Chapter 419
It was still raining too much now, and they definitely couldn't find dry firewood, so Chen Shi and Xiao Wu didn't go out for the time being, and the two began to pack up the cave.

Because Chen Shi was carrying Shen Sha on his back before, there were big leaves to block the rain, so now his lower body is a little wet and his upper body is still dry, but Xiao Wu's whole body is wet, not only him, Lou Qi is also wet all over now.

"Girl, do you want to change your clothes first?" Chen Shi still couldn't help asking.

Lou Qi stood up, she really wanted to change clothes, not because of anything else, but because her body was completely wet, and it would be inconvenient for Shen Sha to check if she was dripping all the time, because she found the few drops she had dripped from her sleeve just now The rain falling on Shen Sha's chest actually made his chest a bit colder!

She is going crazy!
Now Shen Sha's body is so fragile that it is almost collapsed!
She felt chills in her heart, but she could only bear it back, and took out the dry clothes in her bag to change.In a hurry, she just told Chen Shi and Xiao Wu to turn around, quickly changed their clothes, and went to check Shen Sha again.


Chen Shi heard the voice of the little white beast, fearing that it would suddenly jump out and disturb Lou Qi later, he gave Xiao Wu a wink, and the two surrounded him to catch the little white beast.

The little white beast hid in the east, but was quickly cornered by them and caught.Chen Shi let Xiao Wu tie it with a belt, and tied the other end to a stalagmite in the cave.

This cave is quite big. They just found out after catching the little white beast. There is still space inside after bypassing a stone curtain, and the stone curtain blocks it, so the wind and rain cannot blow in from the entrance of the cave, and the inside is much warmer.

After talking to Lou Qi, she decided to move Shen Sha inside.Chen Shi first burned a piece of grass in it, then swept away all the ashes, leveled the piece of land, pulled out some hay, laid it thicker, and made it soft, so that the heat from the burned ground would slowly dry the hay again. It had to be dry and warmer, so I went with Xiao Wu, and each of them grabbed the clothes that were padded, and carried Shen Sha over.

They couldn't be more careful during this process, for fear of hurting him again.

It was really warm inside, with Chen Shi and Xiao Wu guarding the outside, Lou Qi was relieved and calmed down to check Shen Sha's body.

Shen Sha's shirt was all unbuttoned, and she kept looking at his heart. Although her body was not completely transparent, the mass of red was still very obvious amidst the icy white.She gently leaned over her ears and held her breath, only then could she hear a faint heartbeat.And then catch his pulse, the pulse is really hard to feel.

His eyes were closed tightly, and his whole body exuded a kind of icy coldness. This was not his usual cold aura, but the real coldness emanating from his body. Lying in front of her, he really looked like an ice cube. corpse.

The fear that Lou Qi had never had before, he had a poisonous Gu attack before, but although she was a little nervous, she was only nervous because she was certain that at least it could be suppressed, and it was her field of expertise.Now she is completely helpless, seeing him like this, she is really afraid that he will die.

For the first time in her life, a sentence flashed through her mind.

If Shen Sha died, what would she do?
Only then did Lou Qi realize that Shen Sha was already so important to her.

It may also be because of the astonishing internal strength he suddenly erupted before, and his kung fu was against the sky. Now such fragility is the fatal contrast, which made her unable to accept it at all.

By the way, internal force?Could this be related to his previous internal strength?
Lou Qi's eyes flickered slightly, and he stretched out his hand to press the position of his dantian, slowly condensing the internal force into the palm of his hand, and carefully inserted a trace of internal force into it.

They encountered various changes in the mountains, but they didn't know that the small mountain village outside had also suffered a bloody looting.The small mountain village that used to be peaceful is now like a hell.

The fire that had been burning for a day and a half was finally extinguished under the sudden pouring of the heavy rain. The blood that had been flowing everywhere on the ground was also washed away by the rain, but the corpses of the villagers who were visible at that time revealed that A horrible reality, what a terrible thing has just happened here.

Those people's methods of killing people are too cruel and tyrannical, and they can't kill without nodding their heads, but they insist on chopping out their brains, hooking out their intestines, or cutting off all their hands and feet, even the elderly and children Let go.

The peaceful Xiaoshanju village is now lifeless, and even the heavy rain can't wash away the strong smell of blood.

What's even more frightening is that that group of people didn't leave, no, they didn't leave, they were going to stay.

In a remote family's house, rain leaked everywhere in the crumbling woodshed.The wind came in from time to time, making the child huddled in the pile of firewood shiver.He huddled in the small gap between the firewood and the wall, but there was a small hole in the wall behind him, and he put his eyes together, enough for him to see the outside world.But it was precisely because of this that he was even more frightened, because he saw through this hole yesterday that two villagers were chopped into several pieces by a man in black. To the strong smell of blood.

And last night, when the night was quiet, he heard women's screams coming from many directions in the village. Among those screams, he could vaguely distinguish that they were several young aunts and elder sisters in the village. , and Sister Hua'er who mended his clothes.

They screamed and cried miserably, but they were suppressed by the man's wild laughter and applause.The Mavericks knew that they had all been murdered as well.

He hid here alone last night, biting his sleeve and crying all night, but he also knew that if he went out alone, he would not be able to save anyone, he would just be sent to death.

Now that it was raining heavily outside, this might be his only chance to escape.

This child was wearing loose adult clothes with tightly tied cuffs and trouser legs. It was the child who led Lou Qi and the others, Xiao Niu.

Maverick has always been very smart. He hid here for a day and a half, not even daring to move or go out. Those people were still patrolling around last night, so he didn't dare to die.But last night he overheard the conversation of several people on the other side, saying that he had already set his sights on this place, but their houses were too old and small, so they simply burned them all, and then they would build a particularly strong cottage. Anyway, the people in Qicheng don't know about this place. After they build the stockade, recruit soldiers and buy horses, and rely on Qicheng to survive, if Qicheng finds out that they are going to attack them, based on their past experience in guerrilla warfare, they will send troops from time to time. People went to attack Qicheng, causing them a headache, so they had to compromise!Of course, before that, they had already sent people to infiltrate into Qicheng, and even sneaked into a very important position. When the time comes, they should cooperate with each other and see what they do.

If they killed people and set fire to the village and then left, Maverick could continue to hide and wait for them to leave before coming out, but now they are obviously not leaving, and if he hides, he will be found and killed by them sooner or later.

After weighing it up, the Maverick felt that he had to run.In fact, this time, if he hadn't carried a "huge sum" of 100 taels with him and wanted to find a place to hide it well, so he avoided everyone and happened to hide in such a relatively secluded place, he wouldn't have just escaped doomed.

So he felt in his heart that Lou Qi indirectly saved himself.Deciding to run away, he thought of Lou Qi.He was afraid that if Lou Qi and the others came down from Xiannu Mountain, they would meet this group of vicious people.

"No, I have to tell them!"

A firm light burst out of Maverick's big eyes, and he immediately rummaged through the woodshed, and finally let him find a somewhat torn coir raincoat and a bamboo hat.He put on a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and quietly went out, got into the rain, and with his knowledge of the village, he carefully avoided the unburned houses where people were staying, and ran towards the village gate.

After leaving the banana forest at the entrance of the village, he stumbled all the way to Xiannu Mountain.After his shoes were worn out and his clothes were scratched in many places, after nearly falling to his death N times, he finally climbed up to the Xiannu Mountain, but he happened to arrive at the place where Shen Sha had killed before, and the pieces of corpses The stump made the child scream uncontrollably.


This sound passed through the rain curtain, and Yun Feng, who happened to come out first, heard it. He had no intention of running into Yingwei and the others again, so he came up through the other side of the cliff, closer to this side, and heard this sound not long after leaving scream.With his extraordinary hearing ability, he recognized it immediately. It was the voice of the child named Maverick.

Why is he here?

It was still raining heavily!
Flying past in the rain, I saw a child in a mess sitting on the side of Shen Sha's killing ground.

"Xiao Niu, why are you here?"

Maverick raised his head and saw Yunfeng vaguely.

"Young master!" Knowing that Yunfeng was with Lou Qi, he quickly got up and ran towards Yunfeng. "My lord, where is the imperial concubine?" He had heard other people call Lou Qi the imperial concubine before.

"What are you doing with her?"


When Yunfeng heard his narration, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.Hearing what Xiao Niu said, most of the villagers in that Xiaoshanju Village should have been killed. It is estimated that the rest are some women, who have become tools for those people to vent their anger!He was surrounded by those villagers before, buying their medicinal materials.

But even though Yunfeng is furious, he may not impulsively run to avenge those villagers. Although he is usually gentle and polite, and almost responsive to Lou Qi, he is not a kind person, not everyone will get him Same treat.

What's more, there is nothing more important to him now than helping Lou Qi, he wants to rush back to Longyin Continent, so he won't pay attention to those villagers.

In the end, he sent the calf to the edge of the cliff, pointed in the direction of Yingwei and others, and left quietly by himself.

Maverick looked back at his back disappearing in the rain, somewhat disappointed in his heart.

"Who's there?" Lou Xin held up a big leaf as an umbrella, and looked to see if anyone was coming up the cliff, and immediately saw the calf.

(End of this chapter)

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