Chapter 401
Dance, of course, is not a real dance, it is a dance of blood, a dance of death, and Sen Han's dance of wrath in the Nine Nether Hells.Every time Shen Sha swung his sword, every time he raised his arm, every time the shadow of the sword palmed the wind, his movements were extremely chilling.

call out.

The sword fell horizontally, and the person in front was split in two.The wind from the left palm came out again, and one person's head was blasted into a pile of bloody flesh foam like a watermelon.

Bloody, brutal, grim, scary.The dozen or so people were completely powerless to resist, they were afraid, they wanted to retreat, they wanted to escape, but Shen Sha didn't even give them a chance to escape.

Taking a step forward, the sword energy is wild, screams suddenly come and go, and the blood mist is in pieces.

Lou Xin stared blankly at this scene, and murmured: "Why did the emperor's martial arts suddenly increase so much?"

He was already extremely strong in martial arts, but now he can be called terrifying!

They were so terrified that they hadn't reacted yet. Apart from them, there was no enemy standing in front of them. There were corpses strewn across the fields, limbs and arms, and blood flowing all over the ground, like Shura hell.Even Shen Sha, who killed more than a dozen masters at once, was covered in blood.

The long sword in his hand was still piercing one person's chest. He held the hilt of the sword in one hand, and suddenly turned his head to see that his eyes were still full of murderous intent, looking at them coldly and mercilessly.

Eagle suddenly felt something was wrong.

He tentatively called: "Master?"

However, Shen Sha pulled out his sword abruptly and brought out a bloody arrow. The blood-stained sword turned around and aimed at him.Being pointed at by Shen Sha with a sword like this is definitely a terrifying experience, and the heartbeats of Ying and the three stopped for half a beat in an instant.

Shen Sha's eyes were still as bright red as blood, looking extremely strange.

The thin lips parted slightly, and a low word came out, "Kill."

"Dijun!" Tianying was shocked, why does it seem like he regards them as enemies and wants to kill them together?Did Dijun lose his mind by killing?

The eagle screamed and wanted to go forward, but Lou Xin held him back and looked at the sword in Shen Sha's hand, "Look at that sword!"

Ying and Tianying's attention only fell on the sword, and they all gasped when they saw it.I saw that the long sword in Shen Sha's hand, which was originally black with a dark light, was now surrounded by black mist. That kind of blackness, like endless death, wrapped around the sword body, and the long sword was trembling all the time. It's a faint whisper, they sound like the sound of death.

"This sword is weird!"

Lou Xin tensed his heartstrings, although he didn't know why, but after following Lou Qi for a long time, he reacted somewhat faster to such weird things. "I remember that when the emperor got this magic weapon, the head of the Xiao family said that the soul of this magic weapon sword is lacking, and it may be because the main material for casting it was obtained in a place where bloody demons were fighting. Could it be that the evil spirit that is too obscene is now controlling the will of the emperor?"

To put it simply, this sword has become bloodthirsty, and it has affected Shen Sha, so now he still wants to kill, kill, kill, kill!

Both Ying and Tianying heard his meaning clearly, and they were all shocked.If this is the case, then the three of them are injured now, and they are not enough to kill the emperor with one move!
"Master is really going to be extinct and we will be extinct long ago." Ying gritted his teeth and walked towards Shen Sha. No matter what, he felt that Dijun's appearance was a bit weird, and it was definitely not a good thing.But Dijun rushed to rescue them in such a state, which also made them feel a little excited, saying that although Dijun looks extremely cold, he still takes it very seriously, right?
It's just that he had just taken two steps, when Shen Sha suddenly clasped his right hand holding the sword with his left hand, and pressed down hard, the magic weapon clanged, as if some kind of stubborn resistance under suppression.

Shen Sha shouted in a deep voice: "Stop! This sword is bloodthirsty, and this emperor is hard to control. Now the only way to resist it is to kill. You are not allowed to get close to this emperor. After taking the medicine, go find Qi Qi."

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around, and his figure was several feet away in an instant, and the speed was so strange and inexplicable.

The three of Ying looked at each other, and they all saw shock and worry in each other's eyes.

"Lou Xin, you are right, the master is trying his best to control that magical weapon! Will there be any problems if this goes on? Go, hurry up and find Lou Qi, she might have a solution!"

"The girl doesn't know what happened to her, she's so worried about me."

Tianying said in a deep voice: "Let's look for it separately." The chances of looking separately may be greater. Although Tianying is extremely worried about Shen Sha, at least Shen Sha is invincible at this time. It would be nice if it wasn't him.He is more worried about Lou Qi now.

The three of them just put on some hemostatic wound medicine, and they didn't even have time to bandage them, so they dragged their injured bodies and left the Asura Hell, and went to find Lou Qi separately.

"Brother Chen, let me down, I, I am not light." On the half of the steep cliff, Chen Shi was struggling to climb up with Yin Yaofeng on his back.Yin Yaofeng's hair was also disheveled, his face was scratched, his clothes were scratched in many places, and there were faint blood oozing from some places, making him look very embarrassed.

Chen Shi was better than her, but it was not so easy to climb up such a steep cliff by himself, let alone carrying someone on his back.He tied Yin Yaofeng tightly to his body with cloth strips torn from a piece of clothing, so that he could have two hands free.

"How can I let you down here?" Chen Shi asked in a deep voice.

Yin Yao froze and bit his lower lip.If she hadn't sprained her foot, if she hadn't always wanted to be by Chen Shi's side, Chen Shi wouldn't be a drag now.This is the second time he has saved her. Yin Yaofeng feels that she is always weak in front of Chen Shi. She doesn't know if this will make Chen Shi hate her, because she knows that Chen Shi most worships the imperial concubine However, if he admired a woman like the imperial concubine, and she was too weak, Chen Shizhen might look down on her.

But this is not the time for her to be brave, and she feels very guilty about Lou Qi and the two of them falling into such a state now.Thinking of this, she said in a low voice: "Brother Chen, it's all Yaofeng's fault. If Yaofeng didn't think so highly of himself that he could catch that strange beast, he wouldn't have stumbled and fallen." Ten down to save her.And the imperial concubine is still at the bottom of the cliff, and she doesn't know what's going on.

Yin Yaofeng was still shocked when he thought about the light in the eyes of the imperial concubine when they saw that thing before, and the scene of jumping down and chasing after him like that.

As a woman, she couldn't help being infatuated with the imperial concubine's grace and fearlessness at that moment.Not to mention the man who has been following her?

Chen Shi struggled to climb up, and after hearing the words, he was silent for a while before he said: "I don't blame you, you found that thing must be what our girl needs, that's why she is so happy."

If he felt a little uncomfortable, it was that he had to go up the cliff with Yin Yaofeng on his back, instead of being with the girl, and he didn't know what danger was there at the bottom of the cliff.Just because their girl said that there is a poisonous gas below, and people with wounds should not stay there for a long time, otherwise the wound will be infected with the poisonous gas, and when the time comes, pus will fester, and scars will be left even if it is cured.Men may not care, but women are very concerned about whether there are scars on their bodies.

Moreover, those people on the cliff also wanted him to lead them.

They didn't expect that if they walked hundreds of meters to the left in the forest, it seemed that the forest was still continuous, but in fact there was a sudden cliff.When Yin Yaofeng went into the woods, he found a small strange beast, he couldn't tell what it was, but its horn was the source of the medicinal fragrance that Lou Qi smelled.

This is also where Ying and the others were puzzled at the beginning. If she smelled the fragrance of medicine outside the forest, the medicine must be at the edge of the forest. How could she disappear as soon as she entered the forest.They didn't expect that the medicinal material turned out to be the horn on the head of a little beast. Once they entered the forest, they chased the little beast with all their strength. In the process, Lou Qi also taught them how to survive in the dense forest. While hiding his figure, he is faster.

But Ying and the others went straight all the way, never thinking that Lou Qi and the others had already headed to the left when they first entered the forest, so how could they possibly catch up with her.

When they called out, Lou Qi had gone down the cliff again and couldn't hear them anymore.

This miss made Shen Sha have such an accident.

At the bottom of the cliff at this time, Lou Qi raised her hand and made a pause gesture, and the eight people following her stopped, because they were nervous, they all held their breath.

These eight people were the strongest in that team. After seeing Lou Qi descending the cliff, they relied on their skill and courage, and because they wanted to learn more from Lou Qi, so they followed immediately.

It was only after following down that they realized that the bottom of the cliff was very scary, and they felt dizzy and weak at the first step. Fortunately, Lou Qi immediately gave them the detoxification pill, but they found that she was no **** god compared to them Much better.

Lou Qi originally wanted them to go up, but then he thought, this is not a kind of experience, if you are afraid of danger and the unknown, it is better to quit this team as soon as possible.

According to her judgment, the poisonous gas at the bottom of the cliff should be emitted by the lush grass growing around.

"Be careful, these poisonous weeds grow so lushly, if any wild beast can survive here, it must be poisonous, or mutated and powerful, even if it is a mosquito, you must not take it lightly."

Lou Qi's voice sounded low, and the eight people answered yes in unison, but a strange light flashed in the eyes of a handsome young soldier next to her, but no one noticed. .

This place is not so much a cliff as it is a deep crack opened by an earthquake a hundred years ago. Because of the changes in the wind and rain for a hundred years, it is full of various plants, and it may be that it is difficult to shine in the sun for many years, so it is very damp. The temperature is also much lower than above.

The bottom of the cliff is only a thin and narrow passage, and the width is only enough to accommodate two or three people walking side by side.The little beast rushed forward immediately after jumping off, Lou Qi led the people to chase for a while, and arrived at the mouth of a soft soil cave in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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