Chapter 410
"This is... not bewitched, this is a split personality."

Lou Qi said to Shen Sha: "Help Chen Shi bring them here, Yun Feng's other personality doesn't seem to have a good temper."

She has also seen such a person in modern times, the personality is very split, the double personality is actually a kind of psychopathy, it can also be said to be a psychological disorder, but this is only a medical explanation, the person she met before, The two personalities are completely independent, they are two extremely different personalities, neither is aware of the existence of the other. Moreover, the two personalities have two ID cards, bought two properties, and have two different lives. One married a gentle and charming wife, and she was also a university lecturer. The husband and wife were loving.It's just that when another personality appears, he will return to another family. This personality, he is a prodigal son who plays games, not only broke the hearts of many women, but also did all kinds of bad things.

Until one day, the prodigal son killed someone. The police searched for a long time and finally found the university lecturer. Everyone was shocked. His gentle wife refused to believe that her husband actually had many women outside and took drugs. , and now kills someone, she is completely different from her well-educated, gentle, dedicated and loyal husband.

When she knew he had a dual personality, she almost went crazy too.

Lou Qi knew that person and this matter because she happened to receive a mission, which was to find a recording that this man secretly recorded before.She couldn't find it at his home, but after she followed him all the time, she found out that he had another home, and found it there.

It didn't take long for him to have an accident.

Now she asks Shen Sha to bring Lin Shengwei here, stay away from Yunfeng, and she is not sure which personality and what kind of personality it will be when he wakes up later, but seeing the change in his expression now, she always feels different A person's temperament will not be very good.

Shen Sha grabbed Lin Shengwei from the air, and Chen Shi also brought Wu Xiaoyu to them.

"You don't want to come out"

Yunfeng's voice trembled almost to pieces.

"Hehe, you've been out for long enough, and it's time for me to come out to relax."

"Don't think about it, you made a big mistake when you came out once before"

Lou Qi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, this feeling was very strange, as if they were watching a one-man show.But Shen Sha's murderous aura was released without suppressing it: "He also intervened before."

He wanted to kill Yunfeng, but he dared to grab him and go, seeing someone like him who had no power to resist, could he resist killing him?
Lou Qi sighed, big brother, save some face, don't always say you want to kill him all at once, okay?She still owes Yunfeng a little favor.And she was a little curious about who Yunfeng's second character would be.

It may be because the bead's sound is too powerful to induce hallucinations, so Yunfeng's dual personality was forced out at this time.

At this time, Chen Shi let out a muffled snort, and his eyes began to be confused. Lou Qi just glanced over, seeing that something was wrong, he quickly touched his acupoints first.

Over there, Yunfeng had already calmed down, he lowered his head, raised it slowly, and looked at Lou Qi.

"Seventh Young Master, long time no see."

call her Qigongzi
When Lou Qi heard this voice, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "Shaodong Zhao's house?"

Luoyang City, Sheng medicine store, Zhao Yun, the master of Zhao Shao, who wears a mask.

No wonder he had to wear a mask, no wonder she thought he was a little familiar at the beginning, no wonder he didn't look like a stranger to her for the first time, it turned out that he and Yunfeng were one person.Moreover, Yunfeng's two personalities are still aware of each other's existence.

However, when Yunfeng was suppressed and Zhao Yun appeared, she didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for a while.

"The seventh son can just call me Zhao Yun." Zhao Yun hooked the corner of his mouth, looked at Shen Sha again, and said without much sincerity: "Emperor, Zhao Yun has offended a lot before, I hope that the emperor will have a lot of people, and forgive Zhao Yun. back."

Lou Qi snorted, Zhao Yun is much more flexible than Yunfeng.

She was about to speak, when Zhao Yun suddenly yelled: "Oh, that's too bad! The seventh son is also a person who understands medicine, how could he be so reckless! That snow pearl fruit, snow pearl fruit!"

As he said that, he ignored them, and rushed towards the front, stretched out his hand and tore off his coat, unfolded it with a brush, the soles of his boots slid across the ice, and he was about to pick up the coat while holding it. those fruits.

But when Lou Qi looked at it, the four hands were densely packed, and the frighteningly large number of fruits had almost all fallen in that moment, leaving only a few hanging on the branches.

What's even more strange is that none of the fruits that fell on the lake can be seen now!
Will the fruit still melt?

Shen Sha asked in a deep voice: "Is it a good thing?"

"It should be." Lou Qi actually didn't know what it was, but when she saw Zhao Yun's reaction, she immediately said: "Yes!"

Shen Sha snorted and said: "How can a good thing be cheap, that little boy." As he said that, he shot out, seeing that Zhao Yun was under the tree and was jumping up to pick the fruit. For the few remaining ones, he immediately lifted his foot and kicked Zhao Yun in the stomach with a thud, sending him flying away.


He stingily commented on a word, lightly stepped on the branch, brushed his hand, and immediately received the remaining few fruits in his hand, then turned around handsomely, swept back again, and landed on the ground. Beside Lou Qi, he spread his hands, "Here you are."

The truth Shen Sha believes in is that as long as it is a good thing, it should be given to Lou Qi.

Lou Qi pursed her lips and laughed, still put the fruit away, and said reproachfully: "Overbearing."

She looked at the frozen lake, Zhao Yun didn't know if he fell hard, and he didn't get up when he lay there, but his tone was very regretful: "Snow pearl fruit, there are so many snow pearl fruits, you can't find them anywhere. Snow Pearl Fruit, it’s all wasted like this! Seventh Young Master is the one who got the Heavenly Mystery Grass Purple Cherry Fruit, yet he doesn’t recognize this Snow Pearl Fruit.”

Lou Qi couldn't help asking: "What medicinal effect does Snow Pearl Fruit have?"

"Efficacy? To say that it is medicinal effect is to look down on snow pearl fruit! Do you know that when this snow pearl fruit is brewed into wine, a small cup can prolong life for three years. The few you have now can at least brew wine Seven or eight cups, if one person drinks it, at least it can prolong life by twenty or two years!"

Not only Lou Qi, but even Shen Sha raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Lou Qi could tell that Zhao Yun wasn't lying, she let out a heartbroken cry after thinking about it for a while.

"Your sister, why didn't you say it earlier!"

There were a lot of densely packed fruits before, and they all fell on the lake with clanging clangs. There must be at least a thousand if not tens of thousands!If everything is collected, how much wine can be brewed?Wouldn't it be possible to prolong life for many, many, many years?
rely on ah.

Zhao Yun smiled wryly, "If it wasn't for that idiot Yunfeng refusing to go down, would I need to spend so much time? That idiot doesn't know Xue Zhuguo either."

Lou Qi could hear the annoyance and regret in his tone.

Forget it, this is also God's will.

The snow pearl fruit had already fallen, so the sound naturally stopped, Chen Shi was the first to wake up, and Lou Qi relieved their acupuncture points.

Zhao Yun was about to get up, when suddenly there was a crackling sound from under him, the sound was very piercing, and countless tiny cracks suddenly opened on the ice surface he was pressing on, like a spider's web, and then spread out immediately .

"There's something under the ice!" He yelled, without hesitation at all, and immediately flew up, his white palms fluttering like celestial beings, and he looked obviously graceful. If only strange-looking things are to blame.

That thing looked like a yellow catfish with two long tentacles, but its body was like a dragon with four legs.It is about two meters long, and it is covered with silver scales, which looks very weird.

"what is this?"

Lou Qi opened the acupoints for Chen Shisan and others, and at the same time drew out the Soul Killing Whip.Although she didn't know what it was, she could feel that it must be difficult to deal with.

Zhao Yun jumped into the air, turned upside down, pressed down from the top, and was about to slap the thing's head with his palm.


This thing roared like a lion, its mouth opened wide, and a column of air that was almost visible to the naked eye rushed towards Zhao Yun.

"Bastard, it stinks to death!" Zhao Yun retched, twisted his waist, and couldn't care less about patting the thing, and immediately fell to the side, and then took a few steps back, as if he couldn't help throwing up .

Lou Qi was speechless, "Zhao Yun, what are you doing?"

"Let's go, leave this thing for him to deal with." Shen Sha grabbed Lou Qi and was about to leave, Zhao Yun caught sight of it from the corner of his eyes, and with a twitch of his mouth, he quickly took out something from his bosom and walked towards them Throw it away.The thing rolled a few times on the ice and gave off an unusually sweet smell.

Lou Qi was the first to smell this smell, she frowned, and suddenly called out: "Zhao Yun, your sister!" Pulling Shen Sha, she immediately flew to the side.

With a whoosh, a silver shadow rushed past them.

It's that thing.

That thing was originally only attacking Zhao Yun, the enemy who broke into its territory, but what Zhao Yun threw over was a kind of powder that could make the beast restless, which immediately attracted the thing to their side.

Looking at it again, Zhao Yun really flew away immediately. Although he was injured, that injury would heal quickly for him.

Shen Sha pushed her aside, pulled out his long sword, and turned around to chop off at the thing's head.

His internal strength is astonishing now, if this sword strikes, that thing will be chopped off even its head.

It's just that no one thought that Shen Sha's sword would miss.

The instant his sword fell, the thing was gone.It didn't avoid it, but disappeared, just disappeared before their eyes out of thin air.

This strange situation made Shen Sha stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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