Your heart is free

Chapter 415 I Love You

Chapter 415 I Love You
The night had already lost its original hue in front of these two beams of light, and there was no darkness here. The golden light and green light illuminated the green forest, and even their faces were golden and green, strange like monsters in the mountains.

But in such a tiankeng, regardless of the treasures below, they have no way to go down.Even if Shen Sha's skill is so high now, there is nothing he can do in front of such a miraculous nature.

Shen Sha saw that she was still determined to poke her head and poke her head, and she couldn't see what was going on under the pit that day. His eyes flickered slightly, and he suddenly put his arms around her waist, touched her toes slightly, and swept his body towards the top of the pit that day. past.

"God, can you not be scary?" Lou Qi was really taken aback by him, who would have thought that he would suddenly come up with such a trick?And she was still thinking that this sinkhole might be much more dangerous than the many places she had been to before.

"I haven't seen what you are really afraid of, this emperor."

"You mean I've been pretending?"

"You said it yourself." The corners of his lips twitched.

Lou Qi was about to refute, but felt that there seemed to be a cool breeze and a little suction under his feet, so he couldn't help but looked down, and found that they were standing on top of the tiankeng, standing in the air!

She was startled immediately,
"If you want to see it, watch it quickly, the emperor can't hold on for too long."

Lou Qi just came back to his senses, and immediately looked into the sinkhole.

Because of the light, she could see a large part of the pit wall, which was all smooth white stones, smooth and seamless, and looked natural, which also meant that there was absolutely no place to set foot in this place.

The beam of light is still very deep, beyond the reach of the eyesight.

"Go back quickly." Lou Qi didn't dare to stay too long, because she felt a suction coming from the bottom of the pit, and they had already dropped a few points after they stayed for a while.

Shen Sha hugged her, turned around and fled back.

"It seems that we can't go down to find out what happened in this place."

Just when Shen Sha thought she would be disappointed, she suddenly laughed mischievously, "We are not at a loss, we got two treasures, Zhang Ming and Zhao Yun couldn't get the good ones, so I guess we just hoped to find them here." Let’s order something good.” Then when they came over to take a look, hahaha, I don’t know if they would vomit blood.

"We'll just wait here, and when they come, I will send them down." Shen Sha looked calm, as if he really wanted to help.Who doesn't know, when he said to send them down, he must have slapped them down with a palm.

For that Zhang Ming, Lou Qi didn't have any opinion, he didn't care whether he was dead or alive, but Zhao Yun.
"Let's let Zhao Yun go."

Upon hearing her words, Shen Sha's face immediately sank. "You want to plead for that ugly monster?" His anger has not been completely smooth, and now she is going to provoke him again?When will she be able to obediently stop pissing him off?

When Lou Qi saw his expression, he immediately sighed, this is not only a tyrant, but also a tyrannosaurus, no, a vinegar dragon.She reached out and hugged his arm, and led him to a forest not far away, while smoothing his hair.

"Do you think, Zhao Yun's other humanity, Yunfeng, once gave me the iceberg blood lotus? I'll take it as a repayment to him once. You don't want me to owe love to other men, do you?"

"Love? Do you want to repay the favor?" He slanted over with a glance.

Lou Qi almost bit his own tongue: "This love is not that love, hey, let me tell you, can you stop picking words carelessly?"

Childish or not?Can you still talk properly?
Shen Sha snorted, at least he didn't object anymore.

Lou Qi just felt that at least Yunfeng hadn't done anything to hurt her, and he did have some affection for her, even Zhao Yun, he actually helped her the last time we met.In Luoyang City, she was going out of the city, and he was the one who came here with the token of Shu Chongzhou.

At that time, she didn't feel that Zhao Yun had any hostility towards her, but she couldn't figure out why he changed a little this time.However, Zhao Yun, she always felt that it was useful to keep him.

Just when Lou Qi thought he agreed, Shen Sha suddenly picked her up, climbed up the tree, hugged her and sat on a thick branch, fixed her in his arms, and looked at her with burning eyes , with a low tone: "You want me to listen to you, what do you mean?"

Lin Shengwei and the others were originally following them, but when they saw them climbing up the tree, they were stunned under the tree.
Chen Shi coughed twice, and said, "You two, go to the tree over there." He pointed to a tree that was not far away, but he could never hear the conversation from above.

Lin Shengwei and Wu Xiaoyu immediately silenced their voices and walked over like cats, and they also climbed up the tree.

And Chen Shi also picked one and went up.It was already night at this time, although I don't know what happened to Zhang Ming and Zhao Yun, and they haven't rushed here yet, but they will definitely come here, and now they have to spend the night anyway, so it's better to stay here and watch rest.

Of course, he didn't dare to eavesdrop on those two.

But Lou Qi was shocked by Shen Sha's words.She looked at Shen Sha over and over again with the light coming through the gaps in the leaves, as if she didn't know him well.This guy has now learned to negotiate with her and bargain with her?

Heaven.Why do you feel a little bit off track?

"Looking at this emperor like this, do you think this emperor is too handsome? But the more you look at it, the more you fall in love with it?"

Lou Qi was terrified, she reached out and touched his forehead, "Darling, do you have a fever?"

Shen Sha's face darkened instantly.He didn't understand what was wrong with him. He met Yunfeng before, and heard her beg for mercy on Yunfeng's behalf. He also said that she likes Yunfeng's little boy, and likes to talk so greasy. It turned out to be such a reaction.

It's just, it's just mad at him.

Seeing him turn his face, Lou Qi smiled secretly, and she was a little soft-hearted, she could feel that Shen Sha was learning to love her, before he was absolutely domineering, he did whatever he said, but now he began to figure out her preferences up.With him like this, although she wanted to tease him, she also knew that she shouldn't hit him too hard.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to lean towards him, looked at him with bright eyes and said, "I was thinking."

Shen Sha was aroused by her, "Huh?"

"I was wondering, did I come here because I did a lot of good deeds in my previous life, so God gave me a tall and handsome man with outstanding martial arts and unparalleled abundance?"

Her tone is rare soft, her voice is rare soft, her eyes are proud and full of admiration, he has never seen such Lou Qi before, such eyes, such voice, such a woman suddenly bumped into her. In Shen Sha's heart, the little frustration just now was knocked away in an instant.Shen Sha's heart was never warmer than before.

He thought it was over like this, but he didn't expect that the woman with a faint fragrance leaned over again, her soft and sweet lips touched his lips lightly, and she whispered on his lips again: "Chen Sha, I love you."

I love you.

Shen Sha never thought that such romantic words that made him feel so boring in the past would actually make people feel so happy.

This feeling is happiness, right?

He couldn't control it, and the corners of his lips kept rising.

"It's here! They shouldn't have arrived yet!"

Just when Shen Sha wanted to hold Lou Qi tighter and deepen the kiss, a panting voice broke the soft words, and made Lou Qi sit up straight from his embrace in an instant, and turned his head away.

His face suddenly turned black as midnight.

That voice was Zhang Ming's voice.

Damn, this person really deserves to die!

Zhang Ming never thought that his words would arouse Shen Sha's hatred and want to tear him apart, and would become his reminder.He had just rushed to the side of the tiankeng excitedly, and was about to see clearly, when a sudden chill came from behind, murderous aura surrounded him boundlessly, and the heavy oppression made him unable to stand upright all of a sudden.


As soon as a word came out, there was a cold voice: "You should die."

With a sound of touch, Zhang Ming didn't even have time to turn his head, and his whole body was shot flying out, and his body flew towards the middle of the tiankeng.He was in mid-air, and when he lowered his head, he saw the bottomless sinkhole, which was as eerie and terrifying as the mouth of a strange beast, and he suddenly screamed.


The voice was still echoing shrillly in the air, but the person had already plummeted into the tiankeng, and disappeared in an instant.

Shen Sha's move was so fast that even Lou Qi didn't have time to react.

When they all got down from the tree, Shen Sha had already withdrawn his hand, and was turning around to look at Zhao Yun who was not far away.

Before Lou Qi could speak, Zhao Yun suddenly held his head in his hands, his face contorted, "Ah, my head hurts so much"

After a while, his expression changed, became gentler, and his eyes were as warm as sunshine in March.There was a helpless smile on his lips, and he turned to Lou Qi: "Miss Lou, I didn't expect you to see such an ugly side of Zai Xia, and there is another person living in Xia Xia's body, I think you will be afraid and disgusted." Let's get down now."

Lou Qi walked up to Shen Sha's side, actively stuffed his hand into his big palm, and then said to Yun Feng: "It's just a dual personality, I won't be afraid or disgusted. Yun Feng, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Zhao Yun was really cunning, seeing something bad, he immediately shrank back and let Yunfeng come out to deal with this kind of situation.Maybe he also knew that if Yunfeng came out, she might be able to save a little bit.

But she also has her considerations. Ever since she met Yunfeng for the first time, she felt that he was a little mysterious. He and Zhang Ming knew each other just now. She wanted to know the origin of Zhang Ming, so she had to ask Yunfeng.

Zhang hit Shen Sha with a palm and fell into the tiankeng, logically speaking, he would not survive.

On a flat open space beside the tiankeng, Lin Shengwei and the others quickly lit a fire, and they sat around the fire, looking at Yunfeng in unison, waiting for him to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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