Chapter 362
Hearing Yin Yaofeng's words, Lou Qi pulled himself out of the mess of the royal family, Duanchen Sect, Xuanyuan, Shen's, Shocking Truth, cousins, and cousins.

She is a little similar to Shen Sha in that they are not the kind of people who will rush out with blood when they hear about the secret family tragedy, shouting to find out the truth, find relatives, and avenge their blood. Their own present, they still have a lot to do now.

For example, what she should do now is to bring that team out first.

Lou Qi told Yin Yaofeng to be calm and calm down, and went to the prison area by himself.Hua Yucun was very happy to see her, but when he heard that she wanted to meet Feihuan, he frowned.

"Emperor Concubine, that woman's life is really big enough, she's still alive, she can survive."

Lou Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's okay. If I die, I have to use it up before I die."

On the way here, she still felt a little pity, because she was afraid that Feihuan would die in prison if she couldn't bear it.If she had thought of building such a team before, she might not have hurt Feihuan so badly.

If they want to practice unraveling spells, they must know Xijiang's spells best, but even she dare not say that they understand them very well. Xi Changli and Xi Feihuan were frightened by her, thinking that she could undo all spells, but in fact they didn't. No, it just happened that what she encountered were relatively high-level spells. The high-level spells impressed the old man, and they were also his special research, so she would instead, but those entry-level, basic spells, Maybe she can solve it, but she doesn't know what it is, what is the conventional solution of each, and there is no way to teach it if she wants to teach it.

It's just right to find Feihuan.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin were a little puzzled when they followed her.

"Girl, why is Feihuan willing to teach you all the spells he knows?"

Lou Qi smiled slyly: "This girl has her own way."

She wants to see if the saint in Xijiang, who can control nightmares, can block her hypnosis.

It turns out that she overestimated Feihuan too much. Feihuan's injury didn't mean that she couldn't survive for a few more days. It was her will that broke her. Damn, she never thought that one day she would lose her hands, unable to cast spells, and her whole body would be crippled like this.

Such desperation was what accelerated her death.

Now she doesn't have the will to resist Lou Qi's hypnosis.

Lou Qi's trip didn't go too smoothly. Of course, she also gave Feihuan a medicine to make Feihuan last longer, and taught her all the spells she knew.

There are too many spells in Xijiang, large and small, and the saints of Xijiang must have learned the most comprehensively.In two days, Lou Qi learned all the spells that Fei Huan knew.

"Has the girl learned it all?" Lou Xin was a little incredulous.

Lou Qi went out, looked back at the lifeless Fei Huan, and sighed. "There are a lot of things that I just learned roughly, and I don't understand them thoroughly."

These words made Chen Shi and Lou Xin almost slip.

They have followed these two days and stayed outside. They can hear what Feihuan said. Anyway, it is like listening to heavenly scriptures for them. There are hundreds of spells, but their girl has learned them all!Knowing all of them is already called a genius, and she still needs to learn all of them thoroughly!

Lou Xin wailed, "Girl, give others a way out. This will put a lot of pressure on your subordinates. What should you do?" Following her, she didn't know what else to do.
Lou Qi squinted at him: "Why don't you mend the soles of my shoes in the future?"

Lou Xin: "."

With all of Feihuan's spells, Lou Qi really has the confidence.The thirty or so people also waited a little anxiously, and they were finally taken to the Nine Heavens Hall on this day.

They were waiting in a side hall of the first floor hall, but they didn't know that Lou Qi was being stared at by Shen Sha's furious eyes at this moment.

"This emperor does not agree, does not allow, does not allow." The deep voice revealed the man's extremely bad mood.

Lou Qi stared back at him helplessly: "Then tell me why you don't agree, don't allow, why you don't allow? This girl will convince you one by one!"

Both Yue and Ying were speechless. It was obvious that the imperial concubine was going to give you one, two, three, four, five reasons.

"Why do you say?" Shen Sha wished she could squeeze her into a small size and put it in her sleeve pocket to keep her from being so whimsical.It's not like they haven't seen the horror of the red ice ants on the fruit mountain outside Qicheng last time, but now she actually said that she would take those 35 people to the place where those people died!

Isn't that the nest of the red ice ants?
How could he agree!
Even Eagle tried to dissuade him. "Emperor Concubine, you should change the place. Last time, my subordinates managed to escape from death. That thing forced them to fake their deaths. It's really too dangerous."

Lou Qi said helplessly: "It should be the best place for special training, a place that even I have never been to, so I can observe them better, and, the place they will send out in the future is Xijiang, South Jiang, it’s not a joke there, so I don’t have time to get them some little snakes with their teeth pulled out for fun, and I gave them a retreat from the beginning, how long will it take to stimulate their potential?”

They knew she was right, but...
"Emperor Concubine, there is no need to go to such a dangerous place." Yue sighed.

They didn't dare to think about what would happen to Dijun if something happened to her.

"I have already said that there should be no red ice ants in that place. Five people died. The extremely hungry red ice ants must have all entered the bodies of those five people, and they have already been burned to death."

"Shouldn't there be?" Shen Sha's voice was still very cold, "What if there is?"

"In case there is... I will definitely figure out a way to deal with the red ice ants on the way there, okay?"


Shen Sha refused without mercy.

Lou Qi stomped her feet in frustration, the 35 people were already waiting for her in the first floor hall, she had packed up her things, and he dragged her back when she was about to arrive, is it a waste of time to grind on?

"Are you still worried that I lost all these people?"

Shen Sha glanced at her, anger flashed in his eyes, but he didn't speak.His character is really not very good at talking about love and soft words. At this time, what he was thinking in his heart was, when did this emperor take care of others, he was worried about you!
It was unreasonable to think that he was afraid that she would lose him.

Lou Qi glanced at the sky outside, feeling a little anxious, gave Yue and Ying a wink, and told them to go out.The moon laughed secretly, but the eagle was baffled, why?

Yue pulled him out, "This subordinate will retire."

After going outside, Ying shook him off, "Why don't you let me persuade her again? You don't know, that red ice ant is really not kidding!"

Yue glanced at him sideways: "If the imperial concubine can persuade the master, why do I need you to persuade me? If not, what else do you have to do?"

Ying froze, "Then what does she mean by letting us out, we can't convince the master if we are with her?"

"You stone head. Sometimes the way of explaining is not convenient for us to see!" Yue stopped and looked at him, and said: "Ying, you should find a woman too."

Ying's head was full of black lines, and he said angrily: "You understand, we are the same age!" He said it as if he had a woman!
In the imperial study room, as soon as Lou Qi heard their footsteps going far away, she immediately rushed towards Shen Sha, sat on his lap, hooked his neck, and said in a very sweet voice: "Oh, my dear." , just let me go, I promise to come back safely."

The corner of Shen Sha's mouth twitched.

"Master, you just follow the poor nun!" Lou Qi shook his body.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shen Sha's face turned dark.How did I learn such a mess!

Lou Qi suddenly lowered his tone: "Wukong, if you don't agree again, you will have to recite the magic spell for the teacher!"

At this moment, Shen Sha didn't understand that she was acting like a demon again, but she really couldn't understand her nonsense, so she wanted to speak, and when she heard her weaken, she said delicately: "Male god, just let me go!" .go.go.go.”

Does it have its own echo?
She doesn't know how to act like a baby. Is what I learned from the Internet useful?
When she looked up, she saw that Shen Sha's face was so dark that it was dripping with ink.

Shen Sha held her slender waist with both hands, and asked in a deep voice: "Have you ever thought about this emperor?"

Lou Qi was taken aback. With her personality, she used to walk around by herself often. She never thought about telling anyone her whereabouts. The stinky old man didn't care where she went, how dangerous tasks she took, and even how dangerous she was. Sometimes she would be despised by him if she took an easier task.

But now that I think about it, could it be that it was because he wanted her to come to the Sifang Continent, knowing that there are many things and dangers here, and in order to train her, that's why Old Daoist took her to take on missions at a young age?
In fact, it is the same as her idea of ​​training those 35 people now.

When someone is guarding you, you have to make a real risk to learn the real skills and at the same time develop extraordinary courage.

"How dare you lose your mind?" Shen Sha gritted his teeth, "Lou Qi."

His waist was firmly grasped by him, Lou Qi came back to his senses, and quickly said, "I promise you, I promise you'll be fine, okay? I'll take the Eagle King with me!"

She remembered that the Snow Mountain White Eagle King also had to be taken out for a walk, and the tacit understanding between humans and eagles would be higher when it was used in the future!
Hearing that she was going to take the Snow Mountain White Eagle King, Shen Sha's expression eased slightly, in fact, he could see that she was determined to go, and she was quite persistent in some aspects, and it was difficult to change her decision.

"How many days?"

It is impossible to only go for a day or two for special training, he has a hunch.

Lou Qi gestured a finger timidly.

Shen Sha's breath suddenly became chaotic.One finger, it can't be a day, right?One day is not enough time, isn't it?
"One month." After finishing speaking, Lou Qi quickly jumped off his lap and rushed out towards the door.

With a bang, she almost smashed the door, but she managed to "escape" out!

When she reached the huge iron cage of the Snow Mountain White Eagle King, Tianying followed.

"Emperor Concubine, the Emperor ordered his subordinates to follow you."

Lou Qi felt helpless, she had brought Chen Shi and Lou Xin with her, Tianying was his secret guard!

(End of this chapter)

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