thought about Xiaolou several times in his mouth, feel good. "I'll call you Xiaolou from now on."

The way they talked in a low voice was not pleasing to Shen Sha's eyes.He stretched out his hand and brought Lou Qi to his side, glanced coldly at Zhao Yun, and said, "Where is the fiancée Zhao Shaodong's family engaged last month?"

Zhao Yun was suddenly bombarded by thunder, "How do you know?"

After speaking, seeing Lou Qi looking over in surprise, he suddenly felt extremely sad.This feeling made him a little sad.

In her gaze, Zhao Yun had the feeling that he was missing the most important person in his life.

It's just that he didn't understand at this time.Thinking of this moment later, he always felt full of bitterness. It turned out that the person he had been looking for for so long was the person he started to like, but he missed it.

Some people, a miss is a lifetime.

Of course, this is Zhao Yun's understanding. When you mention this matter many years later, Shen Sha, who is already the emperor of a great country, will tell him that at that time, you have long since lost your chance.

"Shaodong Zhao's family is engaged." Lou Qi smiled, a little curious, "The other party must be a great beauty who can overwhelm the country and the city."

Zhao Yun shook his head: "I don't know, this is what Cheng's parents said." The girl from that family.Although he objected at the time, he did not oppose it wholeheartedly, did he?Now that the engagement has been made, what is he still reluctant to do with Lou Qi?Zhao Yun suddenly felt that his behavior was a little ridiculous and pathetic.

Lou Qi felt that his mood was depressed instantly, but he didn't think too much about it. He just thought that he was in a bad mood about making a marriage contract without seeing the woman before, so he persuaded him a few words.

However, Zhao Yun suddenly lost interest, "I'll go alone first, it will be too crowded if there are too many people."

As he spoke, he touched a large ingot of gold and threw it into the bamboo basket.

"This young man is very handsome. Although he is wearing a mask, he still feels very attractive." As soon as Zhao Yun stepped forward, some people in the crowd began to discuss, and this time the main force of the discussion was women.

"I want to support him to pass the test."

"Crazy, what does it have to do with you?"

"You are sick! I support him and have something to do with you?"

Seeing the girls over there quarreling, Lou Qi felt speechless.

"My lord," the stall owner glanced at Zhao Yun and said, "There are nine small lanterns in these painting boats. As long as you can get five of them, you will pass the test. But there is one thing I want to tell you clearly. There are traps in the dozens of boats, and the danger depends on each person's skill. After entering, there are no rules, just find the light and come out. Another point is that life and death do not matter. So many people can testify. Time can't be fooled."

It seems that he will say such a passage to everyone who comes to pass the level, so he speaks quite smoothly.

Zhao Yun didn't speak, just nodded his head, and then jumped down towards the nearest painting boat, his movements were light and light, and he saw his clothes flying and landed on the painting boat without a sound, and the painting boat didn't even shake. of.

Those women all looked at him with twinkling eyes: "Wow, so handsome.",

"This young master's martial arts must be very good. It seems that there is really hope for him to pass the customs."

When Bei Furong and the others heard this, their expressions changed slightly.They also want the Phoenix Stone!You can't let people get ahead of you.

"Princess, do you want to order him to sell the Phoenix Stone to the royal family?" A maid beside Bei Furong whispered in her ear.

Bei Furong shook her head slowly, and said: "Using power to suppress people in the Jubao Night Market in front of Huihualou is the most stupid behavior."

"Then, what to do?"

"We'll go too." Bei Furong said, and walked forward.

She was recognized immediately.

"It's the big princess!"

With a generous and decent smile on the corner of Bei Furong's mouth, she nodded to the audience. "This princess came to Jubao Night Market as an individual, and I am also interested in Phoenix Stone. Now I plan to break through the level. I hope that the friends who break through the level together will not hit me in the face if they want to make a move."

As soon as she said this, everyone burst into laughter.

"Princess, don't worry!"

"The eldest princess is so kind."

Bei Furong immediately conquered a group of fans.She waved her hand and put several ingots of gold into the bamboo basket herself.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, stood on tiptoe and whispered to Shen Sha: "Look at him, this is the way of being close to the people, do you want to learn from it?"

Shen Sha's golden mask is still cold, and it seems that even the red dress can't make him enthusiastic. "No one can hit this emperor in the face."

This means that he doesn't need to work hard to attract fans at all.

"Long time no see, eldest princess." Just as Bei Furong was about to take the maid on board, Su Liuyun brought Suyun forward.

All of a sudden, the two world-renowned beauties stood face to face, that scene really made many men look like wolves.

Bei Furong is so beautiful and dignified, with royal grace, even her performance just now made Lou Qi feel like those modern women in the political arena, capable and generous.

It may be because in Bei Furong's heart, the family and the country are more important than the love of children, so although she has a crush on Shen Sha, she immediately gave up after hearing Shen Sha's conditions for choosing a concubine.And she also selectively forgot about the confrontation between Bingyuan and them afterwards, and was ready to find an opportunity to cooperate with him.

What Su Liuyun created was a fresh and refined fairy air, a down-to-earth fairy.Her smile is full of tenderness and tenderness, people will think, wow, such a refined fairy is also so kind to me!
Bei Furong released the news of the birth of the Divine Soldier, so she was naturally mentally prepared that many people would come. She knew Su Liuyun came to Nora City, so it is not surprising to see her now.

"Fairy Liuyun came to Beicang, and Furong should do her best as a landlord. How about this, after breaking through, Furong and Fairy Liuyun have a drink."

"Liuyun is more respectful than obedient. The princess please." Su Liuyun said to Bei Furong after watching Yunxin throw two ingots of gold.

"Will Fairy Liuyun only get on board two?" Bei Furong took a look at Su Yunxin.

"Yes, Liu Yun came out this time, and it can be considered as a lesson for my cousin."

Both sides looked at each other and smiled.

Lou Qi narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this.She didn't believe that Su Liuxin would really bring Su Yunxin, who knew nothing but flamboyant, to break through the barrier, unless Su Yunxin was not weak.

"Shen Yunshan was originally not good at tricks, Su Yunxin said that he doesn't know how to make tricks, would you believe it?" She suddenly became enlightened.The person who mysteriously set up traps for her halfway back then, Shen Sha said it belonged to Shen Yunshan, although she didn't like her after seeing Su Liuyun, because she was too pretentious, obviously jealous and jealous, and obviously wanted to, and He really deliberately mentioned that she drank tea with Shen Sha on a boat in the rain to stimulate her without any trace, but still pretended to be generous, tired and panicked?
However, she really couldn't see that Su Liuyun had any intention of killing her.Unless she's covering it up too well.Su Yunxin, on the other hand, now feels a little unharmonious.

Shen Sha suddenly said: "Do you remember what I told you? The deal with Su Liuyun."

Inch Youguo?
Why don't you remember?Just haven't had a chance to ask him yet.

Shen Sha said: "Su Liuyun said that she wanted the Cun You Guo and wanted to give it to Su Yunxin."

Lou Qi was startled for a moment.

Before she could think about it, Jing Yao's voice sounded. "Eldest princess, Fairy Liuyun, why don't you take me with you."

The three parties are all beauties, with beautiful voices and sweet bodies, and they all have great reputations. Standing together is really a beautiful picture. It makes people feel that the eyes are not enough. After seeing this, I don’t want to miss it. another.

As soon as she stood up, there was a burst of discussion among the onlookers, "Miss Jingyao from Bixianmen is also here."

"Then this time is really an eye-opener and a feast for the eyes. With so many world-renowned beauties, will they pull their hair and clothes when they fight?"

The tone of the person who said this sentence can make people hear an obscenity.

Someone was laughing at his recklessness, but the stall owner said, "Because there are many people passing through the gate, but there are only eight lanterns inside. In order to collect five lanterns, you may need to snatch the palace lanterns from others. It's okay to form an alliance." Yes, you can divide a piece of Phoenix Rock into three halves."

As soon as his words fell, someone couldn't help shouting. "The Phoenix Stone is too small to have much power. How can it be cut into three halves?"

The stall owner was not angry at all, he spread his hands and said innocently: "Then there is no other way, anyway, there can only be one result in the end, and that is for the Phoenix Stone, are you going to fight or not?

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Lou Qi rolled her eyes, let Shen Sha block her, stepped back a few steps, raised her hand to make a gesture, and soon a white-clothed guard came to her.

"Xiao Qizhu, what are your orders?"

(End of this chapter)

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