Chapter 441

He saw Yin Yaofeng's performance, and Lou Qi's calmness was even more commendable.

Finally, he couldn't help asking Chen Shi in a low voice: "Chen Shi, you should show a manly look at this time, even if you carry Miss Lou behind your back, it doesn't matter."

Chen Shi was taken aback for a moment: "What are you doing behind her back?"

The girl in their family would find this kind of thing disgusting, but she wouldn't ask him to carry it like this.

Yun said again: "Could it be that you are still thinking about etiquette and worldliness at this time? Anyway, I will spend the rest of my life with you in the future, so you don't have to worry too much when you go out."

Yun is not usually a person who meddles in other people's business, but looking at Lou Qi's beautiful face and walking in such an environment, he always feels a bit out of place, he just wants to see her being carried, even if it is like Yin Yaofeng's face was a little pale, showing such a weak expression.

He didn't know why he had such an idea.

But Chen Shi was shocked when he heard his words, and almost fell to the ground.

He turned his head and looked at him in disbelief: "What does Lord Yunwei mean?"

That's right, he secretly swore to be with the girl for the rest of his life, but can he say that?It feels weird to say that.

Yun Dandan said: "Isn't Miss Lou your sweetheart?"

This is not something that can be said casually here, but Yun has stayed in the grassland for a long time, and the atmosphere there is far more open than here. Men and women can go out to ride horses and have a romantic relationship if they want to. The only thing I say is that the sweetheart is still ordinary, so He didn't realize that there was anything wrong.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, a cold sweat broke out on Chen Shi's forehead.

"Lord Yunwei, stop talking nonsense!"

Chen Shi was a little angry, his eyes were as bright as fire, and his handsome face was tense.

Lou Qi turned his head, glanced at them, and suddenly burst out laughing. "Master Yunwei, are you messing up the mandarin ducks?"

Although he spoke in a low voice, but her skill is so profound, it is not difficult to hear his two words clearly.However, Yunwei can still gossip, she is really convinced.

Yun was stunned for a moment: "Why, Miss Lou is not with Chen Shi."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Shi interrupted him angrily: "Lord Yunwei! We have no grievances or enmities, so why are you taking my life?"

This is too scary!If the emperor hears it, let alone let him continue to follow the girl, it is possible to tear out his bones and beat the drum of the soul of war!

Yun didn't expect him to have such a big reaction, and he was stunned. How could his life be killed by what he said?

"I'm the girl's bodyguard, and I'll be for the rest of my life, as long as the girl doesn't drive me away. Master Yunwei can't talk nonsense anymore." Chen Shi blushed.

He didn't expect Yunwei to misunderstand him like this.

Lou Qi looked at Chen Shi's embarrassed face, couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder with a smile.This baby is really terrified. It seems that Dijun's jealousy has cast a psychological shadow on him.

But thinking of this, she also thought of Shen Sha.Although she liked him before, she still controlled herself and didn't invest too much, but now she really opened her heart and put him in her heart, and she found out that she missed him so much after not seeing him for a day .

I don't know if he is going out again now.

Yun was about to ask Lou Qi's identity, but when she suddenly raised her hand in a pause gesture, everyone stopped.

There are many green-brown plants growing in front, the plants are almost half the height of a person, and the water behind the plants can be vaguely seen.Other than that, there's nothing to hide in this place.

"What did Miss Lou see?"

Yun asked in a low voice.

As the foul wind blew past, Lou Qi had no time to answer his words, and shouted loudly: "Killing Curse!"


It was 26 team members who answered her neatly, and even Yin Yaofeng quickly adjusted his mood and straightened his back.

Chen Shiyi pulled the cloud and stepped aside.The girl wants to teach the zero team, they can't do it if they can't do it.

Then Yun saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

He has never seen more than a dozen insects coming out from behind those plants. They are covered with thick red armor, with two tentacles on their heads, their eyes are the size of eggs, and there are many small snail-like things parasitic on their bodies. , falling all the way down in a channeling parade.

They opened their mouths, and what came out of that huge mouth turned out to be a strong wind, with a stench that could suffocate people to death, making them hold their breath anxiously.

A worm twisted and shook, and a nearby plant was swept down by it. It crawled over it, and the leaves of that plant fell to the ground, and the branches were all broken.

This shows that the bug is extremely heavy, and there must be a sharp part under the abdomen!
But soon he discovered that there was a bitterness in the smelly wind, and a piece of blue silver needles shot towards the insects.Don't you mean spells?This is a hidden weapon, right?
In the next second, the silver needle seemed to disappear with a swipe, and the bitterness in the air became much stronger.Immediately afterwards, even those 26 people were suddenly blurred, and what was even more frightening was that even with his internal strength, he suddenly couldn't feel their existence!

With so many people so close, there was no breath in an instant!
How is this going?

Rao Yun has seen a lot in the grassland, but he has never seen such a weird thing!He could tell all the way that this team was led by Zun Louqi, and she had been teaching them all the time, so these are all her skills?
While he was in a daze, the dozen or so iron beetles suddenly fell to the ground one after another, twisting continuously, and stopped moving after a while.

"Someone!" Yun's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned around, but before he could make a move, a gust of wind blew past him, as if many people were rushing by, and in the wind he heard Lou Qi's voice as cold as frost.


What followed was a bloody fight.

The five hundred masters gathered here and wanted to kill them all here. Most of the people here are only of average skill. When they rushed in, they were dispersed by a strange formation, the fog suddenly rose, and there were hidden weapons and poisonous smoke sneak attacks from time to time, or they could suddenly be unable to move their bodies, or their consciousness was blurred for a moment, and they were in a trance. Come, the decapitation is already different.

Such a strange killing formation, even Yun who also joined the fighting immediately felt extremely frightened.

But just when he joined, a slender figure flashed past him, at the same time, a pill was stuffed into his hand, and he heard Lou Qi's voice, "Take it."

He also didn't explain what kind of medicine it was, and what effect it had after taking it, so he just threw two words over.Then he met a pair of shining eyes, and she looked at him with a kind of provocation in her eyes, as if to see if he dared to swallow the medicine just like that.

Yun Wei raised his hand, opened his mouth, and threw the pill into his mouth.

so chic.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, gave him a thumbs-up, didn't say anything, and just flashed into the formation.

Then Yun knew the effect of the pill. After taking the pill, he felt warm all over his body, filled with a lot of internal energy and spirit, and the most amazing thing was that his aura was also hidden. If people encounter him, they will immediately avoid him and will not attack him.

And his own kung fu is high enough, so naturally he won't attack his companion by mistake.

More than [-] people faced nearly [-] masters, and their murderous intent was strong for a while, blood rained from their stumps, and there were screams.

Of course, those screams were almost all from the other party.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Du Gong immediately withdrew from it, and retreated quietly.It never occurred to him that those people were not very good at martial arts, but they would be so powerful, killing most of them in a blink of an eye.

He has always been careful and shrewd enough, and he will not have the arrogance of others. He thinks that his side will not lose if he has a much greater advantage than the opponent. Now it is obvious that the opponent is terrible, so he still retreats first.

Lou Qi was already in the position of looking at the overall situation, so she found out as soon as Mr. Du exited.This time, she wanted to kill everyone here, and naturally she would not let anyone slip through the net, so she immediately chased them out.

"Emperor, Gao Yingying's willpower is very strong, and his subordinates are ashamed, and they still can't learn one or two out of a hundred imperial concubines." Hua Yucun was dejected.He learned some hypnotic interrogation methods from Lou Qi, but this Gao Yingying is really a powerful woman, with such strong willpower, she can't ask anything at all.

Ying was also waiting by the side, and when he heard this, he stood up suddenly: "Master, what should we do now? Do you really want to pay homage to that woman?"

He was worried about Lou Qi, if something happened to Lou Qi if he didn't visit the church, what would happen?
Seeing Dijun's face darken, he couldn't help taking a step back and explaining: "Anyway, you can make a fake obeisance, and it's fine if you don't take it seriously?"

"Fuck you!"

With a cold shout, Shen Sha swept him away.Then he walked outside in big strides, and at the same time threw down a sentence: "Weishan stands still for the time being!"

"Dijun." Tianying and Tianyi followed immediately.

Shen Sha said: "This emperor will pick up Qiqi!"

Although he believed that she should be fine, he still couldn't help being worried, his heart was clenched, and he just wanted to hold her tightly in his arms to feel at ease.

He shouldn't have been separated from her.

A shadow cast over his head, the Snow Mountain White Eagle King swooped down with a cry, and a person jumped down, it was the heavy boat holding Ziyun Fox, at this moment he was sweating, and he called out to him: "Your Majesty! Where are you going? Hurry up and put away this little thing, I'm about to be tortured to death."

Ziyunhu jumped down from his arms all at once, and galloped towards Shen Sha.

Shen Sha's eyes flashed.This Ziyun fox used to be a little afraid of him, and would avoid him if he could, but why did he come forward on his own initiative now?

Puzzled, Ziyun Fox had already jumped onto him, whimpering.Listening to its barking, it seemed to be very anxious, but Shen Sha couldn't understand what it was calling at all.

(End of this chapter)

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