Chapter 436
It's just that these people chased them all the way from Beicang to here, and they also killed two brothers. This revenge cannot be completely avenged.

"What does Brother Yun want to do?" Amu looked at him with big eyes blinking, full of trust and admiration.

"The reason why they dare to chase into Hundred Insect Valley is because of that expert nicknamed Du Gong. We only kill that person." Yun whispered his plan.

They walked a little further in, brought some of those people in, and then set up an ambush to lure the drug lord away and killed him.Without this person, the remaining hundreds of masters would be in this Hundred Insect Valley as if they had lost their guiding lights. In such a harsh environment, something would definitely happen.

It is impossible for everyone to perish here, but if they can lose more than a dozen, they have earned it.

"Brother, this plan is feasible." After listening to his words, everyone nodded in agreement after thinking about it.

It's just that they are also in danger. After all, this is the Valley of Hundred Insects. Although they have brought good insect repellent medicines from the grassland, the valley is too big, and they have to re-use medicines every once in a while. The stock of medicines may not support them. get out of the valley.

Yun is courageous and ruthless. Every time he does something, he puts his own danger aside, just to achieve his goal.

"Everyone has to be careful." Yun looked at these brothers, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.After all, he brought them into such a dangerous place.

"Brother Yun, we left the grassland with you. We wanted to follow you just because we heard you say how brave and arrogant the emperor is. We will be fine until we meet the emperor." A young man said, patting his chest.

But Amu suddenly asked with some hesitation: "I don't know if the emperor will accommodate us?"

Brother Yun is absolutely loyal to the emperor. If the emperor says he doesn't like them and can't tolerate them, will it be difficult for brother Yun?
I didn't think about it that much before, but when I was approaching the domain break, I felt a little uneasy.

Just as Yun was about to speak, his ears moved suddenly, and he immediately stood up and made a gesture. Everyone immediately understood what he meant, and immediately dispersed, each looking for a place to hide his body.

What happened next made them all gasp.

In the place where they were squatting just now, the ground suddenly became loose, and the green grass was arched in patches, and many insects came out of the ground, one or two, ten or hundreds, many of them came out at once. Densely packed, they are all brown and yellow bodies, covered with thick and thick hairs, wriggling there, like a blanket of insects.

It was as if they had just noticed that there were people here, so they all got out and wanted to treat them as food.If they had moved slower just now, they would have been covered by these bugs.

They already knew that it was not suitable to sit anywhere in the Valley of Hundred Insects, but they really did not expect that such a large pile of caterpillars would emerge from the ground.

Just looking at these caterpillars, they know that they are not ordinary caterpillars, and they don't know what the consequences will be if they get infected.

Just thinking about it, a young man opened his eyes wide, and touched his waist with one hand, "There is my water bag."

He was drinking water just now, so he put the water bag on the ground without taking it back.

Those caterpillars also found his water sac, and soon a dozen or so worms crawled over and climbed up the cowhide water sac, and then only heard the slight sound of clucking, and they all opened their eyes wide in horror Dozens of holes were drilled out of the water bladder at once.

Thick and tough cowhide, so many holes were drilled in the blink of an eye?Wouldn't it be easier for their flesh and blood to be drilled out of the hole?

Everyone was still in shock, but Yun whispered to Amu who was beside him: "You all go around these bugs and go forward, and then lie in ambush according to our plan just now, and I will lure the poisonous lord."

"How can I do that!" Amu was so shocked that he immediately hugged his arm, "Brother Yun, how can you be a bait by yourself, it's too dangerous!"

"Be obedient, I'll be fine, go quickly." Yun said as he stretched out his arms and ran out quietly.

Those people kept biting behind them, and he turned around and saw them after a while.Five hundred masters, along the way, two of them died on their side, and only one died on the other side.

Yun probably guessed why Bei Cang and Dong Qing were so generous, but there were only a dozen or so people who asked them to dispatch [-] experts to intercept and kill them. This was because they broke the marriage between Dong Qing and Bei Cang. Shi Yu and the two have been in contact for a long time, and they have negotiated a lot of cooperation conditions, but he came to such a trick, and everything was interrupted.

Dong Shiyu is used to pretending to be gentle and gentle, but this time he was so angry that he sent these five hundred experts to intercept and kill them. He must have wanted to make the commotion louder so that the Beicang royal family See his sincerity.

They must get rid of the man in this territory-breaking wasteland, and they must not let the other party know his true identity, otherwise they will bring trouble to the emperor.At this time, breaking the domain should not be able to face the two countries of Shangdongqing and Beicang.Fortunately, although they chased them all the way, they had never really met each other.

The one thing Yun didn't tell his brothers was that if they were seen by the other party, they would not return to the Nine Heavens Palace for the time being, and had to find a place to hide in this wilderness, so as not to be exposed.

"Those people can really hide."

Voices came from the front, and they dispersed as soon as they entered Baichong Valley, sweeping and outflanking and tracking in groups, Yun looked out through the branches and leaves where he was hiding, and there was no Du Gong among the few people walking over figure.

Although these people's kung fu is not as good as his, but if they fight together, he may not be an opponent.

Yun didn't want to confront them, and was about to leave quietly to continue looking for Du Gong, but another person said: "I heard that His Royal Highness received the news that one of those people is one of the four guards of the Emperor of Breaking Domain."

"Now there are only three guards left. I heard that Xue Wei is dead, and he died a terrible death."

"Why? Didn't it mean that Xuewei and the emperor's childhood sweetheart might also become the concubine of God?"

"Didn't you see the contract that the emperor made before? So it's miserable to have a jealous woman by his side. If he wanted to monopolize the emperor of breaking the domain, he even killed that Xuewei."

Yun was shocked when he heard this.

They also run around in the grasslands, and not all the news from here will be spread there, only important national events can be spread. As for this kind of gossip, it cannot be spread, and if it is spread, no one may care.So he didn't know that Xue was dead, and he didn't know the contract that Shen Sha made before for only one concubine.

Hearing this now had a great impact on him.

Snow is dead?
The emperor accepts the concubine?That concubine wants to monopolize the emperor?Also killed Snow?
What exactly is going on?

How could it be possible for their master to attach so much importance to a woman!Unless he found the little girl in his dream!But is that possible?Or is it Nalan Huaxin?

Could it be that something big happened in Jiuxiao Temple now?

Because of the shock, his breathing became a little heavier, and someone on the other side suddenly yelled towards this side: "There are people over there!"

No, it was discovered!
Yun immediately regained his composure, and when he turned around, he saw a bumpy face.

Just right!The person who came turned out to be the poisonous man he was looking for!
But at this time, he has no way to go back and forth, because those people have blocked his way back.Yun gritted his teeth, it's okay, he can take the people a little further away!

"Want to run?" Du Gong had already approached him, but he didn't know how the cloud moved, and he rushed out of their encirclement in a blink of an eye, and he was ten feet away in the blink of an eye.

They were all taken aback, but they immediately realized, "This person must be that Yunwei! Capture him alive!"

Their goal was originally Yunwei, just right.

Although Yun thought it was strange that they knew his identity, this was not the time to think about it.This poisonous lord wants to catch him alive, that's just right, he will lead the poisonous lord away from those masters.Thinking of this, the speed of his feet became a little faster, passing by like a clear shadow in the forest.

"As His Highness said, this Yunwei's kung fu is really good!" Du Gong gritted his teeth, increased his speed, and quickly chased after him.He wasn't the best Qinggong among the 500 people, but he was the closest to Yun in this circle, and he also wanted to make meritorious deeds at this time, so he performed better, and gradually the two of them distanced themselves from the others .

In addition, Yunwei also had a scheming plan. He not only ran blindly, but also chose a place that looked densely grassed and densely forested. That kind of place had the most bugs, and the people chasing after him were somewhat afraid, and this fear would affect Speed, but Du Gong is not afraid because he has the ability to repel insects. In this way, the distance between the two of them and other people is getting farther and farther.

"Yunwei, you'd better just catch it!" Du Gong raised his head and saw a patch of watery grass in front of him, and suddenly raised his voice: "The front is a land of mud worms, if you go there, you will sink!"

Yun didn't know what the Land of Mud Worms was. He didn't know whether it was the poison doctor's lie or the truth. He was spinning his mind rapidly when he saw jets of brown water spewing out one after another from the water grass field in front of him. Blisters bubbled up in the water grass field.

It's really dangerous!
He hurriedly stopped his figure, but he was already a step too late, his foot had already stepped into the water grass, and just a palm away from his toes, a jet of water sprayed up, reaching the height of his chest.

What the hell is this?
The sour smell rushed straight into his nose, and he immediately knew it was not good. He held his breath, but his eyes blurred.

"I said it's the land of mud worms, you really don't believe it."

The poisonous lord stopped slowly behind, and spoke with a smile, "It seems that I am destined to make this contribution. His Highness must be very happy to bring you back."

As he spoke, he kicked towards Yun's back.

In an emergency, Yun bent forward and was about to fall forward.

"Avoid!" A clear female voice suddenly entered his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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