Your heart is free

Chapter 423 She also blush

Chapter 423 She also blush

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that Shen Sha's body had indeed relaxed a little.Lou Qi was overjoyed, this meant that he could hear her voice!
This Shen Da killer is indeed extremely powerful, not only the kung fu is powerful, but also the body and will are extremely strong.There are so many messy things on his body that can't torment him to death, poisonous Gu curses, and now suppressing secrets, he has become like this, and he can still force a little consciousness to prevent himself from completely passing out.

However, after she was delighted and admired, she was very distressed. No one is born strong. It must have experienced hardships and pains that ordinary people cannot bear, so that they can be cultivated little by little.

She is a little puzzled now, if he has been brought up by those adoptive parents all the time, then, apart from the hatred that the adoptive parents were killed, it is nothing more than a difficult life when he was a child, right?What more suffering and pain?

In the past, this doubt occasionally crossed her mind, but she didn't think much about it. Now that the secret method of suppressing the Shen royal family exploded, Lou Qi thought of this question again.

Shen Sha never mentioned his childhood, was there something else before he was six years old?

But this is not the time to delve into the matter.

Since it was best to hear it, Lou Qi softly told him what the old man said.

It's just that as she talked, she felt that something was wrong.

"Every part of your body needs to use my blood painting to suppress the blood array, and the blood array will last for three days"

No, every part of the body needs to be painted?Well, doesn't that mean that he is going to meet her frankly?Not only saw, she also wanted to paint on him.
No matter how thick-skinned Lou Qi is, he couldn't help but blush at this moment.

But she soon discovered that Shen Sha's heartbeat was a little clearer and stronger. This discovery made her face even redder. Outside it stopped.

Gritting his teeth, he almost forgot, he is very fragile now, don't make a hole in him with this punch.

"Don't think too much, this girl is here to save you!"

She said something angrily, put away other bad emotions, calmed down, cut her finger again with the smashing knife, and continued to draw blood on his chest.

The blood array is not just a matter of simply drawing the figure, it takes her energy and spirit to draw it, so when half of Shen Sha's chest is filled, she feels a little weak, and the cave is much darker at this time , the night is coming.

Lou Qi had to stop temporarily.

She is tired and hungry now, if she doesn't rest for a while, the blood formation drawn is probably not strong enough.

After exhaling and looking at Shen Sha again, she was so startled that she almost fell to the ground.Shen Sha, who was like an ice sculpture before, unexpectedly opened his eyes at this time, and she seemed to be the only one in those midnight-black pupils, and didn't pay attention to anything else.His complexion has recovered a bit, and the blood vessels covered with white frost can no longer be seen on his face and body, but his complexion is still a little pale with a hint of blue, but it makes him look so handsome and monstrously beautiful, even more so. Those eyes were extremely dark.

"you're awake?"

Lou Qi's joy was obvious.

Shen Sha's mind is still a little frozen at this time, and he doesn't know where he is now, but this does not prevent him from feeling that Lou Qi at this time is extraordinarily beautiful and charming.

He thought for a while before he realized that it was because she was a little different from usual.In the past, he had never seen her so nervous and caring even if he was suffering from a poisonous Gu attack, but now that he woke up, she even had tears in her eyes.

"You are hurt?"

Shen Sha's voice was low and hoarse, a little rustling, weak and unspeakably sexy, Lou Qi's ears itch when he heard it, and he felt his heart melt.

It's scary, I didn't expect Shen Sha to be more lethal when he was weak!


After asking, she found that her ears were reddish, and she didn't respond for a long time, so Shen Sha reached out to touch her face in doubt.

"Ah, what?" Lou Qi came to his senses at this moment, his face became hot, and he quickly shook his head and said, "No, I'm not injured!"

"Drawing this, what kind of blood formation, it's very tiring, isn't it?" Shen Sha is not as energetic as before, and his words are broken into several parts, but the tone makes Lou Qi's ears crisp.

"I'm quite tired, so I'm going to rest for half an hour now, eat something and then continue painting. How do you feel now?" Lou Qi tried hard to calm down his heartbeat, cursing himself as useless, since he has been by his side for half a year , Could it be that it's only now that I'm starting to be infatuated?
"It's okay."

Lou Qi was about to ask him if his internal energy was still there, when he heard him say: "The eagles are here."

The people who rushed outside were indeed Eagles and the others.

The rain finally stopped, and the night was darker than usual. They gathered outside the cave, holding torches in their hands, and the light of the fire shone on them, all of them were muddy and embarrassed.

This is nothing, but Lou Qi glanced over and found that the number of people was small, at least eight or nine people were absent.

Tianying strode up to her. "Emperor, how is the emperor?"

He is Shen Sha's personal secret guard, but he feels that he is a bit irresponsible as a secret guard. In the future, the emperor will always leave him alone. Now that they came out together, he failed to protect the emperor well.

Lou Qi saw that he was drenched all over, and said in a low voice, "Go in after changing clothes and feeling dry."

Tianying was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then went to tidy up herself.

"How is master?" Ying also came over, but was taken aback when he saw Lou Qi's face: "What's wrong with you?" His face was so pale.
Lou Qi shook his head, and didn't ask why there were fewer people.In fact, with so many people coming to that void, it was beyond her expectation that only eight or nine people were missing.

At this time, she saw a pale and nervous little face. "calf?"

Why is this kid here?

"An accident happened in Xiaoshanju Village." Seeing that she saw Mavericks, Ying told her what Mavericks had told him before.Lou Qi frowned. Although there were no people she valued in Xiaoshanju Village, she had never really gotten along with them and had feelings for them, but those villagers were slaughtered like this, and she always felt a little uncomfortable. Besides, this was in the Next to her Qicheng, those people are really too rampant.

"I've already sent a message to the city to send a hundred guards into the village to kill those people and guard Xiaoshanju Village," Ying said.

Lou Qi felt that something was wrong, and felt a little uneasy.But it is really inconvenient for Shen Sha to move now, at least until she paints a suppressive blood formation all over his body.

"Everyone is camping nearby. First of all, change the wet clothes first, and go to pull out the herbs and drink it to ensure that you don't get cold. You are still here, and you are not allowed to enter this cave without permission." Lou Qi's voice a little cold.

Although the cave is not small, everyone can squeeze in, but now that Shen Sha is weak, she absolutely does not allow any mistakes.

Although the eagle didn't quite understand, he still obeyed her order.

More than [-] people scattered to find a suitable place to camp, but it was methodical.

"Emperor, Empress Dowager."

Before Lou Qi was about to enter the cave, Xiao Niu timidly called out to her.

"What do you want to tell me?" Lou Qi looked at him.This child should have been quite agitated, and it's rare that he can still be so calm now.

"Xiao Niu wants to ask, can I follow you in the future? You can let me do anything you have. Really, everyone says that I am very smart and clever! I will definitely help you!"

As if he was afraid that Lou Qi would not want him, he spoke very loudly, wanting to use this to prove that he was really not useless.

Lou Qi smiled slightly, "You first." Her eyes fell on Yin Yaofeng who was quietly looking at Chen Shi not far away, and said: "Well, I don't need you to do anything for me right now, you go first Take care of that sister Yin Yaofeng, she is injured."

When Yin Yaofeng heard her name, he looked over, and when he saw Shanglou Qi's eyes that seemed to understand everything, his face became slightly hot.She has been looking at Chen Shi. Could it be that the imperial concubine has seen it?

In normal times, Lou Qi might give Yin Yaofeng a little convenience, but now that she wants to use Chen Shi, she can't care about Yin Yaofeng.

"Lin Shengwei."

Lin Shengwei, who went to pick up these people, had completed a mission this time, after all, it would be extremely dangerous to go through that void again and again.

When Lou Qi saw him, something flashed through his mind, and he immediately called him over.

"What orders does the imperial concubine have?"

"You take a few people there." Lou Qi lowered his voice and said a few words to him.After Lin Shengwei heard it clearly, he ordered a few people to leave.

These people came out of the military camp at any rate. Although the environment is harsh now, it rained heavily for a long time, and the mountain was mostly muddy. Lou Qi didn't let them enter the cave, but no one complained. After working together, they cut down trees and built several It's a simple wooden house with layers of big leaves on top of it, it's a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

Someone went to hunt some prey, picked up some dry firewood from the crevices of the rocks and lit a few fires, wrung out all the wet clothes they had changed and put them around to dry them and keep out the wind. It was much warmer, and the aroma of barbecue wafted out.

Lou Qi also grilled the meat by herself, and when she finished it and carried it in, she suddenly remembered why she would care about such a small matter, and she was afraid that the meat roasted by others would not taste good, and Shen Sha would find it disgusting, so she said I baked it carefully and sent it to him.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly?"

She heard Shen Sha's deep voice and looked over, only to realize that he had sat up, leaning against the earth wall, facing this side, and a fire was burning not far from him, his eyes were shining brightly in the flames. Under the light, it was like a star shining brightly, making her heart skip a beat.

"Why are you up?" She covered it up and walked over as if nothing had happened.

"Go out." Shen Sha said suddenly.


Just when Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, Tianying's figure floated, and he flashed to the outer cave.

Lou Qi couldn't laugh or cry, isn't this his secret guard?Why does he always want to chase Tianying away.

"Come here, and feed me, Emperor."

Hearing his words, Lou Qi's hair suddenly turned black. Could it be that Tianying didn't want Tianying to see him weak enough to be fed before driving him out?

(End of this chapter)

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