Your heart is free

Chapter 420 Blood Array

Chapter 420 Blood Array

Lou Qi's internal energy didn't dare to input as before, she just controlled a trace of Shen Sha's dantian to investigate, but what shocked her was that she found that something seemed to be accumulating in Shen Sha's dantian, like a vast sea of ​​clouds, boundless Boundless, as if it is so wide and deep that it can accommodate endless inner power.

But his inner strength is obviously gone.

This is an empty treasure tank, but there is no water to fill it?Then where did his internal strength come from?Where are you now?

This made Lou Qi puzzled.

As she continued to search, she gritted her teeth secretly as she looked at Shen Sha's appearance like an ice sculpture and not a real person, feeling frustrated in her heart.She has never met a person like him, a mere mortal body that hides so many strange and evil things, the most poisonous in the world, the most poisonous Gu, and there are spells before, And now Dantian is inexplicable again.She really didn't know how he had survived until now with all these burdens on him.

However, to live is to live, but it is also doomed to be sick and painful, and to endure what ordinary people can't bear, so he has lived until now, and his mind and body have been worn down until now.

Lou Qi felt a sudden pain in his heart.

She didn't know how Shen Sha's previous parents treated him, but there were various indications that they were not Shen Sha's biological parents, and his status was not low. He once said that although his parents behaved better than ordinary people You must be generous and noble, but it is absolutely impossible to be a member of the royal family, and you can't reach that level.Therefore, his adoptive parents are more likely to be subordinates of his biological parents.

If this is the case, as long as they are loyal enough, no matter how close they are to the little master, they will bring some distance and respect to some extent. This is actually not good for children, so she believes that it is impossible for Shen She to be from that place when she was young. How much warmth and love I feel for my adoptive parents.

Later they were killed, and Shen Sha wanted to take revenge wholeheartedly. In addition, he was not a thing in the pool, so he honed himself all the way, whether it was a short learning journey in the teacher's school, or a few years of hard work and growth. With his own strength, there should never be anyone around him who made him feel warm feelings.

Therefore, in Shen Sha's life of more than 20 years, she has always been cold.The pain he endured must have never been told to others, and no one has comforted him.Just like before when his poisonous Gu broke out, the four guards and others around him were just worried that others would assassinate them, and they just tried their best to protect his safety. Has anyone ever asked him, do you feel pain?Can you still bear it?
Because he has always been so strong, even Ying and the others must have felt that he would definitely hold on, and it was absolutely impossible for Shen Sha to tell them, I am in so much pain.
From this point of view, Shen Sha is really much more lonely and boring than her until now.

So, seeing him suffering from this kind of torture now, she felt distressed.

As proud as he is, if he knows that he has become like an ice sculpture, unable to move and can only lie like this, his self-esteem will definitely not be able to bear it, and he will not be able to bear the fact that he has another strange disease, so weak that he can be manipulated by others.

Lou Qi also feels sorry for his frustrated self-esteem.

Another point, she was also shocked by the fear in her heart.She had never been so flustered because someone around her might die before, and only now did she realize her heart. It seemed that she cared more about Shen Sha than she imagined.

"No matter what, I will definitely not let you die, I will definitely save you." Lou Qi bit her lower lip.She will definitely try her best to save him, but now she really has no clue.

Lou Qi thought of Old Smelly Daoist.In terms of things she can learn, she is indeed already outstanding, but this kind of things she has never heard of, maybe the old man knows better, maybe he knows what is going on.Because the poisonous Gu in Shen Sha's childhood was definitely cast by someone with an extraordinary status, most likely someone from the Longyin Continent, so his current situation may also have been lurking in his body since he was a child Danger.

She didn't know anything about Longyin Continent at all.

But how is she going to ask the smelly old man now?He has no ability to pull her back, and she has no way to talk to him.

Just as she was thinking about it, a resistance suddenly burst out from Shen Sha's dantian, shaking her internal energy out.Will this still be self-defense?
But no matter what, the way to heal the wound with internal force is not feasible.Lou Qi looked at Shen Sha again and gasped in shock.

In his chest, it was like a flower with enchanting thin petals bursting out of frost, those petals like tentacles were slowly crawling towards his heart, although it was slow, but the speed was visible to the naked eye!

Although she still couldn't figure out what was going on, but seeing his heart was a mass of red, she also knew that if his heart was really completely entangled and frozen by this ice silk flower, then it would be true. There will be no more heartbeats, and he will surely die.

And Shen Sha had already lost his breath, but this time it seemed that he had completely lost his breath.

Shocked, anxious and angry, Lou Qi punched the ground uncontrollably, bleeding from his knuckles.

Her eyes froze.


her blood!

Lou Qi is very aware of the preciousness of her blood, and she estimates that there will be no other person in the world with the same blood as hers. First, she has been soaked in medicinal baths for ten years, and she has eaten magic raccoon gallbladder. , thousand-year-old stone marrow, and later took spring heart, the medicinal effects of these things will always be fused in her blood.Not to mention anything else, just talk about Spring Heart, this is something that is unique even in Longyin Continent, otherwise the royal family of Longyin Continent would not come here to look for it.

Originally, it was a heaven-defying thing for a spring to be filled with countless rare herbs, and all these herbs were sublimated and condensed into a bead, the essence.
She couldn't even describe it.

Even He Lianjue said that others will surely die if they eat the spring heart, but she is very likely to have a medicine sea physique that can absorb hundreds of medicines. Now that the spring heart has been digested and integrated into her blood, her blood can suppress the sinking heart before. Sha's poisonous Gu may be able to suppress his strange disease now!

She stared fixedly at Shen Sha, whose eyes were closed and covered with frosty long and thick eyelashes, bit her lip, and said in a low voice: "Shen Sha, you have to hold on, if you give up by yourself, if you dare If you die, I will definitely strip you naked and flog your corpse for ten days!"

She didn't know if Shen Sha was still conscious at this time, but if he was actually suffering from abnormal pain, she would not allow him to give up just like that, and had the desire to die.

At this time, she saw the sword tied around Shen Sha's waist tremble slightly.

Does the sword vibrate by itself?
Although Lou Qi was horrified, at this moment, no matter what happened, she could not interrupt her from saving Shen Sha.So, she untied the sword with one hand, and threw it aside mercilessly.Because of the vibration of the sword just now, she was afraid that someone might cast a curse or something, so she simply touched the ghost grass powder and sprinkled it on the sword.If the sword had really been tampered with, a forbidden array of ghost grass powder would be enough to temporarily suppress it.

That's right, she didn't sprinkle it casually, this sprinkle was drawn with a forbidden formation.

Of course, Lou Qi didn't know it at this time, but because of the prudence she had cultivated since she was a child, taking this step saved a bigger catastrophe between Shen Sha and her.

After disposing of the evil sword, Lou Qi put all his attention on Shen Sha.She pulled out the broken sword, lit it on the fire, and then cut her finger.Bright red blood came out, she bit her lip, and pressed the bleeding fingertips to the heart of Shen Sha's chest.

She wanted to use her own blood with countless medicinal effects to draw a defensive blood array on his chest.It is estimated that in this world, no one in Sifang Continent or Longyin Continent will know this kind of blood formation.

With complicated patterns and ancient symbols, no one could understand what she was drawing, but it was just a figure the size of a palm. Lou Qi spent an entire hour drawing it, and her blood flowed for an hour.

When she finally finished drawing the blood formation, she made a few quick gestures with her fingers, and the blood formation suddenly flashed red, and immediately disappeared into Shen Sha's skin, like a painting In the pattern under his skin, those lines still have red light flowing.

And the ice silk flower on the side of the ice worm just happened to have spread close.

Lou Qi watched intently, and saw that the ice silk had just touched Bloody, and immediately retreated like an electric shock!
"It's done!" Lou Qi was overjoyed, she knew her blood was very useful now!
But at this time, Lou Qi didn't know that in the future, because of this precious blood, she would become the target of various forces wanting to rob or kill her.

She wanted to draw a few more blood formations on his body, but this kind of blood formation was very exhausting. After two hours of painting, she had to take a rest before drawing the second one.

Pulling Shen Sha's clothes back, she touched under his nose, although the breath was still very weak, but the careful Lou Qi found that it was a little more obvious than before, and her heart was temporarily relieved.

Chen Shi thought that the rain would not last that long, but he did not expect that more than an hour had passed. The rain was only a little lighter, but there was no sign of it stopping.

Where did they find dry wood to light the fire when it was raining non-stop?If there is no fire at night, even if they can survive, they are afraid that Dijun will not be able to survive like that.
"Brother Chen, I'll go out first to see if there is anything to eat." Xiao Wu said as he was about to stand up.

They had been waiting for a long time, and Lou Qi didn't make any sound or come out, so they didn't dare to disturb.But as soon as this sentence was finished, Lou Qi's voice came from behind.

"Your clothes are already wet, if you go out in the rain and wind, you will easily catch cold." Lou Qi said.

Xiao Wu thought that Lou Qi was concerned about him, and gratitude flashed in her eyes, but she didn't know that Lou Qi, who only thought about Shen Sha, was not so kind at the moment, what she meant was that Shen Sha was extremely fragile at the moment, she I am worried that if someone around me catches a cold, it will be transmitted to him immediately.

Of course, she never thought that this needs to be explained, so it is destined to be just a beautiful misunderstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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