Chapter 412
There was even a fascinated light in Zhang Ming's eyes: "If your life is destined to be full of bloody storms, and your life will be in danger at any time, then tell me, is this thing important and useful, or is the longevity fruit more useful? ? If you extend your lifespan for a few more years, if you encounter a strong enemy, you will still collapse? Maybe you can live to be over a hundred years old, and extending your lifespan for a few more years is just icing on the cake, but if you encounter an enemy, you will be killed. If the opponent is seriously injured, it’s no fun to eat a hundred or a thousand Snow Pearl Fruits, that won’t heal the wound! At that time, it’s more important to save the life of that thing!”

The more he said, the brighter the light in his eyes was, it was the light of greed, the light of yearning.But he found that the more he said, the uglier Zhao Yun's face became.

Zhang Ming finally realized something was wrong, he frowned and looked at Zhao Yun: "What's wrong with you? Don't tell me that Shen Sha and Lou Qi also found that beast!"

Before Zhao Yun could speak, he shook his head again: "But it's impossible, the Shenshui catfish looks very fierce, even if they saw it, they would definitely avoid it, and it's impossible to provoke that thing on their own initiative. Also, although that thing looks ferocious, if you don’t mess with it, it won’t leave the snowy ice lake.”

In Zhao Yun's mind, the weird beast jumped out of the ice one scene after another. Afterwards, it really only wanted to fall back into the water. It must have been frightened by him before breaking out of the ice.
But the medicinal powder he threw could lure almost all animals and make them more manic. How could he think so much at that time?I just feel that the beast is huge and must be difficult to deal with, so I want to lure it to Shen Sha and the others!

Who would have thought that it was the Shenshui catfish?Who would have thought that it has such powerful medicinal properties?
If he knew, how could it be possible, how could it be possible to send it to Shen Sha and the others for nothing!

Damn it, doesn't this irritate him?

As far as Shen Sha and Lou Qi are concerned, they can definitely beat that beast to the ground!They can definitely win!

"I said, Zhao Yun, that Shenshui catfish, could it be that they really got it?" Zhang Ming shook a few times, realizing that he couldn't accept this fact at all. If this was true, he must be crazy. He doesn't know about some treasures, his main purpose this time is Shenshui catfish!Because that thing is what his master wants most!
Zhao Yun's handsome face was slightly distorted, he couldn't tell the truth of the matter, after a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice: "When I left, Shen Sha and Lou Qi were fighting with that Shenshui catfish, as for the result, I didn't see it." This wasn't a lie, he just didn't tell how the Shenshui catfish fought with them.

"What?" Zhang Ming jumped up, "Damn it! Why didn't you stop it? Why didn't you grab it?"

Although Zhao Yun was a little guilty, he felt upset when he yelled at him like this, and his face darkened, "Zhang Ming, you'd better be more polite. You said that even if you can't beat Shen Sha, I will definitely beat him." Passed? Not to mention there is Lou Qi."

Zhang Ming exhaled forcefully, and spun around on the spot, "No matter what, the deity must get that thing! I'll go back and have a look now, they may not know the preciousness of that thing, maybe they just treat it as a monster and win They won’t carry such a big beast on their shoulders, and they won’t have time to escape if they lose.”

"What you said makes sense." Zhao Yun actually thought the same way. Although Lou Qi had a great understanding of medicinal herbs, he, a young owner of a medicine store, had never heard of such things, let alone her?

If the Shenshui catfish is really as miraculous as Zhang Ming said, he naturally wants it too.Such a big Shenshui catfish, even if he and Zhang Ming are half of each other, that's not a lot.

"Okay, let's go back and have a look."

At this time, what the two of them thought was nothing more than two results. One was that Shen Sha and the others had won the battle. On the ice, the corpse of the Shenshui catfish was quietly waiting for them to reap the benefits of the fisherman. best result.The second is that Lou Qi and the others lost and ran away.Then, they have to lure the Shenshui catfish out again, and fight it for another [-] rounds.Although this is quite difficult and dangerous, but with the joint efforts of the two of them, it may not be impossible to beat it to death and accept it.

So the two naturally still look forward to it.

When they headed towards the snow and ice lake again, Shen Sha and the others were passing them on the way, with only a sharp hill in between.The hill is piled in the middle, and the two roads go around on both sides, interweave and meet one at the front and back.But it is this staggering that neither side sees the other.

Shen Sha and Lou Qi were afraid that there would be something good ahead for Zhang Ming and Zhao Yun, so they rushed towards Guang Guang all the way without stopping.

Zhao Yun and Zhang ordered to arrive at the snow and ice lake. From a distance, it seemed that there was indeed a beast lying on the ice, but there was no one around.

"Hey," Zhang Ming laughed, "I didn't expect Shen Sha and Lou Qi's kung fu to be really good, and they beat Shenshui catfish to death so quickly! Hahaha, this is really cheap for the two of us! Hurry up, hurry up Go over and collect the slime of that Shenshui catfish!"

Zhao Yun frowned slightly.He didn't know if he was happy, but he was a little disappointed in Lou Qi. If she knew that this thing was good, maybe he would be proud of her?

But if the things were taken away by her, he would feel angry again.

Heh, Yun Feng's idiot's mood, wouldn't it continue to affect him?
Zhang Ming didn't think as much as he thought. He was ecstatic when he saw this thing, and immediately ran towards the ice.

But when they ran close, the joy on their faces suddenly froze.

"No, no, no, that's not true!"

Zhang Ming rushed towards the thing.Zhao Yun slowed down and narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew how big the Shenshui catfish was, but now, it was less than half of its size. Its skin scales hung loosely on its body, and it looked dry and tight. , as if being drained of water and blood.

And the ice surface under it was clean, smooth as a mirror, not even a drop of mucus left!

Seeing Zhang Ming sitting on the ice, his whole body trembling, he touched his nose and couldn't help asking: "Will the remaining flesh and skeleton be useful?"

"Use your mother! These are useless at all! No!" Zhang Ming jumped up furiously, "There is not a drop of mucus left on this Shenshui catfish, it has been squeezed dry! No, this deity will never Those who will give up must be taken away by Shen Sha and Lou Qi, let's chase! We must catch up!"

"Zhang Ming, at your feet." Zhao Yun's eyes fell on his feet, and his expression suddenly changed.Then he immediately turned around and ran away, but the Shenshui catfish was in the middle of the lake. Just as he turned around, the ice surface under his feet had already cracked in a large area, and the tiny crackling sound made his face livid.

With two bangs, both of them fell into the icy water unavoidably.

"Shen Sha! Lou Qi! This deity is incompatible with you!" Zhang Ming's shrill cry soared into the sky, startling several forest birds in the distance.

"Lin Shengwei, why are you uncomfortable now?"

After driving for nearly an hour, they saw that the place of light was not far away. They were afraid that there would be strange beasts or dangers in the place where there were treasures, so they decided to stop and rest first, and eat something to replenish energy. Only danger can be dealt with.

After Shen Sha left for a while, Lou Qi walked to Lin Shengwei's side, reaching out to pull off his collar to inspect the scorching wound that Zhang Ming had punched out earlier.

Lin Shengwei has already seen their emperor's jealousy. Although the emperor is not here at this time, how dare he let the emperor come to pull his clothes?Quickly opened the neckline first, and said with a silly smile: "Hui Difei, all the subordinates are healed, no pain or discomfort, very good!"

The wound on his chest was horrific at first, and he felt a little nauseated when he saw it, but now it was as smooth as new, and he couldn't tell at all that there was such a horrible wound before.

Moreover, that palm also caused serious internal injuries to him, and now his internal strength has fully recovered, and he doesn't feel any internal injuries at all.

"It's really amazing." Lou Qi sighed secretly, his eyes burning.

Even if there is nothing to gain from the place where the light shines, she is already satisfied with the snow pearl fruit and the healing holy medicine of the spirit beast this time, extremely satisfied.

This is simply a heaven-defying magic medicine. No other heavenly secret grass or sun fruit can compare to it!Moreover, she has collected thirty bottles of this stuff!Now I have twenty bottles on my back, and Chen Shi still has ten bottles on his body.

It was tested on Lin Shengwei, and Chen Shi and Wu Xiaoyu each took a drop. Their internal injuries caused by the roar of the beast were completely healed after an hour.

Now why does she need to chase that little beast that has already disappeared without a trace?Moreover, when she was leaving, she asked Shen Sha to do some tricks on the lake, which shattered a large piece of ice under the beast's body. If some people went back again, they would have to fall down and soak in the ice water.

And another gain is that she has verified the loyalty and heart of Lin Shengwei and Wu Xiaoyu. With such a good thing, they did not show greed, which is enough to prove that these two people are useful.

Shen Sha came back quickly and waved to Lou Qi. "come over."

Lou Qi walked over, "What's wrong?"

He grabbed her hand and put a handful of red fruits in her hand, "Eat."

"Are you here to pick fruit for me?"

"No?" Shen Sha raised an eyebrow.He smelled the sweet aroma of this fruit just now, so he thought of picking it for her.This kind of fruit is called spring fruit, which is juicy and very sweet, but usually there are only one or two on a tree, which is rare, and he picked all the ones he found.

"Of course!" Lou Qi raised her head and smiled at him.There were five fruits in his hand, "just one for each person." Lou Qi was about to throw a few fruits to Chen Shi and the others, Shen Sha's face sank all of a sudden.

"What the emperor picks for you, only you can eat."

Why should he pick it for others?It was the first time in his life that he did such a thing. How dare she share it with others?
Lou Qi was stunned, and saw Chen Shisan and others quickly flashing away, "Emperor Concubine, go down there and look for water!"

Just kidding, how dare they eat it!
(End of this chapter)

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