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Chapter 414 The Death of Bei Furong

Chapter 414 The Death of Bei Furong

If it weren't for this wound, although he could not be called handsome and elegant, he would definitely be a handsome and handsome young man.

At this time, he pressed one hand on an ancient machete on the table, and looked at the boy standing by the window, "How is it, are you here?"

The boy by the window was only about thirteen or fourteen years old, very handsome, with a pair of big round eyes, red lips and white teeth, and his cute appearance made it easy to fall in love with him.

Hearing the young man's question, he shook his head and said, "I haven't seen Princess Furong's carriage yet."

He paused, and then said: "Brother Yun, why did we kill Princess Furong? I heard that Princess Furong is going to marry Prince Yu. If she dies, wouldn't Prince Yu be very pitiful?"

These words made more than a dozen people in the room laugh.

The young man smiled and said nothing, someone beside him walked over and patted the young man on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Amu, you silly boy, even if there is no Princess Furong, Prince Yu will not worry about not having a princess, what are you worrying about for him? ?”

The boy named Amu rolled his eyes at him, "Hey, you are the only one who is cold-blooded."

Everyone laughed again.

Amu ran to the young man, sat down next to him, put his arm around him, and shook it, "Brother Yun, Amu is just talking, anyway, no matter who you want to kill, Amu will help you!"

The softness of the elbow rubbed made the young man's body slightly stiff, and he pulled his hand out of Amu's arms, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip of tea, "Well, Brother Yun, thank you Amu."

"Boss Yun, here we come!"

Everyone immediately stood up, putting away their hippie smiles, a kind of tacit understanding and chill emanated before them, forming an invisible and difficult attack and defense.

"According to the previous plan, everyone has calculated the time well. You have to remember that no matter what part of the link goes wrong, it will affect the overall plan. Therefore, everyone must strictly complete their own tasks, understand?"


With a wave of the young man's hand, everyone immediately left the private room.

Only the youth and the boy named Amu were left in the room.

The two stood by the window, Amu looked at the young man, and whispered, "Brother Yun, you should leave."

The young man patted his head, "I'll watch you go down here, Amu, you have to be careful."

Amu opened his round and big eyes, showed a cute smile, and nodded: "Amu knows."

At the end of the long street, a luxurious and majestic carriage approached slowly, with eight armored guards in front and twenty armored guards in the back, with spears decorated with red tassels, each of them was majestic.

All the common people and vendors in the long street gave way to both sides of the road.

A man rolled a big meat bun in the middle of the road, and at this moment, the horseshoes in front of Princess Furong's team were about to reach here, and the man rushed towards the meat bun, mouth Shouting: "Oh, my meat bag, don't leave me. Without you, I will be hungry. How can you bear it!"

Someone couldn't help laughing. The two guards who opened the way at the front were about to pick up their spears, but hearing the laughter of the people around them, it was difficult to do so.

"Bold, the eldest princess is driving ahead, don't retreat quickly!"

"I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now, pick up my meat bun and leave." The man went to pick up the big meat bun while talking, but for some reason, the meat bun rolled under the horse's hoof again, and the man didn't care. Drilling down towards the horse's hoof regardless.

"Untouchable, what are you doing? Get the hell out of here!"

"Go away, or my horse will trample you to death!"

The guard on the horse yelled loudly, but the man crawled under the horse's hooves in an extremely embarrassing manner, and the big meat bun kept rolling under the horse, and finally almost rolled under the carriage.

At this moment, the guards realized that something was wrong, immediately got off their horses and dragged the man out. "Boldly disturbing the people, disturbing the eldest princess, what should I do?"

"Eldest princess, forgive me, forgive me, the little one is leaving now, I'm leaving now, I don't want the big meat bag and the small one, please let the little one go, the little one is also very hungry."

The man yelled loudly and wept bitterly, making the surrounding people feel unbearable.That's right, if it weren't for being so hungry, who would want to pick up a dirty steamed bun that had fallen on the ground? Besides, wouldn't it be dangerous to crawl under so many horseshoes?
"The eldest princess has always been kind, so let him go."

"Yes, yes, let him go."

Bei Furong in the carriage also heard the voice outside. She gritted her teeth and shook Sipa angrily.

The delicate little palace maid next to her who was holding a jade Xiao comforted her: "Princess, although the untouchables are hateful, but now His Highness Sixth Highness is in the limelight, so it's frustrating. The princess is doing something bad at this time, His Highness must be sure. I'm going to hold on to it."

"This princess doesn't understand this truth." Bei Furong's gorgeous and unparalleled face could not hide the tiredness, but she had to raise her voice, "Okay, let him go."

The guard outside responded immediately: "Yes!"

"The eldest princess is really kind, thank you, thank you!" The man immediately broke free from the guard's hand, quickly slipped into the crowd, and disappeared in an instant.

The carriage continued to move forward, but after a while, a basket of beans in front of it was kicked down, and the beans spilled all over the ground.When the horses ran here, they fell to the ground one by two, causing the guards who couldn't react to fall down one after another.

"Get up and pull up the horse!"

But a large piece of beans rolled around on the ground, and when they stepped on it, they fell again. They all thought that the horses would get up first, but unexpectedly those horses did get up, but they all went crazy. The guards who fell on the ground couldn't dodge in time. They were trampled to death or seriously injured by horses several times.

The scene was in chaos.

The neighing of the horse, the screams of the guards, and the panicked screams of the surrounding people all woven into one piece.

Bei Furong couldn't sit still, so she immediately opened the curtain and got out, before she could make a sound, someone upstairs suddenly cried out: "Father, don't you want to force me to be that master Liu's prostitute, I will Even if I die, I won’t do this kind of thing! Woohoo, if you force me again, I’ll jump right now!”

When Bei Furong looked up, she happened to see a boy on the second floor climbing up the window, which happened to be on her head.Her complexion changed, but she didn't think much about it, she just felt unlucky.

Before she could take any action, the boy yelled and jumped down from upstairs.

"I will not die!"


Bei Furong pulled out her sword, wanting to kill the young man. Anyway, in such a chaotic scene, maybe no one will pay attention to this scene.She absolutely couldn't let a disgusting boy who was about to be a child molester fall onto her carriage.

But just as she drew out her sword, the boy had already fallen, and he reached out and grabbed her face.Panic floated in his big round eyes, "Miss, save me!"

Who is going to save him?She dodged sideways.

Bei Furong's long sword had already been drawn most of the way, but the young man suddenly turned around when he got on the carriage, and a strong wind hit her neck from the other side of Bei Furong, and she immediately lowered her head and dodged.

The boy immediately held her head with one hand and held her sword hand with the other, and the horizontal sword cut down on her neck that was being pressed down.

Sometimes, life is just a moment.

Bei Furong never thought that she, the great princess of Bei Cang, would die in the hands of a young man until her death.

It was only after she died that she suddenly remembered that all the things that happened before were clearly deliberately arranged by someone.

It's just that when she fell down, the boy had already rolled out of the carriage and ran towards the back of the carriage. The guards behind the carriage didn't see the situation in front of the carriage, so they couldn't find out that Bei Furong was dead in time. In this way, he missed the opportunity to catch the boy.

After a while, the maid in the carriage screamed.

However, at this time, near the city gate, the young man with the scar on his face and others had already reached the front row in the procession out of the city.The young man turned his head with worry in his eyes, and the man next to him said, "Don't worry, Boss Yun, Amu is very clever, besides, he is also very skilled, and he will definitely be able to complete the task."


If his features weren't too obvious, none of them would change their faces, and he should do it himself.

"Besides, with such a meticulous plan like yours, Boss Yun, this matter is sure to be safe."

While talking in a low voice, I saw a young man running to the end of the line.


The young man finally smiled.

After a while, the young man used some tricks to jump in front of the queue, and leaning on his cute face, he got into the bullock cart of an old farm couple in front, and fell asleep in a cart of hay. When they left the city, the guards thought it was the couple's grandson.

Half a quarter of an hour had passed since all of them had left the city before the armored cavalry galloped over and shouted, "Close the city gates, and no one is allowed to leave the city!"

The golden and green rays of light were in front of them, but Lou Qi and the others were stunned for a long time and could not speak.

A huge tiankeng unfolded in front of their eyes like the mouth of a giant beast that devoured the sky.The rim of the tiankeng was milky-white rock, smooth and sloping, untenable, and they couldn't even get close to peek into it.

Only two golden and green beams of light can be seen from the tiankeng, illuminating the sky on this side.

Chen Shi and others were already shocked, but Shen Sha also showed a very strange expression.After he was shocked, he looked at Lou Qi again, only to find that she had already calmed down.

"Qiqi has seen such a big pit?"

Lou Qi shook his head, "I've seen weird tiankengs, but I've never seen such a large-scale beam of light inside."

On the modern earth, there are also some uncanny handicrafts of nature around the world. There are also tiankengs, some of which cannot even be detected by modern detection tools. It is not so unacceptable to have a tiankeng here.But, what exactly is this beam of light?
(End of this chapter)

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