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Chapter 411 The Most Precious Thing

Chapter 411 The Most Precious Thing

"It's on your head!"

Lou Qi suddenly yelled, and Shen Sha swung his sword towards the top of his head.The sword energy was as black as ink, and the evil spirit was like black mist, like substance, and suddenly wrapped around that thing tightly.


That thing let out a thick roar again, the sound shook everyone's eardrums, and they were a little deaf for a while.

"Go to hell." Shen Sha didn't seem to be affected by the roaring sound, the blade of the sword had already struck the thing's body, hissing and drawing a deep wound.

Lou Qi was overjoyed just now, but when she looked closely, she exclaimed in surprise: "Why is there no blood?" Such a deep wound, how could there be no drop of blood?This is not normal.

Shen Sha squinted slightly to look at the wound on the thing's body, only to see that he turned his head, shook his body, and hissed, the wound on it was healing little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.The wound went from deep to shallow, from shallow to light, until finally, the epidermis was as smooth as ever, and no trace could be seen!
"Damn it, it's my sister's, that's alright?" Lou Qi couldn't help swearing, the wound didn't even have a drop of blood, and now even the wound can disappear, so wouldn't it be impossible to kill or injure?

If that's the case, who's half-worth it?Even if Shen Sha is so skilled now, it is impossible to fight a monster that cannot be killed or disabled. He is always human and will be tired.

"This emperor really doesn't believe it!" Shen Sha said in a deep voice, luck was on the sword, and the black glow of the sword suddenly flourished, like a black dragon, swiftly and violently attacked that thing.

With a pounce, the black dragon strangled down on the back of the thing tightly, embedding it nearly ten centimeters deep, almost breaking the thing in two.


The monster writhed wildly in pain.

Lou Qi rushed up immediately with a whip in his hand, and shouted coldly: "It doesn't matter if you are not dead or maimed, this girl tied you up!"

With such a deep wound, it was slowly recovering, Lou Qi gritted his teeth, knowing that there was no time to waste, so he immediately stretched the whip and rolled it towards that thing.

The beast roared and writhed with incomparable strength, and there was another louder roar. Chen Shi and the others covered their ears and screamed. They were directly hit by the sound and flew out, falling on the ice. With a puff, he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Lou Qi turned her head and called out, "Run away and plug your ears!"

Chen Shi and the others also knew that they couldn't help, so they all backed away, and moved further away.


"Qiqi, be careful." Shen Sha stretched out his hand and pulled Lou Qi into his arms, with the sword in front, blocking the thing's tail wagging.

After such a delay, Lou Qi found that the wound on the beast's back had only faint scars left.With the rage in her heart, the soul-killing whip in her hand wrapped around it even faster. At the same time, she cursed Zhao Yun, a bastard in her heart. With one move, she was really pissed off, Bi Yunfeng didn't know how much a jerk she was!
Even back then in Luoyang City, I had never seen him be such a jerk.

The soul-killing whip wrapped around the body of that thing, Lou Qi was overjoyed, and immediately pulled it to the ground forcefully.

With a loud bang, the beast was thrown heavily on the ground and let out a howl.Shen Sha immediately stepped on its head, stomped hard, and stunned the beast directly.

"Hush." ​​Lou Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed a hidden button on the handle of the whip, and the whip automatically retracted immediately, completely binding the beast tightly.

And at this time, all the wounds on the beast had recovered as before, and there was no trace left.

"Let's go." Shen Sha said and was about to drag her up. They wanted to continue walking in. The place where the light was shining was still emitting a golden light and green light to lure them. Before, Zhang Ming escaped, followed by Zhao Yun, if there is any treasure He was really at a loss for being taken away by them first.

Lou Qi was about to stand up and follow him away, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a strange mucus flowing out of the monster's body. The mucus was faint blue, with countless tiny silver spots in it, floating on the ice surface. It was flowing slowly, and it didn't look disgusting. Instead, it had a beauty like a starry sky and a galaxy. What's even more strange was that the slime didn't smell bad. Not only didn't it smell bad, but it also had a very peculiar fragrance.

It was precisely because this situation was abnormal that Lou Qi couldn't move his feet all of a sudden.

"Wait, wait, wait, let me see what it is!" Lou Qi immediately squatted down, took out the thing, and was going to test it for any abnormalities.

"What's so good about this, don't you think it's dirty?" Shen Sha was about to reach out to pull her again, when Lou Qi's fingers on the other hand just got a little sticky, Shen Sha stretched out his hand to pull her, she grabbed his hand, "Wait a minute"

Holding his hand, her fingertips felt a little weird, and she immediately turned his hand over and took a look, her eyes widened, "Are you injured?"

There was a not shallow wound on the side of Shen Sha's palm, which should have been cut by a sword, and the blood had solidified.

"It's just a small injury, it's okay." Shen Sha said lightly.

"This is a small injury?" Lou Qi snorted, "Although the wound is not very long, it is also very deep, in case of tetanus." Before Lou Qi finished speaking, his eyes widened in shock.

What the hell is going on here?

Shen Sha's wound was gradually getting shallower and lighter, just like the monster before.

"My God."

Lou Qi's eyes turned to the mucus that kept flowing out, and his eyes lit up all of a sudden. "Chen Shi, hurry up and help, put away all this mucus, don't leave a single drop! No! Drain this monster, no, divine beast, for this girl!"

Chen Shi could hear the excitement in her tone. As a loyal guard, he was naturally happy that his master was happy, so he immediately took out the bottle and quickly helped her collect the mucus.

Lou Qi grabbed Shen Sha's hand, seeing that there were some faint traces left on the wound, the excitement in her heart was beyond words, and in the end it could only be turned into a few laughs up to the sky.

"Hahahaha! Who else, who else! Who else is as lucky as this girl!"

Between the mountains and forests, a white figure flew past, and under a big tree, a lush branch swept towards him with a strong wind.

"Want to sneak attack? Zhang Ming, you are still so despicable."

"Zhao Yun?"

A person flashed out from behind the big tree, it was Zhang Ming who had run away before, and the white figure who followed was Zhao Yun.

However, if Lou Qi was here, he would never have thought that these two people knew each other.

"I didn't expect you to find this place."

Zhao Yun squinted at him, and snorted coldly: "There were rumors about this place a hundred years ago, but no one has found this place until now, but haven't the people over there been looking for this place all the time?"

"That's right, everyone is looking for it, but you should know that this place should belong to me. You Zhao family, don't you want to be ashamed to intervene?" Zhang Ming raised his chin and said arrogantly.

Zhao Yun sneered, circled around him, looked at him, and said, "Who is not ashamed? Zhang Ming, you are so embarrassed, you are addicted to acting, right? In the past, the monarchs of the four countries allocated this place to Zhang. family, but that Zhang family has nothing to do with you, you just killed the real heir and pretended to be him all the time."

No matter how thick-skinned Zhang Ming was when he said it so bluntly, he couldn't help turning blue, "Is this none of your business?"

"It's none of my business, but this place, you and I, can come in and look for it?" Zhao Yun laughed, "But, by the way, have you found the treasure yet?"

Zhang Ming snorted and said embarrassingly, "No!"

"Then why don't you hurry over there." Zhao Yun pointed to the place where the light was shining.

"This deity is going to go there now, but before going there, this deity needs to find Xuebing Lake!"

"Snow and Bing Lake?" Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed: "Are you so frightened by Shen Sha that you just ran forward? The Snow and Bing Lake is very close to the periphery, and we have already found it. It's a pity that all the snow pearl fruits fell out, and there were only a few left, which were also taken away by Lou Qi."


Zhang Ming's face turned pale all of a sudden, "Damn it, all the Snow Pearl Fruits are gone? Violent, violent waste! It will melt as soon as it falls on the ice! Snow Pearl Fruit, my own Snow Pearl Fruit ah!"

"Cut, what is your snowdrop fruit? It seems that you planted it."

Zhang Ming was annoyed for a while, and his eyes lit up again, "That's okay, although Xue Zhuguo is also a kind of treasure, but there is another thing that I want, and if I get that thing, I will have made a great contribution, Can ask the master for military power, when the time comes."

"what would you like?"

"Hey, Zhao Yun, it's okay to tell you. Anyway, with the ability of this deity, I may not be able to catch the beast. I still need to cooperate with you. Let me tell you, it is something more precious than Snow Pearl Fruit."

Zhao Yun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, "What kind of beast?"

"It is said that the water in the snow and ice lake is a kind of special magical water. A kind of beast that has lived in it for a long time will be very magical. The miraculous thing is that if a person is seriously injured and there is no time for treatment, just take some, and the body will remain in its current state without any deterioration!"

"What is the effect of this?" Although it sounds miraculous, it is nothing more than healing wounds. How can the life-extending snow pearl fruit be so precious?
"You don't understand, do you? Think about it, if you were in distress outside and were about to die, but in fact, a good doctor and good medicine could save your life if you were treated in time, but there was not enough time. No conditions, wouldn’t it be wrong to die like this? But with that thing, you can keep your breath, even, you won’t pass out, and you will have some physical strength, which will allow you to persist until you find a doctor, find medicine, etc. Save this life!"

(End of this chapter)

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