Chapter 413
"It's really stingy." Lou Qi muttered, and brought a fruit to his mouth: "Then you don't want to eat it yourself?"

"This emperor said I'll give you everything, so you can eat it, don't be so wordy." Shen Sha glanced at her sideways.

Lou Qi snorted, took the fruit back, and took a bite himself. It was indeed rich in juice and sweet in taste, with the taste of fruit juice in his entire mouth.

Just as she was about to praise him, a shadow fell, and a warm lip had already touched her lips, and his thick breath rushed in, wantonly plundering the sweetness in her mouth.


Lou Qi was robbed of his breath by his madness, and almost couldn't breathe.

When Shen Sha was finally satisfied with the sweetness he had captured, and calmed down his agitated mind that hadn't been close to her for a long time, he lowered his head and saw the girl in his arms with a beautiful red face, and her eyes seemed angry and strange, with thin anger and anger. With a trace of helplessness, she was panting slightly and looking at him.

Shen Sha felt in a good mood instantly, and laughed softly.

"Be good, don't be angry." He reached out and touched her face.

Lou Qi was really angry at first, he said he would not eat it, and gave her all five, but in the end, half of it went into his mouth, and he still used this method!Childish or not?Also play this kind of intimate game that only young couples can play.

Although Lou Qi is only 20 years old, but because she was too young to go out on missions, the people around her are almost all smart people with high IQs, and the stinky old man has intentionally trained her, so she has never I feel that I have experienced the age group of "hair girl".And in her opinion, Di Junda, who is two or three years older than her, is also a smelly old monster.

Of course, she would never admit that she was oppressed by his strong masculinity just now.

However, her anger could not last for a few seconds before being washed away by his low smile.

Lou Qi always knew that he couldn't resist the tyrant's smile.When he wasn't smiling, he was as cold as an iceberg, and his gaze was like an ice edge that could stab people to death in an instant. His whole body exuded a sense of indifference, but when he smiled, it was definitely a shocking counterattack, which could make her heart Plop plop Ken suddenly jumped up.

"Excessive." But she didn't know what kind of coquettishness she had in this voice, which caused a certain emperor to rush to one place with blood all over his body, wishing to crush her to the ground and execute the Fa on the spot.

He clasped her tightly into his arms, immediately suppressed his smile, and said through gritted teeth: "Qiqi, you told me that you are my concubine now, why should I put up with it?"

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, at first she didn't understand what he was talking about, but when she felt her body pressed against something hard, her face suddenly burned up.

She was really afraid that this tyrant spirit-chong shangnao would suddenly forget everything, so she didn't care about anything, she blurted out without thinking: "You said that your method of detoxifying the death-defying Gu is so evil, you need to **** to detoxify it!" Who knows if it will have any effect if it is random!"

Shen Sha's body froze for a moment, and then let go of her abruptly, his face was as dark as Bao Gong's.

The two looked at each other, silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

When Chen 13 came back after filling the water, they happened to see such a scene, and the three of them froze in place, looking at each other.

what happened?Brother Chen.

how could I know?

Shen Sha glanced over, her tone was as cold as ice: "Have you found water?"

Chen Shi immediately said: "Go back to Dijun, I found it, there is a clear spring over there." Before he finished speaking, a black shadow flashed past, and the figure of Dijun was no longer in front of him.

"Girl, what's the matter? Dijun is angry?" Normally, Chen Shi wouldn't ask this kind of question, but Lou Xin would usually ask, but the atmosphere and Dijun's appearance are really out of place.

Lou Qi shook his head, "It's nothing, you guys rest."

That guy didn't care that he was covered in blood, but he hugged her so tightly that her clothes were dirty.Since there was a mouth spring over there, she also went to change clothes, and washed the clothes on her body, and let him force it dry with internal force.

Now that his internal energy has improved a lot, wouldn't it be too wasteful not to use it.

She didn't know it at this time, because her unintentional sentence just now made Shen Sha strictly discipline himself before the peerless Gu was solved, and he didn't touch her for a long time.

He was not afraid of what would happen to him, but he was afraid of hurting her.

Shen Sha took off his clothes by the spring, sucked the water and washed himself clean, and put out the fire by the way.After he cleaned his clothes and dried them internally, he saw Lou Qi, who had changed into fresh clothes, came over, holding a set of clothes in his hand, and smiled brightly at him.

"Hey, this maid is planning to come to help the master wash clothes. I didn't expect you to move so fast."

"Hey, put away your dog-legged smirk, this emperor is annoying."

Lou Qi shrugged and walked to the spring.

This is a living spring, the spring eye is slightly higher, and some water flows down, and after a while, another small pool is formed.

She washed the clothes in the pool, wrung them dry and handed them to Shen Sha.

"doing what?"

"Please, Dijun, let me use the dryer." Lou Qi winked at him.

"Little shameless." Although Shen Sha scolded, she still took her clothes, shook and stretched them, and forced her over with internal force, only to see water vapor rising, and soon, the clothes were dry.

Lou Qi once again praised the benefits of deep internal strength.She can also dry the clothes, but her underwear can be [-]% dry at most, but Shen Sha can dry the clothes to [-]% dry, this is the difference.

She couldn't help but sighed. Could it be that no matter how hard she tried, how much luck she had, she couldn't catch up with his footsteps no matter how much she raised her inner strength?

Fortunately, she is not an enemy with him, otherwise she would vomit to death.

Stuffing the clothes into her small backpack, she thought of a question.

"By the way, do you know that Zhang Ming? Why did he say that Poyu was a fief allocated to his father by the monarchs of the Four Kingdoms?"

What she was worried about was that if the land of the broken domain was broken, the monarchs of the four countries had made a common agreement, and when Shen Sha really wanted to establish a country, what would happen to the royal families of the four countries.No matter how brave Shen Sha is, he has not unified the territory now, and his troops are not enough. If he really wants to face the four countries head-on, his strength is indeed not enough.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Shen Sha snorted coldly and said: "I don't care what happened before the broken domain, all these years, the broken domain has been unowned, and it was given to some people a hundred years ago. Since those people don’t have the ability to build a country here and become an overlord, then this place belongs to the emperor!”

He glanced at her, and said: "Put away your unnecessary worries. The comfort of the Four Kingdoms for so many years has already worn away their ambitions. What's more, there is no unbreakable alliance among the Four Kingdoms. Now they If everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, even if the emperor is not pleasing to the eye, no one will come to act as the early bird."

People are selfish, Poyu is the closest to Dongqing, followed by Beicang, but Dongqing is now the emperor's lingering emperor's couch, and the crown prince Dongshiyu just wants to prevent his brothers from turning their faces and snatching the throne, so how can they have the energy to deal with Poyu? area?

And it was the same for Bei Cang. The princes were wrestling with each other, and no one cared about it at all.Otherwise, why did Dong Shiyu sneak around when he wanted to chase him down?Furthermore, why didn't Bei Furong lose all face with him, but didn't get angry and stand up against him with the power of a great power?

No matter whether it is Prince Yu or Bei Furong, they still treat him with courtesy on the surface, because they all know that Shen Sha is a ruthless person, and he really offended him. If 10,000+ soldiers go out, they can also deal a terrible blow to them. How dare they dare to do so?

Even His Royal Highness Prince Li of Xijiang made a lot of petty tricks in private, but he didn't dare to rise to the level of the country to fight him.

Therefore, this period of time is just right, it is just a good time for him to build a country.

It's just that he didn't expect that there was such a thing as Zhang Ming, but no matter who Zhang Ming was or what the truth was back then, he just didn't care.

Hearing his analysis, Lou Qi propped her cheeks and said, "But you are not afraid of the alliance between Dong Qing and Bei Cang? Didn't you say that Dong Shiyu is planning to marry Bei Furong?"

"If you marry, you have to marry him." Shen Sha's eyes flashed cold and sharp.

Lou Qi became interested and immediately asked, "What did you do?"

This guy is definitely not the kind of master who just blindly uses brutal methods and overwhelms people with kung fu. Otherwise, he would not be able to gather so many subordinates, sit in his current position, and make Dong Shiyu and others fearful.

But Shen Sha's answer almost made her fall down.

"The most direct way is to kill Bei Furong."


Well, this is still simple and rude!

It's just that at this time, neither Shen Sha nor Lou Qi thought that someone had the same idea as Shen Sha, and was already working on this matter.

Beicang, the imperial capital.

People came and went on the main avenue that traversed the entire imperial capital, and it was extremely lively.

In the middle section of the avenue, there are three-story shops on both sides. The grades are the highest in the imperial capital. Collected here.

At this time, it was nearly dusk, and a window opened in the private room on the second floor of the extraordinary Yipin Restaurant facing the avenue, and a person poked his head out, looking towards the end of the street.

There were no less than ten people sitting in this private room, all of them tall and tall, with tightly cuffed cuffs, and many calluses on their hands.With piercing eyes and a straight back, they are definitely not comparable to the young masters who are used to walking cats and fighting birds in the imperial capital. These people seem to have experienced countless winds, frosts, rains and snows, and the days of licking blood. .

Sitting in the upper seat is a man about 22 years old.He is not particularly handsome, but a pair of thick eyebrows and dark eyes make him look quite heroic, but there is a deep scar on his neck like an ugly purple-brown scar. Like a snake, it crawled over the chin, then over the lips, and slanted to the right cheek. At first glance, it was very scary.

(End of this chapter)

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