Your heart is free

Chapter 363 Qinshan Qinmu

Chapter 363 Qinshan Qinmu
When she was fully ready, she made it clear to the 35 people and gave them the last chance to choose.

"It may be very dangerous. You don't have to go. If you don't want to go, you can quit now."

Yin Yaofeng was the first to jump out: "Difei, I'm going, I won't quit!"

Lou Qi couldn't help smiling at her.

When she came out this morning, she heard about it. Yin Yaofeng's eldest brother and second brother heard that she was going to participate in this special training and join the team. They wanted to intercept her early in the morning and not allow her to go.But Yin Yaofeng is also very elf, and unexpectedly caught Xiaosi who was out on errands early, and followed her back to the triple hall.In this way, the two men from the Yin family naturally had no way to enter the triple palace.

Yin Yaofeng passed a word to them, saying that the imperial concubine can lead the team out as a woman, why can't she participate?The two brothers of the Yin family had nothing to do with her.

Yin Yaofeng is also a person who will not change any decision easily.

Maybe it's because a woman is so courageous, so others are not to be outdone, and 34 people also decided not to quit.Although Lou Qi hadn't told them what they were selected for and why there was such a dangerous special training, but relying on their trust in Lou Qi, they felt that there would be nothing wrong with following her.

Lou Qi also told them that high risk often means high return.

Lou Qi has already ordered someone to prepare a special backpack for them. The backpack is made of two layers of thick cotton cloth with a layer of waterproof oily paper sandwiched in between. The designer is naturally Lou Qi. bag, and each person's bag is also stuffed with a folded into a small cloth bag.She still has great expectations for the mountains in this world. If she goes into the mountains, she might get good things, so she is prepared.She felt that she used to be quite majestic, but now she has become a green-eyed wolf, jumping on everything she sees.

Thirty-five people, Lou Qi, Tian Ying, Chen Shi and Lou Xin, a group of 35 people, each rode a steed towards Qi City.

Just as they were rushing down Jiuxiao Mountain, there was a cry of an eagle in the sky, and the White Eagle King spread his huge wings and soared into the sky, causing everyone in Jiuxiao Temple to look at the sky in unison.

"Look, it's the Snow Mountain White Eagle King given by Prince Yu of the Eastern Qing Dynasty."

"No, it's really majestic!"

"Isn't the Eagle King flying away?"

"how is this possible!"

"so what"

"It is estimated that the imperial concubine took it to play, the Snow Mountain White Eagle King was tamed by the imperial concubine!"

"Our imperial concubine is really amazing!"

The third hall, outside the door of the imperial study room, Shen Sha with one hand behind his back, his black hair flying, looking at the White Eagle King who was going away, he couldn't let go of his frowning eyebrows.

He had never felt this way before, worried, and missed him as soon as he left.

Someone came in slowly, and said with a smile: "Weakness, it is rumored that the cruel and cruel emperor has a fatal weakness, so you are not afraid that the news will leak out, and someone will follow after the imperial concubine?"

"If you don't want to live anymore, this emperor can fulfill you."

Shen Sha glanced over, with killing intent.

Shu Zhongzhou felt a pressure coming from his head, and he could hardly keep his smile.


Yue couldn't help but make a sound.When he was about to come over just now, he met Shu Chongzhou begging to see him, so he brought him along. He wanted to let him wait outside, but he didn't want the master to stand at the door.

The master had been alone all along, and they were happy to see him have a brother, and he was also a person related to the master's life experience. They had already asked Yi Cheng to deliver the letter and take over his parents.Prior to this, Shu Chongzhou lived in the Erzhong Hall, waiting for his identity to be confirmed before making a decision.

Of course, they had to observe and test him.

No matter what, it can't be killed.

Shen Sha snorted coldly, and said lightly: "This emperor is never afraid of weaknesses, and my emperor's women are not weak."

It's just that they didn't know that Shu Chongzhou's words just now really hit the mark.Many people want to grasp the weakness of the Emperor of Breaking the Domain.

"It's not weak, it's not weak. Zhao Yun is also full of praise for her and never forgets her." Shu Chongzhou seemed to say something unintentionally.

Shen Sha shook his hand violently, and a menacing light flashed across his dark eyes in an instant.

Mountain roads are definitely not easy to walk, especially if they are not counted as roads.In fact, the road is not difficult to find, because several groups of people have already passed by before, especially when they were going to carry the corpse out later, dozens of people stepped on a small path, which is still clearly visible.That's why Lou Qi didn't ask Zou Li to find someone to guide her, lest she have to worry about her.

"Girl, Commander Zou said that the mountain in front is called Qinshan, and he and the other stewards of Qicheng only chose the name after receiving the demarcation drawing from the emperor." Lou Xin talked a lot as soon as he came out, "The reason why it is named Qinshan is because there is a kind of precious Qin wood on the mountain, which is said to be the most suitable for making Guqin and the like."

They haven't entered Qinshan Mountain yet, behind Qinshan Mountain is the Red Ice Mountain where Red Ice Ants killed people.When Zou Li introduced it to them, Lou Qi also heard that Chi Bingshan was named after the discovery of Chi Bingshan.

After Shen Sha went back that time, he directly issued an order to include this mountain range into the territory of Qicheng. Zou Li, who was in charge of managing Qicheng, had already begun to select people to prepare for the east, west, north, south, and north under Lou Qi's instruction. Set up sentry posts everywhere.The mountains around here were not nameless before, and now they are all named. Zou Li also asked people to start compiling the history of Qicheng. From the first brick of the city wall, everything about Qicheng will be recorded.

But this time when Lou Qi and the others came over and had a meal in Qi City, they had already discovered that outsiders began to choose Qi City as their place of residence. For these people, Zou Li would also ask people to ask them about their origins according to the rules of breaking the domain , and then give them their identity certificates, and record them through the City Lord's Mansion. From then on, they are residents of Qicheng.They also need money to buy the houses built in Qicheng. If they are poor, they can borrow and live in the planned labor area first, in exchange for daily labor for remuneration.

Zou Li really wanted to keep Lou Qi this time, because there were many things that really needed to be decided by the city lord, and he couldn't handle some things well, so he had great expectations for Lou Qi.

As soon as Lou Qi thought of this, he heard Chen Shidao: "Girl, this training is over, shall we go back to Jiuxiao Palace?"

"Why do you ask that?" Lou Qi asked with interest.When Chen Shihui asked this question, he must have thought of something.

Chen Shidao: "Lou Xin mentioned Qinmu just now, and my subordinates feel that this should become a development capital of Qicheng." Qinmu is very precious, and not every place has it. According to them, Beicang, Xi'an Neither Xinjiang nor Southern Xinjiang had any. Although the Eastern Qing Dynasty had a vast land and abundant resources, there were few such trees as qin wood, so every qin made of qin wood was very expensive.Even Chen Shi wanted to get the business opportunities here, Lou Qi must have thought more than him.Since she has to work hard to develop, how can she not stay here?
"Smart boy." Lou Qi reached out to touch Chen Shi's head as he spoke.

Chen Shi's face turned dark immediately.


He's two years older than her, okay?

Next to him, Yin Yao let out a flutter of music.With her smile like this, Chen Shi's dark face turned suspiciously red again.Yin Yaofeng looked at him and suddenly felt his heart beating.

Chen Shi is so handsome!

She originally liked Shen Sha, but she had already tried twice, one time in front of Shen Sha, she said she would make ten meritorious service, Shen Sha directly refused to give the chance, and the second time in front of Lou Qi, she expressed her willingness She stayed by Shen Sha's side as a concubine, but Lou Qi told her clearly that she would never allow anyone to share a man with her.

And these few days she followed Lou Qi, deeply aware of the gap between herself and Lou Qi, and she also likes Lou Qi's bright personality from the bottom of her heart, so she has decided to give up working in the direction of the emperor.

As soon as she let go of her heart, she realized that the two guards beside Lou Qi were extremely handsome, especially Chen Shi!

Lou Xin also grinned, "If the girl stays in Qicheng, the subordinates will think it's good."

"Why?" Lou Qi was a little surprised, the two guards who dare to love her don't really want her to go back to Jiuxiao Palace?
Lou Xin bumped Chen Shi with his elbow, "Say it."

Chen Shidao: "The subordinates feel that the emperor didn't marry the girl, and he didn't have a lot of red makeup, so he felt a little wronged." Their girl shouldn't live in the emperor's bedroom just because of a contract.

Chen Shi's mind flashed the appearance of Lou Qi wearing a big red phoenix robe and a gorgeous phoenix crown, it must be extremely beautiful, without going through that step, how can they become husband and wife?

"Haha." Lou Qi couldn't help laughing, her two guards were really cute! "Okay, then let's not go back, just live in Qicheng!"

As soon as this sentence fell, something suddenly flashed in Shen Sha's heart in the Nine Heavens Palace. It was not very comfortable anyway, which made him frown.

Lou Qi wasn't talking about it for fun, she shouldn't have lived together during the love stage, she had to wait until the day after the closure, and she really wanted to develop Qicheng well.When her Qicheng develops well, Shen Sha will know how the other cities develop.

Breaking the domain, they must build it up. In the future, they will have stronger strength to fight against Wen Tianshan.

Nalan Huaxin, let you live for a while.

In their whispered chat, Qinshan has arrived.

Qinshan, Zou Li sent people to investigate the mountain, but the people they sent were those whose bones were eaten by red ice ants. They probably only went around here, and then sent Feige back to report the discovery of Qinmu. Then he went around and went to death.

It should be said that luckily the person who carried the corpse afterwards was safe, which is also the basis for Lou Qi to judge that there are no more red ice ants there.

The whole Qinshan Mountain is beautiful and unique. There is a small waterfall hanging on the mountain. There are wild flowers on both sides of the waterfall. Above the waterfall is a clump of trees. It is straight and the bark is brown with deep purple. Only the top of the tree has an umbrella. It looks like a huge mushroom.

"That's Qinmu." Chen Shi said.

Yin Yaofeng immediately answered, "Qinmu looks really good."

Maybe the people before came here and saw Qinmu and didn't go up, because the mountain is still a bit high, and the trees and plants are too lush, lest there will be more snakes.

(End of this chapter)

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