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Chapter 300 The Treasure of the Dead

Chapter 300 The Treasure of the Dead
With this pearl hairpin, she could clearly see that what she was holding was a fake bird made of bamboo and wood chips.There is a thin iron chain on the back, presumably it was hung on it, and it has been broken by Shen Sha.

But there was a fishy smell exuding from the pointed beak.

She sniffed it, then touched it lightly with one finger, it was greasy.

"It's a kind of concoction that can cause hallucinations. It seems that this bird may be the key to the next few levels. Just stab it a little, and it will produce hallucinations after a while." It's just that the other party may not have thought that someone The fist knocked it down, and it was the most correct way to hit it, because it was tied with a fine iron chain. If you slapped it out, it would bounce back, and if you were not careful, you would be stabbed by the sharp beak.If you use a weapon to cut off the iron chain, it must be a weapon that cuts iron like mud, otherwise it will still shake sharply and be accidentally stabbed by it.

In the darkness just now, Shen Sha couldn't see clearly and could quickly make the most correct judgment, which showed that he was indeed calm all the time, without panic at all.

"More than that."

"No, if you use smoke, I'm afraid it won't be able to maintain enough medicinal properties in such a space." Lou Qi said.After all, the boats are painted on the open water, and all the boats have windows, and there is wind on the lake, so the airtightness is not strong.

The method of using a painting boat may also be the best method they can find. After all, there are not many places to choose, and they can only be at the gate of Huihualou.

Shen Sha glanced at the pearl hairpin on her thick black bun, but still felt that it was not pleasing to the eye. "Until it is confirmed, you can not call him big brother."

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he was talking about Lou Huantian, and couldn't help being speechless.Squinting at him, "Aren't you going to be jealous of your brothers and sisters?"

"The first hairpin, the first bracelet, the first pair of earrings, and all your firsts will be given by this emperor, and he will give you anything else after that." Shen Sha said domineeringly.

Lou Qi smiled, "You mean, you're going to start giving me gifts?"

"Everything is not given away, so you have to pay attention to the opportunity, but before the emperor gives it, you are not allowed to accept his gift."

Cut, naive to death.

Lou Qi rolled his eyes. "Let's go, lest you fall behind, I don't know how many lamps Zhao Yun got."

Shen Sha suddenly stopped, "Zhao Yun, you'd better stay away."

"What do you want to say?" Is it because of jealousy again?
However, this time she misunderstood Dijun in a rare way.He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Yun is very similar to Yunfeng, but there are also great differences. The similarities and differences are so obvious, which is very strange. Moreover, Zhao Yun is too mysterious and not suitable for friendship."

Lou Qi was taken aback for a moment, so this was the reason?However, she also has this feeling, the only thing is that she didn't find any malice.

But what is the meaning of Lord Dijun's eyes of "you are so stupid, I am worried that you will be deceived"?Is she that stupid?Is it so easy to be deceived?
The two walked past this painting boat and jumped onto another one.Lou Qi suddenly said with a contorted face: "I said to find five lamps, did the stall owner say to turn on the lamps?"


Isn't this a scam?It is estimated that they will all head towards the lighted painting boats, but based on their experience just now, those lighted boats are probably only lit by small candles.

There was a sudden sway under his feet.

Before she could remind her, Shen Sha had already jumped up with her, spun her body, and landed on the railing of the boat.

They saw that the deck, which was intact just now, suddenly sank piece by piece, and there seemed to be something under the deck.

When the movement stopped, Lou Qi said: "Go down and have a look."

The light emitted by her pearl hairpin is limited, and it cannot be seen from a distance, let alone a sealed interlayer sealed under the deck.

The two jumped down lightly, but found that the touch under their feet was not right, so they quickly jumped away.Lou Qi looked down and saw a man in blue clothes lying on a box.They had just stepped on his back.

"Dead." Shen Sha only glanced at it.His internal strength is extremely deep, so it can be heard that the other party has no breath or heartbeat.

"This person probably also came up to break through the barrier." Lou Qi turned to the other side, with a gleam in his eyes, bent over and picked up a small palace lantern made of mahogany frame and glass sheets.

The lamp probably only had her slap in the palm, and it was extremely exquisitely made. Layers of auspicious clouds and flowers were carved on the frame, and the colored glaze was of moderate thickness.She fiddled with it, and found that there were two glass pieces that could be drawn out above and below the lamp, with incense sticks on the top and small candlesticks on the bottom.

I smelled the incense flakes, and it seemed that there was something like mosquito repellent in it.When the lamp is lit, the incense flakes are heated and volatilized. It is still a beautiful little lamp that has fragrance, repells mosquitoes, illuminates and can be used as room decoration. It really kills four birds with one stone.

"What we are looking for should be this kind of lamp?"

Lou Qi liked this lamp quite a bit. "Nine Heavens Palace can also buy some of these lights."

Shen Sha's face was a little weird, "Do you like it? Want it?"


Shen Sha glanced at her, and said calmly: "This is the unique tomb lamp of the Longyin clan."

Grave light?What's the meaning?
"The members of the Longyin clan are dying, so every time a member of the clan dies, the whole family mourns. Their funerals are extremely grand, and the tomb is also very luxurious, just like a palace. This kind of lamp is specially made by the Longyin clan for death. I hope that their tombs can keep the fragrance and no mosquito bites, so that the dead can rest in peace." Shen Sha said slowly.Just think about it, the lamp that someone hangs in the tomb is hung in his bedroom, no matter how you think about it, you feel—

It's too creepy.

Of course, although Lou Qi said that he wanted it, the emperor had consciously confused her bedroom with his own.

Lou Qi wanted to cry.

Look at other people's financial resources, look at their craftsmanship.Even a tomb needs such a beautiful and delicate lamp!

"This shows that what we are looking for is this kind of lamp. No matter what kind of lamp it is, take it away first." Seeing that the lamp had a hook, she simply hung it on her belt.

Just as she was about to fly over, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the box that was pressed by the dead man.It's not very high from the deck here, and people shouldn't be killed if they fall, but he was lying on the box and died here, and the deck was restored after that, almost cheating them again.

"Shen Sha, let's move the person away and look at the box."

She was about to push that person, but Shen Sha grabbed her, shook her head and said: "In the Longyin clan, it's best not to touch anything related to the dead." He pointed to a corner of the cabin, Only then did Qi realize that there was a pair of mummy there, on one ankle of the mummy was fastened an iron ring, the iron ring was connected with an iron chain, and the other end happened to be the side where the box was buckled.

This person was supposed to carry the box, but he didn't find that it was attached to the mummy, and he died inexplicably after being dragged here.

Lou Qi squatted down by the side, looked carefully at the box, and found that the box was not tightly closed, although there was a person on it, but the cover was not aligned, and there was still a gap exposed, and there was a bright light in the gap. flash.

"Looks like a good box."

Even so, Lou Qi stood up and clapped his hands, "Let's go."

"Why, are you willing to let go after seeing that it's a good thing?"

"Do you really think I'm obsessed with money? In fact, I'm a person who treats money like dirt." Lou Qi rubbed his nose.

A smile curled up on the corners of Shen Sha's lips, "Oh? Treat money like dung? It will take three days for each floor of the thirteenth floor to open, and at least 200 million taels will be earned, and it will take at most a year to raise such thousands of people. It only needs 100 million taels. The thirteenth floor will be opened eight or nine times a year, that is to say, at least nearly 2000 million taels of silver can be accounted for a year. The new Xiaoqi landlord, can you not count this in this emperor? Did you narrow your eyes when you laughed?"

"Cough cough."

Lou Qi touched her face, is she smiling?really?
Hey, the Overlord wouldn't understand if she said it, it's not that she was drooling over the account of Huihualou, it's just that this is every time she receives, a gift from her family, or a big gift.

As for Old Daoist, is giving her a medicine every year a gift?
The two quickly left the boat, but before they left, Lou Qi's skirt was hooked by something, she tore it away with one hand, and didn't take it seriously.

And they didn't see that after they left, the deck quickly and silently recovered.

The night was heavy.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker.

Two light figures swept over from the thick fog, and as soon as they landed on the deck, their feet were empty, and they both fell into the dark cabin on the mezzanine where Shen Sha and Lou Qi had come down before.

A flame lit up with a crackling sound, and they took the flint and candle and lit the small half of the candle.

They also saw the dead man and the box under his weight.

"Miss, there must be treasures in this box!"

The maid in the light blue dress spoke, pushed the dead man to the ground, and opened the lid.A burst of brilliance shone, and a colorful lantern appeared in front of my eyes.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful—" the maid in blue murmured.

Her young lady also looked at the colorful lantern, her eyes flashed brightly, "This lamp is not an ordinary lamp, and there are no candles inside for lighting, but night pearls, and the best blue sea night pearls."

This person was supposed to be beside Fairy Liuyun, her cousin Suyunxin.It's just that at this time Su Yunxin didn't have any domineering expression at all, but looked at the lantern with bright eyes and a very self-controlled expression.

The maid next to her, if Lou Qi saw it, she would be very surprised, it was the maid who annoyed her and forced her into the lake.At this time, the maid also seemed to be a different person, without that kind of arrogance and savagery at all.

"Miss, do you know this lamp?"

Su Yunxin nodded and said: "Su Liuyun has a book that collects and records treasures in the world, and there is a record of this lamp on it. Agarwood and colored glass, which are a kind of medicinal material, are soaked, plus the light and medicinal effect of the blue sea night pearl, lit at night, and long-term exposure to its luster, you can keep your face young."

The maid was stunned: "Isn't it? Miss, I don't believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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