Chapter 445
When Yun suddenly woke up, he found that he was hugging Amu tightly, and his hand was inserted into her clothes.

With a bang, his mind went blank.

How could this be?how so!
He has never been fascinated by female sex. Most of the women in the grassland are more bold and unrestrained. He has been in the grassland for so long. Because of his bravery, there are many women who take the initiative to throw themselves into his arms, but he has none of them. contaminated.Because he has a bottom line in his heart, what he thinks is to find a pleasing, gentle and virtuous woman in a serious manner in the future to marry and live a good life. That woman needs to have plump buttocks so that she can bear children and give him at least three fat sons , because he is an orphan, longing for a lively and warm family life since he was a child.

After getting married, his wife should be able to take charge of the house immediately. When he returns from fighting with his master, there will be steaming and delicious food waiting for him as soon as he enters the house.

If he didn't go out in his free time, he would practice martial arts in the yard, and she would mend the windows in the wing room.

Amu did not meet his requirements.

She has a slender figure, but her chest is plump, but she still looks very slender. The most important thing is that she is only fourteen or five years old, and she is still a child in his eyes.

Even if he marries her, she still can't bear children, she hasn't grown up yet, and she can't cook or mend clothes, he can't even imagine that if he married her, what would he be? To be father and brother, or to be father and brother?

That's really not what he wanted.

But he actually did such a thing to her.He kissed her so passionately and touched her chest.

This is something only couples can do!

After Yun was terrified, she wanted to push her away, but as soon as he moved, Amu actively grabbed his hand to prevent him from taking it out of her clothes. She said timidly and embarrassingly, "Brother Yun, Amu is willing"


Yun Yi pulled his hand out with force, took two steps back, and distanced himself from her, "I, I'm sorry." When he said this, his mind was still in chaos, and he couldn't figure out what he meant. He apologized. It's also for Meng Lang and his gaffe like himself, so he should apologize, right?

He wasn't really sure.

Amu was stunned for a moment, then bit his lower lip, turned and ran away.


Yun wanted to catch up, but bumped into several other brothers. They stopped him and asked him one after another: "Brother, did you see Amu? She was with us just now, but she disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"Yes, there are some evil ways here, so don't get lost, Amu."

Listening to their chatter, Yun was suddenly puzzled. Amu just said that they were just a few steps away from them. Didn't he see him and Amu?
Didn't hear them too?
At this time, he was startled again, where are the master and imperial concubine?

"You all get together and don't separate, stay here and don't move!" He was anxious, and hurriedly ordered them, and then he wanted to turn around and look for Shen Sha.But the appearance of Amu slipped through his mind, and he suddenly felt a little disturbed.

At this time, Amu bumped headfirst into a stone pillar, felt dizzy with a bang, rubbed his forehead and fell to the ground, tears were about to come out.

The first tears flowed out, and then I couldn't control it, dripping dripping down.She remembered Yun's reaction just now.

In fact, she will feel dizzy for a while after entering here, she knows it, they will also be there when they first came in, their eyes are still blurry, but it is strange that it will be fine after a while.She didn't expect that big brother Yun would do such a thing to her when he was dizzy.

Well, in fact, she could have avoided it, and he didn't use strong methods at that time.It's just that she always admired Brother Yun, so...
It was he who greeted him.

Originally, she was very happy in her heart, she liked how big brother Yun kissed herself intimately, when his hand penetrated into her clothes, her whole body was sore and limp, and her heart was about to jump out, but she liked it, she liked it very much. He was so close, if it wasn't for the wrong time and place, she would have wanted to give him her body.

But after seeing the shock and horror in his eyes after waking up, and seeing his panic and evasion as a trace of annoyance, her heart turned cold.

Brother Yun didn't feel that way about her, no.

Amu, who was crying, suddenly heard a moan, which was so soft that it made people's ears crisp, and then she heard a slightly hoarse and low-pitched male voice, which seemed to be coaxing the woman.

"Hey Qiqi, touch it again."

Amu looked up in amazement. In the mist, a dozen steps ahead, there was a man and a woman embracing each other tightly. The man was stalwart and tall, and the woman was curvy and alluring, as if they were embedded in the arms of the man. Same, her hand was pressing on his chest.

Was that what she and Brother Yun looked like just now?

Amu blushed like blood, and immediately forgot to cry, but when she was so embarrassed and wanted to turn her head away, the butterfly that led them over just now was flying to the side, and there was a purple silver Alternating little foxes.

She suddenly called out "ah".

Lou Qi immediately pulled his hand out of Shen Sha's arms as if he was electrocuted, and glared at him fiercely, while his face became a little hot.Damn it, I shouldn't have listened to him just now, obviously they just lost their souls for a moment, he took the opportunity to tear her veil again, swept her into the hot kiss, and took her hand into him in the clothes.

This estrous emperor doesn't care about 21 at all, no matter the time and place, only that kind of thing is on his mind.However, she couldn't get angry, but it was because he was so emotionally moved that his whole body was tense like an arrow, but she was still worried that the poisonous Gu would always brake the car at the last moment.

I don't know if he will cause problems if he keeps holding back like this.

Thinking of this, she was a little funny again, pinched his waist, and heard the little girl over there groaning, and at the same time, Ziyun Fox let out a whimper.


As soon as she turned her head, Lou Qi saw the butterfly flying towards Wuwu, and her eyes were as bright as stars. "Jade butterfly!"

None of them had ever seen such a big butterfly, with its wings spread out, it was a bit bigger than Wuwu. The reason why she was sure that it was a jade butterfly was because of its size.Moreover, the wings of the jade butterfly are as smooth as jade, and when they are flapped, they are radiant, like beautiful jade, which is why it is named jade butterfly.

The genius doctor said that the jade butterfly should be used as medicine, that is to cut off a small strip of its wings, and it does not need its life, and be careful when cutting, the jade butterfly can still be raised and fly again.

Lou Qi was overjoyed when she saw the Jade Butterfly, but then she realized that something was wrong, because Wuwu was yelling at the Jade Butterfly, and the Jade Butterfly also flew towards it with a clear purpose.

Shen Sha glanced at the young boy who stood up and looked at them curiously, ignored them, and whispered in Lou Qi's ear: "This little fox was barking so impatiently before, this emperor thought it was I knew that you were in danger, but now it seems that it is clearly related to this jade butterfly."

"is it?"

Lou Qi was very surprised, could Wuwu still feel the existence of Jade Butterfly from such a distance?Moreover, it is so excited and impatient in front of this jade butterfly, what is it trying to do?
Before she could think it through clearly, Wuwu had already flew out, opened her mouth wide, and bit towards the wings of the jade butterfly.Lou Qi suddenly took a deep breath, she saw Wuwu and started, Wuwu either ate Tianji grass or the barbecue she made, and then took some pills, she had never seen Wuwu foraging for food by herself, she still aimed at it A butterfly goes away!This thing seems a little weird anyway.

She was about to step forward, but Shen Sha grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, "Look again."

Lou Qi thought that Wuwu would immediately bite Jade Butterfly, but she was afraid that Yudie would be eaten by Wuwu, so what else would she use as medicine?But she didn't expect the next scene to surprise her. She saw the jade butterfly flapped its wings and slapped Wuwu from the air and fell to the ground.

"Woohoo!" Lou Qi felt like his own child being bullied by others, immediately rolled up his sleeves angrily, and rushed over to help with an angry face, "It's unreasonable, a little wild butterfly, dare to hit my house Woohoo!"

Shen Sha couldn't help it, and laughed with a sneer, and put his arms around her waist, "Why did you suddenly become hot? Look again."

What about a little wild butterfly?


Wuwu seemed to be very annoyed too. I didn't expect that I was hit by the butterfly with one move, and the hair all over my body exploded. With a kick of my hind legs, I jumped up on the spot, and opened my mouth to bite the jade butterfly. At the same time, my front paws were pounce.

Its speed was as fast as lightning. Logically speaking, the jade butterfly should not be able to dodge it, but the butterfly dodged it flexibly.

What follows is a battle between a fox and a butterfly, you come and go, no one backs down and is not afraid, seeing the few people present are dumbfounded.

Wuwu failed to bite the Jade Butterfly in the end, but the Jade Butterfly didn't get the slightest benefit afterwards, but it seemed exhausted, and the flapping of its wings seemed weak.

Lou Qi didn't care about Sanqi 21, took a cloth bag and quickly covered it.

Shen Sha shook his head: "Take advantage of people's danger."

"Wrong, you should say the danger of the butterfly, it is not human." Lou Qi raised his eyebrows, and tied the bag tightly.

"Woooo!" Seeing her grabbing Jade Butterfly, Wuwu seemed very excited, and jumped over and circled around her.Lou Qi's heart skipped a beat: "Do you want to eat this butterfly?"

Wuwu became more excited when he heard the words.

Lou Qi was very puzzled, what's the use of Ziyun fox eating this jade butterfly?She was afraid that Wuwu would really come to eat it, so she tensed her face and said, "I am useful for this, you are not allowed to steal a bite."

Wuwu suddenly felt a little lost, and whimpered and turned around at her feet dejectedly.

But Shen Sha was overjoyed, nodded and said to her: "That's right, that's what you should do, put this emperor first in everything."

(End of this chapter)

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