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Chapter 402 Killer 1 Out

Chapter 402

The hole looked like it could only allow a person of not so tall and strong to get in, but the hole was dark and cold, and I don't know what there was, so it was not a good idea to get in so casually.

"Emperor Concubine, what should we do now?" It was a young man named Lin Shengwei who asked aloud. He had handsome eyes and was also a small captain who was assigned before. He was the first person to follow Lou Qi down the cliff. His impression deepened a lot, and he also remembered that he was the most perfect person in the barracks who passed her finger fuck test before.

"I'm definitely going to get that little beast." Lou Qi pursed her lips, paused after saying this, and said, "If you want to go in, you have to judge whether there is a bigger space inside."

As she spoke, she walked to the front of the cave, bent her waist slightly, and turned her ears towards the entrance of the cave. Then she stretched out her hand and patted it, paused, and patted it twice again.

Seeing her listening carefully, Lin Shengwei and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. What is this doing?
The handsome little soldier couldn't help asking: "Could it be that the imperial concubine can hear what's going on inside like this?"

Lou Qi stood up straight and glanced at him, "Listen to the sound to distinguish the size of the space. This is based on science. If the echo is fast and thick, it means that the space inside is not very large. There is probably no other exit, and the airtightness is very strong. .”

Scientific basis?What the hell is that?

The handsome little soldier was a little dizzy when he heard it, but he probably understood what she meant, he was a little dazed for a moment, the imperial concubine was really teaching them skills with all her heart.

But although this ability is easy to say, it is not an easy thing to really distinguish the echo. Lou Qi asked eight of them to try it, and then listened to their opinions. In the end, only two of them said they could go in. The other six people felt that the hole should be like this from the beginning to the end. After entering, they were afraid of suffocation, and it was impossible to do anything. What if it was still stuck?
"Do you think that the echo is very fast and the sound is relatively thick and loud, so you suspect that this caveman cannot enter, right?"

Lou Qi asked, his eyes swept over their faces one by one, and then fell on the face of the young soldier, he and Lin Shengwei were the only ones who said they could go in.

"What's your name?" She wasn't familiar with them yet, and she was in the process of getting acquainted. Not every one of the 35 people would be able to leave the army in the end, but she still had a little impression of this handsome little soldier. Lin Shengwei, he was another person who fucked her fingers very well in the military camp at that time, and he did it even better than Lin Shengwei.

"Concubine Hui, the younger one's surname is Zhang, and her first name is Xiao Min."

Zhang Xiaomin?It's kind of like a girl's name.

"Okay, Zhang Xiaomin, why do you think you can go in?" Lou Qi asked.

Zhang Xiaomin said: "It's small. Although the echo inside is relatively thick and large, it may also be because there are no holes inside, and the space is not small, so the sound is relatively loud. If it is only a small hole, there is no sound at all. There will be no echo."

Lou Qi smiled slightly.

Indeed, if it is only such a small hole, there will be no echo, and even if there is, it will not be so big. She didn't point it out just now, because she wanted to see if any of them were careful, or if someone knew about it but didn't dare to point it out. from.

"Zhang Xiaomin is right. I hope that if you think of anything, you can say it directly, and don't worry that I will retaliate against you for pointing out my shortcomings or mistakes. Go in."

"Let's go ahead, little one."

Zhang Xiaomin volunteered.

He walked in the front, followed by another soldier named Wu Xiaoyu, Lou Qi was third, and Lin Shengwei was last.Lou Qi gave Zhang Xiaomin a luminous pearl, and the last Lin Shengwei also had one. Fortunately, she came here this time, and she was fully prepared, so she brought a dozen of luminous pearls that were not too big but bright enough.

The dark hole that only allows one person to pass through is indeed a bit suffocating, especially though one person can still pass through, but the arms cannot swing freely at all. If the movement is a little too big, it will be rubbed. Avoid bumping your head suddenly.

What's more, what makes people feel a little heartbroken is that the wind that occasionally blows out of the cave is extremely cold. It's midsummer, and they felt quite comfortable at first, but after walking two more steps, they felt unbearable, it was too cold, too cold. cold.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, there was no change in front of her. At this moment, Lou Qi suddenly felt a little uneasy, but she didn't know where this uneasy feeling came from or why.Although he thought of Shen Sha, even though Lou Qi was smart enough and vigilant, he never thought that someone would follow him to such a barren hill outside the small mountain village like a hideaway, and even more unexpected, it turned out to be fifty kung fu masters. Eagle Guard is almost a master!After all, none of them had ever heard of such a powerful force in the Broken Field Wasteland.

With Tianying and Yingwei by Shen Sha's side, she remembered that she left Lou Xin and others outside the forest, so Lou Qi felt that Shen Sha would be fine.

Moreover, the little beast she saw just now is a great tonic for men and those with internal injuries, how could she let it go.

She had asked Chen Shi to go up with Yin Yaofeng on his back to find Shen Sha, and to prevent him from coming down, because the poisonous gas below would also affect people with serious internal injuries. Can induce poisonous Gu.Although Shen Sha's poisonous Gu can be resisted when she is around, it doesn't mean that if he resists, he will be fine. Every attack is a kind of harm to his body. The more attacks, the more frequent the time , the greater the harm to him.

It can be said that if it weren't for the poisonous Gu on his body, which would consume some of his internal energy to support his battered body, his current skill might be even deeper.

Shen Sha is a genius whose talent in martial arts is so good that he can make people jealous.

Just when she was a little distracted, Zhang Xiaomin who was walking in the front suddenly exclaimed: "My God!"

The white-clothed masked man looked at the people who surrounded him, and said in a disgusted tone: "You people are really flies. Didn't you see that I didn't have someone in my hand? What are you still chasing?"

The white-browed man in the lead gritted his teeth, "Where did you hide that kid surnamed Shen? Hand it over quickly, and I can leave you with a whole body."

"Tsk tsk, why can't this young master choose to live a good life instead of being a dead body?" Even though he said so, no one saw the wry smile flashing in his eyes.

It's really unlucky, I finally found this place, I didn't expect that girl to come here, and she also brought the trouble-making physique, who was hunted down by a bunch of people everywhere, he was just seeing the poisonous Shen During the attack of Gu, he temporarily changed his mind and wanted to attack him, but he never knew that he would attract so many masters this time.

Even if he is good at kung fu, it is difficult for one person to defeat the siege of twenty masters.

If he died here this time, then he would really be ridiculous.

"I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine"

Before the white-browed man finished speaking, he was interrupted by the masked man in white, "Come on, it's really boring to listen to you people, can't you change it to something new?" It's really not as good as that girl Lou Qi, who often speaks surprisingly It's unexpected, that's really fun, otherwise that kid Yunfeng wouldn't be obsessed with him.

"Don't tell me, then go to hell, come on!" The white-browed man turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, everyone rushed towards him.

All of a sudden, the murderous aura was everywhere, and the sword aura was rampant. The twenty or so people didn't feel ashamed to bully the few at all, and all of them made killing moves towards him at the same time.

The shadow of the sword palmed the wind, twisting and falling leaves.Amidst the murderous aura, the figure in white jumped up and down, gracefully, as if he was not surrounded by masters, but just led them in a masculine dance.

It's just that during every move, someone will always be drawn with a scar, and occasionally blood will burst out.

The darkness in the eyes of the masked man in white also gradually increased.

Damn it, these people's skills are really damn good, so far he has only killed two people.

It's just that he didn't expect, he thought he just killed two people, but the white-browed man was already full of anger. The people he brought were all top experts, and they should have killed each other directly without any damage, but who knew that they would die instead. After killing two people, the other party was not injured at all!This is simply challenging him!

Of course, the white-browed man still doesn't know that the half of the people he left behind have been wiped out by Shen Sha.Of course, he will know soon, and he will personally appreciate the nightmare that he will never forget in his life.

"Kill him!" Just after he yelled, he instantly felt a bit of a gloomy chill crawling up from his back.The white-browed man's kung fu is the best among all, and he is also very experienced. Although he hasn't realized what it is, he still pulls away immediately.

But in the second that he just swept away, a sword qi slashed straight at the place where he was standing just now, and because he pulled away, the sword qi attacked the two people in front, and the two groaned There was no chance, and it was split in half by that sword energy!

It was as if the pause button had been pressed, and everyone was stunned.

Experts, just now both parties thought that these people were experts
Now they all have [-] horses of grass galloping past their hearts, be tall!How can a master be cut in two by a single sword without even having time to hum?Two became four halves!
How fierce and powerful this sword energy must be!
They all turned their heads stiffly like robots, and saw the man who came stepping on light and shadow. The sword in his hand was still dripping with blood. The sword was like a man, and the man was like a sword.

Obviously he came with the golden sun behind his back, but everyone present still felt that he was walking from the boundless dark hell, with black evil spirit lingering around him.

"Shen Sha!"

The man in the white mask finally couldn't help but screamed out.

How could it be him?Isn't he unable to move due to poisonous Gu?How could it be like this?

(End of this chapter)

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