Your heart is free

Chapter 409 Snow Fruit on Ice

Chapter 409 Snow Fruit on Ice
"What's that sound?"

Although the voice was crisp and clear, it was actually not very close. Everyone heard the voice and immediately searched for the source of the voice.

Lou Qi is better at listening to voices and arguing, and soon she locked on to a small hillside in front of her. The hillside is very thin and looks more like a barrier, so it is not isolated from the sound, and the hillside is very thin. The sound of the pearl falling on the jade plate was extremely crisp and very penetrating, so although I couldn't see what was going on, I could still hear it very clearly.

Because they have to go through such a void to reach this place, so they dare not underestimate this piece of world, and they dare not take it lightly, so even Shen Sha had to hold back the jealousy and killing intent in his heart, and yelled at Lou Qi : "Come to the emperor."

"It's like greeting a puppy." Lou Qi muttered in a low voice, but still obediently walked towards him.Yunfeng watched her walk towards Shen Sha, stood beside him and raised his chin slightly, as if he was talking to him coquettishly, a bit of apathy suddenly flashed in his heart.

When Lou Qi was in front of him before, she always looked like a powerful woman with a strong aura. He had never seen her with such a delicate and charming expression. It seemed that Shen Sha was really someone she cared about.If she is really the person they have been looking for, then how can he win her heart away from Shen Sha?
At this time, his complexion suddenly twisted a little, there was another kind of light in his eyes that seemed to rise up to cover his original gentle eyes, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and the originally sunny smile suddenly became a wicked smile. It's a ridiculous smile, if someone sees it, they will feel very weird.

His lips parted slightly, and he said a word in a low voice: "Douxin? Isn't this the stupidest thing? As for a woman, just fuck her directly. Raw rice and cooked rice, are you afraid that she won't go with you? Don't say you can't see it, Lou Qi is still a virgin, if you sleep with her before Shen Sha, she will naturally put you before Shen Sha."

After finishing speaking, the expression on his face changed again, and his tone changed, "Do you think I'm as disgusting as you?"

Lou Qi, who was in front of him, suddenly looked over as if feeling something, with doubts in his eyes.

Yun Feng clenched his fists tightly, but smiled at her.

"Still looking at that little boy, do you want me to kill him?" Shen Sha's gloomy voice pulled Lou Qi out of his doubts.

She rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "Master Dijun, can you stop calling me a little boy all the time, okay? It's like I'm raising a boy."

"Do you dare?" Shen Sha's breath sank suddenly, the cold air could almost freeze a person to death.

"What do you mean I dare? I don't have such a mind at all, okay?"

Shen Sha locked her slender waist tightly with a pair of iron arms, and gritted his teeth, "You can only focus on this emperor, don't pay much attention to other men."

"Overbearing." Lou Qi pinched his arm, turned to Chen Shi and said, "Help Lin Shengwei and let's go."

The sound of pearls falling into the jade plate was still ringing, how could they not go and have a look.

Chen Shi and Wu Xiaoyu supported Lin Shengwei together, and everyone walked towards the hillside together.The closer they got, the stronger a strange fragrance became, and it was so refreshing that they couldn't help but take two deep breaths.But then, Wu Xiaoyu, who has the least skill among them, was the first to feel that something was wrong. He held Lin Shengwei's hand with one hand, pressed his forehead with the other, shook his head and said, "This fragrance is poisonous, and I feel dizzy."

The others didn't feel anything yet, but they stopped immediately after hearing his words, Chen Shi looked at Lou Qi, "Is there any detoxification pill on the girl?"

"Yes, but." Lou Qi's voice paused, she had given them the detoxification pill before, the effect of the medicine should not be lost so quickly, there is poisonous gas outside, and it will disappear after passing through the void, so here Lin Shengwei With trauma, there is no need to worry about being attacked by poisonous gas.But the detoxification pill she gave is not only able to detoxify the previous poisonous gas, logically speaking, it should be able to detoxify a lot of poisonous gas, so why did he get poisoned here?

Before she could think it over clearly, Wu Xiaoyu had already turned to Lin Shengwei who was supported by him in confusion, and even reached out to touch his face, showing a happy and shy expression, and said softly, "Xiao Lian, wait Look at me, your brother Xiaoyu will definitely go back to find you, Xiaolian, brother Xiaoyu will earn a good future, and won't let your parents look down on me."

Lin Shengwei had goosebumps all over his body, and he pulled his hand out of Wu Xiaoyu's grasp, and strode away, "Damn it! Wu Xiaoyu, what the hell are you doing?"

Didn't it mean poisoning?

This is Zhongsichun - medicine!
Is it disgusting or not? He doesn't have a habit of breaking sleeves.

"Xiao Lian, don't leave, are you angry with me?" Wu Xiaoyu turned his gaze to Chen Shi, Chen Shi's mouth twitched, and he looked at Lou Qi begging for help.

Girl, help.

He could tell that Wu Xiaoyu must have been deluded, but he didn't want to be called Xiaolian by a young man.

Lou Qi frowned, took out a small bottle of medicine from his waist, and threw it to Chen Shi, "One for each."

Chen Shi poured out the pills inside, first gave Lin Shengwei one, then swallowed one himself, turned to Yunfeng, Yunfeng shook his head, "I don't need it, thank you."

Chen Shi immediately turned to Wu Xiaoyu. The young man's face was full of sadness, and his delicate face looked pitiful, but he was a man, a man!Chen Shi shook violently, leaned forward, pinched his face with one hand, and stuffed the pill into his mouth.

As usual, they all believed in the pill produced by Lou Qi, they just had to wait for him to clarify.But they didn't wait until Wu Xiaoyu woke up, but they waited until Lin Shengwei suddenly shouted: "Father! Why don't you believe me? The Emperor of Breaking the Territory is really powerful. He will definitely be able to unify the breaking of the domain. At that time, I will show my military exploits." , I will take you and mother from this poor place to the city to enjoy the blessings, father, you believe me!"

Chen Shishi had a black thread, because he was so close, so Lin Shengwei fell to his knees with a plop, calling him daddy!
God, can you help me!

Yun Feng was stunned for a moment, then said to Lou Qi: "Miss Lou, do you feel that they don't seem to be poisoned?"

Lou Qi nodded, her complexion was a bit ugly, after all, the detoxification pill she was proud of had no effect at all, this is really a challenge to her authority in this area, isn't it?

"They've fallen into an illusion." She said that she was about to walk towards Lin Shengwei, but Shen Sha grabbed her wrist.At that moment, Lou Qi was really startled, because she was afraid that Shen Sha would also suddenly enter the illusion.Other people's illusions may not be a big problem, but this person has been killing and killing since he grew up, and he came here in battle. What if his enemies appear in his illusion, such as the former city master of Broken Domain , then he wants to kill, and now there is really no one here is his opponent, even if all the people add up, they are not his opponent.

Today's Shen Sha's profound skill is too terrifying.

"Are you nervous?" Shen Sha felt her heart skip a beat, and couldn't help raising an eyebrow at her: "Is this emperor so useless?"

"Then what are you pulling me for?" She was going to check to see what happened to Lin Shengwei and Wu Xiaoyu.

Shen Sha glanced at Yunfeng, and said coldly: "Go and have a look."

Yunfeng really wanted to say, why should I listen to you?

But when he saw Lou Qi's surprised gaze, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's try."

He slipped on his foot and came to Lin Shengwei's side in an instant. He tapped his fingers quickly and quickly sealed several big acupuncture points of Lin Shengwei. With a turn of his body, he touched several acupuncture points of Wu Xiaoyu.

Lou Qi could see what method he was going to use, so he felt a little relieved.

Only then did she notice that the sound of pearls falling on a jade plate was still ringing, but this time the sound seemed to be much faster. She frowned slightly, took a few steps forward, and had already turned around the hillside , Looking up, everything in front of her eyes made her eyes widen, feeling extremely incredible!

It's summer now, and since summer is coming to an end, it's true that the mountains are relatively cold, and after passing through the void, she feels that the temperature has dropped by two or three degrees, but it's not so outrageous, a lake, a water surface A frozen lake? !

Shen Sha had also walked to her side, saw what she saw, and frowned slightly, "A frozen lake?"

On the bank of the frozen lake, there are four trees that they have never seen before. The trees are crooked, protruding towards the lake, and there are many round, cherry-sized snow-colored fruits on the trees. Now Those snow-colored fruits were falling one after another, landing on the icy lake, bouncing lightly and crisply, making a crisp sound.

"The sound comes from these fruits." Lou Qi found it inconceivable.Even if these fruits are very hard, it is impossible to make such a crisp sound.

However, seeing is believing, it is indeed the sound of these falling snow-colored fruits.

"The tinkling sound is really nice, like the music box that the old man bought for me when I was a child. That music box is made of crystal." Lou Qi was suddenly in a daze, and immediately regained consciousness, and said in shock, "It's not poisonous gas, it's these Sound is hallucinogenic and disorienting!"

They all thought it was poisonous gas, but it wasn't at all!That's why her detoxification pill has no effect!
"Ah!" a voice shouted from behind.

Lou Qi turned his head, just in time to see Yunfeng holding his head in his hands, and took three steps back, Chen Shizheng stood in front of Lin Shengwei and Wu Xiaoyu and looked at him vigilantly.

On Yunfeng's face, different expressions were changing rapidly, sometimes gentle, sometimes evil, sometimes angry, sometimes sneering.

Although his expression changed a lot, there seemed to be only two kinds of eyes in his eyes, which gave Lou Qi a little familiar feeling.

"Girl, is Mr. Yun bewitched?" Chen Shi was stunned.

Such a weird scene really looks like an evil spirit.

Shen Sha snorted coldly: "Ugly people are troublesome, kill them clean."

(End of this chapter)

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