Your heart is free

Chapter 446 is his lucky star

Chapter 446 is his lucky star

This Jade Butterfly is to give him Yaoyin, and Lou Qi has always doted on Ziyunhu, but now in order to protect his Yaoyin, it refuses to take a bite, and even reprimands it so severely
Dijun expressed his satisfaction.

Lou Qi said it was ridiculous.

Does he even want to put a little fox in a position of jealousy?Dijun, can you be more mature?What about being cruel?

Fearing that the jade butterfly would struggle in the bag and hurt herself, Lou Qi sprinkled some drug into the bag, and there was no movement in the bag for a while.

Lou Qi was in a good mood, and threw herself into Shen Sha's arms, tiptoed and whispered to him: "Now we have obtained seven kinds of medicines, if Yunwei got the black needle grass, then only the ice fish will be left There are two kinds of red pine worms, victory is just ahead, isn't it?"

Shen Sha wanted to remind her that even if all ten kinds of medicine were found, there must be a way to understand the Gu to detoxify at the same time, because now the poison and the Gu are in balance, and whichever one is solved first will break the balance.If the poison is detoxified first, the fatal Gu will break out, and he will surely die; if the poison is detoxified first, the poison will also break out, which is also a dead end.

But when he thought about how she had carried the devotion to himself before, he was afraid that speaking out would put her under psychological pressure and burden, and he was also afraid that she would misunderstand that he was urging her to find a way, so he patted her head and said: "Yes, it's all thanks to the good Qiqi. When Qiqi finds all the medicines, I will reward you heavily."

Lou Qi looked at him with sparkling eyes and asked, "What do you reward me for?" Every time he called her to be good, she always felt like she was a child, as if he held her in the palm of his hand. Mushy, but it feels sweet in my heart.

His things are all hers, I really don't know what else I can reward her.

Shen Sha stretched his hands under her to tuck her up, lifted her up to his height, put his lips next to her ears, and said in a low voice: "I take off my clothes, can you touch me?"


Lou Qi rolled his eyes at him, and patted him on the shoulder, "It's getting more and more shameless."

She was too lazy to be crazy with him, so she twisted and fell to the ground, looked left and right, and changed the subject: "Where did Yunwei go?"

They had ignored the little boy before, but now, she was gone.Lou Qi didn't care either, presumably he followed Yunwei back from the grassland.

She had already seen that something was wrong with this place. The previous dizziness must have been caused by the aroma of those two flowers, but because the dizziness lasted for a short time, she didn't take it to heart.Since the Sansheng flower proves that there is a jade butterfly, now that the jade butterfly has been obtained, the flower.
"I'll take a look at the Sanshenghua."

Just as Lou Qi was about to walk towards the two flowers, he saw Yun's figure appear from the other end of the flowers.She frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong, she stood there and thought about it carefully.

In fact, this floral fragrance not only makes people dizzy for a moment at first, but also has a confusing effect, making people unable to see this side or the other side from time to time.Yunzheng led a dozen people towards Shensha, and she walked towards the two flowers. Ziyunhu followed her every step of the way, looking up at the bag containing the jade butterfly from time to time, drooling up.

Lou Qi just pretended not to see it.

She checked the two flowers, and found that the closer they were, the stronger the hallucinogenic effect. She stood beside the flowers and looked around, but she couldn't see anyone around at all, but Shen Sha and the others were clearly inseparable. There are more than a dozen people in the distance.

She thought about it, and immediately became interested, this thing is good, she just remembered where to use it!Since those people brought so many [-]-pounder bullets to deal with her alone, how could they be worthy of them if they didn't give them a high-end gift in return.

Thinking of this, she picked all six flowers, stuffed them into a big cloth bag, and carried them on her shoulders.After the six flowers were plucked, the fragrance gradually faded. Yun Hua, who was talking with Shen Sha, looked over in surprise. Just that kind of bewildered look.

"Emperor, what's going on?"

Lou Qi patted the cloth bag he was carrying, "Just pick the flowers."

Yun Wei was startled, and couldn't help but said: "Since the flower is very wrong, it's too dangerous for the imperial concubine to pick it up like this, Axi, go and help the imperial concubine carry it."

A young man with rough appearance came out.

Lou Qi didn't care, and handed him the cloth bag, but just as the young man named Asi swung the cloth bag on his back, and a strong fragrance of flowers passed his nose, his eyes suddenly became straight, Then he sat down with a plop.

Everyone was taken aback, but Lou Qi couldn't help laughing, and walked over to grab the cloth bag by himself, "I'd better take it by myself, the fragrance of this flower is too strong for most people to bear." It's just six flowers, and it's not heavy.

But Shen Sha walked up to her, grabbed the cloth bag and threw it high into the air, Dabai flew past with a cry, just in time to catch the cloth bag.

Lou Qi was stunned.

"It's such a huge eagle, what's wrong with humping something?" Shen Sha said.

This is true.

Yun found the brother he had brought, and Shen Sha had already seen him. He felt relieved, the color looked much better, and the terrible scar didn't look so scary.

But Shen Sha frowned when he saw it out of the corner of his eye.

When they climbed up the fault, they happened to meet Lin Shengwei and others looking for them. Everyone was surprised when they saw Shen Sha, and then Wu Yangyang knelt down.

Seeing that they were all wounded to some extent, and there were a few others whose bodies were almost covered with blood, and their faces were pale, but their eyes were bright and joyful, Shen Sha couldn't help but praised them in his heart, and asked, "What's the good thing?" You could tell they were excited.

Yin Yaofeng raised his voice and said: "Return to the emperor, the subordinates have wiped out nearly five hundred masters!"

This was something they never dared to imagine before. Although the 26 people had the help of the imperial concubine, Youyun, Chen Shi and others in the first half, the formation they learned was indeed extremely powerful and trapped hundreds of masters. Living!This battle greatly strengthened the courage of these people and made them more confident. Moreover, all of them really faced death, and then worked together to persevere and win the victory.

So they were all extremely excited at this moment, even though almost everyone was injured, they could not wait to learn more from Lou Qi, learn more.

Shen Sha was secretly startled, but he never made a sound, while Yun and the others opened their eyes wide and dropped their jaws one by one, which is incredible!How is this possible? The five hundred masters chased them all the way, forcing them to enter the Hundred Insects Valley. If it wasn't for the jade butterfly that led them to another place, they must have been killed by now .There are only twenty or so of them, and their skills are not as good as their own. They actually killed all those masters?
Yun looked at Lou Qi.

Shen Sha said: "Go back and receive the reward." He has never talked much in front of other people, such a sentence is already very rare.

Everyone thanked each other and helped each other to stand up, Lou Qi threw a cloth bag to Lin Shengwei, "Take care of the injury first."

Amu glanced at Yun quietly, and called other people to help the people in the zero team apply medicine and bandage.

Looking at her slender back, Yun pursed his lips tightly.When his face sank, the muscles at the edge of the scar tightened a little, and the scar in the middle became more prominent, looking very hideous.

He couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch it, his eyes gloomy.In fact, the scar was not completely healed. He was about to die at that time, and there was no good doctor around him. He took medicine and bandaged it indiscriminately. Although he healed later, he still had a dull pain from time to time.Even if you don't say whether it hurts or not, he is really ugly like this, so ugly
Although he has never seen that child of Amu in women's clothing, he can tell that Amu must look beautiful in women's clothing.

Moreover, he is 11 years older than Amu.
He just wants to find a simple woman, it doesn't matter how close she looks, as long as she can carry on the family line, how can she delay Amu like this, like a small flower bud just budding in early spring.

Thinking of this, Yun feels pain in his heart.

I still have to find an opportunity to talk to Amu about this matter. Speaking of it, he is the one who is sorry for her.

"Did Yunwei get the black needle grass?"

Lou Qi's voice came from next to his ear, Yun then withdrew his mind, took out a cloth bag from his bosom, and handed it to Lou Qi.

Lou Qi raised his eyebrows because of his straightforward actions. If he changed to Eagle or Moon Guard, even if he accepted her at this time, he would not hand over such an important thing to her at the first meeting. .

Since he believed her, she believed him too.Without opening it to look, she stuffed the cloth bag into her bag, she let out a long breath, and looked at Shen Sha happily: "There are only two kinds of difference."

Yun looked at her suddenly: "What did the imperial concubine say?"

Lou Qi was taken aback by his reaction, and then remembered that after Yunwei left for the grassland, Shen Sha and the others started looking for other medicines. When she saw them, they were looking for the Lost Flower. , is the first medicine cited.But now she says there are only two kinds of difference!

This is extremely shocking news for Yun.

Shen Sha quickly said: "Ten kinds of medicines, plus the black needle grass you found, now only the red pine worm and ice fish bone are missing, the other seven are all found by Qiqi, Qiqi is the lucky star of this emperor."

With a puffing sound, Yun knelt down heavily towards Lou Qi, his voice trembling: "Yun, thank you Imperial Concubine!" He was so excited that his eyes were slightly red and his nose was sore.

None of the ten medicines are easy to find, and none of them are easy to get. I didn't expect that there are already eight kinds!

This is really God Bless the Emperor!

Lou Qi frowned slightly, and said flatly: "I'm looking for medicine for my man, so there's no need for you to thank me so much."

Yun was startled, and Shen Sha was also startled, and then he was satisfied, pinched her chin, and pecked hard on her lips, "Well said!"

It's getting more and more shameless!

Kiss her in front of others, when this is an open, unguarded 21st century? !

(End of this chapter)

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