Your heart is free

Chapter 424 The Broken Warmth

Chapter 424 The Broken Warmth
"I haven't eaten it yet. I want me to feed you. I'll finish it first!" She served a barbecue for two people. It was precisely because he was weak now that he was cut into extremely thin slices. She baked the small slices tenderly, the meat was fragrant and oily, with wild mushrooms and various seasonings added, the aroma filled the whole cave, it really hooked all the gluttons in people's stomachs.

"Do you have the heart to let this emperor wait for you to finish eating?" Shen Sha lowered his eyelids, Lou Qi realized that his eyelashes are very thick and long, such drooping eyelids reflect the firelight, and the facial features cast light and shade, it's really beautiful and delicious.

She swallowed.

From the corner of Shen Sha's eyes, she could see clearly, secretly amused, this girl suddenly became nympho again.But he felt that there was nothing wrong with this, his woman, it was normal for him to be crazy about it, isn't it?
If other women looked at him like that, he would have to gouge out her eyes.

"Do you feel that you are full just looking at this emperor? You feed this emperor, and this emperor allows you to stare at it all night, how about it?"

When Lou Qi came back to his senses, he was immediately in a mess.

"Dijun, too much narcissism is also a disease, and it must be cured!"

Being so narcissistic by him, she really doesn't want to look at him anymore.

"There is no need for this emperor to be narcissistic. You have already stared at him intently. Isn't that true?" A smile flashed in Shen Sha's eyes.

Maybe it's weak, but now he is much warmer than usual, not so cold anymore.

"Who can't take their eyes off it? I'll show you!" Lou Qi flexibly moved her two eyeballs as she spoke, making Shen Sha laugh out loud.

"Okay, I'm not questioning that your eyeballs are broken." What are you doing so fast, like a little fox.

The two argued for a while, and the depression and heaviness caused by Shen Sha's frequent physical problems dissipated a lot.

Although they didn't make it clear before, both of them were actually a little depressed.

Lou Qi still sat down in front of him, but after sitting down, her eyes fell on his chest.There is a blood formation drawn on his chest now, his clothes are half untied, and the blood formation under the skin on half of his chest is bright red, he looks really evil.

"So much blood!" Shen Sha fixed his eyes on her, and reached out his hand, "Show me your hand."

"It's okay." Lou Qi didn't care, "My blood is making very fast."

"I have your blood in my body, and it will be yours from now on." Shen Sha didn't insist on looking at her finger wounds, he remembered that time when he canceled the concubine selection ceremony and shared the bed with her at the beginning, She had also seriously told him that if she was determined to be with her, then her whole body and mind had to be hers, hers alone, and she would not allow him to have any more women.This woman is sometimes more domineering and proud than him.

So at this moment, Dijun felt that what he said was the most qualified love words.Didn't she say that she is his, and in turn, he must be hers?

Love words, it seems that they are indeed love words, but Lou Qi always felt that it sounded a little weird, and after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't understand it, so he could only attribute it to the fact that Di Junda's cold face was not suitable for sweet talk.

She brought a small piece of barbecue to his mouth, but saw him staring at her without moving.

What are you doing looking at her like that?
After waiting for a long time, seeing that she really didn't know what he was waiting for, Shen Sha was a little angry, "Don't you need to respond to what the emperor said?"

"Ah, what's the answer?" Lou Qi didn't understand.

"This emperor said, this emperor is yours." He repeated.

Lou Qi nodded: "I heard it." Can you not speak so seriously when you talk about love, Dijun, why does your expression and tone seem to say, let's lead the soldiers to destroy XXX, right?
Sure enough, his warmth couldn't last long, and he became cold again.

"Then you have nothing to say?"

"What do you want to say?"

"You should say," he gritted his teeth, "you also belong to this emperor, and belong to this emperor alone!"


Lou Qi had a capital Mongolian word on his face.


Who stipulated it?Such a mentally retarded and unnutritious dialogue, who stipulated that it must be said like this?But with Shen Sha's cold face just now, and that look that if you don't say we'll have nothing to do tonight, Lou Qi's heart is messed up.

"Okay, okay, I'm yours, and it's yours alone!"

He is not 23, he is thirteen, right?

She was coping in a messy way, but Dijun took it seriously, nodded with satisfaction and said: "Well, you should remember it firmly in the future. You belong to this emperor, so you are not allowed to use your blood on others. The emperor forbids you to use your fingers to draw blood formations on other men like this, do you understand?"

When her sharp and delicate fingers traced his chest delicately, his heart softened inch by inch. If she dared to treat another man like this, he would cut off her finger, and then cut the man To chop into meat sauce.

Lou Qi rolled his eyes.This is what he wants to say the most, right?

While feeding him meat, she said, "Don't worry, I still cherish my blood very much, and I won't give it to others casually! Besides, which man is as unlucky and weak as you? He is poisonous and venomous. , I was cursed before, and now there is no secret way to suppress it."

Before she finished speaking, she felt that something was wrong with his eyes, and his voice was deep: "Do you think this emperor is weak?"

Oh, don't let people tell you that you are weak?Lou Qi was about to block back, but when he saw his expression, he immediately became a coward. "Did I say that? No, I didn't say that! Who said Dijun is weak? You let him stand up, and I promise to teach him a lesson!"

To put it that way is called a righteous and serious person.

"Definitely a lesson to be learned"

The leaf holding the barbecue in his hand was taken away, a heavy black shadow fell towards Lou Qi, the man's tall figure completely suppressed the petite woman, Lou Qi was thrown on the ground, and he immediately pressed on her, without waiting She opened her mouth and lowered her head to cover her soft red lips.

Before Lou Qi could react, he had already captured the city, and the strong manly breath invaded her senses, making her mind go blank for a moment.

In fact, Shen Sha already wanted to taste her taste when she drew the blood array for herself. After all, it is a ghost that the delicate fingers of a woman have been painting on his chest for a long time, and there is no reaction at all.But before he couldn't move, now that he could move, he naturally obeyed his own will first.

He never wronged and forced himself.

Lou Qi's hands wrapped around Shen Sha's waist at some point, and the temperature in the cave suddenly rose.But just when Shen Sha's big palm was about to penetrate into Lou Qi's clothes, an exclamation from outside woke Lou Qi up from the dizziness and confusion.

She immediately grabbed his restless big hand, put the other on his shoulder, and pushed him.


Shen Fu was very angry, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Don't pay attention to it."

"Your health is not good right now." Lou Qi blushed, half ashamed, half annoyed, annoyed that he lost her sense of proportion with just one kiss, how could he be in such a state at this time
Seeing her insistence, Shen Sha had no choice but to let go of her with a gloomy expression, and sat up.

Lou Qi got up and went to check his blood array immediately, and when he saw that there was nothing wrong, he was relieved, and gave him the barbecue he put on the ground, "You eat first, I'll go and see what's wrong thing."

As soon as he stood up, Chen Shi had already said outside: "Girl, the light on the other side of the tiankeng has changed again, Lord Yingwei has gone to check it out!"

What else could have changed?
"Tianying." She went out, signaled Tianying to go in and continue guarding Shen Sha, and then walked outside. As soon as she went out, Lou Xin handed over two chicken legs strung together with bamboo sticks.

"Girl is going out, let's eat. The pheasant caught by my subordinates is delicious!"

Lou Qi was indeed hungry, he didn't have time to eat barbecue just now, but was almost eaten by someone.She reached out to take it, and praised Lou Xin: "Lou Xin, you are still considerate."

These words made Lou Xin's face froze. Is the girl holding him and stepping on the emperor?
However, the emperor should not hear this sentence, right?

It's a pity that he was wrong, he was going to die, Shen Sha's inner strength had returned at this moment, and it was still the inner strength of the powerful period.Shen Sha heard Lou Qi's words outside the cave clearly.

His face was suddenly as black as ink.

What did the woman say?Lou Xin is considerate?

What did Lou Xin do to be considerate of her?Is he inconsiderate?

Thinking about it now, Lou Xin's voice was also in the exclamation just now, right?

He was savoring the red lips of his concubine, and being tender, but he was interrupted like this, and he was still considered inconsiderate?
Dijun was angry, and the consequences were serious.

"Call Lou Xin to come in."

When Lou Qi arrived at the tiankeng, Ying was slowly pacing beside the tiankeng holding a torch, but he couldn't get close either.The edge of the pit sloped down that day, and it was so smooth that one step up could slide down.

What they saw before was golden light and green light, but later these two kinds of light faded away and seemed to disappear, Lou Qi still felt a little weird at that time, but it was too late to think about it.Now the golden light and green light are flourishing again, and the light beams rush straight up, piercing the night.

The eagle figure was about to move, and Lou Qi's voice came from behind: "Don't act rashly!"

He also wanted to take a look at the top of the tiankeng just now, but he didn't understand why Lou Qi wanted to stop him.

"Beware of cheating."

That's right, Lou Qi looked at the light beam and was very suspicious.

The speed of light they saw before was wider, but now there are two smaller apertures, and the brightness is not as bright as before.

She had to suspect that someone was moving the things under the sinkhole!Besides Zhang Ming, she didn't know who else would be below!However, such a deep tiankeng was hit by Shen Sha, is it possible to survive the fall?
"What's the trick?" Ying said, his eyes fell on her lips, "The chicken legs are very hot?"

Lou Qi was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding why he suddenly asked this, but saw him pointing at his lips and said doubtfully: "I burnt your mouth to make it a little red and swollen."

But why does she look so delicate and beautiful?Eagle withdrew his eyes in a little panic.

(End of this chapter)

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