Chapter 298
This person was originally one of Lou Huantian's personal secret guards, Long Yan, Lou Huantian was inconvenient to come out by himself, so he sent his own secret guards to her.

And this Long Yan may have a more lively personality among the hidden guards, so he must call her Xiaoqizhuzhu, so that he can be easily distinguished from the previous landlord.

Lou Qi didn't mind these things, so he let him go.

"You can make a lot of money by opening the flower building for five days, right?"

Long Yan nodded: "Of course."

"But money is never too much, is it?"

Long Yan nodded again, and then saw Lou Qi staring at him with sparkling eyes, hooked his fingers and made him lean his head over. "Go, let the people in the building be the banker to open the bet, increase the bet a bit, list the top six people who go in, and start the bet."

"Bet?" Long Yan was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, Bei Furong, Jingyao, Fairy Liuyun and us, the couple in red, Zhao Yun, are all included. Which group has higher odds, do you understand?" Her eyes sparkled.

Long Yan thought for a while, and his eyes lit up, "Understood!"

"Well, let's go, and give Fairy Mengbi some news, I think she will be interested."

"Also, for the few who just joined, hook them up and place a bet first."

"These people? Aren't they going to go on a boat?" Long Yan was a little confused, how could he catch up?

Just wondering, she saw Lou Qi turned around and mercilessly reached out to push forward a certain emperor who was standing in front of her.

"Oh, lord, do you want to go through the barrier together? That concubine will bet all her private money on you to win!" Lou Qi said softly, while gesturing to Long Yan, hurry up, hurry up, Didn't you see that I sacrificed the emperor to delay time?
Long Yan went excitedly, and after a while, a waiter in Tsing Yi from Hui Hua Lou came out with a table, pens and inkstones, ready to receive bets.

Wearing a red dress and a gold mask, the mysterious man was exposed in full view, shocking the crowd of onlookers.

They were all focused on the three beauties just now, after all, they are beauties and celebrities, so naturally they didn't pay much attention to those who were crowded in the crowd, but now this man suddenly came out from the crowd, and immediately wiped out the brilliance of the beauties I got some points.

Dressed in red, they should have looked enthusiastic and insolent, but unexpectedly, they only felt the frost hit them, and couldn't help shivering.

Shen Sha gritted his teeth.

Okay, very good, that woman actually pushed him out, just to let him sacrifice his appearance and delay for some time, in order to make more money for Hualou?

The courage is really getting bigger and bigger!Does she think that he dotes on her and tolerates her, so he dare not punish her?Or is it that now that she has a big brother as her backer, she doesn't take him seriously?

Although he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, he followed her words and said, "If you don't bet on me, who else can you bet on?"

"Someone started a bet?" Someone asked from the side.

A man who is used to nightlife, eating, drinking and having fun, has almost no dislike for gambling.Especially the excitement of Huihualou, and they don't know when they will meet it, so they don't care what time they have checked now, they only know that it will be fun again, and it will be interesting again.

The waiter in Tsing Yi at Huihualou was also clever, and immediately yelled, "Huaihualou sits in the manor, if you want to play, come and have a look."

Here only Su Liuyun and Su Yunxin knew about Shen Sha, and they both seemed very happy to see that he was also preparing to go on a painting boat to break through.

Lou Qi turned her head and saw Su Liuyun and Su Yunxin smiling at Shen Sha at the same time.

Su Liuyun didn't want Bei Furong and Jing Yao to recognize Shen Sha's identity, she thought it was easy to understand, after all, she was a bit possessive, but Su Yunxin had such a tacit understanding with her that she didn't even show her face?

Based on the Su Yunxin they saw before, it is impossible to behave like this. Was she pretending before, or is she pretending now?
"What's the name of this young master?" Bei Furong probably spoke first because she felt that she was in Bei Cang and she had the spirit of being the master.

"This is my husband." Lou Qi had already stepped forward, hugged Shen Sha's arm flatteringly, and said to the others: "We don't know the name, or if it spreads to the father-in-law, he will tell me He and her husband were kicked out of the house. He has always heard that the cost of this flower house is ridiculously high, and once he comes, he will ruin the family."

Which one of the people here is not rich, and when she heard her words, she felt that she was really a small family. Although the son and daughter-in-law looked quite charming, but growing up in a small family, they could only wear gold masks and golden curtains. It's full of appearances.

Immediately lost interest in him.

Over there, the gambling table has already opened, and someone said, "Why is the betting rate of betting on Fairy Liuyun clearing the level only one?"

The waiter in Tsing Yi rolled his eyes, "Nonsense, Fairy Liuyun is successful, she is so skilled, she pays two for one is not bad, if it is not for her own face, I don't even want to put her in the bet. You guys If you don't bet on the young man in red, you'll lose [-]!"

Immediately he was booed.

"Are you kidding? That person is just showing off, and he still wants to compare with these people?"

Lou Qi became displeased: "What are you talking about? Don't look down on my husband! Anyway, I will definitely bet all my money on him to win!" As he said, he turned his head and looked at her husband expectantly: "Husband, will you Baby won, right? You must win, otherwise what shall we exchange for money to go home?"

Shen Sha was holding her breath in her chest, wishing to catch her in the room immediately and teach her a lesson, but after listening to her talking about her husband, her heart gradually became more comfortable. "Well, I'll win."

"Hahaha, this pair is really ridiculous, if you say you can win, you can win!"

"I still want to take the Phoenix Stone to exchange for money to go home! Hahaha, don't be too funny! What do they think of the Phoenix Stone!"

No wonder someone bet on him!
Just thinking about this, I heard Fairy Liuyun say softly, "It's good that you have such a heart, so I'll bet 1 taels of gold on you to win."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Yunxin also said innocently: "My sister and I, but I don't have much money, I bet 1000 taels to bet this young master will win."

Lou Huantian, who was hiding in the crowd watching the theater, heard about this before, and guessed Lou Qi's thoughts, she made such a mess, no one would bet on Shen Sha to win, when the time came, she and Huihualou would win the bowl The ladle is full.But now that Su Liuyun and Su Yunxin made such a move, if they pay ten for each, wouldn't Hualou have to pay out a full 11 taels of gold?Although Hualou will get the money, his Xiao Qi must be upset.

Thinking of this, Lou Huantian wanted to ruin the game.

No matter what others say, Hualou will turn back on what he says, anyway, his Xiaoqi can't be unhappy.

However, before he could move, he heard Lou Qi sizing up, up, down, left, and right sides of the Su family sisters very strangely, and even ran around her, looking back and forth several times.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Su Yun couldn't help it.

The onlookers also wanted to know what this one was doing!

Lou Qi returned to Shen Sha's side, and tugged at his sleeves aggrievedly, "Husband, in the past when my concubine said she liked you outside, you said that I was shameless. But now look at her, both sisters Competing to be a concubine for your husband! You are not allowed to be a concubine, you can’t agree to take someone back just because one of them can give 1 taels and the other can give 1000 taels!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, completely unaware of what she was singing, and after thinking about it, they all blushed suddenly, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this young master in red is impossible to pass the level and impossible to win. The young couple has a good relationship, and the wife trusts her husband, and she talks like flirting. She also said that the winning baby is going to change homes and go home. It was the wife's private money that was used on behalf of the father-in-law.

What are you two doing to join in the fun?They even want to bet on their husband to win at the same time!Isn't it like wanting to follow along and make a family with others?

Both Su Liuyun and Su Yunxin's expressions changed!

They both have the reputation of being supernatural fairies, and now they are pointing their noses in front of so many people and saying that the two sisters are going to be rushed to be concubines!It's still a matter of posting money, how can they hold back?

Lou Huantian took a fan, and opened it with a snap, covering his mouth with laughter.Hahaha, Xiaoqi is so fun, so fun!

Su Liuyun and Su Yunxin had been with Lou Qi for half an hour before, and they saw that she was also a very restrained and serious person, why did she suddenly become like this?
"You, don't talk nonsense!"

Suyun glared at her angrily, the image of Fairy Suliuyun could not be destroyed, but she just lowered her face slightly, looking a little sad.

"How can I be talking nonsense? Only I, as a wife, can detain my husband to give him confidence and comfort. Why are you two women who have not left the cabinet robbing me of this matter? You said you didn't like my husband, who? Believe it!"

Yes, who would believe it!

"We bet on the eldest princess! I originally sympathized with you two, but my kindness was not rewarded!" Su Yun changed her mind.

Lou Qi clapped her hands and said, "Okay, I finally promised not to rob my husband!"

With her making such a fuss, who would dare to bet on her husband's victory?Besides, no one believed he could win.

Bei Furong looked at Shen Sha suspiciously, always felt that this aura was somewhat familiar, but that person had never worn red clothes, and it was impossible for him to wear such a mask, presumably it was just a similarity?
Because of such a commotion, she also had to take a moment to bet 1 taels of gold on Fairy Liuyun, which was considered a kind of reciprocity.

With their leadership, everyone became interested and bet one after another.Moreover, a lot of bets were placed, and for a while, the waiter in Huihualou was a little soft on collecting bets.

When it was almost here, the stall owner seemed to have just made up his mind and said, "Okay, are you still going to get on the boat? After the young man with the silver mask passes the customs, it's useless for you to go up again." Already!"

Su Liuyun and Bei Furong immediately flew towards the painting boat.

As soon as he stood still, he saw the young man in red with his arms around his wife's waist, and walked towards another painting boat in a few steps.

"His qinggong is so extraordinary?!"

At this time, Lou Qi felt something was wrong just as he stepped on the board.

(End of this chapter)

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