Your heart is free

Chapter 403 A Void

403 - A Void

The white-browed man also saw his facial features clearly at this time. Seeing that it was Shen Sha, he was overjoyed, and for a moment ignored the shock that the sword had brought to them just now, "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you don't go!" Just barge in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that cold man just glanced over, his eyes were filled with killing intent, and those eyes turned out to be boundless blood red!If you look at it twice, you will feel like a blood well with blood in your eyes, which can kill people at any time, which makes people feel frightened.

They had never heard of Shen Sha like this!Blood pupil?
Shen Sha's cold voice sounded: "Do you know what hell is? This emperor will let you see what hell is."

When his words fell, his figure was already like a ghost, and he passed by in an instant.Those masters suddenly felt chills physically and mentally. Everyone sensed the danger, but everyone didn't know where to avoid it!

There is sword aura, murderous aura, strong bloody smell, and black shadows, but they can't see clearly, they can't hit, but there are people around them screaming and falling down all the time. They heard the clanging of long swords, like evil spirits asking for their lives .

The masked man in white had already swept away before Shen Sha made a move, and when he turned his head to see this scene, his scalp was numb.He had never seen a murderer like this, that terrifying sword would drink blood whenever it came out, and Shen Sha's moves could be called arrogant, there were no moves at all, he was just killing blindly.One person went up to meet him, he stabbed straight forward with his sword, it seemed very slow, but the opponent couldn't dodge at all, he was stabbed in the heart by a sword, Shen Sha held the hilt of the sword, his thin lips tightly pursed , twisted the sword ruthlessly, then let go of the sword, and slapped the end of the hilt with his palm, and the whole sword flew through the man's mouth at once, bringing out a bloody hole!

Shen Sha brushed past him, stretched out his hand, grabbed the sword again, and slashed horizontally with his backhand. The person behind him who wanted to sneak up on him screamed. out.

Boy, this is really a killing machine.

The man in the white mask trembled, thinking that he was still 36 tricks, and it was the best policy to go, otherwise he would really die here like these people.Thought he was handsome, it would be really ugly if half of his head was cut off.

Shen Sha didn't pay attention to the departure of the masked man in white, he just felt that his blood was clamoring, kill, kill, kill!

Ying and Lou Xin finally found their people. On the edge of the cliff, Chen Shi happened to come up with Yin Yaofeng on his back. Everyone rushed forward to help. Someone was going to help Yin Yaofeng. Chen Shi felt that her body was slightly stiff and wrinkled. She frowned and avoided it, "I'll just let her down."

The corners of Yin Yaofeng's mouth could not help but rise slightly, and his mood suddenly improved.She doesn't like other men touching her, Chen Shihe
Chen Shigang put her down, and the two figures walked over supporting each other.

Ying and Lou Xin originally walked separately, but later met together, and came over when they heard voices from here.

"What's going on with you guys?" Seeing that their clothes were covered in blood, Chen Shiyi suddenly changed his face. "Master Yingwei, where is the emperor?"

Only the two of them, where is Dijun?You know, their girl gave Master Yingwei a death order, asking him to follow the emperor every step of the way, and not allowing him to use force again.

Now that the two of them are in such a mess, and the emperor who has no inner strength is not around, it's...
Chen Shi suddenly had a bad feeling.

The expressions of Ying and Lou Xin didn't look like the emperor had already had a major event, but they felt a little weird, and their expressions were so complicated that there were no suitable words to describe them.

"Where is the imperial concubine?"

"Where's the girl?"

Both of them spoke at the same time.

Chen Shi turned his head and glanced at the cliff, "Young lady has gone to the bottom of the cliff."

"What?" Ying was startled, and hurried forward a few steps, looking down the cliff, but found that the bottom of the cliff was so deep that nothing could be seen at all.

"Miss Yin found a strange little beast, which might be useful to the girl, so the girl went down to chase it, and brought eight people with her."

"This is terrible!" Lou Xin panicked, looking at Ying, "Master Yingwei, do you think Dijun can control himself now?"

Being countered by the divine soldiers, the emperor may still be able to control himself at first, they all guessed that he must have gone after Baimei and those people, they are not worried that the current emperor can't beat those people, they only worry that the emperor will kill more people No matter how much blood the divine soldier drank, and the more brutal the sword soul, the emperor would not be able to control the sword, and be controlled by the sword, then he would become a bloodthirsty person, and when he met them again... People, if you can't keep the emperor, you can't help but shoot these people.

After hearing Lou Xin's question, Ying immediately realized this, and his heart skipped a beat.All of a sudden, I became a little panicked. If the emperor is unconscious, it will be very scary indeed!

Chen Shi was confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Shenbing, that sword is a bit weird! The emperor is now killing people, and a group of masters are coming up the mountain."


"However, they should have been killed by the emperor." Lou Xin immediately added.Only now did Chen Shi understand what he meant.

"But at that time, couldn't the emperor be able to suppress that sword?" Chen Shigang asked this sentence, and immediately figured it out. It must be that the emperor has lost his internal energy and suffered such a serious internal injury, so he couldn't suppress the sword. sword.But it's not right, if he loses all his internal energy, what's going on with the massacre?

But Ying glanced at the team members who were looking at them suspiciously, frowned and said: "Let them all be vigilant, if the master finds this place later, and something is wrong, they must run quickly."

He is not afraid that everyone will resist. With the martial arts of the emperor they saw just now, these people are not enough for him to torture, but he can't let these people die under the sword of the emperor, otherwise when the emperor wakes up and knows that he killed himself The soldier will definitely be hurt and angry.

Chen Shi immediately gave the order. Although everyone didn't understand why, they obeyed the order nervously.

"The most important thing now is to find the girl quickly," he said with a frown. they go.

Chen Shi looked at their injuries, shook his head and said: "There is poisonous gas below, and the girl said that anyone with injuries can't go down, so I brought Miss Yin up just now, and she has injuries. By the way, if the emperor arrives, You can't tell him yet, because the girl said that he has too much internal injury, so he can't go down."

Just as he finished speaking, he heard a very gentle voice: "Why don't you go down and find Miss Lou, and when you find her, let her come back as soon as possible."

When they turned their heads, they saw Yun Feng's handsome face.

Ying and Lou Xin shouted at the same time: "It really is you!"

When the man in the white mask appeared, although they felt that his figure was familiar and his clothes looked the same as Yunfeng's, they didn't pay special attention to Yunfeng's clothes before. Maybe they were just similar, but the clothes of the masked man in white were they They could see it clearly, now that Yunfeng appeared again, they immediately recognized it, it was definitely the white clothes worn by the masked man!Exactly the same!

Yun Feng was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with you two?"

Ying has already gritted his teeth: "Take him down!"

No matter what Yunfeng said, they would never believe him again, even if they didn't kill him, they had to take him down, and let the emperor and concubine interrogate him!

"What is Master Yingwei doing? I really don't understand." Yunfeng looked puzzled, but all the team members had already surrounded him.

Yun Feng rolled his eyes, "I'm going down to find Miss Lou." As soon as he said that, he jumped towards the cliff at an extremely fast speed.All the team members were not as good as him, and Lou Xin and Ying were seriously injured. Chen Shi was a little puzzled, and just missed it in this moment of hesitation.

"Damn it." Ying gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Shi, "Get down quickly."


Just as Chen Shi was about to turn around, Yin Yaofeng grabbed the hem of his clothes, raised his head and looked at him with watery eyes, "Brother Chen, you, you have to be careful."

Chen Shi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

Lou Qi didn't know anything about what was going on outside, and the group of them had been staring at the scene in front of them for a long time, but they still couldn't come to their senses.

In the empty space, the darkness is boundless, and there are many glowing stones floating in the middle. Those stones are shining, and they look like stars in the universe.

On the opposite side of the empty space, a piece of golden light and green glow intertwined, but those lights seemed to be covered by an invisible big ball, unable to shine outside, but it looked quite beautiful.

No sound, no wind, quiet, and vastness made them feel extremely small.

Zhang Xiaomin, who was walking in the front, yelled "Oh my God" when he saw this scene, and then Lou Qi and the others continued to walk out, each one was shocked.

Even Lou Qi was well-informed in modern times before, and had never seen such a wonderful place, so wonderful that she also stared at it for a long time in a daze.

"Emperor Concubine, where did that little beast go?"

Lin Shengwei asked in a murmur.What they were standing on was just a small platform, and there was nowhere to set foot, and the surrounding area was also empty, and there was nowhere for the little beast to hide.

Looking at the golden and green light in the distance, Lou Qi narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

That little beast must have passed through this void and passed over there.Just, how to get there?She swept towards the glowing stones floating in the void. The arrangement of the stones is irregular. Some two are very close to each other, and some have the second one far away. If you walk over these stones, What if you encounter a stone that is very far away in front of you?

Besides, she was really not sure if these stones could be stepped on.

In case of falling, no one knows what is at the bottom of this void.

"Emperor Concubine, shall we advance or retreat now?"

Lou Qi turned to look at Zhang Xiaomin who was talking, and saw a flash of lust in his eyes.

Her eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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