Chapter 442

Shu Chongzhou and Shen Sha are cousins, but Shen Sha is absolutely unwilling to be commensurate with his brother before he has really confirmed his life experience. Even at this time, he has actually believed in Shu Chongzhou's words, and he believes in him in his heart.

Before Shu Chongzhou came out from Qinshan and returned to Jiuxiao Palace, Lou Qi entrusted Wuwu and Dabai to him, because she had to lead the zero team and really had no time to take care of these two.

Both Dabai and Wuwu are spiritual, and after being coaxed by her, they are willing to follow Shu Chongzhou, but today when he came here riding Dabai with Wuwu in his arms, Wuwu suddenly yelled at Dabai. Listening to it, he rushed down suddenly, but he couldn't understand, he had no idea what these two words meant!
Shen Sha didn't understand either, but when he saw Dabai, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, looked back at the mountain again, turned to Ying and said: "The army retreats a mile away, waiting for the emperor to come back!"

As he said that, he ignored them, jumped onto Dabai's back with Ziyun Duhu in his arms, and pointed in the direction of Baichonggu.


Ziyunhu Wuwu raised his head and held his chest high, arrogantly, standing on Shen Sha's broad shoulders like a mighty general, as if directing Dabai to move forward at high speed.

The Snow Mountain White Eagle King let out a long cry, his huge wings struck the sky, and he slid and flew tens of feet away, the speed was astonishingly fast.

It may take a long time to gallop a horse, but with Dabai's speed, it only takes half an hour to reach Baichong Valley!
Shen Sha sat cross-legged on his big and broad back, with far-reaching eyes.

Gao Yuhu had better pray that Qiqi is fine, otherwise he will flatten Songshan Mountain and let his whole family die without a place to bury them.

Lou Qi didn't know if she was really lucky, because she saw the man leaving quietly, she followed out, but she didn't expect to find dozens of men in uniform approaching quietly, seeing them both met Her body tensed up, Lou Qi raised her eyebrows, and landed lightly on a tree. There were many caterpillars on this tree, but as soon as she stood on the branch, the nearby caterpillars immediately squirmed and crawled away. Before it was too late, she fell under the tree. In an instant, her surroundings were very clean, and half of the bugs were gone.

"Who are you?"

Someone stood up and asked.

"People in my world call him a poisonous lord, but who are you?"

Drug Lord?Although Lou Qi saw that this person looked a bit like the poisonous lord who had been killed by her before, she was skeptical, but now that he heard the other party say that he is a poisonous lord, he realized that they could not be fooled before, and that it was not the poisonous lord who killed him. male.

But it doesn't matter, she won't let it go anyway.

"Are you with the imperial concubine Poyu?"

"The Empress Dowager?"

Du Gong was stunned, could it be that the stunning woman just now was really the Emperor Concubine of Breaking Domain?He is also a person who is good at observation. When he looks at the other party, he knows that these people must not be familiar with the imperial concubine Poyu, or her subordinates. Each of them has a murderous and hostile look on them. Wearing the same black iron mesh bag, it was bulging and he didn't know what it contained, but he felt nervous and uneasy.

These people made him feel very dangerous. Now he is alone, so naturally he dare not mess with them, so he immediately shook his head and said: "I don't know what the Emperor Concubine is. I came here to find worm medicine. If you want to Looking for someone, there are some fighting sounds over there, and I don't know if the imperial concubine is there." He pointed to the back.

Since Du Gong can see that these people are dangerous, Lou Qi can also see that at this time, she must not let these people insert into her killing curse formation. The master is already very reluctant, and it is only possible because of the addition of Chen Shilouxin and Yun Wei. If there is another external force joining now, the entire formation will collapse.

So she naturally had to stop these people.

Thinking of this, she raised her voice and shouted: "Dragon Dude, you drag them first, thank you Du Gong!"

After finishing speaking, she immediately turned around like a bird, picked another direction and flew out.

Du Gong was terrified, and then furious in his heart, this damn girl dared to frame him!

Those people's eyes immediately changed when they looked at him, no matter what Lou Qi said was true or not, the poisonous lord said that he didn't know what the broken domain emperor was, and he hadn't seen it before, and now they even called out his name , It is enough to prove that what he just said is a lie.

Rather kill the wrong, don't let go.

But Du Gongben is also a master, since the other party is going to kill him, he naturally tried his best to do everything possible. In this way, the other party can only leave seven or eight people here to deal with Du Gong, and the rest will go upstairs. Qi chased after him.

This is also Lou Qi's plan, that is to ask Du Gong to block a few people for her, so that her chances of winning will be higher.

She dashed through the forest, leading them farther and farther away from the formation.Wherever she passed, those bugs avoided her, but the elite tiger soldiers who were chasing after her felt uncomfortable, because Lou Qi specially ran to places where there were many bugs, she was not afraid of bugs, those elite soldiers were afraid, even though When they came to Baichong Valley, they had already made preparations and brought a lot of insect repellents and antidote pills with them, but there were too many insects, and the more they walked, the more they realized that the medicines they brought were not able to drive away insects. For all bugs, those detoxification pills can't cure all kinds of poisons.

Gao Yingying and Shen Sha said that when the agreed time came, these people would not attack Lou Qi until they received the news. In fact, Gao Yingying gave them an order to kill Lou Qi as soon as they found her!

"Commander Wang, does that woman know the power of our hundred-pound bullets? That's why she's always outside our throwing range?"

An elite soldier was panting after him.They wanted to stop her and threw a few hundred bullets towards her, but Lou Qi slid like a fish and couldn't stop her no matter what, but he was always within their sight range.

"Impossible. Our hundred-pounder bomb was developed by Master half a month ago. After it was developed, it has been kept secret. Even we only knew about it a few days ago. How could the broken domain imperial concubine know?" The king frowned. Said.

"Then if she doesn't know, is she playing us on purpose now?"

Commander Wang saw the terrain in front of Lou Qi, and immediately sneered: "She dares! Anyway, she is going to die, you outflank from the left, you go from the right, let's continue to chase!"

There is a fault in the terrain in front, which seems to be very high. Below it is a large sea of ​​green grass and flowers. The fragrance of flowers is so strong that it makes people dizzy when they smell it.

Lou Qi stopped at the edge of the protruding terrain.

"There must be a lot of insects in the flowers below, and the fragrance of the flowers is too strong, maybe they are poisoned, does Concubine Lou still want to continue to escape?" Commander Wang and others surrounded her and approached her, seeing her cornered, they were in a good mood.

Even if she dared to jump down now, they would still have time to drop a hundred bullets, and she would not be able to escape no matter what.

Lou Qi turned around slowly, looked at them, blinked and said, "Hey, who sent you here?"

"Concubine Lou Di goes to the underworld to ask Hades." Commander Wang snorted coldly, and immediately made a gesture, and people on both sides surrounded her at the same time.

"Slow down!" Lou Qi waved his hand and laughed, "I'm afraid that Lord Yan won't want me, why don't you go down first and ask if Lord Yan would like to see me first!"

As soon as the words fell, a black whip shadow rolled towards the waist of an elite soldier closest to her.Lou Qi observed carefully, the first time they surrounded her just now, most of these people subconsciously touched the soft iron net bag around her waist, and she immediately guessed that it was the most important thing on them, and it was for them. The weapon used against her.So she immediately rolled up the bag with a whip and pulled it out.

How could those elite soldiers think that she is so smart, and her whip technique is simply superb, and she can do whatever she wants.

When they reacted, Lou Qi had already opened the bag and took out a [-]-pounder bomb.

The person beside her immediately took a few steps back uncontrollably, looking at the things in her hand with apprehension.

"Don't be afraid, she definitely doesn't know what it is, and she doesn't know how to use it." Commander Wang said in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell, Lou Qi burst into laughter: "Such a simple bomb? Who invented it?" In fact, she was still a little surprised, there is someone here who can make a bomb?Although it is very simple, it should already be a very powerful weapon for this world.

What made her feel so happy was their expressions just now, did she feel that she couldn't even see what this thing was?
So many people, how many bombs did each of them bring to deal with her?Although Lou Qi still had a teasing smile on his face, his mind was already spinning rapidly.Of course she can't deal with so many bombs by herself, but her kung fu is better than them.

Thinking of this, she immediately pulled a small iron ring on it and threw it forward. At the same time, with a flash of her figure, she had already rushed into the side of a dozen people on the right.

This made it impossible for the opponent to throw a hundred bullets, unless they had to sacrifice a dozen or so companions around her!
With a "boom", there was a scream, and blood burst out.

The explosion just now directly injured more than a dozen people, and everyone was injured, but none of them died.

"Tsk tsk, that's bad." Lou Qi shook his head immediately after testing the power of the hundred bullets.This is what she meant by rudimentary. Although their bombs can injure a large number of people, they are not fatal, which shows that their power is still insufficient.

However, if she heard her words in the other party's ears, it was simply brazen!

"Kill her! Take Potamo, let her have a good taste of our military master's craft!"

All the soldiers took out the [-]-pounder bullets and looked at them carefully, but they were all stunned. Where should they throw them?Lou Qi follows them like a shadow, always by their side!
"Scatter! Don't let her follow!" Commander Wang immediately raised his voice and shouted.

When Lou Qi was wrestling with these elite soldiers, Dabai took Shen Sha and looked around from the sky, the place where Yunwei and the others made the most noise was.

With a cry, Dabai swooped down.

"Look, it's Dabai, Dijun, Dijun is here!" Lou Xin had sharp eyes, saw it first, and immediately cried out in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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