Your heart is free

Chapter 437 The Mountain Fairy

Chapter 437 The Mountain Fairy
Yun didn't know why he believed the voice. Du Gong's moves were extremely fast and ruthless. If he rushed forward, he would be most likely to avoid his kick, but when he heard the woman's voice, his body immediately turned towards him strangely. With a twist to the left, there was a snap, and at the moment he fell, a large branch and leaf was thrown over, and it happened to be crushed by him.

The branches and leaves blocked him from touching the water and grass.

"Get up and back up."

The voice came back immediately, and if others hesitated, they would not be able to respond in time, but Yun could judge whether he should obey at the fastest speed, without any hesitation at all, he immediately jumped up from the ground, regardless If there is another Poison Lord attacking, he quickly backed away.

At the same time, Du Gong only heard the whistling sound of a whip piercing the air and rolled towards him, a black gleaming whip instantly wrapped around his wrist, dragging him violently back.

This just prevented Du Gong from attacking Yun again.

After Yunwei stopped, he immediately looked beyond the sound.

At that time, the sky was light, and there were several tall and dense trees in the background, with half green and half yellow leaves. The autumn wind just passed by, and the yellow, yellow, green and green leaves floated down. A woman was flying down from the tree, holding a long black whip in one hand, Throw the poisonous man to the ground, and fall lightly to the ground.The woman was dressed in a neat black dress, with a slender and exquisite figure. Because it was a strong dress, it gave people a feeling of being tall and tall. It was not like ordinary women's frailty, and it was definitely not masculine. It was a particularly moving Heroic and beautiful, her long hair is pulled high, and she only wears a emerald ribbon. The ribbon is blown by the wind and brushes across her white jade cheeks. It feels like silk slipping through jade, which makes him feel a The clear feeling is that the face must be very smooth and delicate
Yun suddenly shook his head, pulled himself back from that feeling, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

When did he get distracted because of women?

How could this be so!

If it was in other valleys, he might still think that this woman is a fairy in the mountains, but this is Baichong Valley, most people would never come to this kind of place, and seeing her calm and raised eyes, it is clear that she is confident .

Is there such a person in the broken domain?
"What are you doing in a daze? Back off a little more, if you get sprayed by those water later, I won't be able to save you."

The clear voice made Yun Wei's face that had just returned to normal feel a little embarrassed.

How could he be out of his mind at such a time.It's just that this woman is so bright and outstanding, like a luminous body, it's impossible not to look at her.

He listened to her words and stepped back a little, another person came behind the woman, stepped forward with a stride and stretched out his hand to touch Du Gong's acupoints.

When Yun saw the man, he immediately exclaimed in surprise, "Chen Shi? Is it Chen Shi?"

The man was dressed in a dark blue dress, tall and straight, with unusually handsome features and bright eyes. It was Chen Shi.

"Chen Shi met Lord Yunwei."

"You still look cold-hearted, kid." Seeing that he was really an acquaintance, Yun Wei burst out laughing, strode towards him, and punched him on the shoulder.

As he spoke, he pulled off the cloth scarf that covered his mouth and nose, and wrapped it around his shoulders and neck.It is something similar to hada and scarves. It is a custom on the grassland. It is a gift from relatives and friends when they are parting. His uncle gave him this one. Just now he asked someone to lure the poisonous man away. He thought it would be better to cover it up , pulled it up, and covered his mouth and nose by the way.

But it's kind of boring anyway.

Chen Shi glanced at him again, and was shocked immediately, and said in a voiceless voice: "Master Yunwei, you." His eyes fell on the long scar from his neck to his face, shocked and horrified.

That scar looks so ferocious and fierce, which shows the severity of the injury!

Yun smiled faintly, and was about to speak, when another group of people came over from behind, grabbed the masters who had been chasing him before, and kicked them in the back of their knees. The acupoint was opened, and he was speechless with his mouth open.

A young man looked at the woman and asked, "Girl, what should we do with these?"

Yun Wei recognized that it was Lou Xin.

Girl, who is this girl?How could Chen Shi and Lou Xin leave Dijun and follow a woman?

Yun was slightly startled, and immediately said: "Madam, do you know who they are?" People could be killed if they wanted to, but he didn't want this girl to kill someone for him for no reason and offend Prince Yu and Bei Cang.

What made him even more surprised was that Chen Shi was shocked by his scar just now, and she obviously saw it too, but her eyes didn't even fluctuate at all, and she even moved closer with a little interest, as if to See better.

Amu was taken aback when he saw it at the time, Amu's courage was already quite big.

There were quite a few people who came over, nearly 30 people together, and there was a young girl in the middle, who was also heroic and beautiful, with picturesque features.However, they all obviously respect and worship the fairy-like women before.

"Lord Yunwei!" Lou Xin also saw Yun, and was immediately taken aback by his scar.

The so-called mountain fairy is naturally Lou Qi, Yun Wei is a little different from what she imagined, but it still feels good so far, and he doesn't seem to know her identity.

Lou Qi put away the soul-killing whip and made a gesture, Lin Shengwei and the others immediately drew their swords and directly wiped the necks of those people.In terms of skills, they are not as good as these people, but they have been specially trained, combining formations and spells, it is very easy for twenty or so people to catch five or six people.

"Do you want to sit down and make tea and have a chat with two plates of dim sum now?" Lou Qi looked at Yun and the others, tilting his head and asked.

Yun had never seen a woman talk to him like this, it was very casual, with a little playful feeling.He looked at Chen Shi, "This is"

"Lou Qi."

Before Chen Shi could speak, Lou Qi had already answered first.Now she has to deal with five hundred masters, she doesn't want Yunwei to know her identity at this time, lest he have strange emotions.

Hearing her speak, Chen Shi and the others understood what she meant, and stopped talking.

"Miss Lou, thank you for saving me, this valley is too dangerous, you should take someone out first." Yun said to Lou Qi.

"Master Yunwei, we are here to meet you, let's go together." Chen Shi said.

"I have some brothers, who followed me here from the grasslands, I have to find them."

Lou Qi, Chen Shi and the others were a little surprised. They thought Yun Wei was alone, but they brought someone back with them.

Immediately, they stopped delaying, and he took them to find those people.

It's just that they didn't go far, and they encountered several masters, before Yun Wei could make a move, Lou Qi made a gesture, and Lin Shengwei and others surrounded them.

"Their kung fu is no match for them!" Yun Chen said anxiously.He could tell that the kung fu of these twenty or so people was not particularly strong, and there was no comparison with those masters.But this Lou Qi, he couldn't see through.

"Who said it's time to fight martial arts." Lou Qi answered him calmly, and then jumped up.Afterwards, Yun felt dazzled. More than [-] people, with their fingers piercing like flowers, kept switching positions. He looked at it and felt dizzy. But just when he recovered, several masters of the opponent had been killed.

Chen Shi and Lou Xin even stood beside him without moving.

"How is this going?"

"What the girl taught them is the curse array." Chen Shi couldn't help but glance at his scar as he spoke.

Yunwei had invited him to the grassland to look for black needle grass. If the emperor saw him injured like this and came back with a disfigured appearance, he didn't know how angry he would be.

If Yunwei knows the girl's identity and can respect her, maybe she can cure his scar with medicine, but Yunwei's temper is actually more stubborn than anyone else, if he doesn't like the girl occupying the emperor's side alone s position.
I'm afraid he's going to suffer a lot.

"The girl in this building can actually spell spells. Could it be that she is from Xijiang?" Yun was secretly shocked when he saw that the five hundred masters were like a mountain weighing on his heart, and he even thought about killing them because of them. Can't go back to the Nine Heavens Palace, so as not to cause trouble for the emperor, now it seems that this small team of more than [-] people can still gain the upper hand, as long as those people continue to disperse, they will eat up , It is not too difficult to think about it.

"The girl is not from Xijiang, she is from the Lou family." Lou Xin said.


"How can the Lou family know spells?"

"Our girl can do everything." Lou Xin raised his chin and looked very proud, which made Yun feel a little uncomfortable. He couldn't help but said, "Have you forgotten that you are the guard of the Nine Heavens Palace and the Emperor's servant?" Subordinate?"

Even though Lou Qi is incomparably beautiful, she is also very powerful, but she can't be above the emperor.

After he finished speaking, he met Chen Shi's calm gaze, and Chen Shi said, "We have already followed the girl, and we are her bodyguards."

Yun was surprised.

They soon arrived at Yunzhi's destination, where Amu and the others should have been hiding, but now the ground here was soft, as if it had been overturned by something, but there was no one around.

Yun frowned tightly, put his finger to his mouth, and blew a whistle.

But there is no response.

"They've always listened to me. Not being here means they've met those people." Yun's face was grim.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Lou Qi looking down at the ground, as if he was looking for something. "Miss Lou, what are you doing here?"

Lou Qi raised her head, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly. "They didn't meet people, they met insects."

"Encountered insects?" Yun's voice sank a bit: "They have insect repellent medicine on them, so they don't have to avoid so far."

Lou Qi suddenly laughed: "Anthelmintic medicine? Do you mean the same medicine as that ugly monster who chased you just now?"

Ugly. It means the poisonous man.The insect repellent on his body is excellent, and those masters are much less afraid of the Hundred Insect Valley, so he wants to kill him first.

Didn't expect Lou Qi to have seen the medicine on his body just now, looking at her like this, it seems that she looks down on those deworming medicines.

"Those medicines can only deal with some stupid bugs, and now your brothers are encountering invulnerable iron beetles."

(End of this chapter)

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