Your heart is free

Chapter 299 The Talent of the Longyin Clan

Chapter 299 The Talent of the Longyin Clan
They looked on the shore of the lake, but they didn't find anything special about these painted boats. They even felt that the painted boats were pretty and exquisite. Some of them were still holding lamps, illuminating the carved screen windows to look antique.

But as soon as his figure landed on the board, this feeling changed immediately.

Looking up, it seemed that there was a thick fog all around.Originally, it was normal for there to be some mist on the lake at night, but the problem was that there was no mist just now!Also, the problem is, it shouldn't be so thick!
The fog was so thick that it was difficult for them to see the other boats nearby.They knew that these dozens of boats were all tied together with thick hemp ropes, but now they heard the gentle waves on the lake, and they couldn't tell that there were other boats beside them. the sound of.

Didn't hear a bit, let alone other people's voices.It is said that several people came up before Zhao Yun boarded the boat, that is to say, including them, there must be at least 15 people in dozens of boats.

Only then did Lou Qi think of another weird thing.

Since there are organs on this ship, and some people were injured or even killed because of it, why didn't anyone hear any sound from this ship when they were on the shore?What about the sound of the mechanism?Occasionally screaming, right?

No, nothing.

They hadn't thought of this at all before.

These dozens of painting boats seemed to be isolated, so that once they got here, it was like entering another space.

Originally, there was only a distance of two or three feet between the painting boat and the shore of the lake. Now they should at least hear the sound on the shore. After all, there were so many people there, and it was very lively just now, and they even started gambling , where there is gambling, how can it be quiet?No matter what, it is impossible for no one to say a word all at once.

"Qi Qi."

A deep voice sounded low above his head.


"No matter what happens, remember to stay together as much as possible and not get separated." Shen Sha naturally sensed that something was wrong here.He was not afraid of anything else, he was just afraid of losing her.

If he lost her, even if he believed in her ability, he would still be flustered.He hadn't felt this way before, but now he was afraid to taste it.

Shen Sha couldn't help thinking, fortunately the woman he fell in love with was not a delicate one, otherwise, wouldn't he be worried every day?He felt that his choice was very good, very good.It is not a delicate woman who can live in his heart.

"Okay." Lou Qi simply grabbed his belt with one hand.

When flying over before, Shen She had spotted the third painting boat off the shore, because this one had lights.It is said that they are looking for lights, so it is always right to look for a ship with lights first, right?

"Go into the cabin and have a look."

They walked towards the cabin, their feet were steady, and they didn't feel like they were floating on the boat. They even had the illusion that they were not on the water, but on the ground.

The cabin door was only ajar.With one arm around Lou Qi's waist, Shen Sha gently pushed the door open with the other.There was a creak, which seemed abrupt and loud in the silence.Lou Qi suddenly remembered the horror movies that he often watched in modern times. This kind of scene is probably the scene of a horror movie. I don't know if a grimace will appear suddenly or something.

But inside it was empty, empty, nothing, not even a table and chairs, as if it had been moved all of a sudden.

There were two candlesticks on the wall, each with a short candle flame, at the moment they pushed the door in, the wind seemed to blow in through the door suddenly, and the candle flames were all extinguished
Qi Qi went out.

"Do you think it's evil?" Lou Qi felt that the gust of wind was a bit sinister.Although she has learned so much and experienced a lot in the past six months, she still feels goosebumps every time she encounters such a thing.Children who grow up in modern times are more or less subconsciously resistant to these things.

Of course, resistance is resistance, even if she screams, it will destroy those things.

Shen Sha shook his head and said: "It's just pretending to be a ghost, this emperor probably knows who it is."

Lou Qi was taken aback: "Acquaintance?"

"I can't be called an acquaintance," Shen Sha led her back out, "I just went to their clan to get things before."

Speaking of this, she squinted at him: "Take something?"

His expression remained unchanged, and he said, "So I wanted to buy it, but they didn't want to sell it, so I had to go get it myself."

Lou Qi rolled her eyes, wanting to complain.To put it so nicely, isn't it just to steal other people's things?
But she was quite curious about what the emperor asked him to steal, "What?"

"Dragon diverts water."

"What is the dragon diverting water?" Lou Qi thought about it in her mind, but she couldn't find the information about the dragon diverting water. She can be sure that the old man didn't teach her, and there was no record in the book of foreign objects.

Shen Sha said: "At that time, there was a kind of poison in the cloud, and only Long Yinshui could completely detoxify it."

This is the first time Lou Qi has heard him mention another guard. He has four close guards, three of whom she knows very well, and one Yun Wei, whom she has never seen and rarely listens to. They bring it up.

"Where did Yunwei go?"



"The grasslands are full of nomads. Yun found out that one of the nomads had a medicine, so he took a few people to look for it. Because he was not sure which team he was in, he had to search every nomad. The team. The prairie is too big, and sometimes I meet the second team every year, so he has not been able to come back.”

Lou Qi nodded, it turns out that there are also nomads here.

"The poison in the cloud, the genius doctor said to use the dragon to divert the water, and the emperor personally went to get the dragon to divert the water. There are very few people in this clan, and they are almost withered, but the patriarch is extremely stubborn. They have a special ability innately. Herbal medicine, the smoke produced can separate the movement between the two places."

It is different from formation or illusion, but Shen Sha can't explain it.

Therefore, the dense fog around the lake is probably the smoke from burning that kind of herbal medicine.

Lou Qi thinks that there should be a certain scientific basis for this, for example, the density of this kind of thing just reaches a critical point that cuts off the transmission of sound or the refraction of light.There are too many weird things in this world, and it is not surprising that things with this kind of effect.

But how useful is this kind of thing?
"Don't underestimate their ability. Just imagine, if you are trapped in such a place for a long time, you can't hear a sound, will it collapse? Cooperating with the formation will also make the formation more subtle , there is no trace to be found." Shen Sha said: "But they usually don't come out of the clan very much, this time I don't know why they came here from thousands of miles to set up such a game."

Lou Qi joked, "Could it be that they came here specifically to find you?" But after she finished speaking, she also felt that it was unlikely, because Yunwei had been away for a long time, and the incident of stealing dragons and diverting water probably took at least a year or two. If you want to find it, you should go to Shangpoyu.

"No matter what they want to do, Aifei took all her own money to bet on the emperor to win, and the emperor should also get the lamp." Shen Sha said, whispering in her ear: "How about calling your husband again? "

Lou Qi really wanted to punch him in the face.Where and what occasion is it now?Can you be serious?She said with a half-smile: "If you can't find the five lamps, don't blame this girl for taking off your husband. I don't mind calling you, ex-husband."

Shen Sha's face darkened.

They have to pass through the boat and move on.The two were about to exit the empty cabin when suddenly there was a sound of darkness.

It sounded like a bird flapping its wings.

Shen Sha's eyes flickered slightly, and just as he was about to back away with his arms around Lou Qi, the fierce killing intent seemed to be real, and something rushed towards the middle of the two of them.

Because you can't see what it is in the dark, the best way is naturally to separate and dodge first.Even though he was reminding Lou Qi just now, no matter what happens, don't get separated, but now he doesn't retreat or hide.

The two separated abruptly and flashed left and right.

The thing passed through, but it didn't rush out the door. Instead, it paused and turned around, looking left and right, as if evaluating who to attack.

They can only rely on amazing internal strength to make their eyesight better than ordinary people.Others may not be able to see it, but they can roughly see the outline of a bird.

It has big wings that are one meter long, and its eyes are a little red.

The most important thing is that it has a sharp long beak, which is probably the long beak that attacked them just now. If it was pecked, there must be a deep blood hole.

Lou Qi immediately wanted to pinch a certain emperor, "Didn't you just say that you were playing tricks?"

Shen Sha slowly approached her, and said in a deep voice: "There are only 43 members of the Longyin Clan, and they usually only stay in the clan, and never easily provoke others to make enemies, for fear that if they are not careful, they will cause the disaster of extermination of the clan. The talents of the clansmen are mostly used for defense, so this emperor said it was just playing tricks, but now that they have set up a killing scheme, something must have happened to the Longyin clan."

It's very clear, you have destroyed this thing.

She was about to complain, when Shen Sha swung his arm and smashed the bird to the ground. He took a step forward, lifted his foot, stepped on it lightly, and rolled over.

Lou Qi couldn't help but think of his behavior of crushing his feet and breaking his fingers.

"It's not a real bird." He bent down and picked up the bird, and handed it to her.

Lou Qi took out a beautiful hairpin from his arms, "Put it on for me first."

There was a thumbnail-sized pearl embedded in that hairpin, and the pearl actually emitted a faint white light, although it wasn't very bright, it was enough to illuminate the two of them.

"Where did it come from?" Shen Sha took it and gently inserted it into the side of her bun.

"Brother sent it." Lou Huantian said that this hairpin was originally used when he continued to pretend to be a woman, and was going to use it to slaughter those female guests, but now that she has her, the good things can't be cheap. woman.Small night pearls are rare.

Shen Sha really wanted to regret pulling out the hairpin. "Just call the big brother?"

"Actually, I know very well that he must be related to me by blood." Lou Qi didn't notice his jealousy, and looked at the bird in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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