Chapter 422

Chen Shi was shocked and rushed to her side immediately, "Girl, how are you?"

Lou Qi didn't answer him, didn't make any sound, but his expression was ruthless.Seeing her expression, Chen Shi was stunned for a moment, and didn't dare to call out at all.

Turning to look at Shen Sha again, the trembling became more obvious.

Chen Shi was in a dilemma, his heart was on fire.

And in the dream at this time, Lou Qi was raising his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at the invisible protective cover that he had slapped and shaken just now.

That's right, she slapped it. It is reasonable to say that it was in the dream under her control. Even if such a thing appeared, her slap could smash it, but the slap met resistance.

When she's an idiot?

There is resistance to indicate that there is an external force.There is an external force in the dream controlled by her, which means that the dream is no longer completely controlled by her, which means that someone has intervened.

No matter how powerful the nightmare control is, it is just a spell. As long as it is a spell, there may be loopholes. It is not surprising that someone took advantage of the loopholes.

Lou Qi naturally wouldn't turn pale with fright because of this.

But not panic doesn't mean she's not angry.Has it been too long since she has lost her temper, so everyone thinks she is kind and easy to bully, right?Dare to intervene in her spells!
Although she couldn't kill him with this spell, she could still hit him!

Lou Qi moved both hands together, doing different formulas with his left and right hands at the same time, and after completing the formulas, he pointed towards the protective shield.There seemed to be a silent clang in the air, and she yelled softly, "Break!"

Intervening in her spells shows that that person is also a master of spells, but she knew from the previous contest with Xi Africahuan that her mental strength and strong willpower are the most beneficial in this spell.Now her mental power is surging out, if the other party really has the ability, then follow it up!

Don't forget, she not only learned Xi Africahuan's spells, but also learned her spell-breaking method, and before learning Xi Africahuan's skills, she could break the curse herself. Originally, she had a talent that was a hundred times higher than that of ordinary people. She mastered everything and learned a hundred things. Now her spells may not be inferior to that of Xi Africahuan's master, the former saint of Xijiang, Feiyue.If you want to fight, then fight, she has never been afraid.

The young master Lianxin in the inn suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned as white as paper, and before Tweety could help him, he threw himself on the table in front of him, knocking down the incense burner on it He smashed it into pieces on the ground, incense ash covered the sky, and threw young master Lianxin's face, adding a layer of ashes to his originally white face, making him look in a mess.

"My lord, are you alright?" Cui'er quickly helped him up, and at the same time she was very surprised.Their talents in conjuration can be said to be the most powerful in Xijiang now. Even the former saint Feiyue said that at the same age, she is completely inferior to Mr. Lianxin.

Let's not talk about other spells, let's talk about this nightmare control, it is absolutely easy for him to sneak in, and the other party will not find him.But what is going on now?No matter how you look at it, you can tell that the young master has suffered the backlash of the spell!

Young Master Lian Xin suppressed the air forcefully, waved his hands and said, "I'm fine."

It's okay, how could it be okay!

This is not a backlash against a spell, but a direct attack!It's an attack!

Backlash and attack are not the same word, backlash is how much strength one exerts, and then bounces back after a difference, which is equivalent to hurting oneself, which is actually common when casting spells.But the attack was caused by someone else!
It means that the opponent can not only detect his infiltration, but also find him, and finally give him a precise blow!Although the opponent couldn't kill him in the Nightmare Control, such an attack was enough to force him out of that dream, causing him to be injured, and he could no longer sneak into the opponent's dream in a short period of time.

"My lord, did you see who is casting Nightmare Control?" Cui'er suppressed her fear and asked softly.

But I don't know that this question is simply sprinkling salt on the wound of Mr. Lianxin!

It's really pissing off, he didn't even see people clearly!In a vague way, I only heard a woman calling the old man, the old man. He didn't even see clearly whether it was the woman or the old man in her mouth who cast the nightmare, and he was beaten out!

What a shame!

Tweety was good at observing words and expressions, and she knew the answer just by looking at his ugly face, but she couldn't believe it.

"Go, fetch water and wash up for me, we have to set off immediately."

Young Master Lianxin didn't insist on the life of the person who used Nightmare Control, but this time the other party slapped her so hard that it made him face, how could he tolerate the other party?
This time, no matter what, I have to find that person and let her taste the unique spell of his pitiful son!
Of course, Lou Qi doesn't know what Mr. Lianxin is thinking, but even if she knows, she won't take Mr. Lianxin seriously. If he dares to sneak into her dream, she will be fine if she doesn't settle accounts with him. If he dared to come up to him, he would definitely beat him to the ground.

At this time, she temporarily ignored the troublemaker, because she finally jumped in front of the old man.

"Smelly old man!"

"Qiqi? How could I dream of you?" The smelly old Taoist Xuanyuan expressed his depression, "I have seen a very good TV series in the past few days. The mother of the heroine in it is very beautiful, gentle and gracious."

"Stop! Stop!" Lou Qi yelled immediately, your sister, what is this!The smelly old man is obsessed with watching dramas even after living in her house!Just watch the drama, but still chasing stars?You can chase after her, it’s not good if you like the heroine, but you like the mother of the heroine?

Stop, stop, what a mess!
"I'm not going to tell you this. I used Nightmare Control to enter your dream. Although you are dreaming now, there is no way in the dream, right? Let me ask you, do you know? The person suddenly erupted with a strong internal force, and then suddenly icy cold invaded, the whole person is like an iceman, why is he still unconscious?"

She speaks a little fast, but I believe she still speaks clearly.But after finishing speaking, the old man looked at her wonderingly: "Qiqi, what are you talking about? Why is it intermittent?"

On and off?

Lou Qi was stunned, and then remembered, didn't she not hear clearly when the old man wanted to say something to her in his dream?
It seems that being in a different time and space is still somewhat inconvenient.

She immediately thought of a way, broke a dead branch, and quickly wrote on the ground outside the pavilion, trying to describe Shen Sha's current situation in the most concise words, and beckoned to him after writing, motioning him to come and take a look.

As expected, Xuanyuan came over to take a look, "Why do you want to write but don't write clearly, some words are clear and some words are blurred."

His mumbling made Lou Qi almost vomit blood, she clearly wrote every word clearly, okay?Fortunately, she wrote succinctly. Although some words were unclear, Xuanyuan could still understand it. When he understood it, he immediately opened his eyes wide and said in surprise: "You damn girl, this is the man you are looking for." ? This is the secret sealing method of the Shen royal family! But, but it’s not right, if it’s the sealing secret method of the Shen royal family, it shouldn’t be harmful to people, isn’t it, is it mutated?”

But Xuanyuan began to talk to himself, at once he was sure it was the secret sealing method of the Shen family, and at the same time he felt something was wrong, when Lou Qi became impatient, he said with uncertainty, "It should be the secret sealing method It's not unblocking normally, it touched the poisonous and Gu worms."

"How would that be?"

"Then it's going to be a big trouble, how about it." Xuanyuan shrugged.

Lou Qi almost slapped him on the back. "Old man, be serious! This is the man of your apprentice, your adopted daughter, and your niece!"

"Tsk, this man promised three? My apprentice, my adopted daughter, and my niece."


Lou Qi couldn't bear it anymore and really patted him on the back, "Quickly tell me the solution!"

"Method?" Xuanyuan heard these two words, but fortunately he understood what she meant, and said: "Your blood, your blood can be suppressed, and then within half a year, the poisonous Gu must be cured .”

"I used my blood to draw a blood formation on his heart"

"Blood array? Heart?" Xuanyuan still heard the two key words, and immediately shook his head: "That won't work, you have to paint the whole body, the soles of the feet, every part except the top of the head." , Keep it for three days, and immediately make up where it is rubbed off."

Fortunately, Lou Qi is the master controller, so he listened to everything he said.

With a solution, she immediately felt relieved.At this moment, she heard Chen Shi's voice calling her.

"Girl, wake up, the emperor is not good!"

Oh no?
Lou Qi opened his eyes and jumped up when he heard this.

Seeing her wake up, Chen Shi breathed a sigh of relief, "Girl, look at Dijun!"

Lou Qi looked at Shen Sha, and saw that his whole body was shaking violently, his eyes were still closed tightly, but there was a small bulging bag swimming around on his chest, it was bulging and bulging, it looked very scary , as if something was bumping around in his body trying to find a way to burst out.

"Desperate Gu!"

Although she knew that there was a Gu in Shen Sha's body, this was the first time she saw the Gu insect's movements so clearly.It's so fucking disgusting.If there was such a Gu worm in her body, it is estimated that her scalp would tingle every day and she couldn't stand it.

"Go to the entrance of the cave and wait, no one is allowed to come in without my order. Remember to find something to eat when the rain stops." Lou Qi didn't dare to delay, and immediately prepared to draw a suppressive blood formation on Shen Sha's whole body.

It would take her two hours to paint a small formation as big as a palm on her chest, and if she had to paint her whole body, it would probably take her a day and a night to paint, which also meant that her blood would flow day and night.

Lou Qi took a breath, and took off Shen Sha's shirt.When her hand touched his body, she didn't feel like a real person, but really like an ice sculpture.

"Shen Sha, if you can hear my voice, you must persevere. I will draw a blood suppression formation for you now, and you must relax."

(End of this chapter)

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