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Chapter 444 Bewitching Jade Butterfly

Chapter 444 Bewitching Jade Butterfly

Originally, he didn't think much about it, but seeing the enthusiasm of the master and the emperor just now, he didn't know what was going on, and he suddenly remembered that last time in the restaurant in Beicang, his arm accidentally Touched Amu's chest, there was a strange softness

Lou Qi's surprised voice came from over there, interrupting Yun's thoughts, when he turned around to look, Lou Qi had already pulled Shen Sha close to the fault and looked down.

The hot-faced intimacy between the two finally passed, Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Lou Qi differently.Although she is really good-looking, it's not like their master has never seen a beauty. Just relying on her stunning appearance can at most keep the master by his side, how can she be so passionate about her?
Now the master seems to trust her with all his heart, but he is afraid that his love has lost his reason. Next, he has to observe the imperial concubine carefully to see if she is a good person. Don't worry, don't know what will happen.

Although he has made such a decision in his heart, Yun will not have a bad impression of Lou Qi, on the contrary, he has a very good impression of this imperial concubine, and he is also impressed by her ability.

Shen Sha turned her head and told him to go over.

Yun strode over, looked up at Lou Qi, and his heart skipped a beat.Originally, Lou Qi was already very good looking, but the fierce kiss just now covered her face with a layer of glamor and charm, just one glance made him gasp, almost lost his composure.He hurriedly turned his head in a bit of embarrassment.

With a dark face, Shen Sha pulled Lou Qi into his arms, even saying that she was not allowed to be seen like this, and she even left his arms!He leaned over and bit her earlobe resentfully, making her tremble.

"Yun, you go."

Listening to his intention, Lou Qi wanted to send Yunwei away again, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't chase Yunwei in a hurry, look at the thing below, did he bring those brothers?"

The scarf around Yunwei's neck was said to be a custom on the grassland, Lou Qi took a look and noticed that the weave was very special, and the tender green one under the fault was very similar.

Shen Sha didn't know that Yun had brought people back to Poyu, so he was slightly startled when he heard this, and looked at Yun.

How could Yun dare to look at Lou Qi at this moment, and jumped down towards the bottom. Lou Qi saw him stepping on each other in mid-air, slowing down his fall, and landed on the ground lightly and skillfully, Lou Qi couldn't help but He praised: "Yunwei's lightness kung fu is really good." He jumped down like this without any leverage, and landed silently, which shows his high level of lightness kung fu and his courage.

As soon as the words fell, she was picked up, feeling the wind blowing in her ears, and the falling was very gentle, as if she was floating down on the clouds. In Shen Sha's arms, he still couldn't recover.

Shen Sha's low voice came from next to my ear: "Is it the emperor's lightness kung fu, or Yun's lightness kung fu?"

Lou Qi was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing helplessly.Does it all compare?Dare to love, she just can't praise others in front of him.

"You are invincible!"

Shen Sha nodded, and said proudly: "Even if this emperor is not invincible, in your eyes and heart, you should regard him as the strongest one."

Lou Qi rolled his eyes. "Where's the face?"

He showed his face and asked her: "Here, Qiqi wants to kiss?"

It made Lou Qi blush instead, half ashamed and half provoked by his shamelessness.

"Do you have a silk scarf on you?"

When Shen Sha asked, she reached out to touch her arms, Lou Qi quickly grabbed his hand, and glared at him, "Yes, I'll take it myself!" Taking out the silk scarf, she asked, "What are you going to do?" ?”

He took the silk scarf and covered her face, leaving only a pair of eyes.Looking at her, a trace of dissatisfaction still flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Why are these eyes still seductive?" He wanted to cover up his eyes.

Lou Qi was about to get angry now, "What on earth do you want?" She might as well cover her from head to toe with a black cloth bag!She turned away from him.

Yun picked up the scarf, his face changed slightly: "This is Amu's."

Lou Qi asked: "Is Amu one of the brothers who came with you?"


Lou Qi patted Shen Sha's arm to let him put her down, Shen Sha pursed her thin lips, and clenched her hands tightly, originally he was not willing to let her go, but she gave her a coquettish glance, and still put her down.

There are a lot of insects and ants among the flowers and plants, Yunxia has already been bitten on his neck and hands a few times, although there is nothing serious, but it is very itchy, but he is also used to suffering, so he can bear it .But seeing where Lou Qi passed by, those insects and ants all backed away one after another, apparently avoiding her, or even fearing her, couldn't help being extremely surprised.

However, he only guessed that she had an excellent insect repellent on her body, and he wanted to ask her for it, but when he thought of the beautiful and enchanting appearance he saw just now, he didn't dare to look up at her. Knowing that their master is very sour, if he saw Lou Qi's coquettish appearance, he would have already covered her face with a silk scarf.

A small bottle was thrown towards him, and Yun subconsciously caught it.I heard Lou Qi say: "Detoxification and insect repelling pill, take two pills."

"Thank you, imperial concubine." Yun Fei took a quick look at his master, and saw that he was as usual, so he poured two pills and swallowed them. After a while, he felt that the itching on his body stopped, and those insects The ants stopped drilling on him, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Lou Qi didn't pay attention to him, and yelled, and saw a streamer of purple and silver flying down. The whining was going to rush into Lou Qi's arms, but when he saw Shen Sha by his side, he immediately slammed into his arms. He squatted on her shoulders instead.

"Yunwei, bring the things, Wuwu can help you find someone."

Yun nodded, and handed it over. Only then did he see that her face was covered with a silk scarf, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Woo, smell it."

Wuwu sniffed, jumped off her shoulder, and ran out in one direction.


The three of them ran behind Ziyun Fox for about a quarter of an hour, and the strong floral fragrance suddenly faded a lot, and another kind of clear fragrance got into their noses, refreshing them.

Dabai hovered above their heads, chirping in a low voice.

Yun heard Amu's voice.

"Hey, why is there such a big white eagle?"

The voice turned out to be weak.Yun was startled, and looked around, only to see a few stone pillars as high as two feet, surrounded by several circles, with two tall flowering plants growing in the center, with palm-sized dark green leaves, one with purple flowers, and one with purple flowers. The plant has white flowers.The purple is rich in color, like a splashed ink painting, very gorgeous; the white is light and delicate, like a white cloud cut out.

The two flowers grew up on each other, and each bloomed three flowers, swaying in the autumn wind, showing no sign of depression.

Yun's eyes were burning, and he couldn't help but said: "Baizi Sanshenghua, it really exists!"

Lou Qi couldn't help looking at him, "Yun Wei recognizes these two kinds of flowers?"

"Emperor Concubine, these are actually not two kinds of flowers, or two flowers. They have the same root in the soil and grow together from the same root, but they grow two flower plants with different colors of flowers, each with three flowers. The flowering period is as long as one year." Yun was very excited, and said: "The genius doctor once said that if there are white and purple flowers, it is possible to attract jade butterflies!"

Jade Butterfly is also one of the medicines their master needs!It's a coincidence that you will see Baizi Sanshenghua here.

After he explained, he was about to walk into the stone pillar, and shouted loudly: "Amu, Amu!"

Strange, Amu and the others should have heard his voice, why didn't they come out?


Ziyunhu was suddenly a little anxious, and yelled at his back.

Lou Qi raised her eyebrows: "Is there something wrong?"

Shen Sha also walked forward, Lou Qi paused, and followed immediately.As soon as they stepped into the area surrounded by the stone pillars, they realized that something was wrong, but it was too late to retreat.

Looking back, the eyes are already blurred, as if they were blindfolded by something.The clear scent of flowers smelled in their nostrils, they should be more energetic, but their heads were dizzy, and their limbs became weak and weak.

A warm hand stretched out and held her hand, and she was immediately pulled into a familiar embrace. Shen Sha whispered in her ear, "Isn't this poison?"

Although it was a question, the tone was affirmative.They are all invulnerable to poison, how can they be poisoned?
Lou Qi hummed, "But I couldn't tell what it was for a while." They were just a little dizzy and their bodies were a little weak, but they obviously didn't have any fear for their lives.

Yunwei was still calling Amu's name, and after a while, they heard a little heavy footsteps, and a clear and childish voice sounded, it was that Amu.

"Big Brother Yun!"

Unexpectedly, he threw himself into Yun's arms accurately.

Yun immediately hugged the person who threw himself into his arms, only to feel that the body was slender and soft, the waist was thin, and the chest was soft, which made him a little dry and irritable, and what he saw before appeared in his mind, The picture of the master and the imperial concubine hugging each other tightly, their lips and tongues intertwined.

"Amu." He murmured.

"Brother Yun, we were lured here by a beautiful and weird butterfly. I thought you would never find us again."

Amu hugged his muscular waist tightly, and pressed his face against his chest. Hearing his beating heartbeat, he felt his body soften for some reason.

At this time, Yun had confirmed that Amu was a woman.He was surprised, but also a little helpless, he never thought that this little guy could hide it from him for so long.

"Amu, what about them?"

Yun wanted to pull her away, but Amu hugged him even tighter, and the softness of his chest pressed closer to him, making Yun even more dizzy.

"They're all over there, just a few steps away, can't Brother Yun see it?"

Amu's voice became softer and softer, Yun couldn't help lowering her head to look at her, she just stood on tiptoe and raised her head, she wanted to get close to him to talk in his ear, but it seemed that she was kissing her lips, and was caught His lips kissed.

Both of them froze for a moment, but neither of them moved, their lips were still pressed against each other.

(End of this chapter)

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